Complete the word combinations with the missing words

Complete the word combinations with the prepositions.
at, of, on, in, to, by
1) To laugh … the story;
2) … the back of the garden;
3) … the back of the car;
4) to stand with one’s back … the door;
5) … fact;
6) to do something … one’s own;
7) … her surprise;
8) a garden full … flowers;
9) to be surprised … the answer;
10) … the back of the classroom.

ГДЗ Английский язык 7 класс (часть 1) Афанасьева. UNIT 3. Step 7. Номер №9


Перевод задания
Дополните словосочетания предлогами.
at, of, on, in, to, by
1) смеяться … история;
2) … задняя часть сада;
3) … заднее сиденье автомобиля;
4) стоять спиной … дверь;
5) … факт;
6) делать что−то … свое;
7) … ее удивление;
8) сад, полный … цветов;
9) удивляться … ответ;
10) … дальняя часть классной комнаты.

1) To laugh at the story;
2) at the back of the garden;
3) in the back of the car;
4) to stand with one’s back to the door;
5) in fact;
6) to do something on one’s own;
7) to her surprise;
8) a garden full of flowers;
9) to be surprised at/by the answer;
10) at the back of the classroom.

Перевод ответа
1) смеяться над историей;
2) в глубине сада;
3) на заднем сидении автомобиля;
4) стоять спиной к двери;
5) на самом деле;
6) что−то делать самостоятельно;
7) к ее удивлению;
8) сад, полный цветов;
9) быть удивленным ответом;
10) в задней части класса.

I ___________ with my parents and all of us ___________ of each
other. 2. My ___________ are my best friends and we never
___________. 3. He is a bad father, he doesn’t feel ___________ for
his family. 4. I have many uncles and aunts so I have many
___________ . 5. My mother is going to marry again, so I’ll have a
___________ . 6. I ___________ my room with my sister. 7. My
grandfather’s ___________ is my grandmother. 8. They ___________
adoptive children but they love them very much. 9. My sister
___________ but I know that she doesn’t love her ___________ . 10.
Small families, so-called ___________ are typical for most European
societies. 11. If parents ___________ , children are left with a
mother or a father only. 12. She is in a bad ___________ today. 13.
Family relations ___________ on many things. 14. He does everything
___________ to be happy. 15. How many members does your family
___________ of?

stepfather, get on well, share, mood, take care, siblings, consist,
are divorced, bring up, nuclear families, depend, husband, in order,
relatives, wife, is married, quarrel

3.13 Match the phrases in column a with those in column b. More than one answer is possible.

I am the youngest in my family. It’s a disadvantage. Everyone tells
me what to do.

Would you prefer to be the only child or one of two or three children?



I am the youngest in my family.

A disadvantage of being the only child is that …

An advantage of being the only child is that …

I get along well with my brothers and sisters.

The advantage of having brothers and sisters is that …

I always quarrel with my brothers and sisters because …

It’s an advantage.

It’s a disadvantage.

I am the centre of attention.

they tease (дразнят)

I always share personal secrets with them.

they are my best friends.

everyone tells me what to do.

I can do whatever I want.

we always take care of each other.

we spend a lot of time together.

I have nobody to play and share secrets with.

3.14 A) Match the verbs to the nouns.

to wash

to dust

to do

to iron

to vacuum

to clean

(мыть, протирать шваброй)








Which of these household chores do you do? How often? Which do you
like/not mind/hate doing?

I sometimes wash the dishes in the evening.

3.15 Complete the sentences with the word combinations from the box.

cook meals, the “hovering”, organized among the members of
our family, iron, to keep the flat tidy, do, household chores,
take care, my usual round of duties, keeping the house, shopping,
wash up

My Household Chores

I am very busy I can’t help my parents much in ___________. But
still I have some ___________. I ___________ my room and my bed and
___________. It’s not difficult ___________ if you do your rooms
regularly. Once a week I help my mother to do some other work about
the house, ___________or ___________ the clothes, for example. This
is ___________.

brother has his own duties. He repairs electric appliances, does
___________ and goes ___________. All the duties are ___________.
But we ___________ of each other and help each other.

