Complete with one word i was so shocked

I. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets:

1. When I _____________________ (come), Dora _______________________ (write) a letter. She _________________________ (write) it since she ____________________ (get) home from class.

2. He noticed that Heidi ____________________________ (wear) a new dress: a simple thing of deep blue.

3. Do you have any Kleenex? Quick! I _____________________________ (sneeze)!

4. Excuse me, how _________________________ (I/get) from here to London Bridge? – I don’t know but I _______________________ (ask) the policeman.

5. Take your umbrella. It ______________________ (start) to rain.

6. What _________________________ (you/do)? – I _______________________ (fit) the new blind. – It _____________________________ (appear) that it ______________________________ (not fit) the window.
7. I ______________________ (not hear) from her since the day she _______________________ (leave).

8. When I _________________ (turn) the key, the car __________________________ (not start). I ___________________ (leave) the headlights on and the battery _________________ (go) flat (аккумулятор сел).

9. He decided to wait till he _______________________ (talk) to the man himself.

10. ___________________ (lose) my glasses. ________________________ (you/see) them? – No. Where ____________________________ (you/put) them?

11. He promised he ________________ (be) home by 5 and ___________________ (pack) everything by the time I ___________________ (come) back.

12. Wait for me until I __________________________ (get) back. I don’t know when I ________________________________ (come), but as soon as I ________________ ( get) here, I _________________________ (tell) you everything.

13. From the minute he got up this morning, Gary _____________________________ (ask) silly questions!

14. Harry _____________________________ (look) very untidy! He _____________
______________________________ (wear) dirty jeans all the time!

15. He told me he _________________________ (not hear) of her since the day she ________________________ (walk) out of their office.

16. The policeman enquired if any of us _________________________________________ (actually see) the accident.

17. I _____________________ (go) to the gym tonight. – Well, while you _____________________ (be) there, I _______________________ (do) the shopping.

18. I ________________________ (wait) for the shop to open. – But it ________________________ (open) at 9.00 and it’s only 8.15.

19. I understood they already ______________________ (know) about my failure.

20. The guide asked if we ___________________ (want) to see the cathedral.

II. Circle the correct variant.
III. I was shocked by ____________________ news of his.
a. that b. those c. both d. these

2. I use the car ________________ often than I used to.
a. less b. the less c. least d. lesser

3. It was _______________ bad weather that we stayed indoors.
a. such b. so c. such a d. very

4. The examiner smiled at me so ___________________ that I didn’t feel quite so nervous.
a. friendly b. kindly c. lovely d. well

5. He works more ____________________ than anyone else I know.
a. hardly b. hard c. steadily d. steady

6. We left without saying ______________________.
a. nothing to someone b. something to nobody c. nothing to anyone d. anything to anyone

7. I don’t like cats, ___________________.
a. Neither my wife does b. My wife doesn’t either c. My wife too d. So doesn’t my wife

8. I never take much on holiday with me, just ________________ clothes and a couple of books.
a. little b. a little c. few d. a few

9. __________________ of my friends can speak French very well.
a. Nobody b. None c. Anyone d. Not any

10. I never cheat at exams. — _________________.
a. Either am I b. I also don’t c. I am neither d. Neither do I

11. For ______________________ information, write to the above address.
a. farther b. father c. further d. an additional

12. I like your watch, especially _________________ design.
a. their b. its c. theirs d. it’s

13. It was ________________________ trip, and all of us enjoyed it very much.
a. two-weeks b. a two-week c. a two-weeks d. a two-week’s

14. His wallet wasn’t stolen ___________________.
a. and also my b. and mine wasn’t either c. and mine wasn’t too d. and my was neither

15. The more she worked, ____________________.
a. she studied better b. a better student did she become c. she became a better student d. the better she studied

16 As the first pair of trousers didn’t fit properly, he asked the shop assistant for _________.
a. another trousers b. other pair c. the other ones d. another one

17 Our organization has __________________ members this year than we had last year.
a. few b. a little c. less d. fewer

18. There are two nice hotels near here. We can go to ________________.
a. either b. any c. either of hotels d. them either

19. The food in this restaurant always tastes _____________________.
a. good b. well c. so well d. well enough

20. She liked ________________ of the two presents I gave her.
a. either b. both c. all d. none

3. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.

There’s nothing to match the _________ and cosiness of a WARM
genuine log-fire. The luxury and sheer _____ of sitting back RELAX
and watching the progress of fire and flame is almost _______ . BELIEVE

A log-fire appeals to all the senses. Yeas, you can __________ ACTUAL
taste and smell the _________ of newly cut timber – and then FRESH
enjoy the sight and sound of the minor ________ as it burns. EXPLODE
Logs hiss for a while before they ________ burst in the heat, FINAL
so the moment of _______ comes as a climax after lots of DESTROY

Complete the sentences using your own ideas.
1. I was curious to find our _ .
2. I’m interested in _ .
3. I was worried that _ .
4. I was surprised to _ .
5. I was shocked by _ .
6. _ made me sad.
7. I’m happy to know that _ .

Английский язык 7 класс рабочая тетрадь Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина. 4b. Did you hear about …?. Номер №1


Перевод задания
Завершите предложения, используя свои собственные идеи.
1. Мне было любопытно найти наш _.
2. Меня интересует _.
3. Я волновался, что _.
4. Я был удивлен, _.
5. Я был в шоке от _.
6. _ заставил меня грустить.
7. Я был рад узнать, что _.

