Complete the text below by choosing the best word for each gap

Complete the text below by choosing the best word (A-D) for each gap (1-7) .
Victor Tsoi was born in Leningrad in 1962. His mother was Russian and his father was Korean. 1 ………did they know that their son would grow up to be one of the pioneers of Russian rock music.
He started writing rock songs 2 ………. he was 1 7, and by the time he was 20 he had formed a band called ‘Kino! They made their first recording in Tsoi’s flat and the demo tape was passed 3) ) …………. the city and then the country.
Kino quickly 4 …………. a large cult following. When their first album 45′ was released in 1982, the political 5) ………. of their lyrics both excited a lot of Russian youth and angered the authorities. The band was the runaway winner of the Leningrand Rock Club Concert, mostly due to the popularity of their anti-war songs.
1985 proved to be a very important year for Tsoi and for Kino. Tsoi got married and had a son, Alexander. Social reforms allowed rock bands to be written about and 6 …….) ) on TV which up until then had not been allowed. Kino then quickly became the most popular rock band in Russia.
Sadly, Victor Tsoi died in a tragic car accident in 1990. Amazingly, a tape of his vocals for the next album survived the crash and the band made the album after his death. This album was called the ‘Black Album’ and it was the band’s 7 ………….) )
Their music is still popular today and Victor Tsoi remains a cultural hero.


Module 7


Fill in the gaps (1-6) with the phrases (A-G). There is one phrase that you do not need to use.


A McJob? What on earth is that? Well, according to a recently-added dictionary entry, a McJob is a low-paying job that requires little skill and provides little opportunity for advancement.

You dream of a job like this, right? A monotonous, tedious job 1)_______? No? Then, why are thousands of educated young people spending hours each day folding jumpers, grilling burgers, serving cappuccinos and unpacking boxes of books?

Katie Underwood, a twenty-three-year-old university student, has had around twenty jobs like this. She has worked night-shifts, has been told she can’t have a break or a day off 2)__________.

Fast food adverts and movies may make us think that these jobs are held by pink-cheeked, trendy teens 3)__________, but in actual fact, most people in these jobs are in their late teens and twenties.

Like Katie, these youngsters are juggling these part-time jobs and university classes 4)_________.

So, how sorry for yourself should you feel if you have to take a McJob? Well, perhaps you’re actually one of the lucky ones! First of all, some well-known former McDonald’s workers include Jeff Bezos, founder of and Carl Lewis, Olympic gold medallist, and according to a recent article, around 20 0f the 50 top worldwide managers began by grilling burgers! Secondly, most young people who take these jobs have little or no previous work experience. Learning how to get to work on time, operate a machine, count change, serve customers politely, co-operate with fellow workers and accept orders from a boss are skills 5)________.

So, a McJob might be boring, tiring and badly-paid, 6)_________. Undoubtedly, it will also make you appreciate just how lucky you are when you finally get your dream job!

A so that they can pay for skyrocketing tuition fees and living expenses

B which can give you valuable experience and maturity before you enter your

chosen career

C who have worked in factories, shoe shops, restaurants, bars and museums

D who are just looking for a bit of extra spending money

E but it can help prepare you better for the harsh world of work

F that involves washing dishes, delivering parcels or asking “World you like

fries with that?”

G and has usually been paid no more than the minimum wage


Listen to speakers 1-5. Which of the comments below might each speaker say? There is one comment you don’t need to use.

A I realized what I wanted to do at a particular moment.

B I want to do something that lets me see lots of different places.

C I want to be my own boss.

D I want to do something to fight unfairness in the world.

E I want to work for an environmental organization.

F It’s difficult to earn enough money doing what I love.









Complete the text below by choosing the best word (A-D) for each gap (1-7).


Victor Tsoi was born in Leningrad in 1962. His mother was Russian and his father was Korean. 1)____________ did they know that their son would grow up to be one of the pioneers of Russian rock music.

He started writing rock songs 2)_______________he was 17, and by the time he was 20 he had formed a band called ‘Kino’. They made their first recording in Tsoi’s flat and the demo tape was passed 3)___________the city and then the country. Kino quickly 4)___________ a large cult following. When their first album ‘45’ was released in 1982, the political 5)___________ of their lyrics both excited a lot of Russian youth and angered the authorities. The band was the runaway winner of the Leningrad Rock Club Concert, mostly due to the popularity of their anti-war songs.

1985 proved to be a very important year for Tsoi and for Kino. Tsoi got married and had a son, Alexander. Social reforms allowed rock bands to be written about and 6)_____________ on TV, which up until then had not been allowed. Kino then quickly became the most popular rock band in Russia.

Sadly, Victor Tsoi died in a tragic car accident in 1990. Amazingly, a tape of his vocals for the next album survived the crash and the band made the album after his death. This album was called the ‘Black Album’ and it was the band’s 7)________ Their music is still popular today and Victor Tsoi remains a cultural hero.

