Complete the text with the correct word derived from the word in the brackets

На данной странице находятся упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из рабочей тетради (Workbook) 9 класса УМК Spotlight. Упражнения из 7f.

Exercise 1. Fill in: out of, up with, off, bock, on.
Упражнение 1. Вставьте слова: out of, up with, off, bock, on.


five simple tips on home safety

Keep 1)__ wet floors, as they are quite slippery.

Ask young children to keep 2)__ the kitchen while you are cooking, to prevent them from accidentally touching a hot stove.

Keep 3)__ the latest on home security systems to make sure your house is properly protected.

If a small fire starts in the kitchen or any other part of the house tell children to keep 4)__.

Keep 5)__ reminding everyone in the family to lock all doors and windows when they are the last to leave the house.

SAFE HOUSES! – безопасные дома
five simple tips on home safety
– пять простых советов по домашней безопасности

Keep off wet floors, as they are quite slippery. – Остерегайтесь мокрых полов, так как они весьма скользкие.

Ask young children to keep out of the kitchen while you are cooking, to prevent them from accidentally touching a hot stove. – Попросите детей не заходить на кухню, пока вы готовите, чтобы не позволить им случайно прикоснуться к горячей плите.

Keep up with the latest on home security systems to make sure your house is properly protected. – Придерживайтесь новейших систем безопасности, чтобы быть уверенными в том, что ваш дом должным образом защищен.

If a small fire starts in the kitchen or any other part of the house tell children to keep back. – Если небольшой пожар начался на кухне или в какой-либо иной части дома, то скажите детям не подходить.

Keep on reminding everyone in the family to lock all doors and windows when they are the last to leave the house. – Продолжайте напоминать всем в семье запирать все двери и окна, когда они последними выходят из дома.

Exercise 2. Underline the correct preposition.
Упражнение 2. Определить правильный предлог.


1) Drinking too little water can lead to/in headaches.
2) Don’t put any milk in Jason’s coffee; he’s allergic from/to all dairy products.
3) How do you manage to keep in/to such good shape?
4) Samantha still hasn’t recovered in/from her bad cold.
5) It is important to use sunblock on your skin to protect it from/to sunburn.

1) Drinking too little water can lead to headaches. – Упoтребление слишком малого количества воды может привести к головной боли.
2) Don’t put any milk in Jason’s coffee; he’s allergic to all dairy products. – Не добавляй молока в кофе Джейсону; у него аллергия на молочные продукты.
3) How do you manage to keep in such good shape? – Как тебе удается держать себя в такой хорошей форме?
4) Samantha still hasn’t recovered from her bad cold. – Саманта все еще не оправилась от сильной простуды.
5) It is important to use sunblock on your skin to protect it from sunburn. – Важно испoльзовать крем от загара, чтобы защитить кожу от солнечного ожога.

Exercise 3. Complete the text with the correct word derived from the word in brackets.
Упражнение 3. Преобразуйте слова из скобок так, чтобы они подходили в контекст.


not really the villain we think it is!

Most of us (joy) eating chocolate, but when we think of all the fat and sugar in it, we try to avoid it.

Well, a little chocolate doesn’t hurt! In fact, doctors even (courage) us to eat chocolate, because according to latest research, chocolate:

• helps to (less) tiredness
(strength) the memory
(sweet) the breath

And these are just a very few benefits of our favourite treat!

Of course this doesn’t mean that we can help ourselves to dozens of chocolate bars every day! This would only (sure) that we put on lots of extra kilos!

not really the villain we think it is! – на самом деле не такой злодей, как мы думаем

Most of us enjoy eating chocolate, but when we think of all the fat and sugar in it, we try to avoid it. – Большинству из нас нравится есть шоколад, но когда мы думаем о всех жирах и сахаре в нем, то стараемся избежать его.

Well, a little chocolate doesn’t hurt! In fact, doctors even encourage us to eat chocolate, because according to latest research, chocolate: – Итак, немного шоколада не повредит! На самом деле врачи даже подталкивают на с к тому, чтобы есть шоколад, потому что, по новейшим исследованиям, шоколад:

• helps to lessen tiredness – помогает уменьшать усталость
strengthens the memory – укрепляет память
sweetens the breath – смягчает дыхание

And these are just a very few benefits of our favourite treat! – И это всего лишь несколько достоинств нашего любимого угощения!

Of course this doesn’t mean that we can help ourselves to dozens of chocolate bars every day! This would only ensure that we put on lots of extra kilos! – Конечно, это не означает, что мы можем угощать себя дюжинами шоколадных батончиков каждый день! Это только обеспечит нам дополнительные килограммы веса!

Exercise 4. Use the words below to complete the sentences. There are three words you do not need to use.
Упражнение 4. Вставьте слова. Три слова лишние. Эти лишние слова используйте в собственных предложения.


damage | poor | habits | lead | weak | spend | ruin

1) You need to change your eating __ ; eating junk food all the time isn’t good for you.
2) Recent studies show that people who have __ diets and take little exercise suffer from ill health.
3) Don’t tell Pete about the party we’re planning for him; you’ll __ the surprise.
4) People who __ busy lives rarely find time to exercise.

1) You need to change your eating habits; eating junk food all the time isn’t good for you. – Вам надо изменить привычки питания; постоянное пoтребление неполезной еды для вас вредно.
2) Recent studies show that people who have poor diets and take little exercise suffer from ill health. – Последние исследования показывают, что люди, которые плохо питаются и мало тренируются, страдают от плохого здоровья.
3) Don’t tell Pete about the party we’re planning for him; you’ll ruin the surprise. – Не рассказывай Питу о вечеринке, которую мы для него планируем; ты испортишь сюрприз.
4) People who lead busy lives rarely find time to exercise. – Люди, кто ведут деловую жизнь, редко находят время для физических упражнений.


