Complete the sentences with the given word my brother

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Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the given word. Use between two and four words.
1) My brother Dan learnt this recipe a week ago during the cooking class. (BEEN)
It … a week since my brother Dan learnt this recipe.
2) Skye is planning to have a sightseeing holiday in Rome. It is going to be her first time there. (VISITED)
Skye …Rome yet, so she is planning to have a sightseeing holiday there.
3) The last time Ed was in the gym was two weeks ago. (BEEN)
Ed … to the gym for two weeks.
4) Ice-skating is not as hard for me as roller-skating. (THAN)
As for me, roller-skating … ice-skating.
5) Tommo’s never seen a larger opera theatre in his life. (THE)
This is … opera theatre Tommo has ever seen.
6) Alisha is worse at long-distance running than her classmate. (BAD)
Alisha’s classmate … at long-distance running as she is.


1. He studies history at university.

2. My brother is an engineer.

3. We work for an American company.

4. I don’t have a job. I’m unemployed.

5. Paola is a receptionist.

6. My grandparents are 75. They’re retired.

7. They work in a factory.


1. to study at university — «учиться в университете» — это сочетание надо запомнить.

2.  an engineer — поскольку существительное начинается на гласный звук, артикль имеет форму an

3. work for (a company) — работать на (компанию)

4. unemployed — безработный

5. Paola is a receptionist. — когда называют профессию человека, используют неопределённый артикль.

6. to be retired — быть на пенсии

7. to work in a factory — это выражение тоже нужно запомнить

COMPARATIVES AND SUPERLATIVES Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets. 安安, 六六六六六六六六六六六 六六六六点点 1.- My sister is my brother. (intelligent) animal. (big) 2.- The blue whale is 3.- Iceland is Spain (cold) 4.- This is book I’ve ever read. (good) 5.- My neighbour is person I know (lucky) 6.- Friday is the day of the week. (busy) those. (cheap) 7.- These trainers are much 8.- Frank works most people. (hard) 9.- I’m at English than you. (good) 10.- Today has been day of the year. (hot) 11.- This is CD I’ve ever listened. (bad) 12.- English is Japanese. (easy) 13.- Which mountain is in the world. (high) 14.- John is his brother. (clever) 15.- English is Latin. (useful) 16.- What is word in English? (common) 17.- The Nile is river in the world. (long) 18.- This is my brother. Mary is their daughter (old, old) 19.- That skyscraper is one of buildings in the city. (tall) 20.- The first exercise was easy but this one is (difficult) 21.- Our journey took we expected. (long) 22.- Charles is student in the school. (noisy) 23.- Madrid’s population is Santander’s (large) 24.- Nothing makes me waiting on the phone. (angry) 25.- Five years ago I was I am now, and I had hair. (fat, log) 26.- This car uses petrol. It’s economical. (much, little) 27.- Spanish is difficult to learn than Chinese. (little) 28.- It’s hotel in Santander (expensive) 29.- How much are we going? (far) 30.- I haven’t got many CDs. You’ve got I have. (many) 31.- Everyone has heard of Real Madrid. They are probably team in the world. (famous) 32.- The cheetah is animal in the world. (fast) 33.- Barcelona’s stadium is new. It’s stadium in Europe. (modern)​

Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in capital letters.
1. My brother is very ___. He never shuts up. (Talk).
2. Watching DVDs is my favourite from of ___. (Entertain).
3. He’s very ___. He want to be rich and famous. (Ambition).
4. He’s got areally chereful __. (PERSON)
5. They are collecting money for the __ children’s holidays. (Able).
6. I had a very __ holiday in a quiet mountain village. (Peace).
7. He is very __. I’m sure he’ll be famous one day. (Create).

Автор: Гость

Ответ(ы) на вопрос:


1. My brother is very ___. He never shuts up. (Talkative).
2. Watching DVDs is my favourite from of ___. (Entertainment).
3. He’s very ___. He want to be rich and famous. (Ambitious).
4. He’s got areally chereful __. (PERSONality)
5. They are collecting money for the __ children’s holidays. (disabled).
6. I had a very __ holiday in a quiet mountain village. (Peaceful).
7. He is very __. I’m sure he’ll be famous one day. (Creative).

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