Complete with one word exercises

The 1) first thing you’ve got to do is to find a phone box. It isn’t easy nowadays. Don’t 2) forget to check that it accepts money. A lot of them only take phonecards now. 3) Then, you lift the receiver, and put the money in. Make 4) sure you put enough money in the slot or you won’t get connected, 5) all right? 6) Next, you dial the number and hope you don’t get an answering machine, because if you do, you won’t get your money back. OK. Have you 7) got that?
Первое, что вы должны сделать, это найти телефонную будку. Это не так просто в наше время. Не забудьте проверить, что она принимает деньги. Многие из них только принимают телефонные карточки в настоящее время. Затем поднимите трубку и положите деньги. Убедитесь, что вы положили достаточно денег в слот или вы не подключитесь, понятно? Далее наберите номер и надеюсь, что вы не наткнетесь на автоответчик, потому что если так, то вы не получите свои деньги обратно. Понятно. Вы сделали это?

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Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. The first letter of each word is given. — Дополните предложения одним словом в каждом пропуске. Первая буква каждого слова дана.

If you’ve got toothache, take a painkiller and go and see a doctor. — Если у вас зубная боль, примите болеутоляющее и обратитесь к врачу.

I’ve got a high temperature, a terrible headache and a sore throat. Maybe I’ve got the flu. — У меня высокая температура, страшная головная боль и боль в горле. Может быть, у меня грипп.

I’ve joined a gym. I do aerobics. I also do weight training to build up my muscles, and I’m going to take up a martial arts like judo or maybe kick boxing. — Я вступил в тренажерный зал. Я занимаюсь аэробикой. Я также занимаюсь силовыми тренировками, чтобы накачать мои мышцы, и я собираюсь заняться боевыми искусствами, такими как дзюдо или, может быть кик-боксинг.

He’s really keen on mountain sports: rock climbing in the summer and snowboarding in the winter. — Он действительно увлекается горными видами спорта: скалолазание летом и сноуборд зимой.

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2. Check your understanding: gap fill typing Do this exercise while you listen. Complete the sentences with a word or words, 1. Only one tenth of the cells in your body are really you. The rest are 2. An experiment found that animals that did not have bacteria or had to have 3. There are octillion cells in the human body. 4. Most of the atoms in the human body are just empty 5. Without the empty space, you could fit your body inside a box measuring side. 6. You would be much too small to 7. Mites are really small creatures, like 8. They live in eyelashes and a​


1. Only one tenth of the cells in your body are really you. The rest are bacteria.

2. An experiment found that animals that did not have bacteria died or had to have a special diet.

3. There are seven octillion cells in the human body.

4. Most of the atoms in the human body are just empty  space.

5. Without the empty space, you could fit your body inside a box measuring  one 500th of a centimetre on each side.

6. You would be much too small to see.

7. Mites are really small creatures, like insects.

8. They live in eyelashes and eyebrows.​


1. Только одна десятая клеток вашего тела — это вы на самом деле. Остальное — бактерии.

2. Эксперимент показал, что животные, у которых не было бактерий, умирали или должны были сидеть на специальной диете.

3. В теле человека семь октиллионов клеток.

4. Большинство атомов в человеческом теле — это просто пустое пространство.

5. Без пустого пространства вы могли бы поместить свое тело в коробку со стороной в одну пятисотую сантиметра.

6. Вы были бы слишком малы, чтобы вас можно было видеть.

7. Клещи на самом деле маленькие существа, как насекомые.

8. Они живут в ресницах и бровях.​

1. Complete the adjectives that describe the weather in the pictures.

It’s 1thundery and 2c___________.

It’s 3s___________ and 4f___________.

It’s 5f___________ and 6i___________.

It’s 7s___________ and 8w___________.

It’s hot and 9s___________.

It’s cold and 10r___________.


2 cloudy   3 snowy   4 frosty   5 foggy   6 icy

7 stormy   8 windy   9 sunny   10 rainy

2. Write the nouns for the adjectives in exercise 1.

1   thunder

2   …………………………….

3   …………………………….

4   …………………………….

5   …………………………….

6   …………………………….

7   …………………………….

8   …………………………….

9   …………………………….

10   …………………………….


