Complete the story with the correct form of the word in the box


** Complete the story with the correct
form of the words in the box.
trip/over fall off/bike burn/hand
cut/finger hurtback crash/car
Yesterday there were a lot of accidents in our house.
My dad hurt his back when he tried to move the
sofa. My mum ?
_ when she opened a can
of cat food and then later she 3_
_ while
she was cooking some chicken. Then my granddad
the cat and
on the wall.
My sister went cycling in the park and _
She couldn’t walk and her leg hurt, so we all went to
the hospital in Dad’s car. Then Dad?
an ambulance! I was fine!

1 ответ:




Ma mum cut her finger

She burnt her hand

(granddad) Tripped over the cat and crashed on the wall

(sister) And fell off the bike

(dad) Banged his car into an ambulance

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Мой день рождения                                  Моя национальность
Мой адрес
Имя моего учителя
Мой любимый школьный предмет
Моя любимая книга
Моя любимая телевизионная программа
Цвет моих волос
Цвет моих глаз
Мой любимый цвет
Мой любимый сендвич

высокий                            богатый                      худой
сильный                           забавный                    счастливый
знаменитый                     красивый

Мне нравятся:
кошки                                бананы
тигры                                акулы
гиппопотамы                    шоколад
орехи                                блины

У меня есть:
сестра                                      игрушечный медвежонок
домашнее животное               красная шляпа

То, что справа со строчками:
Я ношу мою любимую одежду. Это: _________________________

Our ,her their my your his

Play наверное , больше не чего не подходит

Да, все верно составлено.

Have you ever worked in a shop? No, I haven’t. I have never worked in a shop.
What’s the best film you have ever watched? The best film I have ever watched is the Titanic.
Have your parents ever lived in a foreign country? Yes, they have. They have lived in France. Have you ever stayed in a luxury hotel? Yes, I have. I’ve stayed at the Hilton Hotel.
What’ s the most interesting food you have ever tasted? The most interesting food I have ever tasted is sushi.

Complete the story with the correct form of the word in boxes.

If there is no word in the box, use the most appropriate one

Harry didn’t have a very good morning.

At half past ten he (have) to go and see the head teacher in his office.

His science teacher said (that) he talk in the classroom during the lesson but actually, it was his friend, Chris.

Harry didn’t (tell) the science teacher about that.

In the afternoon, Harry’s class had a history lesson.

They all loved their teacher, Mrs.

Norton, because she liked telling stories and always told them very (good) .

They had a very interesting lesson about some wonderful castles around England.

It was a real surprise when the teacher said, «Friends!

(at) the weekend our school organises a trip to a castle.

Please, (not / forget) an umbrella.

You will need it if it (rain) .

» Harry was really excited about the trip.

He felt much (happy) than in the morning.

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The ‘coming of age’ movie is very popular, and there 1) have been many of these films over the years. One of the first, made in 1973, was American Graffiti, directed by George Lucas.
The story follows four friends who lived in a small town in America in 1962. Two of the friends 2) had just left school and 3) spent their last night at home before going to college. One of the friends, Curt, was unsure about going and 4) didn’t want to leave home. ‘Why leave home to find a home?’ he asked. So, this is clearly a film about the change from school to college, growing up and leaving home even though all the action takes place on one night. But later in the film, Curt saw the example of John, an older boy who 5) didn’t go to college. He was a hero to Curt’s generation with his fast car and good looks but Curt now 6) realised that there was much more to life than what John had and that the world 7) was changing fast.
One interesting thing that Lucas did, and which many others 8) have been copying since, was, at the end of the film, to show us what 9) had happened to the characters since the film was made, as if they were real people. Curt, the real hero of the film, is now a writer and he 10) lives in Canada. John, the rebel, 11) died in a car crash in 1964. Terry, a harmless, innocent character, was killed in Vietnam, a metaphor for how the simple, innocent life of America in the 1950s was changed forever by the horrors of the Vietnam war.
ОБЗОР ФИЛЬМА Американские граффити (1973)
Фильмы о «взрослении» очень популярны, и за эти годы было много таких фильмов. Одним из первых, сделанных в 1973 году, был Американские граффити, режиссера Джорджа Лукаса.
История о четырех друзьях, которые жили в маленьком городке в Америке в 1962 году. Двое из друзей только что окончили школу и провели свою последнюю ночь дома, прежде чем пойти в колледж. Один из друзей, Курт, не был уверен в поступлении и не хотел уходить из дома. «Зачем уходить из дома, чтобы найти дом?» — спросил он. Таким образом, это, безусловно, фильм об изменении от школы к колледжу, взрослении и выходе из дома, хотя все действия происходят в одну ночь. Но позже в фильме Курт увидел пример Джона, старшего мальчика, который не пошел в колледж. Он был героем поколения Курта с его быстрым автомобилем и хорошей внешностью, но Курт теперь понял, что жизнь намного больше, чем то, что имел Джон, и что мир быстро меняется.
Одна интересная вещь, которую сделал Лукас, и которую многие другие копировали с тех пор, была в конце фильма, чтобы показать нам, что случилось с персонажами с момента создания фильма, как если бы они были настоящими людьми. Курт, настоящий герой фильма, теперь писатель, и он живет в Канаде. Джон, бунтарь, погиб в автокатастрофе в 1964 году. Терри, безобидный, невинный персонаж, был убит во Вьетнаме, метафора о том, как простая, невинная жизнь Америки в 1950-х годах навсегда изменилась ужасами войны во Вьетнаме.

