Complete the sentences with the correct word temporary migrated suspicion secluded sparsely

критерии оценивания, рекомендации по  к/р «

грамматика по Модулю 1 учебник «

I четверть 2018-19
уч. г.


Контрольная по
грамматике по Модулю1 состояла из 15 предложений с выбором из четырёх вариантов

Контрольная работа включает следующую грамматику:

tenses (
Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous);

tenses (
Simple, Past Continuous), 3) Comparatives/Superlatives.

рассчитанное на выполнение контрольной работы — 15 минут.

Контрольная работа
выполняется прямо в напечатанном тексте задания, имеющего тестовых характер,
учащиеся обводят правильный вариант.

Перед выполнением
задания, учащиеся проходят инструктаж в течение 3-4 минут, касательно
особенностей выполнения данной работы.

Время инструктажа
не включено в время написания контрольной.

На время
проведения теста, учителя, по предварительной договоренности меняются своими

рассаживаются в классе по одному за парту на один вариант.

Во время
контрольной учащимся запрещается использовать вспомогательные справочные
материалы, разговаривать и задавать вопросы по тексту контрольной.

Контрольная была
составлена на основе итогового модульного теста из
Test Booklet,
а так же — первого
Revision test

Работа над
ошибками должна осуществляться не позднее двух дней с момента написания


 «5»- 0 ош

«4»-1-3 ош

«3»-4-6 ош

«2»-7 и больше ош

Анализ к/р «Test

по Модулю1 учебник «
Starlight 9»)

I четверть
2018-19 уч. г.


Моdule1 включает следующую грамматику:

1.     Present tenses

2.     Past tenses

3.     Comparatives/Superlatives

Количество допущенных ошибок

Грамматическое явление

Кол-во ошибок


В том
числе:1) с маркером —
so far

2)They aren’t here now. They have gone to…



8+ 6+8

Present Continuous

В том
числе: 1)планы на ближайщее будущее

2)с маркером

think в
ситуации, где он НЕ
stative verb





Present Perfect

с маркерами
for..before…/for the last 3 years



В том
числе: 1)одновременные действия  с маркером –

2)одно действие прерывает другое с  маркером –





В том
числе: 1)расписание

выбор подходящего маркера






с маркером …ago



В том
числе: 1)







c маркером -by far-



тот факт, что больше всего ошибок было допущено на времена
Present Perfect , Present Continuous,  при
последующем прохождении модуля, следует обратить внимание на соответствие
маркеров со временем (-
so far—  для Present Perfect, — these days— для Present Continuous), также,
необходимо проводить больше тренировочных упражнений со 
stative verbs для
понимания того, в каких случаях использовать
Present Continuous, а в
каких —
Present Simple. Из-за
многочисленных ошибок в употреблении времени 
Present Perfect Continuous, где в
предложении есть маркер с предлогом  —
for-, нужно акцентировать внимание на
упражнениях, доводящих до автоматизма это соответствие.

Complete the sentences with the correct word.

tempted • intact • consumer • rummage • discarded • condemned • foraging • tuck • landfill • rope
1 I decided not to take that bottle of milk as the packaging didn’t seem … .
2 For scavengers … food is the point of every day interest.
3 … price of the same goods is different in Moscow and other cities.
4 If you … in your bag, you will definitely find the keys.
5 To breed high quality cattle in this climate zone you need a … strategy.
6 You must … the trousers into the boots to keep warmer on such a cold day.
7 I’ve always felt … to trying drawing but never had time for that.
8 Nobody will want a flat next to the city … as the smell is awful.
9 Who can we … in to make dinner for tomorrow’s party?
10 Sam is … to leave school for three days for his misbehavior.

Year 9 Entry TEST

Ex 1. Insert the given words: tempting, revenge, aisle, addressed, scratched, loyalty, dietary, appliances, values, designer.

1. Tom collects points on his________________card when he shops at the mall.

2. The supermarket has a________________display of cakes.

3. The Queen should be _____________as ‘Your Majesty’.

4. My sister is very fashionable and wants to buy ___________clothes.

5. Olga’s children have developed astonishing family__________________.

6. They walked up and down the ____________________looking for caviar.

7. Our new kitchen has been fitted with modern electrical__________________.

8. After Gavin was played trick on. he decided to take___________________.

9. The lens of the camera got____________when Andrew dropped it ocasionally.

10. Anna is allergic to honey and has special____________requirements.

Ex 2. Underline the correct item.

1. The ocean contains toxic/vicious waste.

2. A swarm/school of dolphins swam close to us.

3. This unique/natural species of plant is found only in the jungle.

4. The Mayor is being accused/criticized for not doing enough to protect the environment.

5. It’s important to support/sustain the community center.

6. They explored/wandered around the festival.

Ex 3. Use the words/phrases to rewrite the sentences (inversion).

