Complete the sentences with the word combinations example

Complete the sentences with the word

The porridge is ready. Sit down at the table and … — Sit down at the
table and enjoy your breakfast.

 To lay the table, to cut a slice of bread, to make a cake, to have a
sweet tooth, to enjoy breakfast, to
do the washing

1.       I sweep the floor and you can
________. And then we,ll go to the park together.

2.       Have you __________? Very good.
Now  put a slice of ham and a slice of
cheese on it. T here.
The sandwich is ready.

3.       I think a box of sweets will be a
nice birthday present for your little brothers. They both_____.

4.       Helen, what are you doing in the
kitchen? – I, m going to _____       ____________. I have got a new recipe.

5.       Alice, could you help me to
_______    ________, please?  — Certainly, Mum.l’ll put the plates and glasses on the table.

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Complete the sentences with the word

<span><span>Example: What is
he going to do? He is going to…..- He
is going </span>to read a newspaper.

<span><span>1.</span><span> When the friends meet, they————————- . — —————</span></span><span><span> 2. When w</span><span>ill you———————————————————— ? — On Christmas Eve. We bought new</span></span>

colourful balls yesterday.

<span><span>3.</span><span> Do you___________ ? — Yes, I like running and riding my bike.</span></span>

<span><span>4. </span><span>In December people_________ _____________to their friends to congratulate with New</span></span>

<span>Year and Christmas.</span>

1 ответ:



<span><span>1. When the friends meet, they hake hands.
</span><span>2.  When will you decorate your Christmas tree? — On Christmas Eve. We bought new</span> colourful balls yesterday.
<span>3. Do you like sports?      — Yes, I like running and riding my bike.</span>
<span>4.  In December people come home to their friends to congratulate with New</span><span>Year and Christmas.</span></span>

Читайте также

<span>-It was the terrible day!
-What happened?
-When i went into the bath i slipped!
-Oh, </span>probably was painfully.
-Of course! But that’s not all. When i go to school me knocked down by a car…lightly…affect sweaters.
-Through this my sweaters became wet because of pubbles.
-This was your favorite sweaters?
-Сondolences you.
-Thank you, this words help me and calm down.
-It’s my pleasure.

Если что-то не так, то дайте знать!
1) 2
2) 3
3) 2
4) 2

These people live in a rural area.
We were just an urban family.
Birds lived in nests in the suburbs.
I live in the biggest city of Russia.
All the town dwellers were out today in the center.
Russia is the biggest country in the world.
Living in the countryside is fun.
My neighbor is washing his car at the moment.
She was a community leader.



1. Can you ski?

2. I can’t come.

3. I can’t play golf.

4. She can run marathons.

5. They can’t swim.

6. Can you walk?

7. I can ride a bike.


1. patiently

2. well

3. badly

4. fast

5. slowly

6. carefully

7. hardly


1. mustn’t

2. must

3. don’t have to

4. mustn’t

5. have to

6. don’t have to

7. have to

Complete the sentences with the word combinations from the box.

a) animal trainers

b) picture gallery

c) circus shows

d) famous ballet

e) proud musician

f) puppy’s bowl

g) black−and−white drawing

1) Is there any water in the … ?
2) We often go to the … to look at our favourite pictures.
3) It’s only a … but I think it’s very beautiful.
4) The family watched the … on television.
5) … usually perform at the circus.
6) I thanked the … for his playing.
7) They give two or three … every day.

ГДЗ Английский язык 5 класс (часть 2) Афанасьева. UNIT 4. Step 9. Номер №4


Перевод задания
Закончи предложения словосочетаниями из рамки.

дрессировщики животных

картинная галерея

цирковые представления

знаменитый балет

гордый музыкант

миска щенка

черно−белый рисунок

1) Есть ли вода в …?
2) Мы часто ходим в … смотреть на наши любимые картины.
3) Это всего лишь …, но я думаю, это очень красиво.
4) Семья смотрела … по телевизору.
5) … обычно выступают в цирке.
6) Я поблагодарил … за его игру.
7) Они дают два или три … каждый день.

1 – f, 2 – b, 3 – g, 4 – d, 5 – a, 6 – e, 7 – c.
1) Is there any water in the puppy’s bowl?
2) We often go to the picture gallery to look at our favourite pictures.
3) It’s only a black−and−white drawing but I think it’s very beautiful.
4) The family watched the famous ballet on television.
5) Animal trainers usually perform at the circus.
6) I thanked the proud musician for his playing.
7) They give two or three circus shows every day.
Перевод ответа
1) Есть ли вода в миске щенка?
2) Мы часто ходим в картинную галерею смотреть на наши любимые картины.
3) Это всего лишь черно−белый рисунок, но я думаю, это очень красиво.
4) Семья смотрела знаменитый балет по телевизору.
5) Дрессировщики животных обычно выступают в цирке.
6) Я поблагодарил гордого музыканта за его игру.
7) Они дают два или три цирковых представления каждый день.

Опубликовано 13.06.2017 по предмету Английский язык от Гость
>> <<

Complete the sentences with the word combinations from the box
Слова для вставки .e) proud musician a) animal trainers f) puppys bowl b) picture gallery g) black-and-white drawing c) circus shows d) famous ballet
1) Is there any water in the favourite picture 2) we often go to look at our the 3) Its only a but I think its very beautiful4) The family watched the on television, 5) usually perform at the circus, 6) I thanked the for his playing, 7) They give two or three every day,

Ответ оставил Гость

1) Isthere any water in the
f) puppys bowl 2) we often go to the b) picture gallery to look at our favourite picture 3) Its only a g)black-and-white drawing but I think its very beautiful. 4) The family watchedthe d) famous ballet  on television, 5) a) animal trainers usually perform at the circus, 6) I thanked thee) proudmusician for his playing, 7) They give two or three c) circus shows every day,

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