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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Supply the missing words or word combinations choosing among those given below. 1)Every culture and society has destructive norms … what is called … behavior. 2) In organization we must… with a formal system of rules and …. 3) Without thinking we follow the … rules at our jobs. 4)… for social control can be viewed on both the group and society … . 5) The sanctions used to … conformity and obedience and to … violation of social norms are… through informal and formal social control. 6) Informal social control is used by people …. 7) Formal social control is carried out by …. 8) Sociologists have become … interested in the creation of laws as a social process. 9) In their view, law is not… a static body of rules … from generation to generation. 10) Being late for class is … as a … act. 11) Deviance involves both … behavior and many actions not … to prosecution. 12) Standards of deviance … from one group to another. 13) In our society it is generally considered … to … at a rock or folk concert, but not at the opera. 14) Sociologists classify crimes in terms of how they are … and how the offenses are … by society. 15) Index crimes consist of serious offenses that people think of when they … about the nation’s crime problems. 16) Many people make a career of … . 17) Organized crime refers to the work of a group that… relations between various criminal … . 18) Certain crimes are committed by … people in the course of their …. 19) There is a wide … of offenses that are classified as … . 20) In white-collar or index crimes, people’s economic or personal… is … against their … or without their …. 21)… sociologists use the term victimless crimes to describe the … exchange among … of widely … but … goods and services. by contrast, willing, adults, desired, illegal, well-being, endangered, will, knowledge, variety, white-collar crimes, «respectable», daily business activities, regulates, enterprises, illegal activities, express concern, committed, viewed, acceptable, sing along, vary, criminal, subject, categorized, deviant, merely, handed down, increasingly, authorized agents, casually, encourage, discourage, carried out, techniques, level, day-to-day, cope, regulations, governing, appropriate.

Matching the words.

Match the words from the text about stress with their definitions.

Filling in the table.

Match the words/phrases with their meanings and fill in the table.




in a nutshell


keep you on your toes

in the long term

out of hand

lighten the load


unable to manage


time just before

important information

cause you to remain

over a long period of time


make a difficult situation

Filling in the gaps.

Fill in the missing words/ word combinations.

As pressure at work , so does my level of stress.

I was so excited in the to Christmas.

What’s the on the new generation of mobile phones?

Global warming, , is the rise in the Earth’s temperature.

Having regular tests at school will .

Saving the environment will, , save the human race.

The police did not let the football fans get .

I need a secretary to .

My car broke down when it was pouring with rain, but I just had to .

Graham was with work and had to stay late at the office.

Always and try not to exaggerate.

Polly was with worry.




in a nutshell

keep you on your toes

in the long term

out of hand

lighten the load

grin and bear it


keep things in perspective

pulling out her hair

Choosing the correct answer.

Read short exchanges and choose the correct word.

A: You look like you’ve been

a lot of stress lately.

B: I have. I’m totally


A: I can’t

with all this pressure.


it easy. Things will get better.

A: Is there something you want to get off your


B: I’ve

up with Sue.

A: Let’s meet on Sunday.

B: Sorry. I’m up to my

in schoolwork.

A: Stop it. He can’t

the stress.

B: A little pressure won’t


A: He’s going through a really hard time.

B: I know. His parents’ divorce has

him great emotional stress.

A: This workload is


B: Cheer up. Two more weeks and then it’ll be


Match the words and word combinations with their definitions.

get things out of proportion

the pressure is too much for me

Filling in the gaps.

Fill in the missing part of the sentence.

I’m just sick and of doing exams all the time!

I’m so fed up with the way I look. It’s really me down!

I’m losing control. I can’t it any more!

Things aren’t as bad as they seem, Tracy. Don’t get things out of !

Jo makes me so angry. I lost my with her again yesterday.

I think he’s feeling the of his parents’ divorce.

I haven’t just started feeling stressed. It’s been up for


My parents are me a hard time.









Matching the words.

Match the words with their Russian equivalents.

Writing the words.

Read the sentences and fill in the right words in the appropriate form (snarl, stammer, whisper, sigh, groan).

“Don’t do that again,” he

at me angrily.

“I-I-I d-d-don’t kn-know anything!” he


“We’ve finished!” John

with relief.

She was so scared she could only

her name in a low voice.

“Oh, no! Not again!” Sally

in agony.

Matching the words.

Match the verbs, expressing body movements, with the corresponding nouns.


Read the sentences and choose the correct word.

