Complete with one word do you work an office

Заполните пропуски предлогами, где это необходимо.
1. «Do you work .. . an office?’’ “No, I work … a factory.” 2. Mary lives near . . a large park. She often takes your son a walk … the park. 3. Nick works hard … his English. He does a lot .. exercises class and … home. 4. My friend s son is … college now, and my son is going . . college next year 5.1 stayed … home … ten yesterday morning. 6. I don’t like playing football, but I often play . tennis work … weekdays, and … the week — end too. 7. We decided to ask our friends . . dinner tomorrow dinner we are going … Central Park. 8.1 don’t want to go … the theatre tonight. My wife and 1 are going … a walk. 9. I got … home late yesterday evening and went … bed … once. 10. We spent Sunday .. the country. We went … there early … the morning and got back … town late … the evening. 11 Mary Petrova is a woman … 32. She graduated … the university … Foreign Languages eight years ago. 12 They live … the country, a long way … Moscow. 13. We are going to have a test … the 3rd .. December. Some … my friends are coming this evening and we are going to revise the grammar rules … the test

Заполните пропуски предлогами, где это необходимо.

1. «Do you work .

. an office?

‘’ “No, I work .

A factory.

” 2. Mary lives near .

. a large park.

She often takes your son a walk .

The park.

3. Nick works hard .

His English.

He does a lot .

Exercises class and .


4. My friend s son is .

College now, and my son is going .

. college next year 5.

1 stayed .

Home .

Ten yesterday morning.

6. I don’t like playing football, but I often play .

Tennis work .

Weekdays, and .

The week — end too.

7. We decided to ask our friends .

. dinner tomorrow dinner we are going .

Central Park.

8. 1 don’t want to go .

The theatre tonight.

My wife and 1 are going .

A walk.

9. I got .

Home late yesterday evening and went .

Bed .


10. We spent Sunday .

The country.

We went .

There early .

The morning and got back .

Town late .

The evening.

11 Mary Petrova is a woman .

32. She graduated .

The university .

Foreign Languages eight years ago.

12 They live .

The country, a long way .


13. We are going to have a test .

The 3rd .


Some .

My friends are coming this evening and we are going to revise the grammar rules .

The test.

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Помогите пожалуйста сделать упр
VI. Заполните пропуски предлогами, где это необходимо.

1. “Do you work … an office?” “No, I work … a fac tory.” “Do you live far … the factory?” “Yes, I live a long way … it.” 2. Mary lives near … a large park. She often

takes her son……a walk … the park. … Saturdays her

sister Ann usually comes to stay … Mary … the week-end.

3. -I usually get … home … six … the evening. 4. This
is a letter … my sister. I’m going to answer … it now. She’s coming … Moscow. I’m going to meet … her … Tues day evening … seven. 5. Nick works hard … his English. He does a lot … exercises … class and … home. 6. «What are you going to do … the week-end?” “We’re going … Klin … the week-end”. 7. Are you going to stay here … the week-end? 8. Do you often stay … the office … work … your English lessons?

2 ответа:



Ответы по порядку:
at/at/from/(far away/far)/пропуск/ for/in/on/with/on/пропуск/at/in/from/to/пропуск/on/at/at/of/in/at/on/to/on/on/in/to/at.

It’s never to late to lern,Bro =)



Look at the pictures. You can see your answer there.

Читайте также

Давайте поговорим о путешествиях и туризме

L have a very big family. With me living place my mom and my dad in the same house my grandmother lives on the seventh floor. After 2 streets, my second living grandparents. I have relatives in different cities I love, I think my family is that it is very big

Hi,how are you?You want to know what I was doing last week? I bought a new phone,went to grandma’s.And I celebrated his birthday.What were you doing last week?

1 That is the biggest crocodile in the country.
2 The lion doesn’t live in cold countries.
3 There are many Zoos in our country.
4 There are three wolves in the Zoo.
5 Cats are bigger than hamsters.
6 What does he like to do?
7 Where are you going on Sunday?
8 It often snows in winter.
9 It doesn’t snow in summer.
10 The lion is a wild animals

I don’t walk in the park
 <span>She doesn’t play the piano
You don’t </span><span>know the answer.
</span>The rabbit <span><span>doesn’t  </span> like winter.

Презентация на тему: » Test Поставьте предлоги там, где это необходимо Поставьте предлоги там, где это необходимо 1. Do you work … an office ? No, I work … a factory. Do you.» — Транскрипт:


Test Поставьте предлоги там, где это необходимо Поставьте предлоги там, где это необходимо 1. Do you work … an office ? No, I work … a factory. Do you live far … the factory? Yes, I live a long way … it. 2. Mary lives near … a large park. She often takes her son … … a walk … the park. … Saturdays her sister Ann comes to stay … Mary … the week-end. 3. I usually get … home … six … the evening. 4. This is a letter … my sister. Im going to answer … it now. Shes coming … Moscow. Im going to meet … her … Tuesday evening … seven. 5. Nick works hard … his English. He does a lot … exercises … class and … home. 6. What are you going to do … week-end? We are going … Klin … the week-end. 7. Are you going to stay here … the week-end? 8. Do you often stay … the office … work … your English lessons?


