Английский язык для 7-го класса |
Предмет: | Английский язык |
Класс: | 7 класс |
Автор учебника: | Афанасьева О.В. Михеева И.В. |
Год издания: | 2016 |
Издательство: | |
Кол-во заданий: | |
Кол-во упражнений: | 541 |
Мы в социальных сетях |
Телеграм • ВКонтакте |
Данное упражнение относится ко второму разделу учебника (Unit 2 English — a Language of the World) по английскому языку для школьников 7 класса.
Описание упражнения и ответ[править | править код]
Complete the sentences with the right words. (Ответ выделен жирным шрифтом)
- There were a lot of fruits on the plate: apples, grapes and oranges.
- We often have fruit for dessert.
- Such fruits as banana and orange do not grow in our climate.
- Let’s make fruit salad for the party.
- Do you prefer fresh or dried fruit?
- Would you like fruits or coffee to finish your meal with?
- Are tomatoes fruits or vegetables?
- What fruits do you put in your salad?
- What tropical fruits do you know?
- We always buy fresh fruits at the market.
Перевод задания и ответа[править | править код]
Закончите предложения, выбрав верное слово.
- На тарелке было много фруктов: яблоки, виноград и апельсины.
- У нас часто есть фрукты на десерт.
- Такие фрукты, как бананы и апельсины, не растут в нашем климате.
- Давайте сделаем фруктовый салат для вечеринки.
- Вы предпочитаете свежие или сушеные фрукты?
- Вы хотите фрукты или кофе, чтобы закончить есть?
- Помидоры это фрукт или овощ?
- Какие фрукты вы кладёте в свой салат?
- Какие тропические фрукты вы знаете?
- Мы всегда покупаем свежие фрукты на рынке.
Другие задачи учебника[править | править код]
Полезные ссылки[править | править код]
- Множественное число существительных в английском языке
Test Variant 1
Match the words with the definition
Start out |
To remove something from a pocket, bag, etc |
Take out |
Making your feel slightly angry or impatient |
Come from |
A noisy argument or fight between two or more people |
Annoying |
False |
Make up with |
To have been born in a particular place, to belong to a particular family or a social group |
A row |
To become friendly again with someone after an argument |
Fake |
To intend to do something, to begin doing something |
Conflict |
A disagreement between people or groups |
Complete the sentences with the right word
Relationship, to compete, employment, to believe, to keep someone company, to look alike.
What is your …. with your elder sister like?
His dream was to … in the Olympics.
He doesn’t …. that we can win the competition.
On weekend we found … in a local fast food restaurant.
Nobody believes we are brothers – we …!
In a big family you always have somebody….
Match the halves of the phrases and write down your translation
Look out for |
Somebody’s nerves |
To feel |
The day |
To fight about |
Cry |
Get on |
Someone |
To order of |
Bad |
To look |
Of humour |
Make someone |
Everything |
Keep a sense |
Alike |
4. Use must/mustn’t, may, can/can’t, should/shouldn’t, need/needn’t.
You ___ talk aloud in the library.
We ___ visit our grandparents more often.
You ___ drive too fast in the city.
She looks pretty sick. I think she ________ go to a doctor.
Hey I’m lost. ________ you help me?
You have such a beautiful voice. You ________ sing for us!
That looks very expensive. It ________ have cost a fortune!
I ________ believe that you failed your test!
I ________ have seen that movie eight times.
I ________ understand what he’s saying.
Test Variant 2
Match the words with the definition
hand down |
an angry disagreement between two or more people |
go back |
to take care of someone and make sure that they are treated well |
think back |
to make someone feel annoyed or nervous |
take someone back |
to become friendly again with someone after an argument |
argument |
to return to a person, place, subject or activity |
look out for someone |
to remind someone of something in the past |
get on somebody’s nerves |
to remind someone of something in the past |
make up with |
to seem to still exist, and be interesting and exciting |
Complete the sentences with the right word
Relationship, to compete, employment, to believe, to keep someone company, to look alike.
What is your …. with your elder sister like?
His dream was to … in the Olympics.
He doesn’t …. that we can win the competition.
On weekend we found … in a local fast food restaurant.
Nobody believes we are brothers – we …!
In a big family you always have somebody….
