Complete the sentences with the correct word try not to so many

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs make and do.
1. Just a minute, I have to _ a quick phone call before we go.
2. I want to _ my homework before the film starts.
3. My parents _ the shopping every Saturday.
4. I have to _ my bed in the mornings.
5. My mother _ a lot of different dishes when we have a dinner party.
6. My brother and I help our parents _ the cleaning at the weekend.
7. The teacher _ all her work before she goes home.
8. Try not to _ so many mistakes when you speak in Italian.

Английский язык 6 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Ваулина. 5a Festive time. Номер №1


Перевод задания
Дополните предложения правильной формой глаголов make и do.
1. Минуточку, мне нужно ¬_ быстрый телефонный звонок, прежде чем мы уйдем.
2. Я хочу _ домашнее задание до начала фильма.
3. Мои родители _ покупки каждую субботу.
4. Я должен _ постель по утрам.
5. Моя мама _ много разных блюд, когда мы устраиваем званый обед.
6. Мы с братом помогаем родителям _ уборку по выходным.
7. Учитель _ всю свою работу перед тем, как пойти домой.
8. Старайтесь не _ так много ошибок, когда говорите по−итальянски.

1. Just a minute, I have to make a quick phone call before we go.
2. I want to do my homework before the film starts.
3. My parents do the shopping every Saturday.
4. I have to make my bed in the mornings.
5. My mother makes a lot of different dishes when we have a dinner party.
6. My brother and I help our parents do the cleaning at the weekend.
7. The teacher does all her work before she goes home.
8. Try not to make so many mistakes when you speak in Italian.

Перевод ответа
1. Минуточку, мне нужно сделать быстрый телефонный звонок, прежде чем мы уйдем.
2. Я хочу сделать домашнее задание до начала фильма.
3. Мои родители делают покупки каждую субботу.
4. Я должен заправлять постель по утрам.
5. Моя мама готовит много разных блюд, когда мы устраиваем званый обед.
6. Мы с братом помогаем родителям делать уборку по выходным.
7. Учитель выполняет всю свою работу перед тем, как пойти домой.
8. Старайтесь не делать так много ошибок, когда говорите по−итальянски.

Предмет: Математика,
автор: rodionow710

19-(3x^2-2x)-(6x-x^2)=6-2x^2 решите пожалуйста срочно​

3 года назад

Предмет: Английский язык,
автор: m3a4s3a

Практическая работа № 1. Компоненты автомобиля. Работа с лексикой.
Изучите термины, описывающие компоненты автомобиля (см. рис. 1-3). Составьте описание любого автомобиля или другого транспортного средства на английском языке.
Fig. 1. Automobile components 1. Bonnet – капот. 2. Wing mirror – боковое зеркало. 3. Windscreen – лобовое стекло. 4. Rear-view mirror – зеркало заднего вида. 5. Windscreen wiper – щетки стеклоочистителя. 6. Door – дверь. 7. Boot – багажник. 8. Tyre или tire – шина. 9. Wheel – колесо. 10. Headlight – фара. 11. Bumper – бампер. 12. Licence (или license) plate – номерной знак. 13. Indicator – указатель поворота.
Fig.2 Automobile components
1. Back seat – заднее сиденье.
2. Armrest – подлокотник.
3. Headrest – подголовник.
4. Seatbelt – ремень безопасности.
5. Door lock – дверной замок.
6. Door handle – ручка двери.
Fig. 3 Automobile components
1. Steering wheel – рулевое колесо.
2. Horn – сигнал, клаксон.
3. Dashboard – приборная панель.
4. Air vent – вентиляция.
5. Hazard light switch – кнопка аварийной сигнализации.
6. Glove compartment – бардачок.
7. Gear shift – рычаг переключения передач.
8. Accelerator – педаль газа.
9. Brake – педаль тормоза.
10. Clutch – педаль сцепления.
11. Handbrake – стояночный тормоз.
12. Cigarette lighter – прикуриватель.
срочно!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!дам 70 балов срочно надо!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3 года назад

