Complete the sentences with the words in brackets check in the word list wedding marriage

5 Дополните предложения словами в скобках. Проверьте по Списку Слов.

1 Не был ли брачный обет красивым на свадьбе Анны и Ника?

2 Есть только четыре человека из моих ближайших родственников, но есть более двадцати в моей расширенной семье.

3 Моя пожилая бабушка живет в маленьком старом коттедже.

4 Мои родственники, которые пришли на праздник семьи, растянулись на три поколения!

5 Некоторые из наших родственников недавно дали нам фотоальбом с фотографиями наших предков.

6 Нуклеарная семья состоит из отца, матери и детей, в то время как неполная семья состоит из одного родителя и детей.


1 marriage, wedding (женитьба, свадьба)

2 immediate, extended (близкие, дальние)

3 elderly, old (пожилой, старый)

4 relations, generations (отношения, поколения)

5 relatives, ancestors (родственники, предки)

6 nuclear, single parent (нуклеарная, неполная)

5 Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. Check in the Word List.
1 Weren’t the …………… vows beautiful at Anna and Nick’s …………………..? (wedding/marriage)
‘My parents both come from large families, but in ours there’s just my brother and I. Although the birth rate has dropped a lot here in recent years, family still takes priority. My parents make us feel special. We can express ourselves openly and have our opinions listened to. We have lots of family celebrations and we often share Sunday lunch with my grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. Meal times are really important to us, as they are to most Italians. After dinner, we often dress up and go out for a passeggiata, or evening stroll.’
Sylvia, 19
‘My parents are separated, so my sister and I live with our mum. We spend most weekends at our father’s place though, as our parents think it is important that they both remain a big part of our lives. I don’t see much of either of my grandparents as they live in different cities. I am very close to my maternal grandmother though, and I speak to her on the phone a lot.’
Thomas, 17
‘My family is the centre of my life. Family hierarchy is very important in Jordan and the young show respect to the old at all times. Getting married and having a family is a top priority for me. My marriage will probably be arranged by my father, which is quite common here. I have a large family and my house is often full of relatives visiting us. Indeed, the concept of privacy is alien to us Jordanians!
Aalia, 17
‘The Japanese believe that the strength and support of the family is essential for reaching your full potential in life. Like all Japanese children, I was taught to obey authority and to be very polite, as poor behaviour would reflect badly on my family. Being a parent is considered a very important role. My sister and brother-in-law have just had their first child, so they have started calling each other ‘Otoosan’ and ‘Okaasan’ (Father and Mother) instead of their first names. This is very common here!’
Takumi, 18
2) ) There are just four people in my ………………, but more than twenty in my ………………family. (extended/immediate)
3) ) My ….. grandmother lives in a little …… cottage. (old/elderly)
4) ) My) ) ……… who came to the family celebration spanned three……………..! (generations/relations)
5) ) Some ……………of ours recently gave us a photo album full of pictures of our …………..) ) ) ) (ancestors/relatives)
6) ) A……….family consists of father, mother and children whereas a) ) family consists of one parent and children (single parent, nuclear)

На этой странице вы сможете найти и списать готовое домешнее задание (ГДЗ) для школьников по предмету Английский язык, которые посещают 11 класс из книги или рабочей тетради под названием/издательством «Spotlight», которая была написана автором/авторами: Афанасьева, Дули. ГДЗ представлено для списывания совершенно бесплатно и в открытом доступе.

Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. Check in the Word List.
1 Weren’t the  …. vows beautiful at Anna and Nick’s .. …..? (wedding/marriage)
‘My parents both come from large families, but in ours there’s just my brother and I. Although the birth rate has dropped a lot here in recent years, family still takes priority. My parents make us feel special. We can express ourselves openly and have our opinions listened to. We have lots of family celebrations and we often share Sunday lunch with my grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. Meal times are really important to us, as they are to most Italians. After dinner, we often dress up and go out for a passeggiata, or evening stroll.’
Sylvia, 19
‘My parents are separated, so my sister and I live with our mum. We spend most weekends at our father’s place though, as our parents think it is important that they both remain a big part of our lives. I don’t see much of either of my grandparents as they live in different cities. I am very close to my maternal grandmother though, and I speak to her on the phone a lot.’
Thomas, 17
‘My family is the centre of my life. Family hierarchy is very important in Jordan and the young show respect to the old at all times. Getting married and having a family is a top priority for me. My marriage will probably be arranged by my father, which is quite common here. I have a large family and my house is often full of relatives visiting us. Indeed, the concept of privacy is alien to us Jordanians!
Aalia, 17
‘The Japanese believe that the strength and support of the family is essential for reaching your full potential in life. Like all Japanese children, I was taught to obey authority and to be very polite, as poor behaviour would reflect badly on my family. Being a parent is considered a very important role. My sister and brother-in-law have just had their first child, so they have started calling each other ‘Otoosan’ and ‘Okaasan’ (Father and Mother) instead of their first names. This is very common here!’
Takumi, 18
2) ) There are just four people in my ………………, but more than twenty in my ………………family. (extended/immediate)
3) ) My ….. grandmother lives in a little …… cottage. (old/elderly)
4) ) My) ) ……… who came to the family celebration spanned three……………..! (generations/relations)
5) ) Some ……………of ours recently gave us a photo album full of pictures of our …………..) ) ) ) (ancestors/relatives)
6) ) A……….family consists of father, mother and children whereas a) ) family consists of one parent and children (single parent, nuclear)

