Complete the text by writing one word in each space

10 Complete the text. Write one word in each
26-year-old Chase Dellwo is in hospital.
week, a bear nearly killed him. Chase and his brother
in the country at the time, but they
together. Chase was at the bottom of a hill,
and his brother was at the top. They wanted to catch
some animals. The animals were about 100 metres from
Chase. He walked *
them until they were only
30 metres away, and then he suddenly stopped. There
was a bear lying on the ground in front of him. It
see him because it was asleep. Chase started
to move 6
from the bear, but he wasn’t quick
enough. The bear opened its eyes. Now it
Chase, and it attacked him. Chase was very frightened.
Then, he remembered a story from a magazine. He put
his arm in the back of the bear’s mouth. The bear
very surprised and it stopped attacking
him. It looked at Chase for a moment, then it turned
around and walked
the woods. Chase’s
brother carried him 10
his car and took him to
hospital. Chase is very lucky to be alive.

Английский язык,

вопрос задал risola31,

4 года назад


Ответы на вопрос

Ответил KAYA04



1 What

2 can

3 don’t

4 ? talk

5 in

6 at

7 who


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When he was only 15, Norman Fletcher committed a 1) robbery. He got away with £8.25 and six packets of chewing gum. Unfortunately for him, he had robbed his local shop, so the police arrested him and he had to pay a 2) fine of £82.50. Later on, he became a 3) shoplifter, but he was caught after he had taken a tin of beans from a supermarket. He went to court, and during the 4) trial his 5) lawyer argued that Norman needed to go on a 6) rehabilitation programme. She also said that her client was prepared to do some 7) community service. However, the 8) judge sent him to prison for eight weeks. Brilliantly, Norman broke out of prison the day before his 9) sentence ended. He stole a car to get away, but he was stopped for 10) speeding he was going at over ninety miles per hour — and was sent back to prison. When he was released, Norman decided to become a 11) mugger. He tried to steal a handbag from an old woman, but she hit him so hard with her umbrella that he started screaming for help and he was arrested for noise 12) nuisance!
Когда ему было только 15, Норман Флетчер совершил грабеж. Он вынес 8,25 фунтов стерлингов и шесть упаковок жевательной резинки. К несчастью для него, он ограбил свой местный магазин, так что полиция арестовала его, и он должен был заплатить штраф в размере 82,50 фунтов стерлингов. Позже он стал магазинным вором, но он был пойман после того, как он взял банку бобов из супермаркета. Он пошел в суд, и в течение судебного разбирательства его адвокат утверждал, что Норман должен был пойти на программу реабилитации. Она также сказала, что ее клиент был готов выполнять общественные работы. Тем не менее, судья отправил его в тюрьму на восемь недель. Блестяще, Норман вырвались из тюрьмы за день до того, как его приговор закончился. Он украл автомобиль, чтобы уйти, но он был остановлен за превышение скорости — он ехал более чем девяносто миль в час — и был отправлен обратно в тюрьму. Когда он был освобожден, Норман решил стать грабителем. Он пытался украсть сумку у старой женщины, но она ударила его так сильно ее зонтиком, что он начал кричать о помощи, и он был арестован за шум!

I. Complete the text. Write one word for each space.

My room (1)_____ large and there (2)_____ a desk and (3)_____ bookcase in it. I’ve (4)_____ a lot of interesting books (5)_____ it. The walls in my room (6)_____ yellow and there (7)_____ beautiful pictures on (8)_____.

I (9)_____ a nice brown carpet on (10)_____ floor, which makes (11)_____ room comfortable.

Key: 1. is; 2. is; 3. a; 4. got; 5. in; 6. are;
7. are; 8. them; 9. have; 10. the; 11. my/the

II. Can you add other words to each set?

1. Articles a, _______________

2. Pronouns it, _________________

3. Prepositions to, ______________

4. Auxiliary verbs does, _________

5. Modal verbs must, ___________

Key: (as a variant) 1. an, the; 2. me, its…; 3. in, on, from…; 4. did, do, was, were…;
5. can, should, may

III. Read the announcement and answer the question.

Visit the lively new galleries for art at the National Maritime Museum. There is something for everybody who likes historical and contemporary exhibitions and displays.


Adults: 2 pounds

Children* (16 & under) and Seniors (60+) admitted free

* Children 18 & under also admitted free if in full-time education

Answer the question.

How much does it cost for two adults and two schoolchildren to visit the museum?

Key: 4 pounds

IV. Find the extra word in each line.

Geoffrey Chaucer

1 It was a long time past ago in the 14th century.
2 On one fine April evening people met at an inn in London.
3 These people wanted to go to the town of Canterbury. It had was a long
4 journey. To make it more shorter and more interesting they thought of
5 telling stories on their way. Each of them had got to tell two stories on the
6 way to the Canterbury and two on the way back.
7 Such is the contents of the book been written in the 14th century by the
8 most greatest writer of that time Geoffrey Chaucer (1340–1400). The book
9 is called as the Canterbury Tales.

Key: 1. past; 2. On; 3. had; 4. more; 5. got; 6. the; 7. been; 8. most; 9. as

By Youdif Boyarskaya ,
School No. 814, Moscow

  • 0

Complete the text. Write one word only in each gap. Write your answer as a list. Follow the example. Example: I’ve _got__ two brothers. Jake is 12 years a) ______ and b) ______ big brother, Sam, is 21. I’m 16. Jake is at c) ______ same school as me but d) ______ a different class. Sam e) ______ at university. He f) ______ German and History. My dad works i) _______ an office in Brighton. My mum doesn’t work. She stays j) ______ home.

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  • 0

Полный текст. Писать только одно слово в каждом промежутке. Напиши Свой ответ в виде списка. Последовать примеру. Пример: я _получил__ два брата. Джейк 12 лет) ______ б) ______ старший брат, Сэм, 21. Мне 16. Джейк в C) ______ же школу, что и я, но д) ______ другой класс. Сэм е) ______ в университете. Он Ф) ______ немецкий и историю. Мой папа работает я) _______ офис в Брайтон. Моя мама

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  • Complete the text below with one word in each gap