Complete the text with the following words and word combinations

A. Which sports could you name traditionally British? Read the text to see if you are right.

B. Complete the text with the following words and word combinations. Listen and check, Audio (

a) in summer

b) (August to May)

c) was playing football

d) the rules of games

e) eighty thousand fans

f) abroad

Sports in Britain

There are not so many British athletes who are successful in world sports competitions. But Britain has been good at inventing sports and writing (
1) … .

People started playing golf in Scotland in the fifteenth century. Cricket is only a little younger. They first played it in England in the sixteenth century. Su
сh games as football, rugby and hockey appeared in British public schools in the nineteenth century.

British most popular sport is football. During the football season (
2) … professional footballers play a lot of matches at home and (3) … . About 20 million people go to football matches every year. The most interesting games are often between teams from the same city, for example Manchester United [ju:′naɪtɪd] and Manchester City. The most important game of the football season is the Cup Final in London. (4) … come to Wembley Stadium to support their teams Cricket is popular in England but not so much as in Scotland or in Wales. They play it (5) … .

Rugby is a kind of football in which players take the ball in their hands and run with it. They say that rugby takes its name from Rugby School in England. In
1823, a boy who (6) … on the school playing field took the ball and ran with it. That was the beginning of a new game.

C. Sum up the facts mentioned in the text.

Задание рисунок 1
Задание рисунок 2
the World Cup

ГДЗ Английский язык 8 класс (часть 1) Афанасьева. UNIT 1. Step 3. Номер №5


Перевод задания

Какие виды спорта можно назвать традиционно британскими? Прочтите текст, чтобы убедиться, что вы правы.

Дополните текст следующими словами и словосочетаниями. Послушайте и проверьте, Аудио (7).
а) летом

b) (
с августа по май)

играл в футбол

правила игры

восемьдесят тысяч фанатов

за границу
Спорт в Британии
Британских спортсменов, добившихся успеха на мировых спортивных соревнованиях, не так уж и много. Но Британия хорошо изобретала спорт и писала (1) … .
Люди начали играть в гольф в Шотландии в пятнадцатом веке. Крикет только немного моложе. Впервые в нее сыграли в Англии в шестнадцатом веке. Такие игры, как футбол, регби и хоккей, появились в британских государственных школах в девятнадцатом веке.
Самый популярный вид спорта в Великобритании − футбол. Во время футбольного сезона (2) … профессиональные футболисты проводят много матчей дома и (3) …. Ежегодно на футбольные матчи ходят около 20 миллионов человек. Самые интересные игры часто проходят между командами из одного города, например, «Манчестер Юнайтед» и «Манчестер Сити». Самая важная игра футбольного сезона − финал Кубка в Лондоне. (4) … приезжайте на стадион Уэмбли, чтобы поддержать свои команды. Крикет популярен в Англии, но не так сильно, как в Шотландии или Уэльсе. Они играют (5) … .
Регби − это вид футбола, в котором игроки берут мяч в руки и бегают с ним. Говорят, что регби берет свое название от школы регби в Англии. В 1823 году мальчик, который (6) … на школьном игровом поле взял мяч и побежал с ним. Это было началом новой игры.

Обобщите факты, упомянутые в тексте.
Кубок мира (картинка)



I could say that football and golf are traditionally British, but many there are some other British sports.

1 − d, 2 − b, 3 − f, 4 − e, 5 − a, 6 − c.
Sports in Britain

There are not so many British athletes who are successful in world sports competitions. But Britain has been good at inventing sports and writing (
1) the rules of games.

People started playing golf in Scotland in the fifteenth century. Cricket is only a little younger. They first played it in England in the sixteenth century. Su
сh games as football, rugby and hockey appeared in British public schools in the nineteenth century.

British most popular sport is football. During the football season (
2) (August to May) professional footballers play a lot of matches at home and (3) abroad. About 20 million people go to football matches every year. The most interesting games are often between teams from the same city, for example Manchester United and Manchester City. The most important game of the football season is the Cup Final in London. (4) Eighty thousand fans come to Wembley Stadium to support their teams. Cricket is popular in England but not so much as in Scotland or in Wales. They play it (5) in summer.

