Complete the sentences with the correct word parade foggy boots drop map

(Time: 50
2 It’s very
A Complete the sentences with the correct word,
• parade • foggy • boots drop • map • boiling • tired traditional • sights • surviv
1 I want to visit all the ……..
…. in Egypt.
………. Outside today!
3 Jen and Bob are watching the
at the festival,
4 ks ………… …………. hot out. Let’s go swimming,
5 Do you want to try on these ……
6 In the desert, temperatures
………… at night.
7 Many plants can’t ……….., ……….. in the hot desert climate,
8 I’m …….
…. of hiking. Let’s stop for a snack,
9 The people in the parade are wearing …………..
costumes from their country.
10 It’s easy to get lost in the old town without a
I Poin​

Ответы на вопрос


1 sights

2 foggy

3 parade

4 boiling

5 boots

6 drop

7 survive

8 tired

9 traditional

10 map

Новые вопросы

Упражнение 1, с. 75

1. Label the pictures. — Наклейте ярлыки на фотографии.

1 foggy — туманно
2 freezing cold — мороз
3 sunny — солнечно 
4 snowing — идёт снег
5 windy — ветрено
6 raining — идёт дождь

Упражнение 2, с. 75

2. Fill in: sights, sightseeing, malls, chilly, boots, map, survive, parade, tired— Заполните: sights, sightseeing, malls, chilly, boots, map, survive, parade, tired.

1 It’s chilly and foggy today. Take a coat with you.
Сегодня холодно и туманно. Возьми с собой пальто.

2 There are a lot of sights to visit in Puebla.
В Пуэбле есть много достопримечательностей, которые стоит посетить.

3 It’s raining. Put on your boots, please.
Идёт дождь. Наденьте, пожалуйста, сапоги.

4 They are sightseeing on a tour bus.
Они осматривают достопримечательности на экскурсионном автобусе.

5 Most Americans do their shopping at shopping malls.
Большинство американцев делают покупки в торговых центрах.

6 You need a map to find your way.
Вам нужна карта, чтобы найти свой путь.

7 We are watching the carnival parade now.
Сейчас мы смотрим карнавальный парад.

8 Plant’s can’t survive in very low temperatures.
Растения не могут выжить при очень низких температурах.

9 I’m tired of shopping; let’s have a snack.
Я устал ходить по магазинам; давайте перекусим.

Упражнение 3, с. 75

3. Circle the odd word out. — Обведите кружком лишнее слово.

1 boots — trainers — sandals — socks
сапоги — кроссовки — сандалии — носки
2 market — beach — mall — stalls
рынок — пляж — торговый центр — ларьки
3 trousers — shorts — shoes — jeans
брюки — шорты — обувь — джинсы
4 chilly — hot — warm — display
холодный — горячий — тёплый — дисплей

Упражнение 4, с. 75

4. Fill in: fireworks, snow-capped, flea, half, traditional, high, amusement, below, fried, roller— Заполните: fireworks, snow-capped, flea, half, traditional, high, amusement, below, fried, roller.

1 flea market — блошиный рынок
2 roller coasters — американские горки
3 half-price — полцены
4 amusement park — парк развлечений
5 fried insects — жареные насекомые
6 high heels — высокие каблуки
7 traditional costumes — традиционные костюмы
8 fireworks display — фейерверк
9 below freezing — ниже нуля
10 snow-capped mountains — заснеженные горы

Упражнение 5, с. 75

5. Choose the correct preposition. — Выберите правильный предлог.

1 The weather in Ireland in winter is often cold and windy.
Погода в Ирландии зимой часто холодная и ветреная.

2 There are thousands of stalls at to the Chatuchak Market!
Есть тысячи прилавков на рынке Чатучак!

3 People are dancing in the streets.
Люди танцуют на улицах.

4 Many people dance at the Rio Carnival.
Многие люди танцуют на карнавале в Рио.

5 Let’s go on a tour around the city.
Давайте отправимся на экскурсию по городу.

6 I’m tired of walking. Let’s go for a coffee.
Я устал ходить пешком. Пойдем выпьем кофе.

7 There are lots of souvenirs to choose from.
Есть много сувениров на выбор.


In teams, make sentences. Use words from the list. Each correct sentence gets one point. The team with the most points wins. — В командах делайте предложения. Используйте слова из списка. Каждое правильное предложение получает одно очко. Побеждает команда, набравшая наибольшее количество очков.

