Complete the sentences with the right form of the word in brackets 6 points max

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Популярное на сайте:

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Complete the sentences with the right forms of the words in brackets.
1) Yesterday was Jean’s birthday. She says it was the most wonderful (wonderful) day of the year.
2) The weather in November is usually _ (nasty) than in October. October doesn’t have so many rainy days.
3) Mary’s bedroom is the _ (comfortable) room in the house. It is always clean and tidy too.
4) Peter thinks he is the _ (strong) in his class. But I don’t think so. My friend Henry is a lot _ (strong).
5) Kate’s English is _ (good) than her French. She speaks English very well.
6) This little book is _ (dear) to me than any book in the bookcase: it is my sister’s present.
7) The film we watched yesterday is _ (interesting) than the film we are watching now.
8) Mary says she is the _ (happy) wife and mother in the world.
9) Diana is the _ (good) pupil in her class. And who is the _ (bad)?
10) We wanted to have all the _ (tasty) things for our holiday dinner.

Английский язык 5 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Афанасьева. UNIT One. III. Use of English+. Номер №20


Перевод задания
Завершите предложения правильными формами слов в скобках.
1) Вчера у Джин был день рождения. Она говорит, что это был самый замечательный (замечательный) день в году.
2) Погода в ноябре обычно _ (противная), чем в октябре. В октябре не так много дождливых дней.
3) Спальня Марии − это _ (удобная) комната в доме. Здесь всегда чисто и аккуратно.
4) Питер думает, что он _ (сильный) в своем классе. Но я так не думаю. Мой друг Генри много _ (сильный).
5) Английский Кейт _ (хорошо), чем французский. Она очень хорошо говорит по−английски.
6) Эта маленькая книга _ (дорогая) для меня, чем любая книга в книжном шкафу: это подарок моей сестры.
7) Фильм, который мы смотрели вчера _ (интересный), чем фильм, который мы смотрим сейчас.
8) Мэри говорит, что она _ (счастливая) жена и мать в мире.
9) Диана _ (хорошая) ученица в своем классе. А кто _ (плохой)?
10) Мы хотели иметь все _ (вкусные) вещи для нашего праздничного ужина.

1) Yesterday was Jean’s birthday. She says it was the most wonderful day of the year.
2) The weather in November is usually nastier than in October. October doesn’t have so many rainy days.
3) Mary’s bedroom is the most comfortable room in the house. It is always clean and tidy too.
4) Peter thinks he is the strongest in his class. But I don’t think so. My friend Henry is a lot stronger.
5) Kate’s English is better than her French. She speaks English very well.
6) This little book is dearer to me than any book in the bookcase: it is my sister’s present.
7) The film we watched yesterday is more interesting than the film we are watching now.
8) Mary says she is the happiest wife and mother in the world.
9) Diana is the best pupil in her class. And who is the worst?
10) We wanted to have all the tastiest things for our holiday dinner.

Перевод ответа
1) Вчера у Джин был день рождения. Она говорит, что это был самый замечательный день в году.
2) Погода в ноябре обычно хуже, чем в октябре. В октябре не так много дождливых дней.
3) Спальня Марии − самая уютная комната в доме. Здесь всегда чисто и аккуратно.
4) Питер думает, что он самый сильный в своем классе. Но я так не думаю. Мой друг Генри намного сильнее.
5) Английский Кейт лучше, чем ее французский. Она очень хорошо говорит по−английски.
6) Эта маленькая книга мне дороже любой книги в книжном шкафу: это подарок моей сестры.
7) Фильм, который мы смотрели вчера, более интересен, чем фильм, который мы смотрим сейчас.
8) Мария говорит, что она самая счастливая жена и мать в мире.
9) Диана − лучшая ученица в своем классе. А кто худший?
10) Мы хотели иметь все самое вкусное для нашего праздничного ужина.

Контрольная работа № 3

Письменная часть

Your name __________________________________

  1. Listen to the radio talk about keeping exotic pets in Britain. Complete the

          list of recommendations Jessica gives. (7 points max.)

