Complete the sentences with the word on the right in its appropriate form

2 Дополните предложения словом, данным справа, используя его подходящую форму.

1 Сепаратистские движения могут послужить причиной серьёзных военных конфликтов в различных частях мира.

2 Если люди говорят, что их раса лучше, чем у остальных, она называются расистами

3 Во всех цивилизованных странах, любая дискриминация людей любой национальности запрещена законом.

4 Президент заявил, что он воспользуется всеми возможными средствами, чтобы предотвратить этнический конфликт в стране.

5 Конституция гарантирует равенство людей различных этнических групп в глазах закона.

6 Религиозная нетерпимость привела к многочисленным войнам в Европе в шестнадцатых и семнадцатых веках.

1 separatist (сепаратистские)

2 racists (расисты)

3 discrimination (дискриминация)

4 declared (заявил)

5 equality (равенство)

6 intolerance (нетерпимость)

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Ответ на Unit 4, Step 10, Номер 4 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 8 класс: Афанасьева (Учебник Rainbow)

ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) на Unit 4, Step 10, Номер 4 по учебнику Английский язык. 8 класс. Учебник в двух частях / О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова. — Дрофа, 2019 (Российский учебник : Rainbow English)


4 Complete the sentences with the words on the right in their appropriate forms.
Roy’s cousin had always been a role model for the boy. Frank was 5 years (1) older than Roy but he was Roy’s (2) best friend. Frank (3) had so many talents and he (4) was respected and (5) (was) admired by all Roy’s friends. A year before Frank (6) had graduated from the university and at the moment he (7) was working as a doctor in their village. He always (8) came to work on time and (9) was never waited for The villagers (10) admired him a lot and said they had the (11) the most in the world.

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Фото подробного решения: Unit 4, Step 10, Номер 4 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 8 класс: Афанасьева (Учебник Rainbow)

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Complete the sentences with the words on the right in their appropiate forms.

Roy’s cousin had always been a role model for the boy. Frank was
5 years (1) … (old) than Roy but he was Roy’s (2) … (good) friend. Frank (3) … (have) so many talents and he (4) … (respect) and (5) … (admire) by all Roy’s friends. A year before Frank (6) … (graduate) from the university and at the moment he (7) … (work) as a doctor in their village. He always (8) … (come) to work on time and (9) … (wait for) never. The villagers (10) … (admire) him a lot and said they had the (11) … (responsible) doctor in the world.

ГДЗ Английский язык 8 класс (часть 2) Афанасьева. UNIT 4. Step 10. Номер №4


Перевод задания
Дополните предложения словами справа в соответствующей форме.
Кузен Роя всегда был для мальчика образцом для подражания. Фрэнку было на 5 лет (1) … (старый) Роя, но он был (2) … (хороший) другом Роя. Фрэнк (3) … (иметь) так много талантов, и он (4) … (уважать) и (5) … (восхищаться) всеми друзьями Роя. Год назад Фрэнк (6) … (окончить) университет и на данный момент он (7) … (работать) врачом в их деревне. Он всегда (8) … (приходить) на работу вовремя и (9) … (ждать) никогда. Жители деревни (10) … (восхищаться) им и говорят, что у них есть (11) … (ответственный) доктор в мире.


Roy’s cousin had always been a role model for the boy. Frank was
5 years (1) older than Roy but he was Roy’s (2) the best friend. Frank (3) had so many talents and he (4) was respected and (5) admired by all Roy’s friends. A year before Frank (6) was graduated from the university and at the moment he (7) works as a doctor in their village. He always (8) comes to work on time and (9) is never waited for. The villagers (10) admire him a lot and said they had the (11) most responsible doctor in the world.

Перевод ответа
Кузен Роя всегда был для мальчика образцом для подражания. Фрэнк был на 5 лет (1) старше Роя, но он был (2) лучшим другом Роя. У Фрэнка (3) было так много талантов, и он (4) пользовался уважением и (5) восхищением у всех друзей Роя. За год до этого Франк (6) окончил университет и в данный момент он (7) работает врачом в их деревне. Он всегда (8) приходит на работу вовремя и (9) его никогда не ждут. Жители деревни (10) восхищаются им и говорят, что у них (11) самый ответственный доктор в мире.