Match the halves of the phrases and write down your translation
family |
information |
start |
connections |
play |
history |
find out |
a sense of humour |
discuss |
research |
keep |
histoty |
direct |
in the pool |
fascinating |
a conflict |
4. Use must/mustn’t, may, can/can’t, should/shouldn’t, need/needn’t.
Students ___ leave the classroom before the ring bells.
You ___ brush your teeth in the morning.
___ you pass my pencil to me?
You’ve been driving all day. You ________ be exhausted!
You ________ smoke so much. It’s bad for your health!
I know he speaks five languages, but ________ he speak Arabic?
I’m on my way. I ________ be there in about 10 minutes.
I ________ afford that.
This ________ be dangerous if you don’t have the right equipment.
You ________ yell at your parents. It’s not nice.
Test Variant 3
Match the words with the definition
cope with |
to stop being friendly with someone because you have had a disagreement with them |
cross word |
making someone nervous or frightened |
conflict |
false |
fake |
to deal successfully with a difficult situation or job |
fall out |
losing strength |
blazing |
a disagreement between people or groups |
unnerving |
making you feel slightly angry or impatient |
fading |
angry word |
Complete the sentences with the right word
Relationship, to compete, employment, to believe, to keep someone company, to look alike.
What is your …. with your elder sister like?
His dream was to … in the Olympics.
He doesn’t …. that we can win the competition.
On weekend we found … in a local fast food restaurant.
Nobody believes we are brothers – we …!
In a big family you always have somebody….
Match the halves of the phrases and write down your translation
previous |
connections |
add to |
research |
immediate |
generations |
an angry |
row |
family |
someone’s identity |
a blazing |
argument |
come into |
pastime |
find out |
come into |
4. Use: must, mustn’t, have to, don’t have to или doesn’t have to.
It’s a secret. You … tell it to anyone.
You … respect your parents.
She is very rich. She … go to work.
This party is free. You … buy any tickets.
This is the last bus for Paris and we … miss it.
You … be on time for the exam.
They … eat too much cake.
Test Variant 4
Match the words with the definition
talk through
silly, especially in a pleasant or funny way
to deliberately try to make someone angry
to spend time with someone so that they will not feel lonely
keep somebody company
to discuss a plan or situation in a detailed way
to go somewhere for a short time
pop in
to get married
to tie the knot
the person you love
Complete the sentences with the right word
Relationship, to compete, employment, to believe, to keep someone company, to look alike.
What is your …. with your elder sister like?
His dream was to … in the Olympics.
He doesn’t …. that we can win the competition.
On weekend we found … in a local fast food restaurant.
Nobody believes we are brothers – we …!
In a big family you always have somebody….
Match the halves of the phrases and write down your translation
find out |
relationship |
fascinating |
an argument |
a sense of |
someone in context |
fake |
pastime |
provoke |
history |
talk through |
a conflict |
put |
someone’s identity |
lose |
a situation |
4. Use: must, mustn’t, have to, don’t have to или doesn’t have to.
You … forget to turn off the light before you leave.
It’s getting late. I think I … go now.
Boys and girls, you … hand in your essays by Thursday.
Tom … take a bus because his dad drives him to school every morning.
You … tell me lies. It’s just awful.
We … tidy up our room because our sister did it yesterday.
You … smoke on board the plane.
Complete the sentences with the derivatives of the words on the right.
1) What can you say about the patient’s …? | ill
2) The … of the witch’s face was really strange. | ugly
3) The … of a football field is a little more than 52 yards. | wide
4) What is the … if this medicine? | strong
5) The young boys’ … was wonderful. | polite
6) What’s the … of this island? | long
7) The … of the fruit was fantastic. | fresh
8) … from the illness keeps the child in bed. | weak
1) I am not sure this illness is … . | cure
2) What’s your job? – I am a … . I buy land and put new building on it. | develop
3) Ryan’s … legs were almost … . He could hardly move after his … . | shape, help, ill
4) Everyone liked the … photographs of tropical birds. | colour
5) The Great Lakes are situated on the … and the US border. | Canada
6) There was an … sound coming from the back room. | pleasant
7) … killed the plants that once grew in the pond. | pollute
8) The … sun was so bright, the sunshine was full of … . | shine, warm
ГДЗ Английский язык 7 класс (часть 2) Афанасьева. UNIT 6. Step 8. Номер №3
Перевод задания
Закончи предложения словами, производными от слов справа.
