Complete the sentences with the missing words the first letter of each word is given

Английский язык,

вопрос задал ihor22wooy,

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3.Гейзер — это горячий источник, периодически выбрасывающий из недр:
А) Грязевые потоки; Б)…

1. There should be a stricter punishment for dropping litter. – Наказание за выброс мусора должно быть более строгим.
2. If someone shouts at you in public, you can take them to court. — Если кто-то кричит на вас в общественных местах, вы можете вызвать их в суд.
3. Do you know Sting’s song ‘If you love somebody, set them free’? — Вы знаете песню Стинга «Если ты любишь кого-то, освободи его»?
4. It always takes me hours to choose what I want to buy — I’m very indecisive. — У меня всегда занимает несколько часов, чтобы выбрать то, что я хочу купить — я очень нерешителен.
5. I have to buy special cosmetics because I have soft skin. — Я должен купить специальную косметику, потому что у меня мягкая кожа.
6. Most Hollywood films are quite predictable — you always know what’s going to happen. — Большинство голливудских фильмов вполне предсказуемы — вы всегда знаете, что произойдет.

Учеба и наука

два упражнения

Вопрос задан анонимно

октябрь 31, 2020 г.

  • Всего ответов: 1

  • 1. ..Searchers examine the structure of the cells. 2. The invention of radio and television changed our leisure time. 3. This theory was experimentally proved. 4. He has won a prize at the national conference. 5. There are different scientific fields. 

    1. Science deals with a variety of subjects. 2. Scientists search for the answers to the different questions. 3. The structure of the cells is elaborated by scientists. 4. Different theories use the facts. 5. The boundaries of some scientific fields are not clear. 6. Natural, social and technical sciences are closely interrelated. 7. Throughout the ages, people have invented tools, machines, and materials to make work easier.8. Science contributes much to modern technology. 9. Some modern technologies depend on science. 10. During our leisure time we watch TV.

даю 30 балов помогите пж!!!!!!!
1 Complete the sentences with the missing words. The first letters are given. There is one space for each missing letter.
0 The children were left to r u n w i l d all over the neighbourhood. The parents didn’t know where they were or what they were doing.
The houses in this part of the country don’t have c _ _ _ _ _ _ h _ _ _ _ _ _ as it doesn’t get very cold in winter.

Make sure you k _ _ _ your w _ _ _ about you in the city centre. There is a lot of crime.

I shouldn’t go shopping when there are so many sales. I make i _ _ _ _ _ _ p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and come home with a lot of things I don’t need.

The plan is to e _ _ _ _ on a windsurfing c _ _ _ _ _ now to learn all the skills, then next year we will be able to go on our own without an instructor.

One way to i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ your e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is to take a second job and work at the weekends.
2 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There are two extra words.
profit auction hairy bustling area cobbled running bargain

0 I love wandering through the bustling markets full of locals doing their shopping.
It was difficult to cycle on the ______________ streets of the old city.
We had a ______________ moment when we thought the roof was going to collapse but overall the renovation went very well.
They moved to a house with no electricity and no ______________ water. It sounds like a great adventure.

There are so many sales on at the moment. You can buy pretty much everything at very low ______________ prices.
We’ve been waiting for a house like this to come up for ______________, but someone else offered a higher price than we could afford. We’ll have to buy something cheaper.


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