Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous word

Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous forms of the verbs in brackets.
Example: Where is Sam? − He is watching (watch) TV in the living room.
1. She usually _ (have) vegetable salad and fish for lunch.
2. Who was the fortress founded by? − I _ (not / know).
3. What are you doing? – I _ (look) for information about Windsor Castle. I _ (need) some facts for my presentation.
4. Why is the girl crying? − She _ (not / want) to see the doctor.

Английский язык ENJOY ENGLISH Английский с удовольствием (рабочая тетрадь) 5 класс Биболетова. Test yourself 5. Номер №5


Перевод задания
Дополните предложения формами глаголов в скобках в форме Настоящего Простого или Настоящего Продолженного времени.
Пример: Где Сэм? − Он смотрит (смотреть) телевизор в гостиной.
1. Она обычно _ (иметь) овощной салат и рыбу на обед.
2. Кем была основана крепость? − Я _ (не знать).
3. Что ты делаешь? − Я _ (искать) информацию о Виндзорском замке. Я _ (нуждаться) некоторые факты для моей презентации.
4. Почему девушка плачет? − Она _ (не хотеть) к врачу.

1. She usually has vegetable salad and fish for lunch.
2. Who was the fortress founded by? − I don’t know.
3. What are you doing? – I am looking for information about Windsor Castle. I need some facts for my presentation.
4. Why is the girl crying? − She doesn’t want to see the doctor.

Перевод ответа
1. На обед у нее обычно овощной салат и рыба.
2. Кем была основана крепость? − Я не знаю.
3. Что ты делаешь? − Я ищу информацию о Виндзорском замке. Мне нужны факты для презентации.
4. Почему девушка плачет? − Она не хочет к врачу.

Complete the sentences with the words
in brackets. Use the present simple or
present continuous.
1 I am living.
in New York at the
moment. (I’am/live)
computer games
every day? (she / play)
to the sports centre
three times a week. (they / not go)
your computer today?
(you /use)
lunch at one
o’clock. (he / have)
6 Oh no!
the match
now. (we/not win)
her homework. (Rachel / do)
at the moment.
(My cat / sleep)

2. Does she play computer games every day?

3. They don’t go to the sports centre three times a week.

4. Are you using your computer today?

5. He always has lunch at one o’clock.

6. Oh no! We aren’t winning the match now.

7. Rachel never does her homework.

8. My cat is sleeping at the moment.

Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in
1 Sam ____________________ (work) in an office every day.
2 Joanne ____________________ (play) tennis right now.
3 Tom ____________________ (stay) at a campsite this week.
4 Andrew never ____________________ (get up) before eight o’clock.
5 At the moment, Olive ____________________ (sit) outside.

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Вопрос по английскому языку:

Present Simple or Present Continious?
Complete the sentennous with the present simple or continnous of the verbs.
Кому не видно:
1.He usually____to work by bus.
2.Tess____on the phone now
3.Peter and Gina______hip — hop
4. Mr. Andrews____fast food
5.Be quiet!The baby____in his bedroom
6.Mary’s daughter___in Boston at the moment
7.The film___outstanding!You should watch it!
8.My father____a documentary on TV.
9. I_____working early in the morning.
10.They never____attention to my words.
11. The train___ at half past seven.
12. I_____now,my parents must be worried!
13.Water___at o°c.
14.The water___on the cooker!Turn it off!
15.Harry sometimes____tennis at the club.
16.Betty___the flute now.She’s rehearsing!
17.My students ralery____a word in English!
18.It rarely___in summer.
19.Look!It____cats and dogs!We can’t go out now.
20.I never___before 7.30.
21.Are you sure this dress___me?
22.Susan usually___her homework in her bedroom.
23.The Earth____around the Sun.
24. They____difficulties at the moment.
25.Samuel always____his homework before dinner but today he___his Mum.
26.This week we___on a trip to London.
27.Mary _____ music and dancing.
28.We ralery___litter on the ground in London.
29.Alice___now____for you in the living room.
30.The phone always___when I____a bath.
31.John___an e-mail at the moment.
32. I____rainy days!
33.David___his hair every month.
34.Litlle Betty___her drawing right now.
Слова,которые надо вставить в пропуски: go ,talk,love,not like,sleep,study,be,watch,hate,pay,leave,leave,freeze,boil,play,play,say,rain,rain,get up,suit,do,go,have,do / ,help,go,enjoy,see,wait,ring / take,write,detest,cut,cut
Слова надо изменять,благодоря правилам.За это даю максимальное кол — во баллов (54б)
Как можно быстрее.

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  • Complete the sentences with the opposite of the word in brackets
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