People can buy second-hand clothes at Camden Market.
Люди могут купить подержанную одежду на рынке Кэмден.
You can see the sights in Puebla on a tour bus.
Вы можете посмотреть достопримечательности Пуэблы на туристическом автобусе.
You can get lost without a map to follow.
Вы можете заблудиться, если следовать без карты.
There are snow-capped mountains on the way to Puebla.
На пути в Пуэблу есть заснеженные горы.
People can ride on a roller coaster at the Mall of America.
Люди могут кататься на американских горках в торговом центре Америки.
Tom is tired of shopping. He wants to go home.
Том устал ходить по магазинам. Он хочет вернуться домой.
Tourists can follow a map around the city.
Туристы могут следить за картой города.
Low temperatures characterise the tundra climate.
Низкие температуры характеризуют климат тундры.
It’s freezing cold at night in the desert.
Ночью в пустыне очень холодно.
People watch a parade and dance in the streets at carnival time.
Люди смотрят парад и танцуют на улицах во время карнавала.
Children like to paint their faces at the festival.
Дети любят разрисовывать свои лица на фестивале.


Answer the questions. Look at Module 4 and write quiz of your own. — Ответить на вопросы. Посмотрите на модуль 4 и напишите свой собственный тест.

1 Is it cold deserts at night? (Yes, it is.)
Холодно ли в пустынях по ночам? (Да.) 
2 Does Chatuchak Weekend Market take place in London? (No, it doesn’t.)
Проходит ли рынок выходного дня Чатучак в Лондоне? (Нет.) 
3 What is Holi? (A festival of colour in India.)
Что такое Холи? (Фестиваль красок в Индии.)
4 Can plants survive in the tundra? (No, they can’t.)
Могут ли растения выжить в тундре? (Нет, не могут.)
5 What is Los Sapos? (It’s an area in Puebla.)
Что такое Los Sapos? (Это район в Пуэбле.)
6 Is the Camden Stables Market in Thailand? (No, it isn’t.)
Конюшенный рынок Камден в Таиланде? (Нет.)
7 What do people call ‘the land of the midnight sun’? (The tundra.)
Что люди называют «страной полуночного солнца»? (Тундру.)
8 Is there an aquarium in the Mall of America? (Yes, there is.)
Есть ли аквариум в торговом центре Америки? (Да, есть.)


1 What do people do at Holi? (They light bonfires, dance, sing, and throw coloured powder at each other.)
Чем занимаются люди на Холи? (Они зажигают костры, танцуют, поют и бросают друг в друга цветной порошок.)
2 Is Jaipur in India? (Yes, it is.)
Находится ли Джайпур в Индии? (Да.)
3 Where can you eat fried insects? (At the Chatuchak Market.)
Где можно есть жареных насекомых? (На рынке Чатучак.)
4 Do people wear traditional costumes at the Chatuchak Market? (No, they don’t.)
Носят ли люди традиционные костюмы на рынке Чатучак? (Нет.)
5 Where is the Mall of America? (In Minnesota.)
Где находится торговый центр Америки? (В Миннесоте.)
6 What can you see the Parque Ecológico? (Lots of plants and animals.)
Что вы можете увидеть в парке Ecológico? (Много растений и животных.)
7 Are there forts in Puebla? (Yes, there are.)
Есть ли форты в Пуэбле? (Да, есть.)
8 Is the festival of colours in summer? (No, it isn’t.)
Фестиваль красок летом? (Нет.)

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ГДЗ по английскому языку. Starlight. Звёздный английский. Учебник. 5 класс. Баранова К.М., Дули Д., Копылова В.В.

Рабочая тетрадь. Starlight. 5 класс. Workbook.

