Complete the text using the words and word combinations given below

through, a strong encryption algorithm, maps, in parallel, the
cryptanalyst, the actual message, computing power

There are several distinct
types of cryptoanalytic attack. The type used depends on the type of
cipher and how much information ….. has.

Types of
cryptoanalytic attacks.
standard cryptoanalytic is to determine the key which … a known
plaintext to a known ciphertext. This plaintext can be known because
it is standard or because it is guessed. If the plaintext segment is
guessed it is unlikelely that its exact position is known however a
message is generally short enough for a cryptoanalyst to try all
possible positions … . In some systems a known ciphertext-plaintext
pair will compromise the entire system however … will be
unbreakable under this type of attack.

A brute force attack requires
a large amount of … and a large amount of time to run. It consists
of trying all possibilities in a logical manner until the correct one
is found. For the majority of the encryption algorithms a brute force
attack is impractical due to the large number of possibilities.

Another type of brute force
attack is a dictionary attack. This essentially involves … a
dictionary of words in the hope that the key (or the plaintext) is
one of them. This type of attack is often used to determine passwords
since people usually use easy to remember words.

In a ciphertext only attack
the cryptanalyst has only the encoded message from which to determine
the palintext, with no knowledge whatsoever of …. A ciphertext only
attack is presumed to be possible, if not easy. In fact, an
encryption techniques resistance to a ciphertext only attack is
considered the basis for its cryptographic security.

11. Complete the text.

a block of known plaintext, and its corresponding … , starting with
a random 56-bit possible key, do the following:

  • the known plaintext with that
    key, and with every one of the 56 other keys obtained by inverting
    one bit of that key.

  • Compare
    the resulting ciphertext to the … ciphertext.

  • In
    those of the 56 cases where the flipped bit results in the
    ciphertext produced … in fewer bits from the actual ciphertext
    than that produced by the original trial key, invert that bit of the
    trial key to obtain the next trial key.

is a simple example of a … algorithm, where the number of bits by
which a trial encipherment differs from the actual ciphertext is a
measure of one’s (lack of) altitude.

12. Translate into English the following passage.

атаку, криптоаналитик может ставить
целью решение следующих задач:

  1. Получение открытого
    текста из зашифрованного.

  1. Вычисление ключа

общем случае, вторая из перечисленных
задач является существенно более
сложной, чем первая. Однако, имея ключ
шифрования, криптоаналитик может
впоследствии расшифровывать все данные,
зашифрованные найденным ключом. Такая
атака (в случае ее успешного осуществления)
называется полным

алгоритма шифрования.

Атаки на алгоритмы
шифрования принято классифицировать
в зависимости от того набора информации,
который имеет злоумышленник перед
осуществлением своей атаки.

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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Опубликовано 12.06.2017 по предмету Английский язык от Гость
>> <<

Complite the text filling in the words and word combinations.
a single, by sea, weather, ticket , on board the ship,wind , tourist class , by plane , expensive,trip , voyage
вместо точек надо вставить подходящие слова и задать вопросы к каждому предложению
Last summer Mikes older brother had a very interesting•••. He went to New York •••. He travelled •••. The ••• was fantastic. The sky was blue. There was no •••. All the passengers enjoyed the voyage. My brother was not very ••• as it was •••. I had ••• as I wanted to get back to London.

Ответ оставил Гость

Last summerMikes older brother had a very interesting•trip. He went to New York •by sea.He travelled on board the ship . The voyage was fantastic. The sky was blue. There was no wind . All the passengers enjoyed the voyage. My brother was not very a singleas it was •expensive. I had •ticket• as I wanted to get back to London.

Оцени ответ

Подпишись на наш канал в телеграм. Там мы даём ещё больше полезной информации для школьников!

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Complete the text using the words and word combination from the box. Помогите срочно!!



03 Май, 18


(87 баллов)

в категории Английский язык

1 Ответ

0 голосов

Лучший ответ

1 by train 2 travelled 3 fast trains 4 travelled 5 slow trains 6 a traveler 7 information 8 departures
9 arrivals 10 booked 11 a return ticket 


03 Май, 18

Супер Академик

(77.3k баллов)



оставил комментарий

03 Май, 18


(87 баллов)


пожалуйста, это нетрудно

оставил комментарий

03 Май, 18

Супер Академик

(77.3k баллов)

Task 1

Match the words with their opposites. Then write a sentence with each word combination.

1. huge

A. patiently

2. unimportant

B. ability

3. impatiently

C. valuable

4. excluded

D. significant

5. inability

E. ugly

6. beautiful

F. private

7. responsible

G. included

8. public

H. irresponsible

9. worthless

I. tiny

Task 3

Complete the text with the given words.

landscapes, watercolours, exhibition, skilled, drawings, still lifes, portraits, oils, display, techniques

Last weekend, my friend Larry and I went to an art 1. _______________. There were a variety of paintings and 2. _______________ on 3. _______________. There were true-to-life 4. _______________ of famous people, beautiful 5. _______________ of waterfalls and valleys, and also 6. _______________. For landscapes, most artists used 7. _______________, but some of them worked in 8. _______________. 9. _______________ artists use interesting 10. _______________ to show the shadows.

Task 4

Fill in the gaps with comparatives and superlatives.

