Complete with much or many and a word from the box

Complete the text with much, many or a lot of.

Complete the text with much, many or a lot of?

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соответствует категории Английский язык и уровню подготовки учащихся 5 — 9 классов классов. Если ответ полностью не удовлетворяет критериям поиска, ниже можно
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1. I haven’t got much money, I cannot buy a car. – У меня нет много денег, я не могу купить машину.
2. There are many mistakes in the essay, your mark is very low. – В эссе много ошибок, твоя оценка очень низкая.
3. He drinks little milk, he does not like it very much. — Он пьет мало молока, он не очень любит его.
4. I’ve got few apples and oranges, enough for the day. — У меня есть несколько яблок и апельсинов, достаточно на день.
5. The salad will taste better if you add a little oil in it. — Салат будет вкуснее, если добавить немного масла в него.
6. Few people want to have a low-paid job. – Немного людей хотят иметь низкооплачиваемую работу.
7. We don’t have much time to discuss it now. — У нас не много времени, чтобы обсуждать это сейчас.
8. How many apples should I buy? — Сколько яблок мне следует купить?
9. How much milk is there in the fridge? — Сколько молока есть в холодильнике?
10. He isn’t popular. He has few friends. — Он не пользуется популярностью. У него мало друзей.
11. Do you know many people? — Вы знаете многих людей?

Исчисляемые имена существительные («подлежащие исчислению») – это слова, обозначающие названия конкретных предметов и абстрактных понятий, которые можно посчитать. А раз их можно считать, они употребляются как в единственном, так и во множественном числе. Вот примеры исчисляемых имен существительных: table, picture, hour, holiday  и т. д.

Употребляя такие слова в единственном числе, вы можете ставить перед ними неопределенный артикль a / an: a table, a picture, an hour.

В противовес предыдущим, неисчисляемыми именами существительными («не подлежащие исчислению») являются названия веществ, абстрактных понятий, которые посчитать нельзя. А, значит, и используются они только в единственном числе. Примеры: knowledge, silver, music, milk, water, happiness, furniture, advice и т. д. Эти имена существительные нельзя использовать с неопределенными артиклями a / an.

Список неисчисляемых существительных в английском языке

Вот список самых распространенных слов, относящихся к неисчисляемым, а рядом указаны соответствующие исчисляемые выражения.

  • Accommodation (жилье) —> ( a place to live)
  • Advice (совет) —> (a piece of advice)
  • baggage (багаж)—> (a piece of baggage; a bag, a case)
  • bread (хлеб)—> (a piece of bread; a loaf; a roll)
  • chess (шахматы)—> (a game of chess)
  • chewing gum (жевательная резинка)—> (a piece of chewing gum)
  • equipment (оборудование) —> (a piece of equipment; a tool)
  • furniture (мебель)—> (a piece/article of furniture)
  • information (информация)—> (a piece of information)
  • knowledge (знание)—> (a fact)
  • lightning (освещение)—> (a flash of lightning)
  • luck (удача)—> (a bit/stroke of luck)
  • luggage (багаж) —> (a piece of luggage; a bag)
  • money (деньги) —> (a note; a coin; a sum)
  • news (новости)—> (a piece of news)
  • poetry (поэзия)—> (a poem)
  • thunder (гром)—> (a clap of thunder)
  • travel (путешествие)—> (a journey/trip)
  • work (работа)—> (a job; a piece of work)
  • milk (молоко)—> a glass of milk
  • coffee (кофе) —> a cup of coffee
  • chocolate (шоколад)—> a bar of chocolate
  • rice (рис)—> a kilo of rice
  • honey (мед) —> a spoon of honey
  • cheese (сыр)—> a slice of cheese
  • dust (пыль) —> a cloud of dust
  • sugar (сахар)—> a particle of sugar
  • sand (песок)—> a grain of sand
  • scissors (ножницы) —> a pair of scissors
  • air (воздух) —> a breath of fresh air
  • petrol (бензин) —> a litre of petrol
  • salt (соль) —> a pinch of salt
  • ice (лед) —> a sheet of ice / paper
  • water (вода) —> a drop of water
  • grass (трава) —> a blade of grass
  • paper (бумага) —> a sheet / piece of paper

2. Do practice activities

Task 1. Complete the sentence with a, an, some or any.

a. I haven’t got ______________money.

b Jack hasn’t got______________           sister and he hasn’t got         ____________brothers either.

      c. He wanted to use the computer to see______________      e-mails he was expecting,

d. I need to buy______________ toothpaste before I go on holiday,

e. I don’t normally have______________lunch except for______________sandwich.

f .You don’t need to take______________food on the trip.

g. You’ve got______________great films in your DVD collection,

h .We went skiing this weekend but there wasn’t______________snow,

i. I found______________insect in my salad so we left the restaurant,

j. I’d like______________ bread, please.

