Complete the sentences with the derivatives of the word in brackets

Complete the sentences with the derivatives of the words on the right. (in the brackets)
1. We know little about the system of education in Canada. (educate)
2. Robert is a well−known _ , a very good one indeed. (jump)
3. Little children like to make sandcastles on _ beaches. (sand)
4. This is a very _ rule. (use)
5. Lizzy felt sad and _ because she had nobody to play with. (happy)
6. People in Europe have Christmas _s in December. (celebrate)
7. I didn’t understand why Greg greeted me so _ . (cold)
8. We didn’t know anything about his _ of badges. (collect)
9. The Mississippi is a great and _ river in North America. (power)
10. What _ uniforms these officers are wearing! (beauty)

Английский язык 7 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Афанасьева. UNIT One. IV. Use of English. Номер №24


Перевод задания
Заполните предложения производными от слов справа. (в скобках)
1. Мы мало знаем о системе образования в Канаде. (давать образование)
2. Роберт − известный _ , действительно очень хороший. (прыгать)
3. Маленьким детям нравится делать песочные замки на _ пляжах. (песок)
4. Это очень _ правило. (использовать)
5. Лиззи была грустной и _ , потому что ей не с кем было играть. (счастливый)
6. У европейцев Рождественские _ в декабре. (праздновать)
7. Я не понял, почему Грег встретил меня так _ . (холодный)
8. Мы ничего не знали о его _ значков. (коллекционировать)
9. Миссисипи − великая и _ река в Северной Америке. (сила)
10. Какую _ форму эти офицеры носят! (красота)

1. We know little about the system of education in Canada.
2. Robert is a well−known jumper, a very good one indeed.
3. Little children like to make sandcastles on sandy beaches.
4. This is a very useful rule.
5. Lizzy felt sad and unhappy because she had nobody to play with.
6. People in Europe have Christmas celebrations in December.
7. I didn’t understand why Greg greeted me so coldly.
8. We didn’t know anything about his collection of badges.
9. The Mississippi is a great and powerful river in North America.
10. What beautiful uniforms these officers are wearing!

Перевод задания
1. Мы мало знаем о системе образования в Канаде.
2. Роберт − известный прыгун, действительно очень хороший.
3. Маленьким детям нравится делать песочные замки на песчаных пляжах.
4. Это очень полезное правило.
5. Лиззи была грустной и несчастной, потому что ей не с кем было играть.
6. У европейцев Рождественские празднования в декабре.
7. Я не понял, почему Грег встретил меня так холодно.
8. Мы ничего не знали о его коллекции значков.
9. Миссисипи − великая и мощная река в Северной Америке.
10. Какую красивую форму эти офицеры носят!



Вопрос по английскому языку:

Complete the sentences with the derivatives of the words in brackets: 1) it was …(courage) decision to fight to the end. 2) there are a lot of …(day) papers in kiosks. ПОМОГИТЕЕЕ

Трудности с пониманием предмета? Готовишься к экзаменам, ОГЭ или ЕГЭ?

Воспользуйся формой подбора репетитора и занимайся онлайн. Пробный урок — бесплатно!

Ответы и объяснения 1



1) it was  courageous decision to fight to the end. 
2) there are a lot of daily papers in kiosks.

Знаете ответ? Поделитесь им!


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    побуждал на дополнительные вопросы к нему;
  • Писать без грамматических, орфографических и
    пунктуационных ошибок.

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  • Копировать ответы со сторонних ресурсов. Хорошо ценятся
    уникальные и личные объяснения;
  • Отвечать не по сути: «Подумай сам(а)», «Легкотня», «Не
    знаю» и так далее;
  • Использовать мат — это неуважительно по отношению к

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Complete the sentences using the derivatives of the words in brackets.

1) I can`t read this text. It is not (read).
2) His was a very (PLEASANT) face, we didn`t like the man at all.
3) What can you say about the patient`s (ILL)?
4) No one gives (BREAK) things to babies.
5) Everyone liked the (COLOUR) photos.
6) It is a modern tall (BUILD) in our town.

2 ответа:



1. readable

2. unpleasant

3. illness

4. breakable

5. colourful

6. building



Завершите предложения, используя производные слов в скобках.

1) Я не могу прочитать этот текст. Это не (читай).

2) У него было очень (приятное) лицо, нам этот человек совсем не нравился.

3) Что вы можете сказать о пациенте (ILL)?

4) Никто не дает (перерыв) вещи для детей.

5) Всем понравились (ЦВЕТНЫЕ) фотографии.

6) Это современный высокий (BUILD) в нашем городе.

Читайте также

Напишите данное предложение в Present, Past, Future Indefinite Tense в утвердительной, вопросительной и отрицательной формах. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Present Indefinite Tense. The students <em><u>define</u></em> the pressure of the gas in some tube. — Студенты определяют давление газа в трубе.

The students don’t define the pressure of the gas in some tube. 

Do the students define the pressure of the gas in some tube?

2/  Past  Indefinite Tense. The students <em><u>defined</u></em> the pressure of the gas in some tube.  Студенты определяли давление газа в трубе.

The students didn’t define the pressure of the gas in some tube. 

Did the students define the pressure of the gas in some tube?

3. Future Indefinite Tense. The students will <em><u>define</u></em> the pressure of the gas in some tube. — Студенты будут определять давление газа в трубе.

The students won’t define the pressure of the gas in some tube. 

Will the students define the pressure of the gas in some tube?