By far, this drawing is _________________ (valuable) in my collection.
This gallery is _________________ (busy) one I’ve ever been to!
The colours on this painting are _________________ (warm) than on that one.
That was the _________________ (bad) technique I’ve ever seen.
Lorna is _________________ (talented) sculptor I’ve seen. She makes sculptures out of clay.
The lines in Picasso’s pictures were drawn much _________________ (accurately) than I expected.
Which of these two vases do you find _________________ (good)?
I think that painting with watercolours must be _________________ (difficult) than painting with oils.
You should study _________________ (carefully) to improve your skills.
This picture is _______________ (great) I’ve ever seen.

A. Complete the text using the words and word combinations from the word box.

attend, convenient, crowded, features, rush hours, scream, swear (2), suburbs, thus, traffic jams

Задание рисунок 1

We live in the (
1) … of a big industrial city. My university is in the city centre, (2) … I have to drive to my classes, which I regularly (3) … five days a week.

My way to the university is rather stressful, especially in the morning when lots of people hurry to get to work. The situation is no better in the evening when they go back home. These are (
4) … . Naturally the streets are always (5) … , (6) … are quite a usual thing. Drivers often (7) … and (8) … . These are typical (9) … of street accidents which are not rare happenings either.

I (
10) … , going by car is not my choice. I admit, cars are comfortable, but are they (11) …?

B. Speak about cars as a method of travelling in the place where you live. Mention the following:

• if there are many cars in the place where you live;

• if traffic jams are usual happenings during rush hours if you have any;

• if car accidents often happen;

• drivers’ typical behaviour;

• why, in your opinion, people prefer cars to any other method of travelling

ГДЗ Английский язык 10 класс Афанасьева. UNIT 3. Step 4. Номер №2


Перевод задания

Допишите текст, используя слова и словосочетания из рамки.

Посещать, целесообразно, людно, черты, час−пик, кричат, сквернословят/клянусь (2), пригород, следовательно, пробки

Мы живем в (1) … большого промышленного города. Мой университет находится в центре города, (2) … мне приходится ездить на занятия, которые я регулярно (3) … пять раз в неделю.
Моя дорога в университет довольно напряженная, особенно утром, когда многие люди торопятся на работу. Ситуация не лучше вечерами, когда они возвращаются домой. Это (4) … . Обычно на улицах всегда (5) … , (6) … – обычное дело. Водители часто (7) … и (8) … . Это типичные (9) … уличных происшествий, которые также происходят нередко.
Я (10) … , добираться на машине – это не мое. Признаю, машины удобные, но (11) … ли они?

Расскажите о машинах как средстве передвижения, помогающих добраться до того места, где вы живёте. Упомяните следующее:
• много ли машин там, где Вы живете;
• образуются ли пробки в час−пик, если они вообще есть;
• часто ли случаются автомобильные аварии;
• типичное поведение водителей;
• почему, по−Вашему, люди предпочитают машины любым другим средствам передвижения.



We live in the (
1) suburbs of a big industrial city. My university is in the city centre, (2) thus I have to drive to my classes, which I regularly (3) attend days a week.

My way to the university is rather stressful, especially in the morning when lots of people hurry to get to work. The situation is no better in the evening when they go back home. These are (
4) rush hours. Naturally the streets are always (5) crowded, (6) traffic jams are quite a usual thing. Drivers often (7) swear and (8) scream. These are typical (9) features of street accidents which are not rare happenings either.

I (
10) swear, going by car is not my choice. I admit, cars are comfortable, but are they (11) convenient?


Cars are one of the most important means of transport in the world. In the place I live there are many cars. There are also buses and trams in our city. So we have rush hours in the morning, from
8 to 9, and in the evening, from 6 to 7. Sometimes car accidents also happen. Roads are not very good in our city, so it also causes dangerous situations. Drivers in our city typically are very careful and nice, but there are careless and cruel ones as well. I think people prefer cars because they are more convenient for travelling around.

Перевод ответа


Мы живем в (1) пригороде большого промышленного города. Мой университет находится в центре города, (2) следовательно мне приходится ездить на занятия, которые я регулярно (3) посещаю пять раз в неделю.
Моя дорога в университет довольно напряженная, особенно утром, когда многие люди торопятся на работу. Ситуация не лучше вечерами, когда они возвращаются домой. Это (4) час−пик. Обычно на улицах всегда (5) многолюдно, (6) пробки – обычное дело. Водители часто (7) сквернословят и (8) кричат. Это типичные (9) черты уличных происшествий, которые также происходят нередко.
Я (10) клянусь, добираться на машине – это не мое. Признаю, машины удобные, но (11) целесообразны ли они?


Автомобили являются одним из самых важных транспортных средств в мире. В том месте, где я живу, много машин. В нашем городе также есть автобусы и трамваи. Так что у нас есть часы пик утром, с 8 до 9, и вечером, с 6 до 7. Иногда случаются и автомобильные аварии. Дороги в нашем городе не очень хорошие, поэтому также возникают опасные ситуации. Водители в нашем городе обычно очень аккуратные и милые, но есть и беспечные и жестокие. Я думаю, что люди предпочитают автомобили, потому что они более удобны для передвижения.

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