Complete the sentences with the new word circle it

Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: artemewa1


Автор ответа: Mcfisher


3 a lot
1 a few
3 a few
3 a little
2 a lot of
3 many

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Complete the sentences with the new word circle it

we spent .

Of time at the seaside

1) many 2) a few 3) a lot

there are .

New sabjects in the timetable

1) a fiw 2) much 3) a little

there isnt .

Homework for tomorrow

1) much 2) many 3) a few

usually there is .

Snow during winter in great britain

1) a few 2) many 3) a little

i want to know .

Foreign languages

1) a little 2) a lot of 3) mach

how .

Stadents are there in the class?

1) a few 2) mach 3) many.

Вы открыли страницу вопроса Complete the sentences with the new word circle itwe spent ?. Он относится к категории
Английский язык. Уровень сложности вопроса – для учащихся 5 — 9 классов.
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ключевые слова. Введите его в строку, нажав кнопку вверху.

Complete the sentences with new words.
north, east, south, west, forests, trip, river, castle.
1) … or …, home is best.
2) It is usually cold in winter in the .. of our country and it is warm or hot in the … in summer.
3) The Volga is a very long … .
4) Last summer we had a wonderful … to the south.
5) Bears live in … .
6) An old … is situated on the mountain.

ГДЗ Английский язык 5 класс (часть 2) Афанасьева. UNIT 5. Step 1. Номер №8


Перевод задания
Закончи предложения новыми словами.
север, восток, юг, запад, леса, поездка, река, замок.
1) … или …, дом – лучший.
2) На … нашей страны обычно холодно зимой, и на … тепло или жарко летом.
3) Волга – очень длинная … .
4) Прошлым летом у нас была прекрасная … на юг.
5) Медведи живут в … .
6) Старый … находится на горе.

1) East or west, home is best.
2) It is usually cold in winter in the north of our country and it is warm or hot in the south in summer.
3) The Volga is a very long river.
4) Last summer we had a wonderful trip to the south.
5) Bears live in forests.
6) An old castle is situated on the mountain.
Перевод ответа
1) Восток или запад, дом – лучший. (В гостях хорошо, а дома – лучше)
2) На севере нашей страны обычно холодно зимой, и на юге тепло или жарко летом.
3) Волга – очень длинная река.
4) Прошлым летом у нас была прекрасная поездка на юг.
5) Медведи живут в лесах.
6) Старый замок находится на горе.

1) InRussian it is cold in the north and hot in the south.
2)The family made a wonderful  trip tothe sea in summer.
3) Yesterday I saw a picture with an old castle . It had high walls and talltowers.
4) The Volga river is one of the biggest rivers in Russian.
East or West,home is best .
6) There is a big green forest near our town.
7) I dont know where Scotland is be situated . Can you tell me?
8) On
Sunday my family went on a  trip. Wevisited a beautiful old castle which is be situated near our town.

Оцени ответ

    английский язык

we spent … of time at the seaside
1) many 2) a few 3) a lot
there are … new sabjects in the timetable
1) a fiw 2) much 3) a little
there isnt … homework for tomorrow
1) much 2) many 3) a few
usually there is … snow during winter in great britain
1) a few 2) many 3) a little
i want to know … foreign languages
1) a little 2) a lot of 3) mach
how … stadents are there in the class?
1) a few 2) mach 3) many


03 февр. 2016 г., 15:06:56 (7 лет назад)


03 февр. 2016 г., 16:09:12 (7 лет назад)

3 a lot
1 a few
3 a few
3 a little
2 a lot of
3 many


Другие вопросы из категории

Mariawa / 05 янв. 2016 г., 5:35:41

An ant met an elephant near a river in the forest. The elephant said, «Good morning, little thing.»

«Little thing!» cried the ant. «I am very strong! I am the strongest of all!»
«I am the strongest animal in the forest!» said the elephant.
«Well, come here tomorrow at the same time and we shall fight! Then we shall see which of us is stronger,» answered the little ant.
«How can I fight with you? I don’t see you in the grass!» cried the elephant.
«Then we shall pull a rope. And you will see that I am stronger than you,» said the ant.

«All right!» said the elephant and went away.
The ant went to the river and said to a crocodile who lived there, «I have a good dinner for you, Crocodile. Come here tomorrow at the same time. I shall have a big hare tied to a rope for you.»
«That’s very good of you, Ant!» said the crocodile, «Thank you very much!»
The next morning the ant met the elephant. The ant gave the elephant the end of a long rope.
«Tie this end of the rope to your leg,» said the ant, «and I shall tie the other end to my leg. When I say ‘Ready!’ you must begin to pull. Then we shall see which of us is stronger.»
The elephant tied one end of the rope to his leg, and the ant ran off with the other end to the crocodile.
The ant tied the rope to the crocodile’s neck and said, «And now — pull!»
And to the elephant he cried, «Ready!»
The crocodile began to pull, and the elephant began to pull, too. They pulled and they pulled.
«How strong that ant is!» thought the elephant, and he pulled again.
«How strong that hare is!» thought the crocodile, and he pulled again.
And they pulled and pulled.
But the clever ant only laughed at the silly elephant and the crocodile, and went home. перевидите текст

Zheka7658958 / 31 дек. 2015 г., 12:34:10

Помогите перевести и исправить ошибки

Recucle be,have got,can and there is /there are
№ 4 Correct the errors in these sentences.
1)There is two official lannguages in Britain.
2)Buckingham Palace have got more than 200 bedrooms.
3)About 600 000 people can to speak Welsh.
4)The UK’s highest mountain are in Scotland.
5)There’s 7.8 million people in London.
6)England,Scotland and Wales has got national football teams.