Rugby is a kind of football in which players take the ball in their hands and run with it. They say that rugby takes its name from Rugby School in England. In
1823, a boy who (6) was playing football on the school playing field took the ball and ran with it. That was the beginning of a new game.


Britain has been good at inventing sports and writing the rules of games. People started playing golf in Scotland in the fifteenth century, and they first played cricket in England in the sixteenth century. Su
сh games as football, rugby and hockey appeared in British public schools in the nineteenth century. British most popular sport is football.

Перевод ответа


Я мог бы сказать, что футбол и гольф традиционно британские, но есть и другие британские виды спорта.

1 − d, 2 − b, 3 − f, 4 − e, 5 − a, 6 − c.
Спорт в Британии
Британских спортсменов, добившихся успеха на мировых спортивных соревнованиях, не так уж и много. Но Британия хорошо изобретает спорт и пишет (1) правила игр.
Люди начали играть в гольф в Шотландии в пятнадцатом веке. Крикет только немного моложе. Впервые в нее сыграли в Англии в шестнадцатом веке. Такие игры, как футбол, регби и хоккей, появились в британских государственных школах в девятнадцатом веке.
Самый популярный вид спорта в Великобритании − футбол. В течение футбольного сезона (2) (с августа по май) профессиональные футболисты проводят много матчей дома и (3) за рубежом. Ежегодно на футбольные матчи ходят около 20 миллионов человек. Самые интересные игры часто проходят между командами из одного города, например, «Манчестер Юнайтед» и «Манчестер Сити». Самая важная игра футбольного сезона − финал Кубка в Лондоне. (4) Восемьдесят тысяч фанатов приезжают на стадион «Уэмбли», чтобы поддержать свои команды. Крикет популярен в Англии, но не так сильно, как в Шотландии или Уэльсе. В нее играют (5) летом.
Регби − это вид футбола, в котором игроки берут мяч в руки и бегают с ним. Говорят, что регби берет свое название от школы регби в Англии. В 1823 году мальчик, который (6) играл в футбол на школьном игровом поле, взял мяч и побежал с ним. Это было началом новой игры.


Британия хорошо изобретает виды спорта и пишет правила игры. Люди начали играть в гольф в Шотландии в пятнадцатом веке, а в крикет они впервые сыграли в Англии в шестнадцатом веке. Такие игры, как футбол, регби и хоккей, появились в британских государственных школах в девятнадцатом веке. Самый популярный вид спорта в Великобритании − футбол.

  • Why is the biosphere described sometimes as «the
    fourth envelope»?

  • Where did life first develop? How?

  • What elements does the biosphere contain?

  • How is light converted into glucose and other
    sugar molecules?

  • What determines the specific composition of the
    Earth’s atmosphere?

  • How important are the oceans for water cycling?

II. Decide whether these statements are true or false (t/f).

  1. The biosphere is sphere of soils and rocks.

  2. The ozone layer protects living beings from UV

  3. The deep ocean vent communities need sunlight
    for utilizing the chem­istry of the hot volcanic vents.

  4. At the ecosystem and biosphere levels, there is
    a continual recycling of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and other
    elements, such as phosphorus, cal­cium, and potassium.

  5. The process of photosynthesis releases carbon.

Glucose and other sugar molecules are concentrated
in nectar and entice pollinators to aid plants in reproduction.

  • Water and carbon dioxide are the two constituents
    which cause the proc­ess of cellular respiration.

  • Water cycles between the hydrosphere,
    lithosphere, atmosphere and bio-


hydrosphere multicellular, calcium

.nitrogen… potassium .molecule, .dioxide….

photosynthesis, amino acids….