A. Complete using the correct form of the words in the box.

1   John Sanders, MP, ………………… any involvement in the scandal when asked about it yesterday.

2   The politician ………………… to say more when questioned by reporters this morning.

3   Johnny Depp rarely ………………… invitations to do interviews.

4   Johnny Depp ………………… to appear at a press conference to promote his latest film.

5   Did you see the newspaper ………………… this morning?

6   If you give every paragraph of your report a …………………, it’ll be easier to read.

7   Living Today has got a special ………………… this month on healthy diets. There are interviews with nutritionists, menus, recipes, and loads of other things too.

8   There’s an interesting ………………… in the paper about the Constitution of the European Union.

9   I generally trust what I hear on the news, but rarely believe anything I read in the ………………… .

10   The ………………… involve print journalism, TV, radio and even electronic forms of communication such as the Internet.

11   We interrupt this programme to bring you an urgent ………………… .

12   And we’ll be back with our regular ………………… at seven o’clock.


1 denied   2 refused   3 accepts   4 (has) agreed

5 headline(s)   6 heading   7 feature   8 article

9 press   10 media   11 newsflash   12 bulletin

B. Circle the correct word or phrase.

 It’s a great computer programme / program once you get the hang of it.

 I hate tabloid / broadsheet newspapers; they’re just full of gossip, scandal and lies!

 As a journalist / columnist for a local paper, you don’t have to interview people or attend events. You just have to express your opinions about the issues of the day.

4   There’s a great talk / quiz / game show on BBC1 tonight. Contestants have to race through a supermarket as quickly as they can, filling up their trolleys as they go.

5   On some TV channels, an announcer / a commentator tells you what the next programme is going to be.

6   Join us at half past nine for a live broadcast / channel of the State Opening of Parliament.


1 program   2 tabloid   3 columnist

4 game   5 an announcer   6 broadcast

C. Write on word in each gap.

 Please do not ……………… over your examination papers until you are instructed to do so.

 I had to ……………… in so many forms. It took me hours!

 I’d like everyone here to ……………… forward as many suggestions as possible.

 There was a guy in the street ……………… out free tickets to that new quiz show.

 He ……………… out that he’d worked in children’s TV, but in fact he’s never been near a TV studio!

 Could you ……………… up her number in the phone book?

 She ……………… out as one of the finest contemporary British novelists around at the moment.


1 turn   2 fill   3 put   4 handing/giving

5 made   6 look   7 stands

D. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.

1   Her latest bestseller was published last month.   out

      Her latest bestseller …………………………………… last month.

2   That story’s not true, is it?   up

      You ……………………………………, didn’t you?

3   The programme starts at half past six.   on

      The programme …………………………………… at half past six.

4   The documentary didn’t really explore why the rainforests are being cut down.   into

      The documentary didn’t really …………………………………… why the rainforests are being cut down.

5   I had a quick look at the magazine in the dentist’s waiting room.   through

      I …………………………………… in the dentist’s waiting room

6   I don’t think we need to mention that now.   up

      I don’t think we need to …………………………………… now.

7   Your lies don’t fool me!   through

      I can …………………………………… your lies!