1. My friend likes playing… chess. He spends a lot … time … it. Yesterday he played … chess … six … the evening and only get … home … ten. 2. We spent Sunday … the country. We went … there early … the morning and got back … town late … the evening. 3. We decided to ask our friends … dinner tomorrow. … dinner we are going … Central Park. 4. What are we having … dinner today? 5. My friend lives … the country and he likes it very much. His house is a long way … his office. He goes … town every morning. He always … time … work. 6. I dont want to go … the cinema today. My wife and I are going … a walk. 7. Does your friend play … chess well? Im going to have a game … chess … him. 8. When did the meeting finish? It finished … four. 9. I got … home late yesterday evening and went … bed … once. 10. Peter spends a lot … money … books. I often ask him … books to read. 1. My friend likes playing… chess. He spends a lot … time … it. Yesterday he played … chess … six … the evening and only get … home … ten. 2. We spent Sunday … the country. We went … there early … the morning and got back … town late … the evening. 3. We decided to ask our friends … dinner tomorrow. … dinner we are going … Central Park. 4. What are we having … dinner today? 5. My friend lives … the country and he likes it very much. His house is a long way … his office. He goes … town every morning. He always … time … work. 6. I dont want to go … the cinema today. My wife and I are going … a walk. 7. Does your friend play … chess well? Im going to have a game … chess … him. 8. When did the meeting finish? It finished … four. 9. I got … home late yesterday evening and went … bed … once. 10. Peter spends a lot … money … books. I often ask him … books to read.


Поставьте глаголы в одну из форм перфектного времени Поставьте глаголы в одну из форм перфектного времени 1. I just (to see) Jack. 2. The TV programme (to begin) before I came home. 3. I (not to eat) ice­cream since summer. 4. I understood that she (not to read) my letter. 5. She is very glad: she (to finish) her composition at last. 6. He (to translate) the whole text by eleven o’clock. 7.

Do you work IN an office?” “No, I work AT.a fac tory.” “Do you live fa перевод - Do you work IN an office?” “No, I work AT.a fac tory.” “Do you live fa русский как сказать

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Do you work IN an office?” “No, I work AT.a fac tory.” “Do you live far FROM the factory?” “Yes, I live a long way FROM it.” 2. Mary lives near …a large park. She often takes her son FOR a walk IN the park. ON Saturdays hersister Ann usually comes to stay WITH Mary FOR the week-end.3. -I usually get …home AT six IN the evening. 4. Thisis aletter TO my sister. I’m going to answer …it now. She’s coming TO Moscow. I’m going to meet …her ON Tues day evening AT seven. 5. Nick works hard ON his English. He does a lot OF exercises IN class and AT home. 6. «What are you going to do IN the week-end?” “We’re going TO Klin FOR the week-end”. 7. Are you going to stay here FOR the week-end?8. Do you often stay AT the office TO work ON your English lessons?


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


Вы работаете в офисе?» «Нет, я работаю AT.a КВС Тори.» «Вы живете далеко от завода?» «Да, я живу далеко от него.» 2. Мэри живет вблизи.. .a большой парк. Она часто принимает ее сына на прогулку в парке. ПО субботам hersister Энн обычно приходит остаться с Мэри для недели end.3. -Я обычно получают.. .home в шесть вечера. 4. это aletter моей СЕСТРЕ. Я собираюсь ответить… .it сейчас. Она приезжает в Москву. Я собираюсь встретиться.. поёт на вт день вечером в семь. 5. Ник работает на его английский. Он делает много из упражнения в классе и дома. 6. «что вы собираетесь делать в уик энд?» «Мы собираемся клин для уик энд». 7. вы собираетесь остаться здесь на уик энд? 8. Вы часто остаются в офисе для работы на ваших занятий?

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


Вы работаете в офисе делать? «» Нет, я работаю AT.a КВС тори «.» Вы живете далеко от завода? «» Да, я живу очень далеко от него. «2. Мэри живет рядом … большой парк. Она часто берет своего сына на прогулку в парке. По субботам hersister Энн обычно приходит, чтобы остаться с Мэри в течение недели-end.3. -Я Обычно … домой в шесть часов вечера. 4. Thisis aletter к моей сестре. Я собираюсь ответить … это сейчас. Она приезжает в Москву. Я собираюсь встретиться с ней на … Вт день вечером в семь часов. 5. Ник усердно работает на своем английском. Он делает много упражнений в классе и дома. 6. «Что вы собираетесь делать в выходные?» «Мы собираемся Клину ЗА уик-энда». 7. Вы собираетесь остаться здесь на выходные? 8. Часто ли вы остаться в офисе работать на вашем уроках английского языка?

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


ты работаешь в офисе?»нет, я работаю в. квс тори.» «вы живете далеко не фабрике?»да, я живу далеко от него.» 2.мэри живет рядом с… большой парк.она часто берет своего сына на прогулку в парке. — по субботам hersister энн обычно приходит остаться с мэри в конце недели.- я обычно побеждаю. дома в шесть вечером.4.это письмо моей сестры.я собираюсь ответить… сейчас.она едет в москву.я собираюсь встретиться с… её вт день вечером в семь.5. — ник работает на его языке.он делает много занятий в классе и дома.6 «.что ты собираешься делать на выходных?»мы собираемся до клина на выходные».7.ты собираешься остаться здесь на выходные?8.ты часто остаются в отделении для работы на эти уроки английского?

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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