Complete the sentences with the correct word trendy

A Complete the sentences with the correct word.

trendy • fitness • detached • pedestrian • pavement • tunnel • bridge • road sign • popular • speed

This kind of jacket is very ………………………….. this season.

There’s a good restaurant, a bar and a ………………………….. centre in this town.

The Simpsons live separately in a ………………………….. house.

It was rather dark to go through the ………………………….. .

There were three ………………………….. standing at the zebra crossing.

We need a new ………………………….. to cross the river.

There was no ………………………….. allowing parking on this part of the street.

It is a ………………………….. amusement park in the city.

The ………………………….. limit on the roads is 60 km per hour.

The surface of the ………………………….. soon became very uneven.

Все категории

  • Фотография и видеосъемка
  • Знания
  • Другое
  • Гороскопы, магия, гадания
  • Общество и политика
  • Образование
  • Путешествия и туризм
  • Искусство и культура
  • Города и страны
  • Строительство и ремонт
  • Работа и карьера
  • Спорт
  • Стиль и красота
  • Юридическая консультация
  • Компьютеры и интернет
  • Товары и услуги
  • Темы для взрослых
  • Семья и дом
  • Животные и растения
  • Еда и кулинария
  • Здоровье и медицина
  • Авто и мото
  • Бизнес и финансы
  • Философия, непознанное
  • Досуг и развлечения
  • Знакомства, любовь, отношения
  • Наука и техника


A Complete the sentences with the correct word.

trendy • fitness • detached • pedestrian • pavement • tunnel • bridge • road sign • popular • speed

This kind of jacket is very ………………………….. this season.

There’s a good restaurant, a bar and a ………………………….. centre in this town.

The Simpsons live separately in a ………………………….. house.

It was rather dark to go through the ………………………….. .

There were three ………………………….. standing at the zebra crossing.

We need a new ………………………….. to cross the river.

There was no ………………………….. allowing parking on this part of the street.

It is a ………………………….. amusement park in the city.

The ………………………….. limit on the roads is 60 km per hour.

The surface of the ………………………….. soon became very uneven.

1 ответ:



<span>This kind of jacket is very </span><span>trendy this season.
There’s a good restaurant, a bar and a </span><span>fitness. centre in this town.
The Simpsons live separately in a </span><span>detached house.
It was rather dark to go through the </span><span><span>tunnel</span>.
There were three </span><span><span>pedestrians</span> standing at the zebra crossing.
We need a new </span><span>bridge to cross the river.
There was no </span><span>road sign allowing parking on this part of the street.
It is a </span><span>popular amusement park in the city.
The </span><span>speed limit on the roads is 60 km per hour.
The surface of the </span><span>pavement soon became very uneven.</span>

Читайте также

I would like to tell you about, in my opinion, the most impoortant date in our history. It is a Victory Day that which was happened on the 9th of may in 1945. I chose this date because i think everyone knows it and it is important for our country because on 9th may 1945 ended  Great Patriotic War and i think everyone knows that it was started in 1941 by german.

Её улыбка замечательна.

Степени сравнение прилагательных. прилагательные делятся на короткие с одним слогом и длинные со много слогов.

к коротким прилагательным прибавляется окончание ER.

1 A mouse smaller than cat . мышь меньше кошки
2 A horse is bigger than cat. лошадь больше кошки.
3 A pig is dirty than bear. Хрушка грязнее медведя.
4 A rabbit is cleaner than bear. зайчик чищще медвежонка.
5 A pensil is shorter than pen. карандаш короче ручки.
6 A ruller is longer than pen. линейка длиннее ручки.
7 Bob is sadder than Mary. Боб груснее ( печальнее ) Мери.
Max is happier than Mary. Макс счастливие Мери.

как то так.


1.Are you OK?

2.I feel terrible

3.What ‘a wrong

4.You should see a doctor.



Правильные ответы: 1b, 2a, 3c, 4d


Complete the sentences with the correct word.

• heavy • cost • helpful • crowded • peace

Her cousin hates driving in ______ traffic.
John lives in the country because he likes the friendly and _____people.
The streets in Birmingham are very ______ .
He likes living in the city, but he doesn’t like the high ____of living.
They love country for _____ and quiet.