1. I was curious to find our test results.
2. I’m interested in Egyptian history.
3. I was worried that I had failed the exam.
4. I was surprised to know her good news.
5. I was shocked by today news.
6. Yesterday news made me sad.
7. I’m happy to know that English test was cancelled.

Перевод ответа
1. Мне было любопытно узнать результаты наших тестов.
2. Я интересуюсь историей Египта.
3. Я волновался, что провалил экзамен.
4. Я был удивлен, узнав ее хорошие новости.
5. Я был шокирован сегодняшними новостями.
6. Вчерашние новости меня опечалили.
7. Я был рад узнать, что тест по английскому языку был отменен.

Complete each second sentence using the word given so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.
1. Not many people came to the party. (Only)
There…………………………..people at the party.
2. The witness described the mugger to the police. (a)
The witness………………………..of the mugger.
3. There isn’t much sugar left. (a)
There…………………….sugar left.
4. I am thinking of becoming a firefighter when I leave school. (brigade)
I am thinking of……………………..when I leave school.
5. We were shocked by the news and I didn’t know what to do. (shocking)
The news………………………….didn’t know what to do.
6. There aren’t many good films out at the moment. (only)
There………………………………good films out at the moment.
7. I didn’t eat much dessert because I’m on a diet. (only)
I……………………………..dessert because I’m on a diet.
8. You have lots of hats! (lot)
What…………………………………………….you have!

Помогите пожалуйста решить?
3 Complete the dialogues with one word. Example: A I like reading. B So do I. 1 A I don’t like football. B __________ do I. 2 A I went to Italy last year. B So __________ I. 3 A I can speak French. B So __________ I. 4 A I’m not English. B Neither __________ I. 5 A I didn’t enjoy the book. B Neither __________ I. 6 A I’ve seen a crocodile.

Автор: Гость

Ответ(ы) на вопрос:


1.So I don’t do I
3.So can speak I


1 neither
2 did
3 can
4 am
5 did
6 So have I. или has — если местоимение he/she/it — нет второго предложения в задании

Похожие вопросы

1. Complete the extract from an email with one word in each space. The first letters are given.

By the way, did i tell you I (1)bu___ into Brian in town the other day? it was a bit (2)em___ actually because i didn’t (3)re___ him at first as he’s grown this huge beard, I was walking along and this guy came (4)u___ t___ me and he looked as if he was about to hit me and I actually screamed. Then he said his name and of course l just laughed with (5)re___ and I gave him a big (6)h___ We of the supermarket so we were in the (7)mi___ got quite a few strange looks. He’s actually doing really well. You know he was working as a civil (8)s___ Well he left that job last year and he’s gone back to university. He’s studying (9)Me___ His brother was ill for a while and Brian did some (10)re___ into his iliness as a way to support him and now he wants to do more. I think he was also a bit (11)f___ u___ of his old job and he’ll have far more (12)p___ when he gets his degree It really was great to see him.

2. Complete the sentences. Use the word in brackets to form a word that fits in the space.

1 I didn’t expect it to be very good, so i was ___ surprised (pleasant)
2 I struggled with German at school because I just found the grammar so ___ (confuse)
3 We were quite ___ with the resuits of the research. (disappoint)
4 Did you see the news yesterday? It was quite ___ wasn’t it? (shock)
5 I think it’s easier to remember words if you can make a meaningful ___ to your own language. (connect)
6 Apparently, he can speak six languages ___ (fluent)
7 Meeting her again after all these years, I had a ___ of emations, (mix)
8 My flight was overnight and I didn’t sleep at all, so I’m ___ (exhaust)

3. Decide if these words and phrases are connected to relationships, language or feelings.
1) accent 2) only child 3) down 4) fluent 5) furious 6) single7) mood 8) accurote 9) separated10) get by 11) twin 12) upset

3. Match the verbs (1-8) with the collocates (a-h)
1) express 2)shake 3)pick it up 4)hold 5)get 6)make 7)find it 8)master
a) hands/her head b) myself understood/a mess c) frustrated/the most from the class d) myself clearly/his feelings e) as you go along/slowly f) hands/a conversation g) he language/the basics first h) difficult to believe/annoying

4. Complete the text with one word in each space. Contractions count as one word.

Have ever told you how my parents met? I don’t think I (1)___ . Well, they met in the middle of nowhere
in Peru, My dad (2)___ waking on his own to the lost city of Machu Picchu. He was very fit at the time, but found he was (3)___ slower and slower and then he stopped and was really sick. Apparently, it (4)___ caused by being so high up in the mountaiins. Eventually, he got to a little village to ask for help, which was a bit difficult as he (5)___ speak much Spanish. Fortunately, there was another group who (6)___ just visited Machu Picchu and were on their way back to the nearest city, Cuzco, My mum was in that group. She had (7)___ Spanish at university, so she translated for him. She told me that (8)___ she first saw him, she was really shocked because he looked (9)___ If he was dying! Fortunately, he (10)___ ! My dad recovered and they fell in love. And that’s why they (11)___ going back to Machu Picchu later this year to celebrate their 25″ wedding anniversary. My dad still (12)___ been there

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