2 cloud   3 snow   4 frost   5 fog   6 ice   7 storm

8 wind   9 sun   10 rain

3. Complete the text with the words below.

blow      claps      flashes      raindrops      storm clouds

sunshine      thunderstorm

There was a terrible 1………………………… yesterday evening. We saw big, dark grey 2………………………… in the distance. Then a strong wind started to 3………………………… and it began to rain heavily – huge 4………………………… fell from the sky. We got incredibly wet! There were 5………………………… of lightning and loud 6………………………… of thunder. It was quite scary. But then the storm passed and there was bright 7…………………………!


1 thunderstorm   2 storm clouds   3 blow

4 raindrops   5 flashes   6 claps   7 sunshine

4. Number the adjectives in order from hottest (1) to coldest (7).

cold        hot        sweltering        cool

mild       warm         freezing


1 sweltering   2 hot   3 warm   4 mild   5 cool

6 cold   7 freezing

5. Write the temperatures in words.

1   -5°       It’s minus five.

2   26°C    It’s twenty-six degrees Celsius.

3   -15°C   …………………………………………..

4   14°C    …………………………………………..

5   -7°C     …………………………………………..

6   32°       …………………………………………..


3   It’s minus fifteen.

 It’s fourteen degrees (Celsius).

5   It’s minus seven.

 It’s thirty-two degrees (Celsius).

6. Listen to people describing the weather. Complete each sentence with one word from exercises 1, 2 or 3.

1   a   It was rainy all morning.

     b   It was …………………………… in the afternoon.

2   a   There was thick ……………………………

     b   There was …………………………… on the road.

3   a   Most of the day the sky was ……………………………

     b   It was mild and ……………………………

4   a   There was …………………………… on the grass.

     b   In the afternoon it was …………………………… and ……………………………


1 b sunny   2 a fog b ice   3 a cloudy b thundery

4 a frost b windy, snowy


1   Yesterday morning the weather was terrible. It started to rain just after breakfast and it only stopped at about one o’clock. But then the sun came out and we spent the afternoon sunbathing in the park.

2   When we drove to school this morning, it was really foggy. It was so thick that we could only see about 20 metres ahead. Not only that, the road was really icy and slippery because the temperature in the night was about minus ten degrees Celsius. The bus driver had to drive really slowly and carefully.

3   It was school sports day yesterday. Unfortunately the sky was quite cloudy for most of the day and the sun didn’t shine at all. It was quite mild and we heard some crashes of thunder, but luckily it didn’t rain.

4   I went to play football in the park with some friends on Sunday morning. It was a lovely clear day but it was freezing cold and very frosty. There wasn’t any snow but the grass was completely white! Then in the afternoon the weather changed. The wind started to blow and it snowed quite heavily. By the evening there was about 10 centimetres of snow on the ground.

