Complete this shopping dialogue with a suitable word or phrase

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Theme: At the Shop

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  • Сейчас обучается 115 человек из 41 региона

  • Сейчас обучается 74 человека из 36 регионов

  • Сейчас обучается 226 человек из 56 регионов

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Theme: At the Shop

    1 слайд

    Theme: At the Shop

  • Цели:
•	закрепить лексические и грамматические навыки по теме;
•	развивать на...

    2 слайд

    •закрепить лексические и грамматические навыки по теме;
    •развивать навыки устной речи;
    •воспитывать осознанное отношение к изучению языка.

  • Checking-up of home-task. Translate the following words:
1. Cost
2. Exchange...

    3 слайд

    Checking-up of home-task. Translate the following words:
    1. Cost
    2. Exchange
    3. Change
    4. Cash
    5. Pay by credit card
    6. Currency

  • Bakery
Clothes shop

    4 слайд

    Clothes shop
    Post office
    Book shop
    Gift shop

    Word list

  • 1. I want to get a newspaper.
2. I’d like to buy food for a week.
3. I need s...

    5 слайд

    1. I want to get a newspaper.
    2. I’d like to buy food for a week.
    3. I need some stamps.
    4. We must get Jim a present.
    5. I’d like to buy a book.
    6. I want to buy some clothes for myself and my children in one shop.
    Exercise 1. Where do you need to go? Give some advice to your friend: you need to go to…

  • A kilogram of
Half a kilo of
A quarter of
A packet of
A stab of
A bar of
A lo...

    6 слайд

    A kilogram of
    Half a kilo of
    A quarter of
    A packet of
    A stab of
    A bar of
    A loaf of

    Measures and Sizes

  • To buy goods on credit
To sell something off
Something sells like hot cakes

    7 слайд

    To buy goods on credit
    To sell something off
    Something sells like hot cakes
    A shoplifter
    All over the shop
    At/in the sales
    The sales are on/over
    Window shopping

  • 1. What a mess! There are empty boxes all … .
2. Women like shopping but what...

    8 слайд

    1. What a mess! There are empty boxes all … .
    2. Women like shopping but what is really exciting is not buying but … .
    3. The police are looking for the famous … who has already robbed ten shops.
    4. I have problems with buying Easy English. It always … .

    Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with the correct idioms

  • A department store is a large shop which sells a lot of different things – cl...

    10 слайд

    A department store is a large shop which sells a lot of different things – clothes, beauty products, toys, etc.
    In the department store

  • 1. An armchair
2. Lipstick
3. A cup of tea
4. A packet of tea
5. A skirt
6. S...

    11 слайд

    1. An armchair
    2. Lipstick
    3. A cup of tea
    4. A packet of tea
    5. A skirt
    6. Some baby clothes
    7. A tie
    8. A TV
    9. A bed
    10. A doll
    Exercise 3. Look at the department store. Which floor will you go to buy?

  • Exercise 4. Match the words in column a with the definitions in column b:

    12 слайд

    Exercise 4. Match the words in column a with the definitions in column b:

  • Exercise 5. Complete the shopping dialogue with a suitable word or phrase fro...

    13 слайд

    Exercise 5. Complete the shopping dialogue with a suitable word or phrase from the column
    Assistant A: Can I help you?
    Customer: Yes, I’m …. blouse like this, but in blue.
    A A: I see. And what … are you?
    C: 42 usually.
    A A: OK. I’ll just go and see if we’ve got any.
    C: Fine.
    Assistant B: Can I help you?
    C: No, it’s OK. I’m … thanks.
    A A: Here we are. The last one in stock.
    C: Great. Can I try it on?
    A A: Yes, of course. The … is just over there. How was it?
    C: Yeah, fine. I’ll … .

  • a. like/buy/I’d/to/sweater/green/a
b. looking/I’m/around/just
c. size/you/Wha...

    14 слайд

    a. like/buy/I’d/to/sweater/green/a
    b. looking/I’m/around/just
    c. size/you/What/wear/do?
    d. this/dress/much/yellow/is/How
    e. like/Would/a/one/you/green/black/or/one/a?

