Complete use one word in each gap i go to school

Do new technologies and the world of art go together? Can we still expect audiences to sit still during a whole film or theatre 1) production? Will they want to go to an art 2) gallery to silently admire (with their mobiles off!) the 3) pictures of Picasso, Monet and many others? Or will they prefer to play interactive games with their eyes 4) wide open to all sorts of screens? It’s a matter of choice, of course. But even if we opt for the ‘old-fashioned’ art, do we still remember how to behave in a proper, ‘old- fashioned’ way?
I have never been much of a theatre 5) goer. Recently though, I decided to see Three Days of Rain (written by an American 6) playwright Richard Greenberg) at the Jacobs Theatre with Julia Roberts starring in the 7) leading role. It might not be a box 8) office success, and you can argue about the quality of Roberts’s acting (this being her first time on 9) stage). But it’s no excuse for the appalling behaviour of several of the people in the audience. From the moment the lights went out, I could hear text messages and people answering their mobiles. Appalling! Don’t you think we should all 10) take up to the dangers that modern technologies bring to contemporary culture?
Технологический прогресс = культурная регрессия?
Сочетаются ли новые технологии и мир искусства? Можем ли мы по-прежнему ожидать, что зрители будут сидеть на месте в течение всего фильма или театрального представления? Будут ли они хотеть пойти в художественную галерею, чтобы тихо любоваться (с выключенными мобильными телефонами!) картинами Пикассо, Моне и многих других? Или они предпочитают играть в интерактивные игры, широко открывая глаза на экраны всех видов? Конечно, это вопрос выбора. Но даже если мы выберем «старомодное» искусство, неужели мы все еще помним, как вести себя правильно, «старомодно»?
Я никогда не был большим поклонником театра (театралом). В последнее время я решил посмотреть «Три дня дождя» (написанный американским драматургом Ричардом Гринбергом) в театре Джейкобса с Джулией Робертс в главной роли. Возможно, это не успех кассовых сборов, и вы можете спорить о качестве игры Робертс (это был ее первый раз на сцене). Но это не повод для ужасающего поведения нескоторых людей в аудитории. С того момента, как погас свет, я слышал текстовые сообщения и людей, которые отвечали на мобильные телефоны. Ужасающе! Разве вы не думаете, что все мы должны взяться за опасности, которые современные технологии привносят в современную культуру?




1 год назад

Английский язык

10 — 11 классы

6 Read the text and complete it with the correct words. Use
one word in each gap.

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1 год назад

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3.не знаю
6.will have

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Choose the right preposition from the box. about / at / from / to / of / by / out / of / of / with / of / of / to / of / at / in / of / for / w …

ПОДАЖУЙСТА С МОДАЛЬНЫМИ СЛОВАМИ You (1) … (rent) a car in New York as there is a good subway system but if you do, you (2) … (be able) to …

ПОМОГИТЕ СРОЧНО ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ДАЮ 100 БАЛЛОВ Change the following sentences from active to passive 1. They kill elephants for ivory. Elephants 2. …

3 завдання, вставити артикль де потрібно, a, an, the, срочнооо плиз


6 Read the text and complete it with the correct words. Use<br />
one word in each gap.<br />

плиз срочно помогите даю 60 баллов.
Complete each sentence with a suitable word. Write one word in each gap. «What time does Angie usually go to __d?» – «At 9 pm.» How many lessons do you have at —0_? Kevin __u____ his teeth after each meal. Tony enjoys watching. t_programmes, such as football matches or swimming competitions. I don’t want to watch — I. — fiction; I prefer dramas or music shows. I think you should use al_-_graph instead of the bar graph.​