7. Write a paragraph describing the weather one day last week. Write 15-30 words.









Extra exercises

1. Complete the sentences with the correct words related to the words in bold.

1   The sky is full of clouds. It’s very cloudy.

2   It’s snowing! Did you know that every ……………………….. is a different shape and pattern?

3   It’s a frosty morning. There’s ……………………….. all over the car.

4   There were showers yesterday. It was a ……………………….. day.

5   This is a sunny climate. The sun ……………………….. every day.

6   I like ……………………….. weather. Things look pretty in the mist.

7   What a thunderstorm! Did you hear that big ……………………….. of thunder?

8   This is a windy area. The ……………………….. blows all the time.

9   There was a hailstorm this morning and now there is ……………………….. on the ground.

10   It’s very foggy this morning. Be careful – ……………………….. is really dangerous when you’re driving.

11   It’s icy today. There’s a lot of ……………………….. on the roads.


1 cloudy   2 frost   3 showery   4 snowflake   5 shines

6 misty   7 crash / clap   8 wind   9 hail   10 fog   11 ice

2. Complete the sentences with the words below. Use each word only once.

cold      cool      freezing      hot      mild      sweltering

1   The temperature was -20°C. It was ………………………..!

2   San Diego has a ……………………….. climate. The average temperature is 23°C.

3   It was a ……………………….. day, it was so hot we couldn’t go out.

4   The city is warm in the summer, but it’s always pleasantly ……………………….. by the sea.

5   It’s too ……………………….. in this house. It’s only 10°C!

6   It’s a bit ……………………….. in the classroom. Let’s open the window.


1 freezing   2 mild   3 sweltering   4 cool   5 cold   6 hot

3. Choose the correct answers to complete the sentences.

1   We gave money to a charity to provide food during the ………………………..

     a   hurricane        b   famine        c   mudslide

2   After the dry summer, heavy rain caused ……………………….. in the mountains.

     a   mudslides        b   eruptions        c   epidemics

3   I was on the twentieth floor during the ……………………….. . The whole building was shaking!

     a   tsunami        b   famine        c   earthquake

4   After a year with no rain, there was a serious ………………………..

     a   drought        b   tsunami        c   flood

5   Mount Vesuvius is famous for its many ………………………..

     a   epidemics        b   forest fires        c   volcanic eruptions

6   We can’t control this ……………………….. without medicine.

     a   forest fire        b   epidemic        c   avalanche


1 b   2 a   3 c   4 a   5 c   6 b

4. Complete the texts with the words below.

approached      headed      landed      reach      spun      took off

A   The plane 1……………………….. from the airport and rose into the air. A few minutes later, the pilot noticed a problem with one of the engines. He turned round and 2……………………….. back to the airport. Luckily, the plane 3……………………….. safely on the ground.

B   As the car 4……………………….. the red traffic light, it slowed down. But there was ice on the road and it 5……………………….. round and round. We were standing on the pavement nearby, but luckily the car didn’t 6……………………….. us – it stopped just two metres away.


1 took off   2 headed   3 landed   4 approached

5 spun   6 reach

5. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

 The road sign / pedestrian crossing informed us that we were near a school and should drive slowly.

 I saw a billboard / shop sign advertising a pop concert.

 The fire hydrant / lamp post outside my flat shines light into my sitting room.

 It’s a good idea not to drive to town this week because of the pedestrian crossing / road works.

 For some reason, the drivers often pass this traffic light / bus stop without picking up passengers.

 It’s annoying when people ride their bikes on the pavement / street corner.


1 road sign   2 billboard   3 lamp post

4 road works   5 bus stop   6 pavement

Use of English B2 for all exams

UNIT 1 Section 1 (D)

Grammar Revision (Tenses)

Words with Prepositions

A Read the text below and complete each blank with
one word. All missing words are auxiliary verbs (is, was, have, has, had,
do, does, did etc.).

My life (1)________________________ improved a lot since last year.
You see, before that I (2)________________________ been working in the same
job for five years and I (3)________________________ beginning to feel
rather bored. I (4)________________ getting ready to apply for another job
when one day my boss called me into her office. «Our company (5)_____________________
planning to expand overseas,» she said. «We (6 )_________________________
thinking of starting with Spain, therefore we will (7
)________________________ needing some of our best employees to support our
new branch there. (8)___________________ you think you would be interested
in a transfer?» Naturally I accepted, although at the time I (9)________________________
not know that they (10)_________________________ also going to promote me
to assistant manager. By the end of this month, I will have (11) ________________________
living in Madrid for a year. You can’t imagine how exciting my life (12) ________________________

B Put the verbs in brackets into the Past
Simple, Past Progressive, Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Progressive
and complete the boxes with the time words below. Use each time word only










__________________ Mary________________________
(have) a bath yesterday evening, I was in the kitchen.

________________________ (cook) her favourite dish because I
_________________________ (want) to surprise her. __________________she________________________ (come) into the
kitchen, she couldn’t believe her eyes!


Jim: Mum, I________________________ (look) for my
black belt __________________ the past hour and I __________________
________________________ (not find) it._________________________you ________________________
(see) it anywhere?

Mother: No, but I think you________________________
(lend) it to your brother about a week__________________.

Jim: Oh, you’re right. He________________________
(not give) it back to me. I bet he_________________________ (wear) it all
week. Where is he now, Mum?

Mother: I’m afraid Mark________________________ __________________
________________________ (leave). He________________________ (get) up
about an hour before you_________________________ (do).


I ________________________ (work) on this project __________________
this morning but I________________________ (not finish) it __________________.
What am I going to tell my boss?





























While/ was having/ was cooking/ wanted/ When/


Jim: have
been looking/ for/ still/ haven’t found/ Have/ seen

Mother: lent

Jim: hasn’t given
or didn’t give/ has been wearing/

Mother: has/


have been working/ since/ haven’t
finished/ yet

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