    Exercise 6. Make sentences out of the given words:

  • a. Can I help you?
b. Would you like to pay cash or by credit card?
c. What s...

    15 слайд

    a. Can I help you?
    b. Would you like to pay cash or by credit card?
    c. What size do you wear?
    d. Would you like to try it on?
    e. Here you are.
    Exercise 7. What answer would you like to give in the following cases:

Shopping has common elements wherever it takes place. A buyer looks...

    16 слайд

    Shopping has common elements wherever it takes place. A buyer looks for a seller who is offering something the buyer wants or needs at a price the buyer can afford to pay. Sellers often advertise their wares in newspapers, on the radio or TV, on posters etc. Sellers use a variety of tactics to induce buyers to purchase from them at a price which leaves some profit.
    Shopping is a part of our daily life. And we have to deal with it whether we like it or not. There are people who hate going shopping. So they make a list of what they need and run through stores buying the needed things. Sometimes they even don’t care about the price. And there are people who go from store to store looking for goods of better quality and lower price. Those don’t worry about the time they spend shopping.
    But there is a very good service called Postal Market. It really helps you to save your time and get goods of high quality. You just have to look through a catalogue, choose the things you like, order them and wait a little to get them.

  • Hometask: Read and retellthe text “shopping”

    17 слайд

    Hometask: Read and retellthe text “shopping”

  • Thank you for your attention

    18 слайд

    Thank you for your attention

Краткое описание документа:

Открытый урок на тему «At the Shop» предназначен для учащихся с 7 по 9 классы. в процессе данного занятия с учащимся проводятся несколько видов работ, а именно, изучение новых слов и выражений по теме, составление предложений, чтение текста и т.д. В процессе данного занятия учащийся имеют возможность развивать устную речь.

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Помогите пожалуйста))) Complete this dialogue with suitable words or phrases. Choose from the following: on my own, lie-in, come round, stay in, early, bother, go out.
A: Don’t…… cook a meal this evening.
B: Why not?
A: We could……..instead.
B: Yeah. Where?
A: Well, I’d like to go to that new Korean restaurant. We could ask Karen and Mike to come.
B: That’s miles away. No, I think I’d rather……..and
have an …….. night.
A: But it’s Friday. You can have a ……..tomorrow if we
have a late night.
B: Yes, I know but I’m tired. Look, why don’t you ask
Karen and Mike to ……..for a meal. I can order
some pizzas from the take-away and we’ll have a nice evening here.
A: Sorry, but if you don’t want to come to the restaurant with me, I’ll go…

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Завершите этот диалог подходящими словами или фразами. Выберите один из следующих вариантов: самостоятельно, лежать, приходить, оставаться в, рано, беспокоиться, выйти.Ответ: не……..чтобы приготовить этот вечер еды.B: почему не?A: мы могли бы……..вместо.B: Да. Где?A: Ну, я хотел бы пойти в этот новый корейский ресторан. Мы можем попросить Карен и майка приехать.Б: это в нескольких милях отсюда. Нет, я думаю, я бы предпочел……..иесть …….. ночь.Ответ: А это в пятницу. Ты можешь выпить ……..завтра, если мыпоздним вечером.B: Да, я знаю, но я устал. Слушай, почему бы тебе не спроситьКарен и Майк ……..для еды. Я могу заказатьнесколько пицц на вынос, и у нас будет хороший вечер здесь.А: Извините, но если Вы не хотите приходить в ресторан со мной, я пойду…

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Відкритий урок у 6 Б класі Shops and Shopping Вчитель англійської мови СЗШ №

Відкритий урок у 6 Б класі Shops and Shopping Вчитель англійської мови СЗШ № 8 Прокоф’єва Р. С.

Тема: Shopping is not an easy thing Цілі : повторити та закріпити лексичні одиниці

Тема: Shopping is not an easy thing Цілі : повторити та закріпити лексичні одиниці з теми “Shops and shopping” та граматичний матеріал (much, many) у граматичних структурах; розвивати діалогічне і монологічне мовлення; слухову пам’ять, увагу, логічне мислення учнів, здатність до здогадки, вміння працювати в парах та групах; стимулювати комунікативну й пізнавальну діяльність учнів, стимулювати в них бажання спілкуватися англійською мовою; виховувати поважне ставлення до вчителя та один до одного.