Остались вопросы?

Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык

A) Заполните предложения верным словом.

1) focuses Этот новый сериал посвящен различным проблемам со здоровьем.
2) police Смотри! Полицейская машина гонится за мотоциклом!
3) breeding Весна — это сезон размножения для большинства животных.
4) cuts Жюль — ужасный водитель; он всегда подрезает других водителей на дороге.
5) poisonous Наиболее ядовитые змеи живут в Австралии.
6) hand-held Некоторые режиссеры все еще снимают свои фильмы с помощью ручных камер.
7) signs Некоторые водители не всегда слушаются дорожных знаков.
8) fall into Когда вы попадаете в грязевое болото, вы должны оставаться спокойным.
9) borrow Томми и Кэти ежемесячно берут книги из библиотеки.
10) fatal Укус кобры может быть смертельным.

B) Подчеркните верное слово.

1) coast Поехали к побережью и остановились на пляже.
2) escape Дэвису нужно убежать из городской жизни и отправиться в отпуск.
3) spectacular Посмотрите на этот впечатляющий вид на город.
4) Pedestrians Пешеходы должны ходить по тротуару, чтобы оставаться в безопасности.
5) out Вы хотите проверить новый спортивный центр?
6) citizen Хороший гражданин всегда подчиняется закону.

С) Выберите верное слово.

1 — C — is playing) Салли сейчас играет в видеоигру.
2 — A — through) Поезд проходит через туннель.
3 — A — live) Аллигаторы живут в болоте?
4 — C — out) Женщина выходит из такси.
5 — B — wants) Тед хочет стать полицейским.
6 — B — towards) Будьте осторожны! Там идет машина.
7 — C — the tallest) Это самое высокое здание в городе.
8 — C — mustn’t) Вы не должны бросать мусор. Это противозаконно.
9 — C — never) Фред никогда не катается на коньках; ему это не нравится.
10 — C — large) Афины не такие большие, как Лондон.
11 — B — Could) Можно воспользоваться твоим телефоном, пожалуйста?
12 — C — looking) Питер ищет новую квартиру?
13 — B — should) Вы должны посмотреть в обе стороны дороги, прежде чем переходить ее.
14 — C — than) Сегодня холоднее, чем вчера.
15 — B — don’t have to) Мы не должны завтра идти в школу. Это праздник.

D) Прочитайте статью о окрестности и сопоставьте заголовки (A-H) с параграфами (1-7). Один заголовок не подходит.

4 — A (SEE A SHOW)
Перевод текста — Перейти

E) Выберите правильный ответ.

1 — b
A: Могу я вам помочь?
Б: Я бы хотел билет, пожалуйста.

2 — a
A: Туда или обратно тоже?
Б: И обратно тоже, пожалуйста.

3 — a
A: 10 фунтов стерлингов, пожалуйста.
B: Вот держите.

4 — a
4 A: В какое время вы хотите уйти?
Б: В 11 часов утра.

5 — a
5 A: Хорошего дня.
Б: Спасибо.

F) Вы услышите, как два человека говорят о улице в городе. Прослушайте и поставьте (X) в правильном поле.

A — False) Тревор и Карла стоят на мосту.
В — True) В фильме Тревора нет актеров.
C — False) Тревор хочет снять фильм о уличной преступности.
D — True) Карла думает, что на улицах должно быть больше патрульных машин.
E — False) В туннеле проезжает много автомобилей.

G) У вашего друга проблемы со своими соседями. У них все время играет громкая музыка, и ваш друг не может учиться. Напишите короткое письмо своему другу, давая ему совет (80-100 слов).

Hi jim,
I’m sorry to hear that you’re having problems with your noisy neighbours. Maybe I can help. Why don’t you go next door and speak to them? Stay calm and don’t be angry. This way you can explain the problem and tell them that you can’t study. Maybe they don’t know that it disturbs you. Tell them the times that you study so they can turn the music down.
I really hope my advice helps! Write back and tell me what happens.


Form 8. Module 2.

