Complete the sentences with the words below use each word only once cave desert

1 Venezuela   2 Indian ocean   3 the Thames   4 Russia

5 the Andes   6 Italy   7 Kalahari   8 Africa and Asia

9 Chicago   10 Germany


1   The highest waterfall in the world is in Venezuela. It’s called Angel Falls and is 979 metres high.

2   The ocean to the east of Africa is called the Indian Ocean. It’s the world’s third largest ocean and stretches east to Australia and south to Antarctica.

3   The river that flows through London is called the Thames. It is 346 kilometres long, the second longest river in the UK. It flows into the North Sea.

4   Lake Baikal is in Siberia, in Russia. It is the world’s deepest lake, at 1,637 metres, and is 636 kilometres from end to end.

5   The Andes is the name of the mountains that run along the west coast of South America. It’s the longest mountain range in the world – over 7,000 kilometres from end to end. The highest mountain in the Andes is Mount Aconcagua, at 6,962 metres tall.

6   Vesuvius is a volcano in southern Italy. It is still active. When Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD, it buried the Roman city of Pompeii.

7   The name of the desert in southern Africa is the Kalahari Desert. It covers much of Botswana and Namibia. Between 100 and 200 millimetres of rain fall every year in the driest part of the desert.

8   The Great Rift Valley is in Africa and Asia. It is over 5,000 kilometres long and stretches from Syria to Mozambique. It marks the boundary between the African and Arabian tectonic plates, which are moving apart.

9   Chicago is on the shore of Lake Michigan. It is the USA’s third biggest city, and has a population of 2.7 million. Its nickname is ‘the Windy City’.

10   The Black Forest is in Germany, in the south-west of the country. It is 160 kilometres long. The river Danube starts in the Black Forest and flows 2,872 kilometres to the Black Sea.

Vocabulary 1 Complete the sentences with the words below. Use each word only once. desert forest hill mountain river volcano waterfall cave 4 co the same meanir 1 The house was 2 We were to be back at 3 The storm wa (very frighteni 4 I’m 5 The climber’s (very sad) 6 The campsite horrible mes 7 The view fro 1 There isn’t much rain in the so not many plants can grow. 2 The highest in Western Europe is Mont Blanc 3 The in London is called the Thames. 4 He likes dark places, so exploring a is perfect for him. 5 Mount Vesuvius is an active that may cause a lot of destruction one day. 6 We walked to the top of a small to enjoy the view of the town. 7 It’s easy to get lost in a because the trees make it hard to see where you are. 8 Water from the stream fell from the cliff and created a beautiful 8 We couldn’t the road. (ve Word Skills Adart​

Знаешь ответ? Добавь его сюда и заработай денег! Ответы проходят модерацию. Минимум 100 символов.

Complete each sentence with one of the words. Use each one only once. There are three words you do not need to use.





throw away











The planet Earth is only a tiny part of the Universe, but it’s the only place where human (1) _ can live. Today our planet is in serious (2) _ . The greenhouse effect, air and water (3) _ , and overpopulation threaten life.

Who is to blame for this? The answer is simple: only us.

Our forests are disappearing because we cut them down. The seas are poisoned with toxic industrial (
4) _ .

Every ten minutes one species of animal, plant or insect dies out forever because man has (
5) _ their natural homes.

Air pollution is another serious problem. In Cairo just breathing the air is (
6) _ − equivalent to smoking two packs of cigarettes a day.

Fortunately, it’s not too late to (
7) _ the Earth. We are still able to make our planet a better, cleaner and safer place to live in. Dangerous technologies should be (8) _ . We should be reasonable and not waste energy. Many things that we (9) _ can be used again. Most kinds of glass, metal, and plastic can be (10) _ . So take as much rubbish as you can to local (11) _ centres. And buy less (12) _ goods. That will help nature too!

Английский язык ENJOY ENGLISH Английский с удовольствием 8 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Биболетова. UNIT 2. Номер №1


Перевод задания
Завершите каждое предложение одним из слов. Используйте каждый только один раз. Есть три слова, которые вам не нужно использовать.