Pronunciation Warm-up I’m going to the department store What for? I’m going to the

Pronunciation Warm-up I’m going to the department store What for? I’m going to the gift shop. Stop! Are you looking for presents? Will you buy any gifts? I’ll buy one for you. Then I’ll give you a lift.

Match the sentences(1 -8) with the names of the shops(a -h) 1) They sell

Match the sentences(1 -8) with the names of the shops(a -h) 1) They sell fruit and vegetables 2) You can’t buy shoes and bread 3) You can buy postcards, badges, copybooks and newspapers 4)Yesterday Mike bought some medicine, a bottle of shampoo and a tube of toothpaste 5)You can buy all you need 6)Yesterday my mum bought me a pair of new jeans 7)I’m going to buy new skates. Where do they sell them? 8)I need some rice, some flour and a bottle of oil. a) at the newsagent’s. b) at the clothes shop. c) at the market. d) at the greengrocery. e) Then go to the grocery. f)in the same department. g) at the chemist’s. h) at the sport’s shop.

Keys to Match the sentences(1 -8) with the names of the shops(a-h) 1) D

Keys to Match the sentences(1 -8) with the names of the shops(a-h) 1) D 2) F 3) A 4) G 5) C 6) B 7) H 8) E

Grammar task and keys 1 А some В any С isn’t any 2 А

Grammar task and keys 1 А some В any С isn’t any 2 А isn’t any В aren’t any С aren’t some 3 А any В not С some 4 А box В loaf С package 5 А bottle В cone С slice 6 А water В cake С flour 7 А many А loaf В any В slice С much С bag 8

Listening comprehension: Mrs. Green or Mrs. Brown?

Listening comprehension: Mrs. Green or Mrs. Brown?

Tasks to the text Mrs. Green or Mrs. Brown : Mark true or false

Tasks to the text Mrs. Green or Mrs. Brown : Mark true or false statesments 1. When Mrs. Green was 62 she went to live in a small town. 2. She usually went shopping to a big shop in a small village. 3. Every Sunday Mrs. Green did her shopping in a big supermarket in the nearest town. 4. She usually bought dairy products in this supermarket. 5. The shop assistant was unfriendly and impolite. 6. The shop assistant called her Mrs. Brown instead of Mrs. Green. 7. Mrs. Green explained the shop assistant that her last name was Green not Brown. 8. The shop assistant said that she was sorry. 9. But the following week the shop assistant called her Mrs. Brown again.

Keys to the test (audition) 1) F 2)F 3)F 4)F 5)F 6)T 7)T 8)T

Keys to the test (audition) 1) F 2)F 3)F 4)F 5)F 6)T 7)T 8)T 9)T

The largest shops in London

The largest shops in London



Time to relax

Time to relax

Complete this shopping dialogue with a suitable word or phrase. ASSISTANT A: Can I

Complete this shopping dialogue with a suitable word or phrase. ASSISTANT A: Can I help you? CUSTOMER : Yes, I’m ………………. a blouse like this, but in blue. ASSISTANT A: I see. And what ……………. . are you? CUSTOMER : Er, 12 usually. ASSISTANT A: OK, I’ll just go and see if we’ve got any. CUSTOMER : Fine. ASSISTANT B : Can I help you? CUSTOMER : No, it’s OK, I’m ……………. thanks. ASSISTANT A: Here we are. The last one in stock. CUSTOMER : Great. Can I try it on? ASSISTANT A: Yes, of course. The ……………… is just over there. (pause) How was it? CUSTOMER : Yeah, fine. I’ll ………………. .

    1. Study the words and
      useful expressions:

Word list II

checked в

striped pattern малюнок
в полоску

в горошок

flowery квітковий


a V-neck
джемпер з горлом у формі


a T-shirt

suit костюм

розмір (e.g.large/small/medium/14/16)

fitting-room/changing-room примірювальна

підходити (за кольором)

підходити (за розміром та


Can I try
it on? Можна

I`m looking
for… мені
потрібен (потрібна)…

What size
are you? Який
в тебе розмір?