Читайте также

Dkurlykina / 10 дек. 2014 г., 23:04:21

Помогите с лексико-грамматическим тестом Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.

Denis is the (good) friend. For me Maths is (difficult) than Literature. My sister is (tall) than me. This exercise is (easy) than that one. I think History is (interesting) subject at school. Ann is the (bright) student in our class.

Put the prepositions. They invited us at/to/in London. Who takes care about/for/of your pet? Did you meet anyone at / in /during Summer school in Britain? Will you go abroad at/ on/ in October? My best friend is from/ out/ in Britain. They travelled on/ in/ by a comfortable bus. We would like to learn more from/ of/ about London.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word Charles Darwin was a famous ( science). Paula wants to become an English (teach). I. Repin was an outstanding (art). I think he will be a successful (write) in the future. Madonna is a popular American (sing)

Choose the right variant: Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple.

1 You ____on holidays last year.

a) go b) went c) will go

2. He _____late for work yesterday.

a) is b) was c) will be

3. Every morning Tom ________early.

a) wakes up b) woke up c) will wake up

4. They _______ a lot of new subjects next year.

a) have b) had c) will have

5. Ann _____English well.

a) speaks b) spoke c) will speak

Baevaelen / 10 апр. 2015 г., 18:33:44

3 Complete the sentences with the correct words. 1 A(n)____________ film doesn’t have real people in it. 2 In a ____________ film a

lot of people usually die because of a terrible event like a storm or a fire.

3 A ____________ film is usually about the future.

4 In ____________ the actors have to act, sing and dance.

5 A ____________ is about a certain part of America.

Mark /5

4 Complete the sentences with the correct words in the box.

gripping violent moving horror entertaining

1 The film was so ____________ that I cried at the end.

2 ____________ films give me bad dreams.

3 I couldn’t switch off the TV because the film was so ____________.

4 I like films that are ____________ for the whole family.

5 My mum refuses to watch ____________ films because she doesn’t like all the fighting.

дамирхазипов / 15 окт. 2013 г., 22:10:56

Complete the sentences with the correct words.

1My favourite s… is spring because it is so beautiful.
2The c… of Britain is London.
3The p… of the USA is about 300 million.
4The w… is not very nice today – it’s rainy and cold.
5There are eight n… full of animals and plants in our country.
6I live in the n… of the country but the biggest cities are in the south.
7The highest m… is 4200 metres high.
8Our country has a very nice climate. It isn’t too hot in the s… and it isn’t too cold in the .
2 a, on, the, —
Complete the text with a, an, the or -.
This country is in Europe. It is ___ big country. ___ capital is in the centre of ___ country and the population is about fort-six million. The people have __ lunch in the afternoon. It is the biggest meal of the day. They usually eat at ___ home but, in big cities, they can’t always do this. They often have ___ snack before dinner because they have ___ dinner quite late, at 9 p.m. or later. ___ snack is called ‘La Merienda’. They often eat ___ bread with ham or cheese. What is the country? Spain.
3 Nationalities
Make nationalities from the countries below and put them in the correct column of the table.
-an -ish -ese other endings

4 someone, everyone, anyone, no one etc.
Complete the sentences with the correct words.
1I want to go ___ nice this summer.
2We woke up in the middle of the night and heard ___ walking around in the living room.
3I’m bored. I haven’t got ___ to talk to.
4My phone rang but, when I answered, there was ___ there.
5There’s ___ important I want to tell you.
6They didn’t have vegetarian food so I didn’t have ___ to eat.
7My first day of school was great. ___ was very kind.

MrZagagulina / 10 нояб. 2014 г., 10:41:49

помогите пожалуйста)) 1 задания) Complete the sentences with this , these , it , or they) a) «Are_____keys Tom’s?» «No,_____aren’t» b) How much

are____trousers? c)»____book is interesting». «No,____isn’t. _____’s d)I don’t like____cheese. e)»Do you like____jacket?». «Yes,_____’s fashionable» а вот второе)) Complete the sentences with that , those , it , or they a) Look at _____boys._____ are twins. b)»How much is ____ stamp?» «_____’s very expensive» c)»Are_____ girls your sisters?» «Yes,____are». d)»Is _____ house Kate’s?» «Yes, ____ is» e)Look at _____fantastic car.

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