Предмет: Физика,
автор: ocerednaadiana

Лінійна швидкість обертального руху кінця секундної стрілки годинника становить 2,5 мм/с Чому дорівнює довжина стрілки? ​

3 года назад

Предмет: Геометрия,
автор: Катя1011111101

помогите пожалуйста, срочно надо, буду очень благодарна!Найдите угол СВА

6 лет назад

Предмет: Алгебра,
автор: lolilolitov

решить систему линейного уравнения

6 лет назад

Complete the sentences with the correct word.

tempted • intact • consumer • rummage • discarded • condemned • foraging • tuck • landfill • rope
1 I decided not to take that bottle of milk as the packaging didn’t seem … .
2 For scavengers … food is the point of every day interest.
3 … price of the same goods is different in Moscow and other cities.
4 If you … in your bag, you will definitely find the keys.
5 To breed high quality cattle in this climate zone you need a … strategy.
6 You must … the trousers into the boots to keep warmer on such a cold day.
7 I’ve always felt … to trying drawing but never had time for that.
8 Nobody will want a flat next to the city … as the smell is awful.
9 Who can we … in to make dinner for tomorrow’s party?
10 Sam is … to leave school for three days for his misbehavior.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs make and do
(Завершитe предложения правильной формой глаголов make and do)

1) just a minute, i have to …….. a quick phone call
before we go.
2) i want to …….. my homework before the film starts.
3) my parents ……… the shopping every Saturday.
4) i have to ………. my bed in the mornings.
5) my mother …………. a lot of different dishes when we have a dinner party.
6) me brother and i help our parents …………. the cleaning at the weekend.
7) the teacher ………… all her work before she goes home.
8) try not to …………. so many mistakes when you speak in Italian.

Просмотров: 4683 | Добавил: (06.01.2018) (Изменено: 06.01.2018)

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06.01.2018 оставил(а) комментарий:

1. Just a minute, I have to make a quick phone call before we go. — Минуточку, мне нужно сделать быстрый звонок, перед тем, как мы пойдем.

2. I want to do my homework before the film starts. — Я хочу сделать работу по дому перед тем, как начнется фильм.
3. My parents do the shopping every Saturday. — Мои родители делают покупки каждую субботу.
4. I have to make my bed in the mornings. — Мне приходится застилать свою постель по утрам.
5. My mother makes a lot of different dishes when we have a dinner party. — Моя мама делает много разных блюд, когда у нас званый ужин.
6. My brother and I help our parents do the cleaning at the weekend. — Мой брат и я помогаем нашим родителям убираться в доме в выходные.
7. The teacher does all her work before she goes home. — Учительница делает всю ее работу перед тем, как пойти домой.
8. Try not to make so many mistakes when you speak in Italian. — Постарайся не делать так много ошибок, когда ты говоришь по-итальянски.




06.01.2018 оставил(а) комментарий:

1) Just a minute, I have to make a quick phone call before we go.
2) I want to do my homework before the film starts.
3) My parents do the shopping every Saturday.
4) I have to make my bed in the mornings.
5) My mother makes a lot of different dishes when we have a dinner party.
6) My brother and I help our parents to do the cleaning at the weekend.
7) The teacher does all her work before she goes home.
8) Try not to make so many mistakes when you speak Italian.

10 class.

Test 2.


1.Match the words/phrases in column A with the words /phrases in column B.



1) environmental

a) change

2) climate

b) warming

3) endangered

c) issues

4) global

d) species

5) home

e) habitats

6) local

f) scenery

7) nasty

g) virus

8) annual

h) festival

9) spectacular

i) dishes

10) natural


2. Fill in the correct word.


1.Try to reuse things as much as possible so as to … waste.

2.Don’t throw this jar away; I can use it to … different things.

3.Here is the … of Pompeii .

4. There is a beautiful view of the snowy … of the mountains from our hotel room.

5. We went on a guided … of London.

3.Choose the correct preposition.

