Complete the text with a suitable word


Complete the text with suitable words.
This recipe makes1) _______ delicious banana cake. We need2) _________ butter. We mix the butter with 3) _______ sugar. Then we add 4)_______ egg. We stir in 5) ______ flour. Then we add 6) ________ bananas. This recipe doesn`t need 7)__________ chocolat, but you can add 8)__________ for a special treat.


Let me show you the photo of my family. I took this photo last summer when we visited our grandparents in the countryside. It was my granny’s birthday. Look, she is wearing a polka dots T-shirt. She has grey hair. Her name is Lora. The man in white trousers is her husband, Tom. He is my grandfather. He is smiling. They are kind and caring. I love spending time with them. On the right, you can see my siblings — Rick and Jane. My sister is wearing a beige top and a striped skirt. My brother is hugging my mum and my dad . He is wearing blue jeans and a shirt. They were so happy at that moment. In the middle of the picture, there is my little sister Sue. She has got long fair hair. She is only six, but she is so clever and curious.

Above her, there is my father’s brother. His name is Mark. My uncle is married to Carry. Look at her, she is so beautiful. My aunt is wearing a bright yellow blouse. They don’t have any children but I think they’ll be great parents. When they come, we have a lot of fun.


Давай я покажу тебе фотографию моей семьи.  Я сделал это фото прошлым летом, когда мы гостили у наших бабушек и дедушек в деревне.  У моей бабушки был день рождения.  Смотри, на ней футболка в горошек.  У нее седые волосы.  Ее зовут Лора.  Мужчина в белых штанах — ее муж, Том.  Он мой дедушка. Он улыбается.  Они добрые и заботливые.  Я люблю проводить с ними время.  Справа можно увидеть моих брата и сестру — Рика и Джейн.  Моя сестра одета в бежевый топ и полосатую юбку.  Мой брат обнимает мою маму и моего папу.  Он одет в синие джинсы и рубашку.  Они были так счастливы в тот момент.  В центре фотографии моя младшая сестра Сью.  У нее длинные светлые волосы.  Ей всего шесть, но она такая умная и любопытная.
Над ней ( на фото) — брат моего отца.  Его зовут Марк.  Мой дядя женат на Керри.
Посмотрите на нее, она такая красивая.  Моя тётя носит ярко-желтую блузку.  У них нет детей, но я думаю, что они будут прекрасными родителями. Когда они приходят, становится очень весело.#SPJ3

Complete the text with suitable words.

I sometimes buy a 1_______ of crips and a 2________ of cola on my way back from school.

Then, when I get home, I usually have a 3________ of tea and a 4________ of my granny’s fruitcake.

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Complete the text with a suitable word in each gap. Use only one word in each gap. In some cases, more than one word is possible. The 0 is done for you.
The DIY downturn.

The British have long (0) been advocates of DIY. After all, why get someone else (1) __________ do a chore when you can complete the task yourself?! (2) __________ only are we able to get on with things like basic car maintenance and gardening, but home decoration and minor repairs are also relatively straightforward jobs that most of us attend to without repercussions. While it’s tempting to have a go yourself when you can’t (3) __________ a light to work or the top branches of a tree need cutting down, once we get onto electrical work and structural repairs or things like tree surgery, evidence suggests we’d (4) __________ better off leaving it to the experts than taking it into our own hands.
However, surveys have demonstrated a recent turndown in DIY in the UK, with fewer and fewer people even owning tools (one survey reports a figure of 71% (5) __________ British men not owning tools), let alone knowing how to put them to good use, as they (6) __________ have in the past. There is even some evidence to suggest that less DIY is now (7) __________ done by men,
while women are doing more, and a wealth of DIY clubs professing to help those of us who can’t even change a light bulb (8) __________ springing up everywhere. Reasons for the downturn could be attributed to the fact that younger people may (9) __________ been put off attempting jobs at home due to knowledge of strict health and safety regulations outside it. In addition, many people struggle even to buy a house, never mind have one to fix, and it doesn’t look like things (10) __________ change in the near future, either.

Complete this short text with a suitable word or phrase in each gap.
I live and work in Milan but I like to


………………………. at the weekend if possible.My parents have a small house in the


………………………….. , about 100 kilometres from Milan,and it’s a great place to go if you want a bit of peace and


……………………………….. . In the summer you can just


…………………… by the pool during the hottest part of the day, then in the evening go for a


……………………………….. through the village or over the fields. Sometimes we go out for the whole day and have a


……………………………… somewhere,by the lake or next to one of the many vineyards.

Помогите пожалуйста,срочно надо!)

Заранее спасибо!!)

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