When asked whether she wanted to go to the cinema or the park, Mary shook/shrugged her shoulders indifferently.

The little boy was so mad that he tapped/stamped his feet angrily.

Sarah clenched/trembled with fear as the wild dog growled at her.

He blushed/shook in embarrassment while walking out on stage to give his speech.

Sarah folded/ clenched her arms and waited for the children to clear the mess in their room


Read the sentences and choose the correct word.

Ann blushed / trembled with shyness when a stranger talked to her.

Frank trembled/tapped his fingers nervously on

the desk while the teacher returned the test papers.

The man clenched/folded his fists angrily as

the manager told him he was no longer needed.

When Dans mother told him the bad news he

shrugged/shook his head in disbelief.

Jenny folded/tapped her arms while waiting impatiently in the queue with her son.

Filling in the gaps.

Read the text and fill in the gaps with words/ phrases from the list.

Coping with school stress.

What with heavy workloads and pressure to get good grades, many teens today feel . Some try to grin and bear it but stress affects their health all the same. Learning how to manage stress and maintain a attitude is crucial. But what are the ways teens can beat those feelings of stress?

Well, to begin with, teens can learn time-management skills. Time-management is essential if last-minute exam cramming and assignment panic is to be avoided. Secondly, busy teens should think of ways to . For example, those with part-time jobs or a lot of extracurricular activities should seriously consider dropping some of them around exam time. Thirdly, teens should pay attention to their health.

Nutritious meals and adequate sleep are stress-busters!

Exercise too should not be forgotten. Working-out is a great way to deal with tense muscles and stress.

Finally, teens should realize that there is never a need for things to get out of hand. Parents, teachers, guidance counsellors and friends are all there to help and provide support. Often, simply a talk with a loved one is all it takes to relieve stress and !



lighten the load


keep things in perspective

Filling in the gaps.

Read the text and fill in the gaps with words/ phrases from the list.

Coping with school stress.

What with heavy workloads and pressure to get good grades, many teens today feel overwhelmed. Some try to but stress affects their health all the same. Learning how to manage stress and maintain a positive attitude is crucial. But what are the ways teens can beat those feelings of stress?

Well, to begin with, teens can learn time-management skills. Time-management is if last-minute exam cramming and assignment panic is to be avoided. Secondly, busy teens should think of ways to lighten the load . For example, those with part-time jobs or a lot of should seriously consider dropping some of them around exam time. Thirdly, teens should pay attention to their health.

meals and adequate sleep are stress-busters!

Exercise too should not be forgotten. Working-out is a great way to deal with tense muscles and relieve stress.

Finally, teens should realise that there is never a need for things to get . Parents, teachers, guidance counsellors and friends are all there to help and provide support. Often, simply a talk with a loved one is all it takes to relieve stress and keep things in perspective !

grin and bear it


extracurricular activities


out of hand

Filling the gaps.

Complete the exchanges with the phrases from the list. 3 phrases are extra.

A: Sir, why do you keep giving us surprise Science tests?

B: Because I want to !

A: I’m up to my ears in homework.

B: . Remember, you have all weekend.

A: I need to get something .

B: Go ahead. I’m listening.

A: My breakup with Cindy is really .

B: I’m sorry to hear that. Do you want to talk

about it?

A: I don’t recognize Helen these days.

B: What’s up with her?

A: She has again this morning.

keep you on your toes

pulling my hair out

Take it easy

in a nutshell

off my chest

getting me down.

under a lot of stress

lost her temper

Помогите, пожалуйста! Очень срочно!

Fill in the gaps with the words and word combinations in the box.

( energy-saving, a part of it, air pollution, oxygen, breathe, countryside, movements, take care, extinct and endangered, deforestation )

1. People should live closer to nature because we are ……………….
2. Many people prefer to live in the ………………….
3. The big city is always synonymous with high ……………………. from vehicles or industry.
4. People can’t live without ………………….
5. I would never cut down trees, they lets us ……………………
6. Seventy per cent of land animals and plants live in forests, and many cannot survive the ……………….. that destroys their homes.
7. Land degradation leads to an increasing number of ……………….. animals.
8. To save our planet we must …………….. of it.
9. The least we can do is try and adopt some ……………… methods.
10. Our company supports ecological organizations and ……………….. .

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