Светило науки — 77 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи



4. sports

5. science

6. a line graph


Светило науки — 1 ответ — 0 раз оказано помощи


bed, school, brush, tv, science,

A. Complete using the correct form of the words in the box.

prefect • pupil • student

1   In our school, most classes have about 35 ………………… in them.

2   Every year, two new ………………… are chosen from the best students in each class.

3   The university accepts around 2000 new ………………… every year.

4   When he finally graduated, Victor felt he had ………………… everything he set out to do.

5   The work we’re doing now will make more sense when you ………………… the sixth.

6   Who ………………… you how to play the drums like that?

7   I would love to ………………… a new language I don’t know anything about, like Swedish.

high • primary • secondary

8   Children in England go to ………………… school from the ages of five to eleven.

9   In Britain, grammar schools, public schools and comprehensives are often referred to as ………………… schools.

10   Americans usually refer to their secondary school as a ………………… school, and there are often separate junior and senior schools.

degree • certificate • results

11   The exam ………………… come out today and I’m really nervous. I hope I’ve passed.

12   I was so proud when my exam ………………… finally arrived in the post.

13   I would prefer to go to university and do a ………………… in astronomy, rather than start work.


1 pupils   2 prefects   3 students   4 achieved

5 reach   6 taught   7 learn   8 primary

9 secondary   10 high   11 results   12 certificate

13 degree

B. Circle the correct word.

 I made a few mistakes in the exam and I don’t think I passed / took it.

 It’s not always easy to count / measure how intelligent someone is.

 Did you know that our French teacher can speak / talk four languages?

 My qualifications / qualities include a degree and an MA in chemistry.

 Our headteacher had had her hair cut and I didn’t know / recognise her at first.

 In design and technology, we were given the effort / task of designing a stadium.

 You’ll find plenty of books on the subject / lesson of business studies in the library.

 You have to read / study hard in order to do well at university.

 Look at what we did in today’s lesson and we’ll have a quick exam / test tomorrow morning.

10   Our teacher asked us to choose one of our colleagues / classmates to be our partner for the next exercise.


1 passed   2 measure   3 speak   4 qualifications

5 recognise   6 task   7 subject   8 study

9 test   10 classmates

C. Write one word in each gap.

1   Just get ……………… with Exercise C and I’ll be back in a minute.

2   My teacher says that I should sail ……………… the exam, but I’m not so sure.

3   Dave didn’t understand what Miss Smith was getting ……………… so he asked her to explain it again.

4   We all tried to convince our teachers to change his mind about the school trip and he finally came ……………… .

5   If you make a mistake, just cross it ……………… with a single line.

6   Belinda missed a few months of school because of illness and found it difficult to keep ……………… with her classmates.

7   The other kids were making fun of me, but I didn’t catch ……………… until heard them laughing.


1 on   2 through   3 at    4 (a)round

5 out/through   6 up   7 on

D. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.

1   The ideas in your essay need to be organised better.   set

      You need to ……………………………… in your essay better.

2   Why don’t you consider the college’s offer for a few days and then call them?   over

      Why don’t you ……………………………… for a few days and then call them?

3   You’ll never pass the exam if you just stop trying like that.   in

      You’ll never pass the exam if you just ……………………………… like that.

4   When he was at university, Nick just couldn’t handle all the work.   deal

      Nick just couldn’t ……………………………… at university.

5   I suddenly realised that I had left my homework at home.   dawned

      It ……………………………… that I had left my homework at home.

6   Ed was very lonely at university and he left after only one month.   out

      Ed ……………………………… after only one month because he was very lonely.


1 set out the ideas

2 think the college’s offer over

3 give in

4 deal with all the work

5 suddenly dawned on me

6 dropped out of university

E. Choose the correct answer.

1   If you need to ………… the teacher’s attention, just put your hand up.

        A pull            B attract

        C capture     D draw

2   Make sure you ………… your homework before you go out.

        A make         B solve

        C write          D do

3   Could I ………… a suggestion? Why not have piano lessons?

        A have          B do

        C put             D make

4   I really don’t ………… the point of taking the exam when you’re not ready for it.

        A take           B see

        C have          D mind

5   I’ll meet you at the school gates during the lunch ………… .

        A break         B gap

        C interval     D pause

6   Do you think you could pass that book ………… to me, please?

        A under        B through

        C over           D in

7   Mrs Dawson said that we are ………… our lesson in the library next Monday.

        A having       B making

        C reading     D going

8   In English yesterday, we had a discussion ………… different cultures.

        A around      B about

        C for              D from

9   ………… my opinion, maths shouldn’t be a compulsory subject.

