Complete the text with one word in each gap when i was young

When I was younger, I often used to play 1) truant from school and hang around in the shopping mall instead. I was such a bad student that, eventually, I was 2) expelled. I didn’t mind though, as I didn’t want to be there anyway. I didn’t have any qualifications but I did a few 3) odd jobs for friends. After a while I got a 4) part-time job in a factory, working three days a week. I wasn’t very happy there and thought I would be 5) sacked for being late so often. When the manager called me into the office, though, I was surprised to be 6) promote to a better job with more responsibility. Now I’ve got a good 7) career and might even be a manager myself one day.
Когда я был моложе, я часто прогуливал школу и вместо этого слонялся в торговом центре. Я был таким плохим учеником, что, в конце концов, меня исключили. Я не возражал, хотя, поскольку я не хотел быть там в любом случае. У меня не было никакой квалификации, но я выполнял разную работу для друзей. Через некоторое время я устроился на неполный рабочий день на заводе, работая три дня в неделю. Я был не очень доволен и думал, что я буду уволен за то, что опаздывал так часто. Когда менеджер позвонил мне в офис, я был удивлен тем, что продвинут к лучшей работе с большей ответственностью. Теперь у меня есть хорошая карьера и, возможно, даже когда-нибудь буду менеджером.

Дополните текст одним словом в каждом пропуске.
Unresolved Mysteries. Famous ghost ship found
An expedition 1) have discovered the final resting place of the ship Marie Celeste, one of the world’s most puzzling mysteries. A group headed by the author Clive Cussler and film producer John Davis said they 2) had discovered the ghost ship’s remains off the coast of Haiti.
On 7 November 1872 the ship had sailed from New York for Genoa in Italy. Over a month after she left port, the ship 3) was found deserted and drifting off the Azores, and was then towed to Gibraltar. No crew member had ever 4) being seen again. According to a popular theory, the crew died after they 5) had got to a lifeboat because they were afraid the ship’s cargo 6) would explode.
However, some suggested that the crew 7) possibly have been kidnapped by pirates or aliens. After that the ship sailed for 12 years before its last captain tried to sink it near Haiti. Dr Cussler said the fate of the crew 8) would probably remain a mystery. He also 9) added that he 10) would show objects found in the wreck to the public on Thursday.
Неразрешенные тайны. Известный корабль-призрак
Экспедиция обнаружила последнее место корабля Мария Селеста, одного из самых загадочных загадок в мире. Группа во главе с автором Клайвом Кусслером и продюсером фильма Джоном Дэвисом сказала, что они обнаружили остатки корабля-призрака у берегов Гаити.
7 ноября 1872 года судно отправилось из Нью-Йорка в Геную в Италии. Спустя месяц после того, как он покинул порт, корабль был найден пустынным и дрейфовал у Азорских островов, а затем был отбуксирован в Гибралтар. Ни один из членов экипажа не был когда-либо замечен снова. Согласно популярной теории, экипаж погиб после того, как они попали в спасательную шлюпку, потому что боялись, что груз судна взорвется.
Однако некоторые предположили, что экипаж, возможно, был похищен пиратами или инопланетянами. После этого корабль проплавал 12 лет, прежде чем его последний капитан попытался затопить его около Гаити. Доктор Кусслер сказал, что судьба экипажа, вероятно, останется загадкой. Он также добавил, что он покажет объекты, обнаруженные в крушении, общественности в четверг.

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III. Complete the text with one word in each gap.   How punctual are you? I have to say that when I was younger, (1) __________ on time didn’t use to be important. I used to keep people waiting all the time and never considered how impolite this was. I was often late for lessons because I (2) __________ set the alarm and then switch it off when it went off and simply go back to sleep. I made arrangements with friends and then I would turn up half an hour late. I’m amazed people still invited me to things because I was never (3) __________ time. Now that I’m older I’m nowhere near (4) __________ irresponsible as I used to be. Thank goodness! I think it’s being at work that (5) __________ changed me. If I’m late now, my boss gets angry, and I risk losing my job. I’ve also lost so many girlfriends in the past because of my time-keeping that now I’m really careful about (6) __________ the house in time to get somewhere. And also, I think I’ve learned to appreciate other people arriving when they say they will. I don’t like waiting for someone for ages and so I need to be more reliable myself. Mind you, (7) __________ up on time can still be a problem sometimes as I often forget to set the alarm! ​

Вопрос по английскому языку:

2 Complete the text. Use the words in brackets in the right form. (9 points max.) When I was young, I used to live in a small village. There 1 (be) a school in the village, so I went to a school in a town about 5 km away. I 2 (not, like) the school because the 3 (child) were unfriendly, but I had many friends in the village. Then, in 2014 we 4 (move) from the village to another town. It was very sad. I had to tidy up everything before moving. When I 5 (put) my things into boxes, I started crying. When the men came to take everything to our new house, I 6 (sit) in my room, crying again. I thought then it was the 7 (bad) day in my life. However, it turned out that it was a change for the 8 (good). I still think about the old house and the village, but I’m happy now. I keep in touch with my village friends and I 9 (make) a lot of new friends in my town.

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