Complete the sentences using the words on the right in the appropriate forms.

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Описание и ответ задания[править | править код]

A. Complete the text with the appropriate forms of the words on the right (cut, hear, wonder, happen, see, build, kill, defend, find, walk, get, come, build).

Deep in a lonely forest there once lived a woodcutter. One day he was cutting trees when he heard a cry of a bird. He wondered what would happen and went to look at the bird. Under a big tree he saw a nest that had been built by a bird, with many eggs in it. A great snake was going to kill the bird, who bravely defending the mother her nest. The woodcutter killed the snake with the stick he had found in the wood.

Some years after this, the woodcutter was walking along a mountain path. It got dark. Suddenly he saw the light coming from the windows of a big beautiful house that had been built in the middle of the woods by some mystical people.

B. Write another paragraph to finish this tale.

The woodcutter was amazed by the beauty of the house and he decided to explore it. He knocked on the door and a kind old man opened it. The old man welcomed the woodcutter and invited him to stay for dinner. After dinner, the old man told the woodcutter the story of how the house was built and the woodcutter was fascinated by the tale. The old man then gave the woodcutter a magical axe and told him that it would help him in his work. The woodcutter thanked the old man and left the house with the axe in his hand. From that day on, the woodcutter was able to cut down trees faster and with more ease than ever before.

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Другие задания учебника учебника[править | править код]

  • 0

Complete the sentences. Use the words on the right in the appropriate forms. 1. If it … (be) summer now, we … (be) somewhere near the sea. But it’s only March now. 2. If Jane … (come) on time tommorow, I … (be) very much surprised. 3. If we … (be) in London tgen, we … (speak) to them. 4. John does not know if his cousin … (arrive) next Wednesday. 5. They … (clean) the rooms but not the kitchen. It still … (look) dirty. 6. What you … (do) with your hair? It … (look) great! 7. The news we received yesterday … (be) great. I could hardly believe that Ed … (finish) the project. 8. There are several … (goldfish) in the bowl. 9. The farmer had two … (ox), six … (cow) and a few … (sheep). 10. There were no dry … (leaf) on these … (roof). 11. One should give … (one) a holiday from time to time. 12. — Who is it? — It’s … (we). 13. The … (one) thing to do is to calm down, and the … (two) step is to analyze all the results. 14. The route through the forest is … (long) and … (dangerous) than tge route rhrough the field. 15. This is the … (bad) film I have ever seen.
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Закончите предложения. Используйте слова справа в соответствующие формы. 1. Если он … (быть) сейчас лето, мы … (быть) где-то возле моря. Но это теперь только в марте. 2. Если Джейн … (прийти) вовремя завтра, я … (быть) очень сильно удивился. 3. Если мы … (быть) в Лондоне tgen, мы … (говорить) на них. 4. Джон не знает, если его кузен … (приехать) в следующую среду. 5. Они … (чистые) номера, но не на кухне. Он по-прежнему … (смотреть) грязные. 6. Что вы … (а) с твоими волосами? Это … (смотрю) здорово! 7. Новость, которую мы получили вчера … (быть) великим. Я едва могла поверить, что Эд … (окончание) проекта. 8. Есть несколько … (рыбки) в миску. 9. У фермера было два … (быка), шесть … (корова) и несколько … (овца). 10. Не было сухой … (листьев) на этих … (крыша). 11. Человек должен дать … (один) праздник время от времени. 12. — Кто это? — Это … (мы). 13. На … (один), что нужно сделать-это успокоиться, и … (два) шаг-проанализировать все результаты. 14. Маршрут через лес … (длинные) и … (опаснее), чем маршрут тге rhrough области. 15. Это … (плохой) фильм, который я когда-либо видел.

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1 вариант

Unit 4 Living things around us

Grammar Section

1. Write the second and the third forms of these verbs.

1. to write — wrote — written

to work, to pay, to wear, to find, to leave,to teach, to paint, to found, to happen, to state,to laugh, to learn.