Гипермаркет знаний>>Английский язык>>Английский язык 11 класс>> 1a Reading Skills

1a  Reading Skills

1 Close your eyes and listen to the music. Think of your family at home on a cold, snowy, winter Sunday evening. What can you see, hear, smell? How does it make you feel?
Reading Skills

Reading for specific information
Underline the key words in the questions. Read the text(s) and find phrases which match the underlined key words. The information may be paraphrased. This helps us do the task.


2  Read the text on pp. 10-11. Which person/people…

1    explains that their behaviour can affect their family’s reputation?
2    say that people have high regard for the older generation in their countries?
3    doesn’t have any siblings?
4    won’t choose their own husband/wife?
5    don’t live with both parents?
6    wishes they could see a member of their family more?

3  Listen and read the text again. Match the words in bold in the text to their meaning.

 idea, seniors, customs, boring, walk, help, scheme, become less, mother’s, is the most important thing, continue to be, ranking, comply with, no brother or sisters, good reputation


4 а  Write the male/female equivalent.

1 stepfather …..,2 brother-in-law …….,
3 nephew …..,4 half-sister…….,
5 mother-in-law………., 6 grandson    …………,
7 great-grandfather…………., 8 ex-husband    …………..,   
9 widow…………, 10 twin sister    ……………. .

b Write five family names on a piece of paper. Swap papers. Find out how your partner is related to each person.

> Who’s Peter? He’s my grandfather He died before I was born.


What  make a family in Moscow different from a family in Deijing?  And what makes it the same? No matter  where you come from, family is the cradle of life and love, the place where you feel special, secure and accepted. Let’s take an inside look at the lives six teens from around the world as we see how special events, cultural traditions and family bonds all play a part in shaping the unique structure and lifestyle of each ot their families!


‘I am an only child because, in 1979, the government in my country introduced a one-child-per-family policy to control China’s population explosion. In the countryside, several generations often live under one roof! In urban areas, however, housing is small and can only accommodate a nuclear family, so I live with just my parents. All my relations live close by. We care for and help each other and spend a lot of time together. Family honour is very important in Chinese society, as is respect for your elders’.
Cheung, 16


‘I am an only child and l live with my parents and my grandma, or ‘babushka’ as we say here in Russia. My grandpa passed away last year so Babushka left her house in the country to come and live with us here in the city. When I was young I lived with my grandparents at their dacha and in many ways they were like parents to me. I don’t see my parents as much as I would like, as they work long hours. Still, we’ve learnt to make the most of our time together, so there’s never a dull moment in our house!’
Natasha, 15

5 Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. Check in the Word List.

1 Weren’t the …………… vows beautiful at Anna and Nick’s …………………..? (wedding/marriage)


‘My parents both come from large families, but in ours there’s just my brother and I. Although the birth rate has dropped a lot here in recent years, family still takes priority. My parents make us feel special. We can express ourselves openly and have our opinions listened to. We have lots of family celebrations and we often share Sunday lunch with my grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. Meal times are really important to us, as they are to most Italians. After dinner, we often dress up and go out for a passeggiata, or evening stroll.’
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Sylvia, 19


‘My parents are separated, so my sister and I live with our mum. We spend most weekends at our father’s place though, as our parents think it is important that they both remain a big part of our lives. I don’t see much of either of my grandparents as they live in different cities. I am very close to my maternal grandmother though, and I speak to her on the phone a lot.’
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Thomas, 17


‘My family is the centre of my life. Family hierarchy is very important in Jordan and the young show respect to the old at all times. Getting married and having a family is a top priority for me. My marriage will probably be arranged by my father, which is quite common here. I have a large family and my house is often full of relatives visiting us. Indeed, the concept of privacy is alien to us Jordanians!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Aalia, 17


‘The Japanese believe that the strength and support of the family is essential for reaching your full potential in life. Like all Japanese children, I was taught to obey authority and to be very polite, as poor behaviour would reflect badly on my family. Being a parent is considered a very important role. My sister and brother-in-law have just had their first child, so they have started calling each other ‘Otoosan’ and ‘Okaasan’ (Father and Mother) instead of their first names. This is very common here!’