переработка отходов
в упаковке

Планета Земля − ​​это лишь крошечная часть Вселенной, но это единственное место, где может жить человек (1) _. Сегодня наша планета находится в серьезном (2) _. Парниковый эффект, воздух и вода (3) _ и перенаселенность угрожают жизни.
Кто виноват в этом? Ответ прост: только мы.
Наши леса исчезают, потому что мы их вырубаем. Моря отравлены ядовитыми промышленными (4) _.
Каждые десять минут один вид животных, растений или насекомых вымирает навсегда, потому что у человека есть (5) _ их естественный дом.
Загрязнение воздуха − еще одна серьезная проблема. В Каире просто вдыхать воздух равносильно курению двух пачек сигарет в день.
К счастью, еще не поздно (7) _ на Землю. Мы все еще можем сделать нашу планету лучше, чище и безопаснее для жизни. Опасные технологии должны быть (8) _. Мы должны быть разумными и не тратить зря энергию. Многие вещи, которые мы (9) _ можно использовать снова. Большинство видов стекла, металла и пластика могут быть (10) _. Так что отнесите как можно больше мусора в местные (11) _ центры. И покупайте меньше (12) _ товаров. Это тоже поможет природе!


The planet Earth is only a tiny part of the Universe, but it’s the only place where human (
1) beings can live. Today our planet is in serious (2) danger. The greenhouse effect, air and water (3) pollution, and overpopulation threaten life.

Who is to blame for this? The answer is simple: only us.

Our forests are disappearing because we cut them down. The seas are poisoned with toxic industrial (
4) waste.

Every ten minutes one species of animal, plant or insect dies out forever because man has (
5) destroyed their natural homes.

Air pollution is another serious problem. In Cairo just breathing the air is (
6) dangerous − equivalent to smoking two packs of cigarettes a day.

Fortunately, it’s not too late to (
7) save the Earth. We are still able to make our planet a better, cleaner and safer place to live in. Dangerous technologies should be (8) prohibited. We should be reasonable and not waste energy. Many things that we (9) throw away can be used again. Most kinds of glass, metal, and plastic can be (10) recycled. So take as much rubbish as you can to local (11) recycling centres. And buy less (12) packaged goods. That will help nature too!

Перевод ответа
Планета Земля − ​​это лишь крошечная часть Вселенной, но это единственное место, где могут жить (1) люди. Сегодня наша планета находится в серьезной (2) опасности. Парниковый эффект, (3) загрязнение воздуха и воды и перенаселенность угрожают жизни.
Кто виноват в этом? Ответ прост: только мы.
Наши леса исчезают, потому что мы их вырубаем. Моря отравлены токсичными промышленными (4) отходами.
Каждые десять минут один вид животных, растений или насекомых вымирает навсегда, потому что человек (5) разрушил их естественные дома.
Загрязнение воздуха − еще одна серьезная проблема. В Каире просто вдыхать воздух − это (6) опасно − эквивалентно выкуриванию двух пачек сигарет в день.
К счастью, еще не поздно (7) спасти Землю. Мы все еще можем сделать нашу планету лучше, чище и безопаснее для жизни. Опасные технологии должны быть (8) запрещены. Мы должны быть разумными и не тратить зря энергию. Многие вещи, которые мы (9) выбрасываем, можно использовать снова. Большинство видов стекла, металла и пластика можно (10) переработать. Так что относите как можно больше мусора в местные центры (11) по переработке. И покупайте меньше (12) упакованных товаров. Это тоже поможет природе!

Task 1. Complete each sentence with a word from the list. Use each word once only.

• accused • evidence • guilty • lawyer • statement

• charged • fine • jury • sentence • suspect


The customs officers arrested Bob and

…………………. him with smuggling.


The police spent all morning searching the

house for………………………. .


Jean left her car in a no-parking area and

had to pay a/an ………………………..


Unfortunately at the end of the trial my

brother was found …………………….


The trial took a long time as the

…………………… couldn’t reach a verdict.


George won his case because he had a very

good defence ……………………….


The police visited Dawn and asked her to

make a/an ………………………………


Because of his past criminal record, Brian

was the main ……………………………


Pauline decided to sue the police because

she had been wrongly ………………………….


The murderer of the children received a

life ……………………………

Complete the work activities with the words below. Use
each word or phrase only once.
alone children a computer customers your feet
five hours indoors a lot a lot of money outdoors
the phone phone calls the public atean unitar
1 travel
2 be on
3 serve
4 work
5 wear
6 deal with
7 be part of
8 work nine-to
9 work long
10 make
11 answer
12 work with
13 earn
14 use

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