2. Choose the right verb form to complete ther sentences.

1. It`s the first time we (sent/have sent) have sent an e-mail so quickly.

2. My friends (spent/have spent) ___ the day before yesterday together.

3. “The children (саmе/ have come) ___ to talk to you, Andrew. Where are you?”

4. They (built/have built) ___ a new garage last summer.

5. I (didn’t know/haven’t known ___ these facts then.

6. Are you sure we (met/have met) ___ each other before?

3. Use the verbs in brackets in past simple or present perfect.

1. My sister (buy) has bought two very fashionable blouses. I like them.

2. “Jane, you (make) ___ up the whole thing. I don’t believe you!

3. We played hide-and-seek yesterday. Jack (hide) ___ in the old barn (амбар).

4. “Thanks, Oliver. You (support) ____ me in the past, you (support) ___ me this time too.”

5. At two o’clock the big ship (land) ___ and the passengers (leave) __ it.

6. I don’t think you (ever meet) ___ Mr Jones. Let me introduce him to you.

7. Greg (look) ___ at us curiously and said, “I (never know) ___ such people before.”

4. Use the appropriate forms of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.

1. I (plant) have planted fourteen rose bushes so far this morning.

2. We (phone) ___ Joe for two hours already. Unfortunately there is no answer.

3. Beatrice is very tired. She (wash) ____ all morning. It is half past eleven now and she (just finish) ____.

4. I know you (cry) ____.Your eyes are red.

5. At last I (paint) _____ my room! — It looks wonderful. How long you (paint) ____ it?

5. Complete the sentences using the appropriate forms of the words on the right.

1. The first thing to do is to leave this desert island.

2. John ____ in Australia since December. He ___ there from Canada.

3. Harry ___ writing his essay at 9 o’clock in the morning. It is 11 now. And he ___ still ____it.

4. ___ you___ where Pete is? — I think he ___ to the swimming pool.

5. If Jane ____ to visit us, we ___ to her everything.

6. Who ___ that branch on the apple tree?

7. Nobody informed ___ about ___ arrival.

8. It’s the ___ car I have ever driven.

9. All the ____ of the village were ready to defend ____ houses.

10. It’s already ten in the morning and he ___ up yet.

11. Hello, Jane! So, where ___ we ____ to have dinner?

— Sorry, Paul, I ____ yet.

12. I ___ Sarah some time ago ___ and she ___ me about the accident with Greg.

13. When we entered the room, Jake ___ some British journal.

14. Look! It ___ heavily. It _____ since morning.


live, move



know, go

come, explain


they, we




not get


not decide

meet, tell


rain, rain

6. Choose the right words to complete the sentences.

1. The (kookaburra/swallow) kookaburra lives in Australia.

2. People often say that the (owl/magpie) ___ is a wise animal.

3. (Sparrows/Nightingales) ___ fly to Africa to spend winters there.

4. (Starlings/Sparrows) _____usually live near human habitats.

5. (Woodpeckers/Sparrows) ____ don’t live in Australia and the Isle of Madagascar.

7. Use the words to complete the sentences:

soil, species, insects, land, earth, ground, human, twin, rainforest

1. A rainforest is a forest that receives a lot of rain during the year.

2. A ___ is a group of animals or plants that have many characteristics in common.

3. Every man, woman or child is a ____

4. The ____ is the planet on which we live. It is the fifth largest planet in our solar1 system.

8. Use the function words from the box to complete the sentences.

up, off, out

1. The teacher asked his pupils to make up a story about an owl.

2. Sarah’s mother didn’t allow her to make ___ when she went to school.

3. The two boys made ____ before I could say goodbye to them.

4. The old gentleman spoke in a low voice and it was difficult to make him ____

5. Don’t believe Robert’s story. He has just made it ____.

6. When the police arrived, the thief was making ___ down the road.

7. Rose is friendly and pleasant one minute but she is as cold as ice the next. I just can’t make her ___

8. Marion doesn’t make ____ so heavily now and looks so fresh and much younger.

9. Have you heard the news? Chris made ____ with all the secret papers.

10. I can’t make ___ John’s handwriting.

2 вариант

Unit 4 Living things around us

Grammar Section

1. Write the second and the third forms of these verbs,

1. to write — wrote — written

to break, to keep, to put, to think, to give, to sleep, to try, to spell, to talk, to cry, to learn, to reply