How much is
it? Скільки
це коштує?

Do you take
credit cards? Ви
приймаєте кредитні


I`ll pay
cash Я
заплачу готівкою

    1. Practise the models:

Model 1:
Assistant: Can
I help you?

Yes, I`m
looking for

a polka-dotted blouse.

size are you?


Here it is. The last one in stock.

Great. Can
I try it on?

Yes, of course. The

is just over there.

2: C: Excuse me — how much is this pair of boots?

These boots? They`re 300 hryvnas.

you take credit cards?

I`m afraid not.

That`s okay.
I`ll pay cash

3. Complete this dialogue with a suitable word or phrase.

A: What can I do for you,

C: I`m looking for a ……like
this, but in blue.

A: I see. And what ……are

C: Medium usually.

A: We have a lot of new ……,
they`ve just come in. If you go to the ……, I`ll bring some for
you to try on.

C: Thanks.

4. Complete the dialogue with a suitable word or phrase:

Anne: Hello!

John: Oh! Hello, Anne! How
glad I am to see you. You are dressed so smartly! This ……matches
your shoes.

Anne: I bought it at sales and
paid 20 hryvnas for it.

John: It ……you.

Anne: Thanks! And you`re
looking elegant and stylish in this suit.

John: Thanks! Usually I`m
casually dressed. I prefer …… and …….

Leisure activities



Suggestions Replies

Let’s … Yes, let’s
do that.

Why don’t we …? That’s
a good idea.

Why not …? That / It
might be interesting.

Shall we …? I don’t

What / How about …
ing? OK. All right.

We could … I don’t
feel like…ing

Are you
doing anything special? I’d rather … I’d rather not.

Do you feel like…ing? I`d
love to.

2. Practise the models and make up short dialogues using one item from each column of the table.

Model 1: A:
go out

for a meal tonight

B: I’d
rather not
Eating out is so expensive now. I’d



Model 2: A:
you feel like

going for a drive in the country this afternoon?

B: Yes,
love to

A: Well,
I`ll call for you at about two, then.

I`ll be ready.

Model 3: A:
don`t we

go to the new exhibition at the art gallery?

B: I haven`t got any time
this week unfortunately.


don’t we







art exhibition









walk in the wood

drive in the country

swim in the river

picnic in the park

Соседние файлы в предмете Английский язык

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6.4 straight. Complete the dialogue with a word or phrasal verb from the opposite page in each gap. A: Don’tl bother to cook dinner tonight. B: Why not? A: We could go out 2 of eating here. B: Yeah. Where? A: Well, I’d like to try that new Korean restaurant. B: That’s miles away. No, I think I’d rather 3 and have an 4 night. A: But it’s Friday. B: Yes, I know, but I’m tired. Why don’t we ask Ryan and Charlotte to 5 ? You don’t have to cook, we can order a . And we can have a nice 7 round the dining table; much better than a noisy restaurant. помогите срочно умоляю ​


A: Don’t 1) bother to cook dinner tonight.

B: Why not?

A: We could go out 2) insted of eating here.

B: Yeah. Where?

A: Well, I’d like to try that new Korean restaurant.

B: That’s miles away. No, I think I’d rather 3) stay in and have an 4)early night.

A: But it’s Friday.

B: Yes, I know, but I’m tired. Why don’t we ask Ryan and Charlotte to 5) come around? You don’t have to cook, we can order a 6) takeaway . And we can have a nice 7) chat round the dining table; much better than a noisy restaurant.


A: Не надо 1) готовить ужин сегодня вечером.

Б: Почему нет?

A: Мы могли выйти куда-нибудь 2) вместо того, чтобы поесть дома.

Б: Да. А куда?

A: Ну, я хотел бы попробовать новый корейский ресторан.

Б: Это далеко. Нет, я лучше 3) останусь дома и 4) рано лягу спать.

А: Но сегодня пятница.

Б: Да, я знаю, но я устала. Почему бы нам не попросить Райана и Шарлотту 5) прийти? Не нужно готовить, мы можем заказать 6) еду на вынос. И мы можем приятно 7) поболтать за обеденным столом; намного лучше, чем в шумном ресторане.

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