1. Polar bears are under/in threat because of climate change.

2. A lot of animals species are under/in danger of extinction.

3. I don’t think animals should be kept at/in captivity.

4. We usually go on/ in holiday every January.

5. They will arrive on/ in London at 10 pm.

4. Complete the sentences with the correct past tense.

1. Three weeks ago John …(return) the book I … (lend) his.

2. Yesterday morning I … (not/meet) my friends until after I … (finish) my homework.

3. Roy … (watch) cartoon while I … (make) a cake.

4. Kate … (paint) the picture for hours before he … (take) a break.

5. Mary … (work) on the computer for four hours before she … (start) getting ready to go out.

10 class.

Test 2.


1. Match the words/phrases in column A with the words /phrases in column B.



1) environmental


2) global




4) climate

d) change

5) home

e) species

6) local

f) comfort

7) endangered

g) dishes

8) nasty

h) scenery

9) annual

i) festival

10) spectacular

j) virus

2. Fill in the correct word.


1. Switch off the lights to … energy.

2.Unfortunately, there are still many factories that … toxic gases into the air.

3.What can I do to …. the environment?

4.This part of town is full of street … .

5.You can take the local … to get to the city centre .

3. Choose the correct preposition.

1. Polar bears are under/in threat because of climate change.

2. A lot of animals species are under/in danger of extinction.

3. I don’t think animals should be kept at/in captivity.

4. We usually go on/ in holiday every January.

5. They will arrive on/ in London at 10 pm.

4. Complete the sentences with the correct past tense.

1. Three weeks ago John …(return) the book I … (lend) his.

2. Yesterday morning I … (not/meet) my friends until after I … (finish) my homework.

3. Roy … (watch) cartoon while I … (make) a cake.

4. Kate … (paint) the picture for hours before he … (take) a break.

5. Mary … (work) on the computer for four hours before she … (start) getting ready to go out.


variant 1













1 save

2 release

3 protect

4 vendors

5 bus


1 under

2 in

3 in

4 on

5 in


1 returned/had lent

2 didn’t meet/ had finished

3 was watching / was making

4 had been painting / took

5 had been working/ started

variant 2













1 eliminate

2 store

3 town

4 peaks

5 tour


1 under

2 in

3 in

4 on

5 in


1 returned/had lent

2 didn’t meet/ had finished

3 was watching / was making

4 had been painting / took

5 had been working/ started


the following sentences with the correct word. This is an example at the
beginning (0).

teacher gave me some very useful          advice   . advice /advise.

years ago, very few people owned computers, but ____________________ a lot of
people have them. actually /  now

poor pronunciation sometimes_____________________ my ability to communicate in
English. affects /  effects

haven’t seen her_______________ this morning. already / yet

have always been ______________________ snakes and spiders. worried about
/afraid of

limited vocabulary ___________________me from getting a good grade in the FCE. avoided
/ prevented

3 o’clock, I __________the children from school.  bring / fetch

you learn the vocabulary in this book, you have a better _____________ of
passing the FCE. chance / possibility

My English isn’t good. I’m always making
________________ mistakes. continuous / continual

summer we had a _____________ holiday in Italy. formidable /wonderful

you enjoy the party?’ ’Yes, it was _____________. ‘fun /funny

________________swimming and running every day. go/play

asked me if I would like to _____________ her to the cinema. go with /follow

You can borrow my car, but if you ___________it, I’ll
never talk to you again! harm / damage

I like working here. It’s a good _____________. job
/ work

such a _______________girl; she’s always helping people. kind/sympathetic

asked him to __________me 20 $ until Monday. borrow / lend

My mother asked me to _________ the table. lay/lie

love being in the _________in spring. countryside / nature

I thought the painting was worth a lot of money, but
in fact it was _______. priceless / worthless

sat on the beach at dawn and watched the sun ______. raise / rise

we go to town, could you ____________me to buy some milk? remember/remind

the top of the hill, you have a marvelous _______of the town. view/scenery

a _________ boy and gets upset easily. sensible/sensitive

24. When
you come to school tomorrow, don’t forget to _______your dictionary. bring/take

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