Complete the sentences with the necessary word or words


1. These cakes are probably the (best) in the world. 2. I am (happier) than I have ever been. 3. The game will certainly be much (more exciting) than it was last year. 4. For (farther) information, please write to the above address. 5. The (oldest) member of her family is her Granny. 6. He did very badly in the exam – (worse) than expected. 7. He was the (fattest) man I had ever met. 8. This is the (most attractive) room in the whole house. 9. Our new house is (bigger) than the one we used to live in. 10. Jill can run as (fast) as Jack. 11. My brother has (more) money than I have. 12. This is the (worst) weather so far this year. 13. Travelling by train is (more comfortable) than travelling by bus. 14. The bedroom isn’t so (light) as the living-room. 15. Tom is the (most reserved) boy in this class. 16. It’s getting (harder) and (harder) to find а job nowadays. 17. Summer is the (driest) period of the year. 18. ‘What time shall we leave’ ‘The (sooner), the (better).’ 19. It’s (cheaper) to go by car than by train. 20. Tom looks (older) than he really is.


Отв. дан
2019-02-26 03:36:45

Complete the sentences with а necessary form of the words in brackets

6. Tokyo is Japan’s (large) city.

7. You certainly look much (happy) than you did yesterday.

8. The day grew (hot).

9. This is his (good) novel. The other novels are much (bad) than this one.

10. Jane is the (young) of the three sisters.

11. I get on well with my (old) sister.

12. This is the (funny) bit of the film.

13. He is obviously (interested) in sport than I am.

14. It was the (expensive) hotel we had ever stayed in.

15. (Good) late than never.

16. Where is the (near) post office?

17. He was the (bad) pupil in the class.

18. Cats don’t usually live as (long) as dogs.

19. Children nowadays seem to be much (noisy) than they used to be.

20. Henry was the (big) of them.

в разделе Английский язык

Complete the sentences with the necessary function words.
1. Glasgow is situated in the northwest _ Scotland.
2. When it’s hot and sunny I like to lie _ the sun.
3. The ancient city of London stood _ the banks of the River Thames.
4. There is a monument _ Queen Victoria in front of Buckingham Palace.
5. More than two hundred people can stay _ this hotel.
6. We always travel _ England _ summer holidays.
7. Trafalgar Square is famous _ its fountains, the National Gallery and the monument _ Admiral Nelson. It’s popular _ tourists.
8. There are about three hundred shops _ Oxford Street.
9. _ the double−deckers visitors _ London can see the best of the city.
10. The British Prime Minister lives and works _ number 10 Downing Street.

Английский язык 6 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Афанасьева. UNIT Two. IV. Use of English. Номер №20


Перевод задания
Дополните предложения необходимыми функциональными словами.
1. Глазго расположен на северо−западе _ Шотландии.
2. Когда жарко и солнечно, я люблю лежать _ солнце.
3. Древний город Лондон стоял _ берегах реки Темзы.
4. Перед Букингемским дворцом установлен памятник _ Королеве Виктории.
5. _ этом отеле могут проживать более двухсот человек.
6. Мы всегда путешествуем _ Англия _ летние каникулы.
7. Трафальгарская площадь знаменита _ своими фонтанами, Национальной галереей и памятником _ адмиралу Нельсону. Это популярные _ туристы.
8. Есть около трехсот магазинов _ Оксфорд−стрит.
9. _ двухэтажные автобусы посетители _ Лондон могут увидеть лучшее города.
10. Премьер−министр Великобритании живет и работает _ Даунинг−стрит, д. 10.

1. Glasgow is situated in the northwest of Scotland.
2. When it’s hot and sunny I like to lie in the sun.
3. The ancient city of London stood on the banks of the River Thames.
4. There is a monument to Queen Victoria in front of Buckingham Palace.
5. More than two hundred people can stay at this hotel.
6. We always travel about England during summer holidays.
7. Trafalgar Square is famous for its fountains, the National Gallery and the monument to Admiral Nelson. It’s popular with tourists.
8. There are about three hundred shops in Oxford Street.
9. From the double−deckers visitors to London can see the best of the city.
10. The British Prime Minister lives and works at number 10 Downing Street.

Перевод ответа
1. Глазго расположен на северо−западе Шотландии.
2. Когда жарко и солнечно, я люблю лежать на солнце.
3. Древний город Лондон стоял на берегу реки Темзы.
4. Перед Букингемским дворцом стоит памятник королеве Виктории.
5. В этом отеле могут остановиться более двухсот человек.
6. Мы всегда путешествуем по Англии во время летних каникул.
7. Трафальгарская площадь славится своими фонтанами, Национальной галереей и памятником адмиралу Нельсону. Она популярна среди туристов.
8. На Оксфорд−стрит около трехсот магазинов.
9. Из двухэтажных автобусов посетители Лондона могут увидеть лучшие города.
10. Премьер−министр Великобритании живет и работает на Даунинг−стрит, 10.

4 ** Complete the sentences with the correct words or phrases. .nature lover’s family hiking energetic picturesque local trendy north.cosy Do you want to raise your 1). ……………….. in a small, 2) ………….. ………. town? Well, Postville might just be what you are looking for. This small town is about 80 km 3). of Waterloo. It’s a 4)…………. paradise with its rolling hills and its 5). trails. You and your family will feel more ………. and less stressed in your new environment. There are parks and schools in the town. There are many 7) ……………………… shops in the main street where you can find anything you like. There are also many restaurants that serve 8) dishes and 9) cafés where you can have something to drink. There is absolutely everything anyone can ask for in this beautiful town. For more information, visit our website:​

1. Reading this book, you can see that the author has been drawn on things that he’s actually seen and done in his life to make the story true to life. — Читая эту книгу, вы можете видеть, что автор был обращен к тому, что он на самом деле видел и делал в своей жизни, чтобы история была правдой жизни.
2. I’m certainly not an overnight success. I’d been acting for years before anyone had ever heard of me. — Я, конечно, не немедленный успех. Я играл много лет, прежде чем кто-либо когда-либо услышал обо мне.
3. We’re looking to increase our sales by thirty percent this year. — Мы планируем увеличить продажи на тридцать процентов в этом году.
4. This show is awful. It deserves to be panned by critics. — Это шоу ужасно. Он заслуживает быть разгромленным критиками.
5. When unpopular leaders are overthrown, they are often exiled so that they don’t try to get back into power. — Когда непопулярных лидеров свергают, их часто высылают, чтобы они не пытались вернуться к власти.
6. Do you think trouble will break out between hooligans at the next World Cup? — Считаете ли вы, что на следующем Кубке мира возникнут проблемы с хулиганами?
7. I don’t want to settle down with a steady job and a little house in the suburbs. I want to travel the world and have excitement and adventures. — Я не хочу осесть с постоянной работой и маленьким домиком в пригороде. Я хочу путешествовать по миру и испытывать волнения и приключения.

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