1. She doesn’t often complain about school.


2. I didn’t know they were talking about me.


3. You can start the engine if you have a key.

Only if___________________________________________

4. Olga didn’t cheer up until Tom talked to her.

Only after______________________________________

5. Karen had just arrived at the party when the girls started talking about her.

No sooner________________________________________________

Ex 4. Open the brackets.

“I never_________(be) so angry in my life’, she said. They ____________(lay not) the table yet, there______(be) no grapes in the vase. I _______(see) that someone______________(break) 4 glasses. Well, I ___________(speak) to Anna, the maid, a minute ago and she _____(tell) me that she just______(return). She ____________(add), as far as I __________(remember), that she ____________(help). But I ______________(know, not) when everything ____________(be finished). I hope Anna ____________(helps) me a little.

While Mrs. Brown ____________(prepare) a meal for her guests yesterday, she______(get) rather worried about some unusual mushrooms which a kind friend of hers __________(send) her from the country, where she __________(live) for the last ten years. Mrs. Brown __________(think) the mushrooms _____(look) suspicious and _________(decide) __________(give) one to the dog. The dog_________(eat) it. ‘I___________(prepare)_________the mushrooms for my guests, if nothing __________(happen) to the dog’, was the lady’s idea. When the guests ___________(arrive), she ________(tell) them that her dog ____________(die) a few minutes before.

Ex 5. Use the right form of the gerund or the infinitive of the verb in brackets. Mind the prepositions.

1. I regret_____________(miss) the festifal.

2. It was very useful __________(hear) your point of view.

3. Both flats needed____________(clean).

4. I need glasses ______________(read).

5. Personally, I am always ready to learn although I don’t always like_____________(teach).

6. Tom’s tie needs_________________(straighten).

7. Let me tell you whose room you’ve come into________________(ask).

Ex 6. Chose the correct item.

1. Tim tries not to stand in/out from the passengers.

2. Larry pointed on/out that careless can become a way of life.

3. Yuck! That cake has gone away/off.

4. These jeans are worn out/in. I need some new ones.

Ex 7. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the word given and 2 to 4 other words.

1. The competition was held despite the hurricane. (PLACE)

The competition_________________the hirricane.

2. I won’t have a problem finishing the marathon as I often run long distances. (USED)

I__________________ long distances, so I won’t have a problem finishing the marathon.

3. Sarah and Mark looked exactly the same to me. They are twins. (TELL)

I wasn’t__________________________between twins.

4. Maria had not expected to find jewellery-making so interesting. (IN)

Maria is ________________than she had expected to be.

5. Sylvia didn’t speak to Ben at the party because she felt too shy. (SO)

Sylvia felt_______________didn’t speak to Ben at the party. (SO)

Ex 8. Complete with: proceed, migrated, secluded, temporary, sell-by, suspicion, unemployment, aisle, edible, bustling.

1. When I fly, I always prefer to have an_________seat.

2. Don’t throw the food away, it’s perfectly____________.

3. They say that food that is past its__________date is still edible.

4. After a famine, millions of people________to other countries.

5. What is the_____rate in your country?

6. Tribes set up_________camps and move on after a short time.

7. They live in a _______village up ib the mountains.

8. The airport was_________with travelers making their way home for holidays.

9. Will all passengers please_________to the departure hall immediately.

10. He looked at me with______________.




2 год назад




Nov 5, 2020

1) zone

2) remote

3) tough

4) fit

5) elite

6) backpack

7) drop

8) helmet

9) training

10) padded


можно сердечко<3


Смежные вопросы:

Какие вещества придают кости прочность?А. Соли железаБ. Органические веществаВ. Соли

Фразеологизмы к словуработать ​

В каких водоемах живут речные раки, какие места обитания характерны

Спишите, заменяя цифры словами. Образуйте формы Р. п., Т. п.,

объясните происхождения ошибок, допущенных учеником в сочинении » Когда наступит

  • 1. Complete the sentences with the correct word. perform promising collapsed persistent pinpoint detect wander regulations wasteful accurately 1. When John becomes bored of studying, his mind tends to …….. . 2. Scientist are pleased with the …….. results of the test. 3. Modern-day clocks allow people to ……..tell the time. 4. The explorers managed to …….. their location on the map. 5. The divers must follow strict safety …….. when diving. 6. In the future nanobots may be able to …….. operations. 7. Derreck found it …….. to throw away leftovers. 8. In order to succeed, you must be ……. and never give up. 9. A special device is used to …….. signs of heart disease in a patient. 10. A section of the building had …….. after the earthquake.