1 A Few B Less C Small D Little

2 A then B when C so D because

3 A through B up C down D around

4 A reached B caught C attracted D attained

5 A essence B way C nature D spirit

6 A happen B occur C see D appear

7 A final B last C end D concluding


Read the extract from your friend Pete’s letter. Write a letter to Pete. In your letter:

  • tell him how you feel about finishing school and your plans for next year

  • ask three questions about his brother’s graduation

Write 100-140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

I can’t believe we’ve both finished school now! How do you feel about it? What are your plans for next year? My brother Michael has just graduated from university and we all went to his graduation ceremony last week…



Нормы оценивания ЗУН по английскому языку при выполнении данной контрольной работы:

Контрольная работа состоит из 4 заданий:

Задание 1 LISTENING (Аудирование) – 6 баллов

Задание 2 READING (Чтение) – 7 баллов

Задание 3 USE OF ENGLISH — 7 баллов

Задание 4 WRITING (Письмо) – 10 баллов

Всего: 30 баллов

30 — 28 баллов — оценка «5»

27 — 25 баллов — оценка «4»

24 — 20 баллов — оценка «3»

Ребят помогите пожалуйста ,срочно!!!Дам 28 баллов
2. Read the text below and choose the correct word f
or each gap.
It was a hot summer day and Henry and his wife were
sitting in their garden. «I 1) …
you on a
weekend break next week,» Henry announced as he pour
ed his wife some orange juice. «This
time next Saturday, you and I 2) … lunch in downtow
n New York! I have booked the tickets.
The flight 3) … at 9:30 in the morning and 4) …
at midday. I’m sure we 5) … a taxi to take us to
the hotel with no problem.» «What a lovely surprise!»
replied his wife. «I just hope you 6) …
from Thursday afternoon 7) … we go away.» «Why?» ask
ed Henry. «What 8) … on
Thursday?» «You 9) … to the dentist to have your wisd
om teeth out, my dear,» laughed his
will have taken
will take
’m taking
will be having
will have
are having
will be leaving
will to leave
will to arrive
will have arrived
will find
is going to find
are finding
will have
will be recovering
are recovering
by the time
by then
is happening
is to happen
are going
will have gone
will go

3a Выберите лучшее слово (А, В, С или D) для каждого пропуска (1-8).

Ты с нетерпением 1) ждешь, когда пойдешь в школу или ты абсолютно боишься(dread) этого? Или, возможно, ты бы предпочел пойти в школу где-то еще! На этой неделе журнал Go рассмотрит, насколько разными бывают школы 2) в мире.


В мире существует много видов школ. Некоторые дорогие, частные школы-интернаты, как, например Школа Регби в Англии, где была изобретена(inventend) игра регби! Также есть специальные школы, например школы драмы, танцевальные школы или 40 акробатических школ в Уцяо, в Китае. Это может звучать смешно, но как объясняет 13-летний Чжан Ли: «Наша тренировка(training) начинается 5:30 утра. Это очень тяжело, но эти навыки(skills) помогут мне 3) зарабатывать на жизнь, когда я закончу школу». Также в разных школах огромное количество учебных предметов. В Средней школе Холдена в США, предметы включают в себя рисование комиксов, уроки фотографии, написание песен и йогу.


В школе в горах Аннапурна в Непале, занятия не начинаются раньше 10 утра потому, что многие ученики вынуждены пройти пешком час, чтобы добраться до школы. В Японии нет ничего необычного(unusual) в том, чтобы 4) тратить 2 часа или больше, чтобы добраться до школы на общественном транспорте(public trasport) «Это не так уж и плохо» — говорит 15-летний Кейко из Токио. «Иногда я учусь или сплю в поезде, и это хороший способ догнать моих друзей 5) по учебе».


Средняя продолжительность учебного дня в Великобритании и США – 6 с половиной часов для учащихся средней школы. Ученикам в Корее и Греции, 6) однако не так повезло! После школы они посещают(attend) дополнительные занятия в частных школах. «Обычно, — говорит Джи Ким из Сеула, Южная Корея, — я не возвращаюсь домой раньше полуночи, но если я не буду упорно заниматься, я не 7) поступлю в хороший университет».


Во всех школах есть правила, но иногда они действительно строгие(strict). В колледже Итон, очень известной школе-интернате для мальчиков в Англии, студенты носят изящную(smart), но очень старомодную форму(old-fashioned unifom) с длинным пиджаком, штанами и рубашкой; в Японии все должны участвовать(participate) в «о содзи» или уборке школы перед тем, как идти домой, в то время как в школе Саммерхилл в Англии, где студенты сами 8) придумывают правила!


Итак, твоя школа лучше или хуже, чем школы в других частях мира? Неважно каков твой ответ, мы не должны забывать, что у 300 миллионов детей в мире нет школ, чтобы в них ходить. Так что если ты даже захочешь изменить какие-то вещи в своей школе, ты один из счастливчиков!