1) Что вы можете сказать о … пациента? | больной
2) … лица ведьмы было действительно странным. | уродливый
3) … футбольного поля составляет чуть более 52 ярдов. | широкий
4) В чем … этого лекарства? | сильный
5) … юношей была замечательной. | вежливый
6) Какова … этого острова? | длинный
7) … фруктов была фантастической. | свежий
8) … от болезни держит ребенка в постели. | слабый
1) Я не уверен, что эта болезнь … . | лечить
2) Какая у тебя работа? − Я − … . Я покупаю землю и строю на ней новое здание. | развивать
3) … ноги Райана были почти … . Он едва мог двигаться после своей … . | форма, помощь, больной
4) Всем понравились … фотографии тропических птиц. | цвет
5) Великие озера расположены на … границе с США. | Канада
6) Из дальней комнаты раздался … звук. | приятный
7) … убило растения, которые когда−то росли в пруду. | загрязнять
8) … солнце было таким ярким, солнечный свет был наполнен … . | сиять, теплый
1) What can you say about the patient’s illness?
2) The ugliness of the witch’s face was really strange.
3) The width of a football field is a little more than 52 yards.
4) What is the strength if this medicine?
5) The young boys’ politeness was wonderful.
6) What’s the length of this island?
7) The freshness of the fruit was fantastic.
8) Weakness from the illness keeps the child in bed.
1) I am not sure this illness is curable.
2) What’s your job? – I am a developer. I buy land and put new building on it.
3) Ryan’s shapely legs were almost helpless . He could hardly move after his illness.
4) Everyone liked the colourful photographs of tropical birds.
5) The Great Lakes are situated on the Canadian and the US border.
6) There was an unpleasant sound coming from the back room.
7) Pollution killed the plants that once grew in the pond.
8) The shining sun was so bright, the sunshine was full of warmth.
Перевод ответа
1) Что вы можете сказать о болезни пациента?
2) Уродство лица ведьмы было действительно странным.
3) Ширина футбольного поля составляет чуть более 52 ярдов.
4) В чем сила этого лекарства?
5) Вежливость юношей была замечательной.
6) Какова длина этого острова?
7) Свежесть фруктов была фантастической.
8) Слабость от болезни держит ребенка в постели.
1) Я не уверен, что эта болезнь излечима.
2) Какая у тебя работа? − Я − застройщик. Я покупаю землю и строю на ней новое здание.
3) Стройные ноги Райана были почти беспомощны. Он едва мог двигаться после своей болезни.
4) Всем понравились красочные фотографии тропических птиц.
5) Великие озера расположены на канадской границе с США.
6) Из дальней комнаты раздался неприятный звук.
7) Загрязнение убило растения, которые когда−то росли в пруду.
8) Сияющее солнце было таким ярким, солнечный свет был наполнен теплом.
Ex. 1 Choose the right words to complete the sentences
The plain (team/crew) is ready to take off.
My friend (connected/wondered) why I hadn’t phoned him.
Hold (up/on) a minute, I’ll call Jane.
This funny cartoon is (last/the last) thing I watched on television.
Jane is leaving London by the (nearest/ next) train.
In cinema houses you can’t hear (applaude/applause) very often.
We have had this ring in the family for many years, for all of us it is (priceless/pricy).
Ex. 1 Choose the right words to complete the sentences
What is your favourite football (team/crew).
My friend and me are very (like/alike).
My family like to (refuse/receive) guests.
This writer died two years ago. His (last/latest) book is a long novel.
Jim is leaving London by the (nearest/ next) train.
Use your (imagination/impression) and speak about schools of the future
Ladies and gentlemen, I ’d like to introduce to you our new film director, he is a very gifted (guy/man).
Кто за английский шарит хелп плиииииз
Complete the sentences with the derivatives of the words on the the right.
1) What can you say about the patient’s … ?
2) The … of the witch’s face was really strange.
3) The … of a football field is a little more than 52 yards
4) What is the … of this medicine?
5) The young boys’ … was wonderful.
→ ill, ugly, wide, strong, polite, long, fresh, weak.
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Главная » Английский язык » Complete the sentences with the derivatives of the words on the the right. 1) What can you say about the patient’s … ? 2) The … of the witch’s face was really strange. 3) The … of a football field is a little more than 52 yards 4) What is the .