    • 10 January 2021
    • Ответ оставил: rrabosapka


    1 wander

    2 promising

    3 accurately

    4 pinpoint

    5 regulations

    6 perform

    7 wasteful

    8 persistent

    9 detect

    10 collapsed



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Во второй половине двадцатого века произошло больше изменений, чем за предыдущие двести лет. Пенициллин уже был
Помогите пожалуйста даю 50 балл{Write text about the consequences of coronavirus}
Пожалуйста❤️ ❗️❗️❗️СРОЧНО❗️❗️❗️
Выберите правильный вариант ответа. 1. Which one is the official name of the UK? a) England b) Great Britain c) The United Kingdom oа Great Britain and Northern…
Напишите предложения в вопросительной, а затем в отрицательной форме
1. We usually have dinner at 2 o’clock.
2. She had classes till 3 o’clock yesterday.
3. They will have more spare time in a few …
Перевести в Present Perfect.
1. Он приехал? — Да, он приехал прошлой ночью.
2. Говорят, они поженились. — Вот как? Когда же это они поженились?
Everyone loves the first day of school
Сделать полный разбор предложения(задать к нему все возможные вопросы)
Помогите пожалуйста с
2. Поставьте глагол в скобках в Present Simple Tense. Задайте общий
вопрос и дайте отрицательный ответ
1) They (to get up) at 8 o’clock every morning.
2) She (to live) in a fl…
Нужны объяснения !!!
Вопрос: When we arrived in London, this hotel
Правильный ответ C) was being build
А я выбрала D) was being built
Тут ведь пассивный залог, значит глагол в третьей форме. Но поч…
помогите, true or false
21/1 The United States of America is also called the USA or the UK.
21/2 The capital of the USA is EDINBURG.
21/3 The Great Lakes are in the north-east of the country.
21/4 …
Составьте предложения с модальными глаголами. Переведите предложения.
1.can 2. Must 3. Should 4. May 5. Need 6. Have to 7. Will be able to 8. Might
Упражнение 1
Перепишите предложения и заполните пропуски модальными глаголами can, may или must.
1. What … we see on this map? 2. … you speak Spanish? — No, unfortunately I … . 3. At what time….
1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла­голы в Present Continuous или в Present Simple.
1. She (to read) in the evening. 2. She (not to read) in the morn­ing. 3. She (not to read) now. 4. Your father (…




1 год назад

Английский язык

5 — 9 классы

A Complete the sentences with the correct word.
• reached • donate • conserve • hair-raising • faced • inspiration
badly • scruffy grabbed • raise

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(0 оценок)



1 год назад

Светило науки — 574 ответа — 0 раз оказано помощи


1 conserve

2 hair-raising

3 donate

4 raise

5 inspiration

6 scruffy

7 faced

8 reached

9 grabbed

10 badly


(0 оценок)

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Новые вопросы по предмету Математика

Choose the right preposition from the box. about / at / from / to / of / by / out / of / of / with / of / of / to / of / at / in / of / for / w …

ПОДАЖУЙСТА С МОДАЛЬНЫМИ СЛОВАМИ You (1) … (rent) a car in New York as there is a good subway system but if you do, you (2) … (be able) to …

ПОМОГИТЕ СРОЧНО ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ДАЮ 100 БАЛЛОВ Change the following sentences from active to passive 1. They kill elephants for ivory. Elephants 2. …

3 завдання, вставити артикль де потрібно, a, an, the, срочнооо плиз


A Complete the sentences with the correct word.<br />
• reached • donate • conserve • hair-raising • faced • inspiration<br />
badly • scruffy grabbed • raise<br /><br /><br />

ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ПОМОГИТЕ- Complete the sentences with the correct word.-  struck  fainted  eruption  emergency  declared  collapsed  administered  struggled  predictable  survivors 1 Villagers ………………………………… to cope after the volcano destroyed their homes. 2 A state of emergency was ………………………………… after the hurricane struck. 3 After the tornado, ………………………………… searched for their belongings in the rubble. 4 The volcanic ………………………………… shook the ground. 5 A massive earthquake ………………………………… off the coast of Japan yesterday. 6 I found the book very ………………………………… and had already guessed the ending. 7 The roof ………………………………… during the earthquake. 8 After the accident, ………………………………… services were called to the scene. 9 When Juliet heard the bad news, she ………………………………… from shock. 10 Tom’s heart ………………………………….. when the tour bus left without him.


1 struggled

2 declared

3 survivors

4 eruption

5 struck 

6 predictable

7  collapsed

8  emergency 

9 fainted

10 administered

Жалоба  |

Feb 11, 2020 20:46

Знаешь ответ? Добавь его сюда и заработай денег! Ответы проходят модерацию. Минимум 100 символов.





11 месяцев назад

Английский язык


4) Complete the sentences with the correct word. * gripping predictable • set extract siank • wreckage gxpand integrated absorhed • hovering

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(1 оценка)


11 месяцев назад

Светило науки — 30 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи


1. Expand

2. Predictable

3. Set

4. Wreckage

5. Absorbed

6. Extract

7. Integrated

8. Gripping

9. Hovering

10. Sank

(1 оценка)

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School rules: составить 6 предложений с have to

Диалог о жизни в деревне на английском (короткий) пожалуйста помогите срочно надо

Помогите пожалуйста!!!!!!!!!!11

2. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Continuous. (Вставте в речення дієслово з дужок у Present Continuous.) 1) She ______ a letter. (w …


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