      1. Give Russian equivalents of the following expressions:

outer layer; living matter; permanent inhabitants;
to extend; photic zone; shallow depths; benthic zone; terrestrial
life; to drift apart; vent; amino acids; solar energy; to alternate;
cellular respiration; to regain; global air currents; to maintain;
mammal; intense biological activity; carbon dioxide; to release;
secondary energy source; to entice; phosphorus; input; to reach well

      1. Translate the given words and word combinations into English:

глобальное потепление
живая материя

физические свойства

почвоведение углекислый

освещение лучами солнца (инсоляция)

трутень калий

покорять природу воздушный

распределение организмов
относительно размера земли

последствия изменений

быть обеспокоенным чем-либо

нуклеиновая кислота
обеспечивать стабильность *

      1. Complete the text with the following words and word combina­tions.

oxygen, biosphere, energy ,
free oxygen, environment, carbon,
hydrosphere, water, solar energy, plants, lithosphere,
photosynthesis, nitrogen, atmosphere The first step to an
understanding the interrelationship of living organisms

and their nonliving is
to begin with t he sun. From it comes most of the

on earth. But, it is
largely unavailable to animals directly. It must be

transmitted to them by green vegetation through a
process known as

In this process the is
transferred through a substance in the vegetation

(from Greek,
green, and
leaf) in the pres­ence
of water to become and
food sugar. Now, animals can receive their

energy by eating or
other animals (who have eaten plants at some stage).

As plants and animals decay, with the help of
bacteria and fungi, they release chemicals in the earth, helping to
feed plants.

This circulation makes the earth’s basic
substances — — and

others move between the earth’s main stratums: air
(the ), water

(the ), soil
and rocks (the )
and living organisms (the ).

C. Reading
and Discussion

Retell the following text in English. Mention the points of
differ­ence between the English and Russian texts in the
presentation and interpretation of facts concerning the biosphere.

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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Контрольная работа

Вариант 1.

1.      Read the text and
complete it with the following word combinations.

            a) comes from the Icelandic

            b) snowy winters

            c) you think that ski races

            d) could ski very well

            e) is a modern sport

            f) hunting to forests or mountains

Did Skiing Begin

You may think the
skiing 1)_________ , but in fact it is one of the oldest forms of travelling
that man    knows. The word itself  2)________word which means “snowshoe”, or
“piece of wood”. Some scientists say that skiing goes back to the Stone Age,
and all of them believe that ancient people of Scandinavia 3)_________ and made
skis of the bones of animals. There is even a picture on stone that is 900
years old that shows a ski runner.

Skiing as a sport
began in Norway. This northern country always had  4)________and there was much
snow in the fields and in the woods for many months. So people used skis to get
about. They used skis in winter when they went 5)_______, they used skis when
they went to visit neighbours or had to go to the market.

And if 6) ________
are a modern tradition you are not right again. It may surprise you to know
that they were having ski competitions back in 1767!

2.      Choose the right
words to complete the sentences.

1)There are eight people in the spaceship (team/crew).
2) Bob can be (honest/dishonest). He tells lies easily. 3) If you are not
trained enough, doing some exercises can be (painless/painful). 4) When Jim saw
Mary, she was crying and looked absolutely (helpful/helpless). 5) The pupils
ended their meeting (in/with) the school hymn.

3.   Circle the right variant to complete the sentences.

When we lived in a sports camp we (used to swim/had swum) a lot.

He said he had worn a different (sport/sports) suit before.

Their team joined (—/in) the competition a bit

John has been (doing/going) sports for ten years.

When we returned, they (disappeared/had disappeared).

Willy (had/had had) lunch when I came into the dining room.

I (knew/had known) everything before she (called/had called) me.

8.       The
soup was tasteless and Jack (was still eating/had already eaten) it when Rose
ran into the kitchen.

4.    Complete the
sentences. Use Past Simple or Past Perfect

1)When I (come)
into the kitchen and (want) to help my sister she already (wash) the dishes.

2) When I (come) to the airport Sarah already (take) a
taxi. 3) After Mary (win) the race, she (become) famous. 4) Bill said he (have)
an advantage over his opponent as he (train) a lot.