Task 2. Complete the question with much or many.

a     How     ______________time have you got at the moment?

b     How     ______________trains into town are there on a Sunday?

c     How     ______________pens do you take when you have an exam?

d     How     ______________orange juice have you had today?

e     How     ______________people are there in your class?

f      How     ______________kilometres do you run each week?

g     How     ______________children has she got?

h     How     ______________homework do you get?

i      How     ______________food do we need?

j      How     ______________pairs of shoes does she own?

Task 3. Complete the sentence with some or any and a word from the box.

chairs         people      petrol     news      apples     aspirins    wine    ink    programmes housework

a. The meeting was very short because there weren’t  any chairs in the room.

b. There isn’t______________left in the printer cartridge. Can you buy a new one?

c. I’ve got______________for you. I passed the exam!

d. ______________hate studying but 1 quite enjoy it.

e. There is______________left in the bottle if you want some: 2004 was a good year

for Rioja.

f. I couldn’t find______________ in the market so 1 bought these pears,

g. TV in this country is awful. 1 haven’t seen______________interesting

______________ recently.

h. I need to buy______________. The tank is nearly empty.

i. If you go to the chemist, can you buy______________? I’ve got a headache,

j. I always cook the dinner and wash up. You never do______________!

Task 4. Match the phrases on the left with the uncountable nouns on the right. Use a dictionary if necessary.

a tube of
a beam of
a bottle of
a carton of
a loaf of
a sheet of
a piece of

Скачать урок одним файлом Countable_vs._Uncountable_Nouns.PDF

50 месяцев назад

Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box. any much many a lot of isn’t aren’t some 1) How … rooms are there

in your house? 2) There aren’t … boys in our class. 3) How … milk is there in the fridge? 4) Is there … cheese on the plate? 5) There … many children in the park. It’s raining now. 6) There are … balloons in Bob’s house. 7) There … much jam on the table. Take some from the fridge. 8) Is there … milk in the bottle? 9) Would you like … more cheese? 10) We … going to buy … flowers. 11) There are … apples but there aren’t … grapes.


Будь первым, кто ответит на вопрос


Предлагаю Вам большую подборку упражнений на much и many.  Данные упражнения much many  для детей подойдут и взрослым, которые делают только первые шаги в изучении английской грамматики. Ответы к much many exercises вы найдете в комментариях к статье. Отдельно есть также несколько упражнений на how much и how many.

Упражнение 1. Insert much or many.

  1. Do you drink ________coffee?
  2. I like reading. I read _________.
  3. We have _______ lessons of English this year.
  4. I like this new teacher very _______
  5. I can’t remember _______ from this text.
  6. Do you learn _______ new English words every day?
  7. We haven’t got ________ bread.
  8. There isn’t________ salad in the fridge.
  9. She hasn’t got ________ cassettes.
  10. I can’t spend ________ money on toys

Упражнение 2. Choose the appropriate answer. Much or many?

  1. They have too (many/much) furniture in the room.
  2. There are too (many/much) books on your desk.
  3. You have too (many/much) mistakes in the test.
  4. You must drink (many/much) coffee.
  5. You put too (many/much) vegetables in the soup.
  6. You put too (many/much) fruit in the salad.
  7. Must we learn (many /much) words for today?
  8. We have got (many /much) sandwiches.

Упражнение 3. Insert much or many.

  1. They don’t have ________ words to learn.
  2. There isn’t ________ furniture in the room.
  3. There aren’t ________ things in the wardrobe.
  4. There isn’t ________ snow in the forest
  5. He has got
  6. I don’t take ________ money to school.
  7. Do you need ________ money?
  8. There are ________ new houses in the street.
  9. There are not ________ shops in our street.
  10. ________ people come to Moscow in summer.

Упражнение 4. Insert much or many.

  1. You can see ________ cars near the airport
  2. You mustn’t eat so ________ bananas
  3. You mustn’t drink so
  4. He hasn’t met ________ people there.
  5. He didn’t ask ________
  6. He bought _______ furniture for his new flat.
  7. This work won’t take ______ time.
  8. Have we got _______ apples for the children?
  9. I don’t like _______ salt in the salad
  10. My little sister speaks _________ that’s why we call her «a chatter box».