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Takumi, 18

2    There are just four people in my ………………, but more than twenty in my ………………family. (extended/immediate)

3    My ….. grandmother lives in a little …… cottage. (old/elderly)

4    My    ……… who came to the family celebration spanned three……………..! (generations/relations)

5    Some ……………of ours recently gave us a photo album full of pictures of our …………..         (ancestors/relatives)

6    A……….family consists of father, mother and children whereas a    family consists of one parent and children (single parent, nuclear)

6 Fill in: engaged, married, divorced, separated, single, get, widow, foster, stepmother, in-laws.

1   My sister is ……. to be ………… to a wonderful man.

2   When she ………….. from her husband, she moved to her parents’ house.

3   It’s difficult to be a    ………… parent.

4   Her parents didn’t …………. on well so they decided to get …………. .

5   Mrs Hams’ husband died four years ago and she hasn’t married again. She’s a ………… .

6   When his parents were both killed in a car accident, he was placed with ……….. parents.

7   These are my husband’s parents. They’re my ………… .

8   When her mother died, her father got married to another woman. Her…………. looked after her well.


7 Answer the questions. Use your answers to tell your partner about your family.

•    Who’s in your immediate/extended family?
•    How do you get on with your family members?
•    What family cultural traditions are there in your country?
•    What is important in your family?
•    What does family mean to you?


8 Use your answers in Ex. 7 to write a short text about your family for the «Teens» magazine. (60-80 words)

THINK!  Do you agree with the statement below? Discuss in groups. Report to the class.


The family is the nucleus of civilization.
                                  William J. Durant, US historian

Английский язык. 11 класс : учеб. для общеобразоват. учреждений / [О.В. Афанасьева, Дж.Дули, И.В. Михеева и др.]. — 2-е изд., доп. и перераб. — М.: Express Publishing : Просвещение, 2009. — 244 с. : ил. — (Английский в фокусе).

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Опубликовано 22.08.2017 по предмету Английский язык от Гость
>> <<

1) Complete the sentences with the words in brackets.Use the verbs in active day.
1-Your friend (should,give) some unusual present for his 20th birthday
2-Milk (must , keep) in a fridge . Dont you know?
3-I tried but I (couldnt ,open) the window
4- Someone (have to, take) the child home. He (cant ,leave) here alone.
5- this new book (must,read). Its wonderful!
6- they (shouldnt , spend) so much time in front of the television

Ответ оставил Гость

1. should be given
2.must be kept
3.couldnt ooen
4. have to take, couldnt be left
5.must be read
6.shouldnt spend

Оцени ответ

Подпишись на наш канал в телеграм. Там мы даём ещё больше полезной информации для школьников!

2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets.
Il. I am
(tall) than my sister.
12. My mum thinks that cats are
(good) than dogs.
13. It is the
(interesting) book of these three.
14. My car
(fast) than yours.
15. A blue whale is
(heavy) than twenty-five elephants.
16. You look
(thin) than last month. Have you lost weight?
17. English is
(difficult) than History.
18. She is the
(nice) person of all I know.
19. Monday is the
(bad) day of the week. We have seven lessons.
20. Computers are
(cheap) than mobile phones.
21. Janet is the
(intelligent) girl in the class.
22. Your dress is
(expensive) than mine.
3. Choose the correct item.
23. Visitors can’t have to / don’t have to clean their rooms at a hotel. The cleaners do it.
24. You can’t / must / mustn’t get permission to invite friends in your room.
25. The students needn’t / mustn’t/ have to drive on campus. It’s forbidden.
26. You mustn’t/ must / can’t pay the rent. That’s the rule.
27. I’m afraid you can/can’t/ needn’t go out now. It’s too late.
28. He has to /can’t / mustn’t do his homework every day.
29. You look ill. You must/can/have to go to the doctor.
30. People can/mustn’t/ must stop at the red line. It’s the rule.
31. Students can/ must / mustn’t put posters on the walls. It’s forbidden.
32. You can’t/ must / can haye party here. It isn’t allowed.
4. Read the text and answer the questions.

Остались вопросы?

Сomplete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.

1 The two .

Stole the money and escaped.

(theft) 2 There were three .

On the plane.

The passengers saw them.

(hijscking) 3 Two .

Entered the bank and shouted ‘hands up!

‘. (armed robbery) 4 The .

Went to prison for twenty years.

(murder) 5 A group of .

Destroyed the school hall.

(vandalism) 6 The police caught a .

This morning.

He entered NATO’s computer system and tried to destroy it.


Вы зашли на страницу вопроса Сomplete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets?, который относится к
категории Английский язык. По уровню сложности вопрос соответствует учебной
программе для учащихся 5 — 9 классов. В этой же категории вы найдете ответ
и на другие, похожие вопросы по теме, найти который можно с помощью
автоматической системы «умный поиск». Интересную информацию можно найти в
комментариях-ответах пользователей, с которыми есть обратная связь для
обсуждения темы. Если предложенные варианты ответов не удовлетворяют,
создайте свой вариант запроса в верхней строке.

Всего ответов: 1


1. Like John might have been going to a football game too

2. We will definitely not be doing this resteurant again

3. She is probably interested in helpind homeless children in Brazil

4. I don’t like that you be the DVD I’ve got

5. I cannot arrive definitely before 5 o’clock

6. They are probably going on holidays in June

Вибач дальше незнаю



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