  1. Find out about laws concerning ___________________________________.
  2. Buy a good care guide, ___________________________________, surf the Net, find out the pros and cons of having an exotic pet.
  3. Find out how much space ________________________________.
  4. Find out if there is __________________________________ in your neighborhood.
  5. Children and exotic pets don’t really mix, so maybe it would _______________________________________ a dog or a guinea pig instead.
  6. Think carefully whether you are prepared __________________________ .
  7. It’s better ______________________________ than to be scared of your pet.
  1. Complete the sentences with a right word formed from the word in capitals on the same line. (7 points max.)
  1. He was found ________________________________.              GUILT
  2. When we got home, the ____________________ were               BURGLE

still upstairs.

  1. Police were called out to a _____________________ in              ROB

the High Street.

  1. He was arrested for ________________________ when             SHOPLIFT

security guards found a frozen chicken under his coat.

  1. Luckily he didn’t go to prison but was sent on a                  REHABILITATE

_____________________ programme instead.

  1. I couldn’t believe how much mindless ______________             VANDAL

____________ there was in the city.

  1. The behavior of football fans at football grounds in

Britain is quite _______________________.                               PREDICT

  1. Complete the text with the right form of the words in brackets. (6 points max.)

Technology  1_______________________ (change) so much since I was a boy. My grandson 2_________________ (have) got an incredible amount of multi-media gadgets in his room. At the moment, he 3________________________ (listening) to an MP3 player with songs on it that he 4____________________________ (recently / download) from the Internet. For the last three hours, he has also been watching a TV programme on his computer. It is a one-hour programme, but he can pause it whenever he likes, just like a video, even though it is a live TV. I 5_____________________ (not understand) any of it. All these remote controls lying around all over the house. He 6______________________ (try) to teach me how to download a virtual garden tour all this week, but I don’t think I’ll ever be able to work out how to do it.

  1. Complete the sentences. Use will, be going to, the Present Simple or the
  2. Present       Continuous. (6 points max.)

1.    Thomas thinks I _________________(to come) tomorrow.

2.    We __________________ (to go) to the restaurant tonight.
3.    Arnold ____________________ (to play) football for 3 hours.
4.    My sister ______________(to help) me tomorrow.

5.    Her parents ________________ (to meet) with friends on weekend.
6.    The train ________________(to arrive) at 4 p.m.

Complete the sentences with the right forms of the words in brackets. 1 ) Yesterday was Jean ‘s birthday. She says it was the most wonderful ( wonderful ) day of the year. 2) The weather in November is usually ———————(nasty ) than in October. October doesn’t have so many rainy days. 3)Mary’s bedroom is the —————(comfortable )room in the house. It is always clean and tidy too. 4)Peter thinks he is the ————(strong ) in his class. But I don’t think so. My friend Henry is a lot ————(strong ). 5)Kate’s English is ———(good ) than her French. She speaks English very well. 6)This little book is ————(dear) to me than any book in the bookcase : it is my sister’ s present. 7) The film we watched yesterday is—————(interesting ) than the film we are watching now. 8) Mary says she is the ————-(happy ) wife and mother in the world. 9) Diana is the ————-( good) pupil in her class. And who is the ————(bad )? 10) We wanted to have all the —————(tasty ) things for our holiday dinner. Помогите правильно сделать задание. Пожалуйста!

Вопрос по английскому языку:

2 Complete the text. Use the words in brackets in the right form. (9 points max.) When I was young, I used to live in a small village. There 1 (be) a school in the village, so I went to a school in a town about 5 km away. I 2 (not, like) the school because the 3 (child) were unfriendly, but I had many friends in the village. Then, in 2014 we 4 (move) from the village to another town. It was very sad. I had to tidy up everything before moving. When I 5 (put) my things into boxes, I started crying. When the men came to take everything to our new house, I 6 (sit) in my room, crying again. I thought then it was the 7 (bad) day in my life. However, it turned out that it was a change for the 8 (good). I still think about the old house and the village, but I’m happy now. I keep in touch with my village friends and I 9 (make) a lot of new friends in my town.

Понравилась статья? Поделить с друзьями:
  • Complete the sentences with the phrases that go with the word work
  • Complete the sentences with the past simple form of the word
  • Complete the sentences with the opposite of the word in brackets
  • Complete the sentences with the one word in each gap перевод
  • Complete the sentences with the one word in each gap i like