Вариант 2.

1.      Read the text and
complete it with the following word combinations.

            a) comes from the Icelandic

            b) snowy winters

            c) you think that ski races

            d) could ski very well

            e) is a modern sport

            f) hunting to forests or mountains

Did Skiing Begin

You may think the
skiing 1)_________ , but in fact it is one of the oldest forms of travelling
that man    knows. The word itself  2)________word which means “snowshoe”, or
“piece of wood”. Some scientists say that skiing goes back to the Stone Age,
and all of them believe that ancient people of Scandinavia 3)_________ and made
skis of the bones of animals. There is even a picture on stone that is 900
years old that shows a ski runner.

Skiing as a sport
began in Norway. This northern country always had  4)________and there was much
snow in the fields and in the woods for many months. So people used skis to get
about. They used skis in winter when they went 5)_______, they used skis when
they went to visit neighbours or had to go to the market.

And if 6) ________
are a modern tradition you are not right again. It may surprise you to know
that they were having ski competitions back in 1767!

2.      Choose the right
words to complete the sentences.

1) There are great (climatic/climate)
changes in this region. 2) Your answer is not quite full Peter. (What
else/where else) can you add to it. 3) The students lost their way in the
forest but fortunately they ended  (up/in) at the camp. 4) Mark was
(excited/exciting) about going abroad. 5) To know three foreign languages is a
great (advantage/disadvantage).

3.    Circle the right variant to complete the sentences.

1. The
new office (team/crew) has been working successfully.

2. The
ancient Olympics had only one competition
— a running (race/sport).

3. I had
done my flat (at/by) 5 o’clock.

4. The
game ended (in/with) a draw.

5. By
the time we (arrived/had arrived), our friends (did/had done) all the job.

6. The
Robinsons (drove/had driven) home by bed time.

7. The
teenagers (washed/had washed) their bikes by the time their class (began/had

8. At 3
o’clock yesterday Kelly (was doing/had done) her shopping.

4.    Complete the
sentences. Use Past Simple or Past Perfect

1) When I (see) Andrew yesterday, he already (return)
the day before. 2) The match (end) in a draw by 9 p.m. 3) Susan (fell)
discomfort on the plane because she (not fly) before. 4) The Smiths (build) a
new cottage by the end of summer.

Опубликовано 12.06.2017 по предмету Английский язык от Гость
>> <<

Complite the text filling in the words and word combinations.
a single, by sea, weather, ticket , on board the ship,wind , tourist class , by plane , expensive,trip , voyage
вместо точек надо вставить подходящие слова и задать вопросы к каждому предложению
Last summer Mikes older brother had a very interesting•••. He went to New York •••. He travelled •••. The ••• was fantastic. The sky was blue. There was no •••. All the passengers enjoyed the voyage. My brother was not very ••• as it was •••. I had ••• as I wanted to get back to London.

Ответ оставил Гость

Last summerMikes older brother had a very interesting•trip. He went to New York •by sea.He travelled on board the ship . The voyage was fantastic. The sky was blue. There was no wind . All the passengers enjoyed the voyage. My brother was not very a singleas it was •expensive. I had •ticket• as I wanted to get back to London.

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6 месяцев назад

Английский язык

5 — 9 классы

5. Complete the text filling in the words and word combinations.​

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(1 оценка)


6 месяцев назад

Светило науки — 2 ответа — 0 раз оказано помощи


Last summer Mike’s elder brother had a very interesting tourist class.He went to New York by plane.He travelled single.The weather was fantastic.The sky was blue.There was no wind.All the passengers enjoyed the voyage.My trip wasn’t very expensive as it was on board the ship I had ticket I wanted to get back to London by sea.

(1 оценка)

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А вот еще интересные статьи:

  • Complete the text with the correct word there are some extra words
  • Complete the text with the correct word fill in
  • Complete the text with the correct word derived from the word in the brackets
  • Complete the text with the correct form of the word in brackets
  • Complete the text with some of the word pairs from exercises c and d

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