Английский язык. 5 класс

Module 4 (Starlight 5)


Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer a,b or c(p.37 ex.3 WB)

B. Complete the
sentences with the correct word: food court/

delicious/stall/ traditional/
boots/ parade/ shopping malls/sights/map/ survive

1. I want to visit
all the …in Egypt.

2. Jen and Bob are
watching the …at the festival.

3. Do you want to
try on these …?

4. Many plants
can’t …in hot desert climate.

5. The people in
the parade are wearing …costumes from their country.

6. You can buy
delicious bread from a …in the market.

7. Take a …in case
you get lost.

8. The cake is ….
Here , try some.

9. You can choose
to eat from a huge number of restaurants in the … .

10. …give you the
chance to visit a lot of shops under one roof.

C. Grammar /Choose
the correct answer

1. There are a
few/a little
eggs in the fridge.

2. Please cut some/a
tomatoes for the sauce.

3. Tomorrow we visit/are
going to visit
the flea market.

4. The tour bus
leaves at 8 am. You can/must be at the hotel before 8.

5. There is too many/much
cheese on the pizza.

D. Put the verbs
into Present Simple or Present Continuous

1. Bill ….(talk)
to his friend on the phone right now.

2. Peter
…(not/ride) his bike to school every morning.

3. Hurry up! Kate
and Liz …(wait) for us at the train station.

4. I …(have) lunch
at one o’clock every day.

5. We sometimes
…(help) our mother with the housework.

Module 4 (Starlight 5)


Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer a,b or c (p.37 ex.3 WB)

B. Complete the
sentences with the correct word

Boiling/map/ sea
creatures/ tired/dinosaur museum/ 14-screen cinema/ roller coaster/ foggy/drop/fast
food restaurant/

1. it’s very
…outside at night!

2. It’s …hot out.
Let’s go swimming.

3. In the desert ,
temperatures …at night.

4. I’m…of hiking.
Let’s stop for a snack.

5. It’s easy to
get lost in the old town without a … .

6. Sam is eating a
hot dog at a(n)…right now.

7. The…is great!
The exhibits look so real!

8.Ben doesn’t like
going on …rides, he finds them scary.

9. Let’s go and
see a film at the new…in the city center.

10. You can see …,
such as dolphins and sharks at the aquarium.

C. Grammar /Choose
the correct answer

1. You can’t/mustn’t
go to the market now. It’s closed.

2. How many/much
coffee do you drink every day?

3. Tomorrow we are
going to shop/shop for souvenirs!

4. We need some/a
butter for the cake!

5. We’ve got a few
/a little apples. Let’s make a pie.

D. Put the verbs
into Present Simple or Present Continuous

1. They
…(not/play)hockey at the moment.

2. Usually , Ken
and Tom …(not/come) to football practice on Sundays.

3. We sometimes
…(help) our mother with the housework.

4. Elithabeth
…(wear) a red top today.

5. He …(have)
lunch at one o’clock everyday.

Here you have two tests to review Unit 2.
The key is below the tests.
Have a nice day! :)



1   Complete
the sentences. Put the verb in brackets in the past simple or the past

Example: We
drove (drive) to Manchester
last week.

1   It
_______________ (not snow) when I went to bed.

2   When
_______________ she _______________ (pass) her driving test?

3   Donna
_______________ (not come) to the theatre with us last night.

4   What
_______________ you _______________ (do) at six o’clock last night?

5   I
_______________ (not study) when you rang.

6   Last
year they _______________ (buy) a new house.

7   We _______________
(see) Rachel at the restaurant yesterday.

8   _______________
Dan ________________ (wear) his suit when you saw him?

2   Complete
the dialogue. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Lucy        Did you enjoy (you enjoy) your trip to Italy?

Jean         I had a great time!

Lucy        That’s good. Where 1
_______________ (you stay)?

Jean         In a really nice hotel in Sorrento.

Lucy        Who 2 _______________ (you go) with?

Jean         Sandy and Mel. We had a few problems while we were there.

Lucy        What 3 _______________ (happen)?

Jean         Mel lost her passport and her purse.