People have always gone to concerts to hear
their favorite musicians perform. Since the 1960s, a related form
of _________ has
grown in __________:
the music festival. A music festival is usually organized over a
couple of days and is like a series of mini-concerts from a number
of artists. The _________ get
to see different acts and usually have to pay an _________
fee to get into the festival. At larger
festivals, such as Glastonbury in the UK, they can then choose
which stage to visit. It can be very _________
and the crowd shows their ___________
of the musicians by dancing and
cheering. At many festivals, other are also organized, such as
juggling or fire-eating displays.

first major festival took place in America at a place called
Woodstock. It was free, and the __________
was very high – many thousands of
people got together at this very event. Many of the musicians who
performed there went on to become very ___________









  1. W rite / make up a story (cram story, a letter) on the given situations using topical vocabulary.

    1. You are going to Germany on holiday. Write to an old friend who
      moved there many years ago to inform him of your visit and to make
      arrangements to meet.

    2. Your daughter is not happy with her ballet dances classes. She says
      there are too many children in one class. Complain to the ballet
      school explaining the problem and offering the suggestion.

    3. You recently went on a rafting weekend here you
      had a bad accident. Send to the organizers a thanking letter for
      their help and professional service.

    4. You want to make a national competition for
      young musicians. Write a newspaper advertisement about it.

    5. Write a letter to the manager of your favorite
      football team asking if you and your friend can visit the stadium
      and possibly meet some of the players.


  1. Fill in the text with the word that best fits each gap. American County Fairs

Each summer, counties all … the United States
hold county fairs. The fairs have been taking place for more …
150 years, and serve as a good way to bring
… people of the county together for a little food and fun.

Typically, a county fair has a variety …
activities and events. Central to every fair, however, …
the animal shows. Participants from tots to
teens have the opportunity to prepare, then present their animal for
show. The shows are judged … experts,
and one animal in every category wins a prize, usually a blue ribbon.
The animals must … well
fed, in good health and well groomed. Often the horses have bows and
ribbons tied in their hair, and the rabbits wear fancy collars. The
children take great pride in carrying for their animals, and …
forward to the fair every year.

Besides animals, there are also displays of
handmade arts and crafts. These too are judged in competition with
each … . Looking at the handmade quilts and sweaters, one imagines
what life was … a hundred years ago. The county fair competitions
provide a good way … preserving old art forms for new generations.
County fairs usually last … about a week, and are often held in
July. Visitors like to make the trip to see the animals and crafts.
Kids love the excitement too. All in all, a trip to the local county
fair makes for a very pleasant summer’s day.

  1. Read an article about trainspotting. Six sentences have been
    removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-G the one
    which fits each gap (1-5). There is one extra sentence which you
    don’t need to use. An example at the beginning is given (0).

A It is
also important to stay a safe distance from the tracks.

B Steam
trains are the most beautiful.

C Unlike
some hobbies, you don’t need a lot of expensive equipment.

D It
can be in beautiful countryside or by an old bridge.

just don’t understand what so funny.

F York
Station is also very popular.

G The
final aim of this is to have seen every train in the country.

A hobby which is particularly strange to many
people is trainspotting or trainfanning, as it is called in America.
This pastime usually involves standing on the platform of a railway
station in all kinds of weather and for many hours, writing down the
serial numbers of all trains that pass through the station on that
day. 0 – G.

1____ A pen or pencil, a notebook for the train numbers, a camera and
perhaps a pair of binoculars is all that most people take with them.
You also need a lot of patience.

There are two very busy places in England for trainspotters. Clapham
junction Station, which is to the south of London, is one of them. It
is the busiest station in the country.

2_____ It is in northern England and it has the National Railway
Museum nearby.

Although people laugh at trainspotting and say that it’s boring,
those who have taken up this hobby disagree. ‘It’s not just about
standing on a platform and writing the numbers of trains as they pass
through a station,’ says Bob Turner, who has been a trainspotter
for 20 years. ‘It also involves activities like watching trains
from a favorite location. 3_____ We also ride trains for fun, take
photographs or even visit railway shows and museums. Being a
trainspotter also increases a person’s interest in rail history.’

There are also a few rules that trainspotters follow for their own
and other people’s safety. ‘Safety is very important,’ says
Bob. ‘You must always cross the tracks at the proper crossing, not
just at any point, and you must always expect a train on any tracks
from any direction and at any time. 4_____ You must never walk along
the tracks, on bridges or through tunnels. Nobody should risk having
an accident while enjoying a hobby.’ Does he really enjoy it? ‘Yes
I do!’ says Bob, smiling. ‘I don’t know why people think it’s
something to laugh at. 5_____ Trainspotting can be a great way to
spend your time. I have traveled all around the country looking at
all kinds of trains and I have seen lots of great places. One more
thing we don’t all wear little brown glasses and anoraks!’

  • Do you personally consider trainspotting as a hobby?

  • Is trainfanning peculiar to megalopolises only?

  • Is this extraordinary hobby common with your country?

  • Have you ever thought of taking up trainspotting?

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