Complete the text by using the correct form of the word in bold video gaming

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Complete the text by using the correct form of the word in bold.
Game on!
Video gaming is a popular form of 1) entertainment for millions of people around the world. Perhaps the biggest 2) development in video game technology has come with the 3) introduction of the Wii, the Nintendo console, in 2007. Wii allows users to play games interactively using a special piece of wireless 4) equipment called a Wiimote. You can bowl, box or golf by making the same physical 5) movements required for these activities in real life.
Despite advances in technology, 6) discussion about the negative effects of video games continues. Many parents claim that video games distract teenagers’ attention from their 7) schooling. Others call for the 8) omission of violence from video games. However, video games continue to grow in popularity. Recent research has led to the 9) discovery that more and more adults are enjoying video games. It seems that for now, millions of people around the world will ‘game on’.

Ответ от эксперта

1 entertainment
2 development
3 introduction
4 equipment
5 movements
6 discussion
7 schooling
8 omission
9 discovery

Test 4.

  1. Listening.

Listen to 5 people talking about computers. Match the statements (A-E) to the speakers (1-5).

  1. The speaker had to call someone to remove a virus form his/her computer.
  2. The speaker doesn’t like computers.
  3. The speaker thinks it’s important to learn how to use computers.
  4. The speaker doesn’t like it when others use his/her computer.
  5. The speaker spends a lot of time on his/her computer.
  1. Vocabulary.

Complete the text using: figurative, emotional, home, household, artificial.

Do you think it is possible to have a(n) 6)……………response to a robot, such as love? Well, robot researchers do! In a few decades, some think we may have  7)……….robots that look like humans, act like humans and even talk using 8)……………speech like humans! We will feel for those robots the way we feel about other humans and animals.

                However, scientists probably need to create a(n) 9)………………brain before machines are able to think, and this is no easy task. But if you doubt that this will happen, stop and think: who could have predicted 100 years ago that 10)……..computers and the Internet would exist?

  1. Vocabulary.

Write the correct word.

11. Each week viewers/presenters of the show can enter a competition to win a new laptop.

12. We bought all our household software/appliances at a local electrical shop.

13. Although the TV we bought is a well-known brand/ category, we’re not really happy with it.

14. Currently/ gradually, 17% of the world’s population has access to the Internet.

15. Electronic waste is responsible for many of the toxic chemicals that ooze/leak into the ground.

  1. Future tenses.

Write the correct tense form.

16. The computers crashed again. I will have called/ will call someone to come and fix it.

17. Don’t worry. I’ve already called him; he will come/ will be coming in a few minutes.

18. The printer isn’t printing very well. We are going to run/ will be running out of ink.

19. Since you will go/ are going to the shops tomorrow, can you buy some more ink?

20. There is a great film on at the cinema. It starts/ is starting at 9 o’clock, do you want to go?

21. It’s not worth it. By the time we get there it is going to start/ will have started.

22. Do you think John is lending/ will lend me his laptop for a few days?

23. I don’t know, but he is going to be/will have been here soon. Why don’t you ask him?

24. Can I have an iPod, mum? Please? I promise I’m not asking/ won’t ask you to buy me any more gadgets?

25. Ok, I’ll get/will have got you the iPod, but you have to keep the promise you’ve just made!

  1. Word formation.

Complete the text by using the correct form of the word in bold.

Game on!

Video gaming is a popular form of 26)………………(entertain) for millions of people around the world. Perhaps the biggest 27)………………( develop) in video game technology has come with the 28)……………..(introduce) of the Wii, the Nintendo console, in 2007. Wii allows users to play games interactively using a special piece of wireless 29)…………..( equip) called a Wiimote. You can bowl, box or golf by making the same physical 30)………….( move) required for those activities in real life.

                        Despite advances in technology, 31)……………( discuss) about negative effects of video games continues. Many parents clam that video games distract teenagers’ attention from their 32)……………( school). Others call for the 33)……………(omit) of violence from video games. However, video games continue to grow in popularity. Recent research has led to the 34)…………..(discover) that more and more adults are enjoying video games. It seems that for now, millions of people around the world will “game on”.

  1. Phrasal verb “Break”.

Use the phrasal verb “Break” in the correct form to complete the sentences.

35. The police stopped cars on the motorway in search of the criminal who had……….the local prison.

36. Fighting……….between opposing football fans after the last night’s game.

37. The couple…………but got back together a month later.

38. When her car………..she called a local garage to ask for help.

39. The police are looking for two men who were filmed as they were……… electrical shop last night.

  1. Reading.

Match the headings to the abstracts.

40. Easy ways to analyze one’s computer habits.

41. Younger users at risk.

43. What computer addiction is.

44. What’s the remedy?

45. Threats of growing computer addiction.

46. Computer addiction among other addictions.

47. Stages of computer addiction history.

2 Complete the sentences using the correct form of the word in bold.
1 Why did the teacher
leave the class? sudden
2 It was a
idea to invite Jack to your party. love
3 I agree that your cousin is very handsome! total
4 Yes, I will
go to the school dance with you! happy
5 You are
right. The French are amazing cooks! complete
6 My sister sings
7 When I got a dog, I
understood how wonderful pets are. final
8 This is a
magazine. I buy it every Friday. week​

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