1) Sharon spends a lot of time working out at the gym. – Шэрон проводит много много времени, тренируясь в спортзале.
2) Jill is very weak, as she has been ill for two weeks. – Джилл очень слаба, поскольку она болела в течение двух недель.
3) If you sit at the computer for too long, you will damage your eyes. – Если будете сидеть слишком долго перед компьютером, вы испортите глаза.

people of 1.
_____________ (centre) Africa are one of the few ancient tribes that
remain almost untouched by 2.
____________ (civilise)
as we know it today. They are a very close-knit people and live in
clans, with the eldest members of the tribe acting as 3.
_____________ (lead). The food they eat consists 4.
______________ (sole) of produce that they have grown and meat that
their warriors have caught while hunting. Only Masai men are allowed
to hunt while the women are responsible for the 5.____________
(cultivate) of grains and vegetables.

4. Find the odd word out.

reveal – conceal – uncover – expose

gather – pick – deal – collect

recommend – attend – suggest – propose

trailers – inhabitants – residents – population

5. Choose the correct item.

Sam was so tired that he caught the wrong train by … .

error b) fault c) mistake d) oversight

Are there any … reasons why you don’t like him?

specific b) chief c) main d) characteristic

Her … towards her mother was rude and unacceptable.

handling b) treatment c) behaviour d)

There was a huge firework … to celebrate the royal wedding.

display b) exhibition c) show d) performance

She … the identity of the murderer to the police.

demonstrated b) uncovered c) revealed d) exposed

People have an endless … with Hollywood film stars.

attraction b) appeal c) charm d) fascination

Fill in the blanks with a suitable word.

culture; custom; tradition; civilization

The Incas were an ancient South American _____________. 2. Music is
an important part of __________. 3. The Japanese have a __________ of
bowing to each other when they meet. 4. It is a Christmas __________
to hang out a stocking on Christmas Eve.

race; match; game; contest

The runners were extremely tired after the _________. 2. The football
________ was called off because of the rain. 3. The children played a
___________ of football. 4. My sister entered a beauty ___________
and came second.

occasion; incident; episode; event

In the ________ of fire, raise the alarm. 2. A nasty _________ took
place outside that bar last night: two men were stabbed. 3. On that
__________, she was lost for words. 4. This is the second _________
of the TV series.

fair, festival; bazaar; gala

The children enjoyed the rides at the fun __________. 2. A __________
performance took place to mark the Queen’s birthday. 3. The Cannes
film ____________ is a big event for the film industry. 4. I bought a
jar of home-made jam at the church ____________.

For questions 1-15,read the text below. Some of the lines are correct
and some have a word which should not be there. If the line is
correct, put a tick (V) by the number in the answer boxes provided.
If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word in the
answer boxes provided.



are tools that they help children to



that vital activity, play. Play is the



of by which children learn about the


and how to be use their bodies Toys


help children develop the ability


use up their imagination. It is not always


most expensive a toy that they find most


The most best toys for young


include jigsaw and pull-along toys


a string. Balls and climbing frames help children


develop movement skills. The children really


to playing in paddling pools or sandpits.


also like to copy after their parents,


they enjoy small versions of kitchen and


equipment. In the fact, almost anything


be turned into a play. Children love


and will use whatever is at their hand.

the text and decide which word A. B, C or D best fits each space.

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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Read the text, and fill in the correct word derived from the words in brackets.
«For many of us playing sports is an important leisure activity. Choosing what sport you play, however, will depend on whether you are looking for relaxation or excitement. Golf is a very 1) (relax) and 2) (enjoy) sport, because you can spend time in natural surroundings, but it is also one that requires great skill. Learning how to play golf takes a long time, so you need a lot of 3) (patient). It is also a rather 4) (expence) sport, because the equipment costs a lot of money, and prices at golf courses can be very high. On the other hand, rollerblading is an 5) (excite) sport and is easy to learn. It’s fast and fun, and keeps you fit because you have to use all your muscles. It’s also cheap because you only need a helmet, knee pads, elbow pads and a pair of rollerblades. However, rollerblading can be a 6) (danger) sport as you might lose your balance and hurt yourself.

Always walk on rough/abandoned/well-litstreets at night to be safe.

You can find posh/run-down/fully-furnished houses in rough In of cities with high crime.

He had city furniture, so he rented a abandoned/fully-furnished/ office house.

Wealthy people usually / in a big posh/ squat/ run-down house.

The council is in to renovate this old abandoned/ posh/ fully-furnished building and turn it into a youth centre.

In the industrial part of the city there are a lot of well-lit/ disused/ posh warehouses because businesses have moved away.

A office/ squat/ residential is a house where people live illegally.

In the business district there are a lot of huge run-down/ disused/ office buildings.

I live in a quiet residential/ disused/ abandoned area in the suburbs of a big city.

The shops in my town are located in a rough/pedestrianised/ squat area where cars arent allowed.

There is often a lot of crime and poverty in a well-lit/ posh/ rough neighbourhood, in a town or city.

read the text and fill in the correct word derived from the words in brackets. then cover the text and compare and contrast the two sports.(прочитайте текст и заполните правильное слово происходящее от слова в скобках. )

golf is a very …(relax) and …(enjoy) sports because you can spend time in natural surroundings.Learning how to play golf takes a long time, so you need a lot of …(patient). Its also a rather …(expense) sport because the equipment costs a lit of money , and prices at golf courses can be very high.On the other hand,roller-blading is an ….(excite) sport and is easy to learn.However, roller-blading can be a….(danger) sport as you might lose your balance and hurt youself.

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