Variant 1

1 уровень

1. Match the words/phrases, write translations.

  1.  scrambled

A. tomato

  1.  boiled

B. cake

  1.  grilled

C. eggs

  1.  pickled

D. potato

  1.  baked

E.  chicken

2. Complete the sentences with the correct word.

 grated •  meat  • peel • punch •   shoe

  1. I don’t eat … because I’m a vegetarian.
  2. If you add a …of salt, it will taste better.
  3. I need …cheese for salad.
  4. If you want to buy a pair of sandals for summer you should go to the … shop.
  5. Can you …the potatoes, please?

3.  Put  adjectives in the correct order.

  1. I bought  red / Chenese / beautiful vase.
  2. Ann wore small /terrible /round glasses.
  3. My sister has  golden /tiny /old ring.
  4. My father made square /wooden/ modern table.
  5. It was British /huge /old statue.

4. Read the text and mark the sentences T(true), F(false) or DS (doesn’t say)

There are countless flea markets all around the world, and they are especially popular in Europe. One of the busiest markets in Europe is in the town of Lille, Northern France: La Braderie. With two hundred kilometres of open air stalls, this flea market offers a massive diversity of things to buy at reduced prices. Unfortunately, this amazing event, which has over a million visitors, is only an annual event which happens during the first weekend of September. Another shopper’s paradise is in Russia. Moscow has many  flea markets but the Vernisazh flea market at Izmailovsky Park is perhaps the most famous. There is almost  nothing that you can’t find there, especially if you are a tourist looking for authentic Russian souvenirs to bring  back home.

But flea markets are not just places where tourists can buy inexpensive things. The Annex Antiques Fair and  Flea Market in New York, USA is a trendy market which has been attracting famous Hollywood stars as well as people living in the area ever since it opened. So, as you see, flea markets offer something for everyone!

  1. Europe has the biggest flea markets.….
  2. La Braderie opens two days a year ….
  3. There is one  flea market in Russia …
  4. The Annex Antiques Fair is a Trendy market in UK…
  5. Hollywood stars visit  flea markets…

2 уровень

5.Put the verbs  into the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.

  1. Kate …(go) to shop. She will be back soon.
  2. Tom …(work) very hard last three days. He needs a rest.
  3. He ….(never be) in London.
  4.  I …(clean) the house since 9 o’clock. Can you help me?
  5. …..(you/ever/eat) Chinese food?

3 уровень

6. Translate.

  1. Я хочу рассказать о современном питании в Англии.
  2. Завтрак очень легкий.
  3. Как правило, это кукурузные хлопья, тосты с джемом и чашка кофе.
  4. Обед – это коробочка с ланчем.
  5. В ней пара бутербродов с ветчиной и сыром.

Оценивание: модульный тест.

Процент выполненной работы

Количество правильных ответов


95% — 100%

28 — 30


75% — 94%

22 — 27


60% — 74%

17 — 21


0% — 59%

0 — 16

Form 8. Module 2.

Variant 2

1 уровень

1. Match the words/phrases, write translations.

  1.  baked

A. tomato

  1.  pickled

B. cake

  1.  scrambled

C. eggs

  1.  boiled

D. potato

  1.  grilled

E.  chicken

2. Complete the sentences with the correct word.

 grated •  meat  • peel • punch •   shoe

  1. Can you …the potatoes, please?
  2. I need …cheese for salad.
  3. If you add a …of salt, it will taste better.
  4. If you want to buy a pair of sandals for summer you should go to the … shop.
  5. I don’t eat … because I’m a vegetarian.

3.  Put  adjectives in the correct order.

  1. Tom made square /wooden/ modern table.
  2. It was British /huge /old statue.
  3. Kate wore small /terrible /round glasses.
  4. My granny has  golden /tiny /old ring.
  5. She bought  red / Chenese / beautiful vase.