2. Choose the right verb form to complete the sentences.

1. I can’t believe you (won/have won) ___ the game. What are you feeling now?

2. It’s the second time Brian (drove/has driven) ___ a car.

3. I (thought/have thought) about you just now.

4. They are not at home. They (just left/have just left) ___.

5. He (found/has found) ___ the book I am reading. I’d like to thank him for it.

6. We (already gave/have already given) ___ up this plan.

3. Use the verbs in brackets in past simple or present perfect.

1. What you (say) ___ a minute ago?

2. He (say) ___ it just now.

3. I (never say) ___ such things.

4. Look! What unusual flowers we (grow) ___!

5. When Sam was leaving the flat, he (forget) ___ to take his mobile.

6. I’m not sure he (catch) ___ any fish at all. The jar is empty.

7. I (break) ___ my favourite glasses the other day.

4. Use the appropriate forms of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.

1. Their family (recently arrive) _____ in Moscow.

2. How long does it take to fly to Vladivostok? — We (fly) ____ for six hours already and I feel I’m tired.

3. Chris (never meet) _____ the old lady since she left for London.

4. We (already have) _____ lunch and are going to drink coffee.

5. Oliver (not pass) _____ his driving test. He’ll try to pass it next week.

5. Complete the sentences using the appropriate forms of the words on the right.

1. The first thing to do is to leave this desert island.

2. John ____ in Australia since December. He ___ there from Canada.

3. Harry ___ writing his essay at 9 o’clock in the morning. It is 11 now. And he ___ still ____it.

4. ___ you___ where Pete is? — I think he ___ to the swimming pool.

5. If Jane ____ to visit us, we ___ to her everything.

6. Who ___ that branch on the apple tree?

7. Nobody informed ___ about ___ arrival.

8. It’s the ___ car I have ever driven.

9. All the ____ of the village were ready to defend ____ houses.

10. It’s already ten in the morning and he ___ up yet.

11. Hello, Jane! So, where ___ we ____ to have dinner?

— Sorry, Paul, I ____ yet.

12. I ___ Sarah some time ago ___ and she ___ me about the accident with Greg.

13. When we entered the room, Jake ___ some British journal.

14. Look! It ___ heavily. It _____ since morning.


live, move



know, go

come, explain


they, we




not get


not decide

meet, tell


rain, rain

6. Choose the right words to complete the sentences.

1. (Starlings/Seagulls) _____ feed on fish.

2. (Pigeons/Magpies) _____ can be grey, white or brownish.

3. (Ostriches/Emus) ____ are birds of Africa.

4. (Emus/Kookaburras) ____ can’t fly.

5. The (canary/starling) _____ is a typical pet.

7. Use the words to complete the sentences:

soil, species, insects, land, earth, ground, human, twin, rainforest

1. The _____ under the roof was dry. 6. How far does your ___ extend?

2. The top part of the ground in which plants grow is ___

3. A ____ is one of two children or animals born at the same time to the same mother.

4. ____ have three pairs of legs and usually two pairs of wings.

8. Use the function words to complete the sentences:

up, off, out

1. The teacher asked his pupils to make up a story about an owl.

2. Sarah’s mother didn’t allow her to make ___ when she went to school.

3. The two boys made ____ before I could say goodbye to them.

4. The old gentleman spoke in a low voice and it was difficult to make him ____

5. Don’t believe Robert’s story. He has just made it ____.

6. When the police arrived, the thief was making ___ down the road.

7. Rose is friendly and pleasant one minute but she is as cold as ice the next. I just can’t make her ___

8. Marion doesn’t make ____ so heavily now and looks so fresh and much younger.

9. Have you heard the news? Chris made ____ with all the secret papers.

10. I can’t make ___ John’s handwriting.

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