1 came out/ was brought out

2 made that story up/ made up that story

3 comes on/ is on

4 go into

5 flicked through the magazine

6 bring that up

7 see through

E. Choose the correct answer.

1   It’s not always easy to ………… the difference between fact and opinion.

        A make         B do

        C say             D tell

2   The debate will ………… place tonight.

        A be              B have

        C take           D make

3   In my …………, freedom of the press must be maintained.

        A mind          B view

        C sight          D thought

4   Media mogul Ronald Morduck has ………… control of another tabloid.

        A made         B found

        C give            D taken

5   They ………… a description of the robber on CrimeTime and it sounded like you!

        A made         B told

        C said            D gave

6   J.K. Rowling has ………… an enormous influence on children’s literature.

        A had            B given

        C done          D set

7   I could spend hours ………… the Internet!

        A surfing      B diving

        C sailing        D swimming

8   They said ………… the news that the price of petrol is going up again.

        A from          B in

        C on              D at

9   The issue ………… question is more complex than you think.

        A from          B in

        C on              D at

10   Watch ………… for words like ‘so-called’ in articles as they express the writer’s bias.

        A about        B around

        C over           D out


1 D   2 C   3 B   4 D   5 D   6 A

7 A   8 C   9 B   10 D

F. Each of the words in bold is incorrect. Rewrite them correctly.

 He’s been described by several critics for our greatest living poet. ………………

 I think you’ve confused tabloids by broadsheets. ………………

 Do you believe about telepathy? ………………

 There’s no point of trying to get an interview with him. He never does interviews! ………………

 According from this report, scientists have discovered a new planet. ………………

 The facts in this article don’t correspond about my own experience at all. ………………


1 as   2 with   3 in    4 in    5 to   6 with

G. Water has damaged part of this text about an announcement. Read it and decide what you think each of the original words was. Write the words in the blank spaces.

The announcement

The editor sent an e-mail (1) …………… every journalist on the news desk announcing (2) …………… there would be an emergency editorial meeting at one o’clock. I had heard (3) …………… the problems the paper was facing and I heard (4) …………… one of my colleagues that the paper might be going to close. Whatever it was, it was likely (5) …………… be bad news. At the meeting, the editor told us (6) …………… to tell anyone else yet, but the paper had been taken over by Ronald Morduck. He said he had only been informed (7) …………… the decision that morning. We were all so surprised (8) …………… the news that nobody knew what to say. I made a comment (9) …………… a colleague that it was time to start looking for a new job. The editor heard this, and finally managed to persuade us not (10) …………… quit until we had seen what changes would be made.


1 to   2 that   3 about   4 from    5 to

6 not   7 of/about   8 by/at   9 to   10 to

H. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals when this necessary.

1   Why do press photographers think they can turn up at a celebrity’s house completely …………………. (ANNOUNCE)?

2   How many means of …………………. (COMMUNICATE) do you use on a regular basis?

3   Could you write an …………………. (EDIT) for the next issue of the school magazine?

4   You have to have a sense of …………………. (HUMOUR) to work on children’s TV!

5   There’s an …………………. (WRITE) rule on tabloid newspapers that the truth always takes second place to a good story.

 When Jill was at …………………. (SECOND) school she used to dream of being a DJ on local radio.

 Are you thinking of a career in …………………. (JOURNAL)?

 You don’t actually get a lot of …………………. (INFORM) from a news report on radio or TV.


1 unannounced   2 communication   3 editorial

4 humour   5 unwritten   6 secondary

7 journalism   8 information

I. Complete the text by changing the form of the word in capitals.

Politics on TV

I love watching (1) …………………. (DISCUSS) programmes, and I love politics, so you’d think I’d enjoy watching (2) …………………. (POLITICS) being interviewed on TV. But I don’t. All too often, (3) …………………. (JOURNAL) ask them the most (4) …………………. (RIDICULE) questions, and, when they do get an interesting question, I sit there watching in (5) …………………. (BELIEVE) as some of the most (6) …………………. (POWER) people in the country give totally (7) …………………. (CONVINCE) responses. It’s as if they don’t care whether their reply is (8) …………………. (BELIEVE) or not. Often, they’re very poor (9) …………………. (COMMUNICATE), and they’re frequently even more (10) …………………. (INFORM) about key issues than I am. I don’t expect them to be particularly (11) …………………. (HUMOUR) – they are serious people, after all – but at least they could say something interesting occasionally. It makes me want to stand for election myself!


1 discussion   2 politicians   3 journalists   4 ridiculous

5 disbelief   6 powerful   7 unconvincing   8 believable

9 communicators   10 uninformed   11 humorous

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