4. Read the text and mark the sentences T(true), F(false) or DS (doesn’t say)

There are countless flea markets all around the world, and they are especially popular in Europe. One of the busiest markets in Europe is in the town of Lille, Northern France: La Braderie. With two hundred kilometres of open air stalls, this flea market offers a massive diversity of things to buy at reduced prices. Unfortunately, this amazing event, which has over a million visitors, is only an annual event which happens during the first weekend of September. Another shopper’s paradise is in Russia. Moscow has many  flea markets but the Vernisazh flea market at Izmailovsky Park is perhaps the most famous. There is almost  nothing that you can’t find there, especially if you are a tourist looking for authentic Russian souvenirs to bring  back home.

But flea markets are not just places where tourists can buy inexpensive things. The Annex Antiques Fair and  Flea Market in New York, USA is a trendy market which has been attracting famous Hollywood stars as well as people living in the area ever since it opened. So, as you see, flea markets offer something for everyone!

  1. The Annex Antiques Fair is a Trendy market in UK…
  2. Hollywood stars visit  flea markets…
  3. There is one  flea market in Russia …
  4. La Braderie opens two days a year ….
  5. Europe has the biggest flea markets.….

2 уровень

5.Put the verbs  into the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.

  1. Ann …(work) very hard last three days. She needs a rest.
  2. Tom …(go) to shop. She will be back soon.
  3. …..(you/ever/eat) Chinese food?
  4. I ….(never be) in London.
  5. He …(clean) the house since 9 o’clock. Can you help him?

3 уровень

6. Translate.

  1. Я хочу рассказать о современном питании в Англии.
  2. Завтрак очень легкий.
  3. Как правило, это кукурузные хлопья, тосты с джемом и чашка кофе.
  4. Обед – это коробочка с ланчем.
  5. В ней пара бутербродов с ветчиной и сыром.

Оценивание: модульный тест.

Процент выполненной работы

Количество правильных ответов


95% — 100%

28 — 30


75% — 94%

22 — 27


60% — 74%

17 — 21


0% — 59%

0 — 16

Task 1. Complete the sentences with the correct word: fry, slice, dessert, aisle, run, attracts, order, tub, spicy, servers.
1) London … millions of tourists evety year. *
2) Mexican food is hot and … *
3) Ed’s cafe … breakfastt and lunch daily. *
4) Joe can eat a big … of ice cream all by himself. *
5) What would you like to …, madam? *
6) Andy is creative because he lets his imagination … wild. *
7) Her favourite … is apple pie. *
8) Can I have a … of bread, please? *
9) Heat the oil and … the mushrooms for 10 minutes. *
10) Can you get a carton of juice from the drinks …? *
Task 2. Choose the correct item.
1) There is … sugar in the cupboard. *
2) How … onions do we need? *
3) There isn’t … salt in the soup. *
4) John likes … cola. *
5) Can I have … juice, please? *
6) He went to the bakery … some bread *
to buy
7) There aren’t … strawberries in the fridge. *
8) Do you fancy … take away? *
to order
9) There’s very … flour in the cupboard. *
10) … is a good form of exercise. *
To run
11) There are … bananas in the bowl. *
a lot of
12) I can’t … to the dinner party tonight. *
to go
13) I’d like … a salad, please. *
to have
14) Anna eats … sweets. *
too much
too many
a lot


1) London attracts millions of tourists evety year.  

2) Mexican food is hot and spicy.

3) Ed’s cafe servers breakfast and lunch daily.  

4) Joe can eat a big tub of ice cream all by himself.  

5) What would you like to order, madam?  

6) Andy is creative because he lets his imagination run wild.  

7) Her favourite dessert is apple pie.  

8) Can I have a slice of bread, please?  

9) Heat the oil and fry the mushrooms for 10 minutes.  

10) Can you get a carton of juice from the drinks aisle?  


1) There is some sugar in the cupboard.  

2) How many onions do we need?  

3) There isn’t enough salt in the soup.  

4) John likes drinking cola.  

5) Can I have some juice, please?  

6) He went to the bakery to buy some bread  

7) There aren’t any strawberries in the fridge.  

8) Do you fancy ordering take away?  

9) There’s very little flour in the cupboard.  

10) Running is a good form of exercise.  

11) There are a lot of bananas in the bowl.  

12) I can’t go to the dinner party tonight.

13) I’d like to have a salad, please.  

14) Anna eats too many sweets.


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