It’s a bycle (космический вездеход)

8 sales of products —<span> a)
We sell less than 10% of our goods in the home market country. We make
clothes for other companies, who sell them in different countries.
</span><span>7 the owner of a company — </span><span>b) The founder of our company is fifty years old. He owns 85% of the company and is the chairperson.
</span><span>1 the location of head office — </span><span>c) We are a multinational company with headquarters in Paris. Many staff
work with people from different countries on our projects. Good
communication is very important. Some people live in one country but
regularly commute to another country, especially in Europe.
</span><span>2 a personal opinion — </span><span>d) I think I spend too much time away from home. I travel all the time
for my job and I miss my family. I think we can use things like video
conferencing for many of my meetings.
</span><span>6 types of teams — </span><span>e) Our employees work in teams so they need to understand each other and
communicate well. Our teams are formal and all the members are from
this company. Other companies have international teams.
</span><span>4 modern technology — </span>f) Teamwork is important for many companies today, especially in
multinational companies. This is easy today because of the internet and
mobile phones.

Что делает Викки в четверть восьмого? 
В какое время Викки идёт спать? Викки часто идёт спать в половину девятого.
Когда у Викки начинается школа? Школа начинается в Половину восьмого.
Что делает Викки в четверть седьмого? 
Для того,чтобы ответить на другие 2 вопроса,надо посмотреть на верхнее задание и дописать.

Никитас хобби,потому что он всегда путешествовал с семьей
3.Он начал путешествовать
когда ему было всего 2 года.
4.Он отправился к международной ВВЦ-лагерь в Алтайском крае.
5.Они получил огромное удовольствие от красоты природы,ходили в походы по горам,плавали в озере,устроили пожары в вечернее время,говорил на английском языке.
6.Они сажали деревья и убирали территорию
7.Он был в Финляндии
<span>8.Он хочет посетить Австралию</span>

Put the sentences in the right column.

Causative form

No causative form

Have you ever had your hair permed?

Anna has just had her hair done.

Bob had his eyes checked yesterday.

I’m busy. I’m painting my nails

She has been doing her hair for half an hour already

Match the form of the verb from Task 1 with the number of the sentence.

Bob had his eyes checked yesterday.

I’m busy. I’m painting my nails.

Have you ever had your hair permed?

Anna has just had her hair done.

She has been doing her hair for half an hour already.

Present Perfect Progressive

Match the pictures and the sentences.

The man is servicing his car.

The man is redecorating his flat.

The man is having his flat redecorated.

The man is having an x-ray taken.

The man is having his car serviced.

Fill in the gaps with the proper form of the words from the list

make, mend, develop, paint, put on

I will soon have a new dress


The lady is having her shoes


He has had the film


I’m going to

the walls in my room.

The actress is having her make-up


Match the words to make word combinations.

Complete the sentences with the derivatives of the words in brackets.

Penelope Cruz has a

(fantasy) figure.

Most of her

(portrait) are really nice.

Brad Pitt is a very

(fame) film star.


(popular) is really great.

Their films are


Make the right choice.

The movie made my… stand on end.

Make the right choice.

Is it really so or are you pulling my…?

Make the right choice.

I want to have my hair cut. Give me a…?

Make the right choice.

I’m taking my exam tomorrow. Keep your… crossed.

Make the right choice.

Why did you do that? You’ve lost your…!

Put the sentences in the correct order to make a text.

However, the audience liked it.

It featured the now famous 007 working for Her Majesty’s secret service.

It wasn’t a big budget film.

In 1962, James Bond made his first appearance in Dr No.

The movie was based on Ian Fleming’s book.

Назад к содержанию

Ответ на Unit 3, Step 5, Номер 5 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 9 класс: Афанасьева (Учебник Rainbow)

ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) на Unit 3, Step 5, Номер 5 по учебнику Английский язык. 9 класс. Учебник в двух частях / О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова. — Дрофа, 2019 (Российский учебник : Rainbow English)

Do you know that…?
The Middle Ages. In Western Europe the Middle Ages were a time (between AD 1100—1500) when church was very important. The Roman Catholic Church had great influence on people’s lives and on the way society was organized (feudalism). It was also the period when most cathedrals (large important churches) were built. The only people who could read and write were rich and powerful people and monks. The Middle Ages were also a time of many plagues. Sometimes they say that the Middle Ages began about AD 500, after the end of the Roman Empire, but this period is usually called the “Dark Ages” or the “Early Middle Ages”. The Renaissance [r??ne?s?ns] is the period in Europe from about 1400 to about 1600 when the art, literature, and ideas of the ancient world (Ancient Greece, especially) began to be studied again. The Renaissance influenced most of West Europe, but it is connected especially with Italy and the famous artists of the period — Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Raphael. The beginning of Renaissance led to the end of the period called the “Middle Ages”.

5 A. Complete the sentences using the derivatives of the words in the asterisks.
1) The sky darkened and heavy rain began to fall.
2) Neologisms enlarge the vocabulary of the English language.
3) We’re going to lengthen our stay next year.
4) Doctors say his arm will take time to strengthen
5) I’m sure we must enlighten him about the future changes in the project.
6) John’s eyes widened when he understood that his plan would not be supported.
7) This device will enable us to spend less time in the kitchen.
8) You should encourage your children to read more.

B. Complete the text using the derivatives of the words in the asterisks.
Who Invented Stockings?
Stockings were (1) originally made of leather to cover legs for (2) protection. The first people who tried to make stockings of the same kind we wear today were the French. Soon stockings (3) enabled their (4) owners snot only to use them for (5) warmth, but to look elegant as well. Stockings were often decorated with pieces of golden, silk and velvet cloth. In those days stockings were worn (6) mainly by (7) fashionable people. The first knitted stockings appeared in London about the year 1565. It’s known for a fact that Queen Elizabeth I wore them.

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  • Complete the sentences with the correct word ответы 8 класс английский язык