Упражнение 5. Find and correct mistakes if any.

  1. We didn’t take many food with us.
  2. There aren’t much new subjects this year.
  3. I haven’t much free time today.
  4. He doesn’t do much written exercises every day.
  5. We don’t drink many coffee in our family.
  6. There isn’t much furniture in my room
  7. There wasn’t many happiness in his face.
  8. Not many new ideas were discussed.
  9. We shan’t have much lessons tomorrow.
  10. I won’t have much mistakes in this exercise.

Упражнение 6. Fill in many or much.

  1. Is there ________ tea in the cup? No, not ________
  2. Are there ________eggs in the fridge? Yes, there are ________ eggs.
  3. Is there ________ milk in the bottle? Yes, there is ________ milk.
  4. Are there ________ lemons in the box? No, not ________
  5. There are _________ apples on the table.
  6. There _________ many sandwiches in the fridge.
  7. Is there ______ coffee in the cup?
  8. There is ______ jam on the plate.
  9. There are ______ bananas in the bag.
  10. Is there _______ bread on the table?
  11. There is _______ salad on the plate.
  12. Are there _______ cups on the shelf?
  13. There are _______sandwiches in the bag.

Упражнение 7. Fill much or many in the blanks.

  1. It costs _________ money to travel round the world
  2. We saw _________ interesting things in the museum.
  3. Most people in town have jobs. There isn’t _________unemployment there.
  4. It takes _________hard work to get a university degree.
  5. There was so_________ traffic that we were delayed for an hour.
  6. Have you invited _________ guests to your dinner party?
  7. I don’t think there will be _________interest in tonight’s hockey match.
  8. There isn’t _________news about Michael Jackson at the moment
  9. Look, is there _______ sugar in our sugar-pot?
  10. _______ pupils of our class are going to have higher education.

Упражнение 8. Put in much or many before the nouns.

  1. You have wasted _______  time for preparing dinner.
  2. She didn’t do _______ exercises yesterday, she didn’t have _______ time.
  3. Did she read this book _______ times?
  4. Are there _______ flowers in front of the house? Do they need _______water?
  5. There weren’t _______ people at the party last Saturday.
  6. Are there _______ cars in the street?
  7. We haven’t got_______ butter in the house.
  8. They didn’t spend______ money
  9. I haven’t got _______ time.
  10. Have you got _______ friends?

Упражнение 9. Fill in much or many before the nouns. Write if the nouns are countable or uncountable.

  1. Are there ________ cars in the street?
  2. How ________ days are there in a week?
  3. We haven’t ________ butter in the house
  4. They didn’t spend________ money.
  5. I haven’t got ________time.
  6. Have you got ________ friends?
  7. Don’t put ________ sugar in my tea
  8. We saw ________interesting things in the museum

How much How many exercises. Упражнения How much How many.

Упражнение 10. Insert how much or how many

  1. _______ money has he got?
  2. _______ pupils are there in your class?
  3. _______ tea do you have every day?
  4. ______ honey have we got? We haven’t got _______honey.
  5. _______ tea did you have yesterday? 
  6. _______ days are there in a week?

Упражнение 11. What questions do they ask customers in these places?

  1. a post oflice
  2. a theatre
  3. a flower shop
  4. a bank
  5. a baker’s
  6. a petrol station

Write one question for each place. The first is done for you.

How much

How many







do you want?

  1. How many stamps do you want?

Упражнение 12. Complete the questions with much or many. Then match the questions with the answers in the box.

  1. How _______free time have you got?
  2. How _______ languages do you speak?
  3. How _______ food do you eat for lunch?
  4. How _______ CDs have you got?
  5. How ________ sweets do you eat every day?
  6. How _______ television do you watch every day?
  7. How ________ friends have you got?
  1. A lot I’m always hungry then.
  2. Not much! I prefer playing computer games.
  3. None! I’m terrible at foreign languages.
  4. Not many I’m not very interested in music
  5. A lot, but not many of them live near me
  6. Not much! I get a lot of homework.
  7. A few, but I prefer chocolate.

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А вот еще интересные статьи:

  • Complete with a rhyming word перевод
  • Complete with a comparative adjective more than one word is possible
  • Complete using the words in the box use each word only once
  • Complete using the word in the box already
  • Complete using the correct form of the word in the box if you

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