        A From         B To

        C At               D In

10   When you ………… the exam tomorrow, try to stay calm and relaxed.

        A make         B write

        C take           D answer

11   My dad wants me to go to university, but I’m in ………… minds about it.

        A my             B two

        C some         D different

12   I still have a lot ………… about the English language.

        A learning    B to learn

        C for learning

        D of learning

13   If the examiner can’t ………… sense of your writing, you’ll get a low mark.

        A make         B bring

        C take           D understand

14   I hadn’t studied, so when the teacher asked me I had ………… idea.

        A none          B no

        C even          D not


1 B   2 D   3 D   4 B   5 A   6 C

7 A   8 B   9 D   10 C   11 B   12 B

13 A   14 B

F. Each of the words in bold is incorrect. Rewrite them correctly.

 I’ve always admired our music teacher from being so patient. …………………

 My new school is quite similar with my old one. …………………

 Mr Wilkins congratulated me for passing the exam. …………………

 I’d better go home and study on tomorrow’s test. …………………

 Ian is capable for doing very well this year if he works hard. …………………

 This course is suitable to students who are considering a career in the media. …………………

 If you don’t get into university, you’ll have to settle with art college. …………………

 After six attempts, Bill finally succeeded with passing his driving test. …………………


1 for   2 to   3 on   4 for   5 of

6 for   7 for   8 in

G. Water has damaged part of this text form a diary. Read it and decide what you think each of the original words was. Write the words in the blank spaces.

Dear Diary

Well, my first day at the new school is over. I was able (1) ……………… make a few friends, although I hope (2) ……………… I meet more people tomorrow. I met one girl I didn’t like, who just boasted (3) ……………… her exam results and succeeded (4) ……………… annoying everyone. The teacher asked me what I’d been learning (5) ……………… at my other school and when I told her she said she failed (6) ……………… see how I would be able to catch up with the others. I’ll show her! I’m just as capable (7) ……………… doing the work as the others. I’m really going to study hard (8) ……………… the test.


1 to   2 that   3 about/of   4 in

5 about   6 to   7 of   8 for

H. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals when this is necessary.

1   I wonder if you could tell me who was awarded the ………………… (SCHOLAR)?

2   Do you think that you pay enough ………………… (ATTEND) in class?

3   Could you tell me what the ………………… (SOLVE) to number seven is?

4   My dad said I’d better spend more time on my ………………… (STUDY).

5   I would like to know what qualifications ………………… (TEACH) require in your country.

6   Joshua was suspended from school for a week for bad ………………… (BEHAVE).

7   I did six hours of ………………… (REVISE) for the test, and I still failed!

8   Please send photocopies of all your ………………… (CERTIFY) to us at the address below.


1 scholarship   2 attention   3 solution   4 studies

6 teachers   7 revision   8 certificates

I. Complete the text by changing the form of the word in capitals.

Being unable to read

It seems (1) ………………… (THINK) today not to provide children with a decent (2) ………………… (EDUCATE). There is such an emphasis on (3) ………………… (ACADEMY) achievement these days that it’s easy to forget what a problem (4) ………………… (LITERATE) used to be. Being unable to read can be (5) ………………… (INTENSE) embarrassing and can make someone feel I like a complete (6) ………………… (FAIL). Someone who can’t read is often (7) ………………… (UNDERSTAND) afraid of certain situations. The problem can seem (8) ………………… (SOLVE). However, given the right teacher, a lot of hard work and a (9) ………………… (REASON) amount of time, anyone can learn. Being able to read can lead to an (10) ………………… (IMPROVE) quality of life.


1 unthinkable   2 education   3 academic   4 illiteracy

5 intensely   6 failure   7 understandably   8 unsolvable

9 reasonable   10 improved

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