Lucy        Really? What 4 _______________ (she do)?

Jean         We went to the police station.

Lucy        What 5 _______________ (they say)?

Jean         Well – Mel’s things were there!

Lucy        That was lucky! Who 6 _______________ (find) them?

Jean         Two children – at the beach.

Lucy        That was very lucky!

3   Complete
the sentences with so, because, but, or although.

Example: Although it was late, we weren’t

1   Amal
doesn’t eat meat __________ he’s a vegetarian.

2   __________
the restaurant was expensive, the food was awful.

3   Tomas
doesn’t like his job, __________ he’s looking for another one.

4   It
was a nice day, __________ we went to the beach.

5   They’re
learning Spanish __________ they want to visit Argentina.

6   I invited
Ian to the party, __________ he didn’t want to come.


4   Underline
the correct verb.

Example: take
/ be / have
someone to a restaurant

1   meet / run / have across the road

2   have / leave / wait a good time

3   invite / give / drive somebody to

4   wait / meet / drive along the road

5   run / be / play in a hurry

6   wait / run / invite for a friend

7   take / play / give a song

5   Complete
the sentences with the correct word.

Example: She
didn’t take many photos when
she went to Italy.

have   take

1   You
need a passport if you want to go __________.

     by plane   on holiday  

2   The
food at the restaurant was __________.

     comfortable   delicious 

3   The
weather was lovely. It was __________ every day.

     foggy   cloudy  

4   Julie
and Andy __________ their flights online.

     booked   hired  

5   I
__________ most of my time at the beach when I’m on holiday.


6   Did
you __________ any souvenirs when you were in Brazil?

     buy   take  

7   We
went __________ for a few days over Christmas.

     by car  
away   out

6   Complete
the sentences with at, in, or on.

Example: We
got married on 7th May.

1   What
did you do __________ the weekend?

2   There
was nowhere to sit __________ the train.

3   They
played basketball __________ the morning.

4   Stefano
was born __________ Rome.

5   They
sat __________ the balcony.

6   We
arrived __________ the bus stop just before the bus left.


7   Match
the past forms with the same sound.

asked   argued   bought   understood  started   read

Example: saw  

1   rented  __________

2   said     __________

3   dog      __________

4   could   __________

5   tie        __________

8   Underline
the stressed syllable.

Example: friend|ly

1   com|for|ta|ble

2   in|vite

3   a|part|ment

4   sight|see|ing

5   a|broad


1   Read
the article from a travel magazine and tick (
) A, B, or C.

Although I work in the centre of London now,
I like going to the mountains when I can. Last winter I decided to spend a week
in Scotland. I wanted to go skiing and walking in the mountains. I looked on
the internet and booked a cottage (a small house) for a week. One Friday night last
November, I packed my bags, went to Heathrow airport, and waited to get on a
plane to Inverness.

Then the problems started. The plane didn’t
leave that night. There was a lot of snow in Scotland and they closed Inverness
airport. So I spent the night in Heathrow. I drank a lot of tea and read a lot
of newspapers. I tried to sleep but I wasn’t comfortable. Next morning,
Inverness airport opened again, and we arrived in Scotland. But my bags weren’t

I hired a car and drove to the cottage. It
was a twenty-minute drive from the airport. When I arrived, there was a family
with two little children in the cottage! They booked on the internet, too – for
the same week. The family was very kind. They said I could sleep in the lounge,
and they cooked dinner for me.

Next day, I got my bags from the
airport and decided to go skiing. But the mountain road was closed because of
the snow. I didn’t ski and I didn’t go walking in the mountains. I spent the
week in the cottage waiting to go home – it wasn’t my favourite holiday!

Example: The
writer works in a bank.

c    B 
c    C 
Doesn’t say 

1   The
writer decided to spend a week in Scotland.

     A  True  c    B 
c    C 
Doesn’t say 

2   He
wanted to go walking near the river.

     A  True  c    B 
c    C 
Doesn’t say 

3   He
went to Heathrow airport on Wednesday night.

     A  True  c    B 
c    C 
Doesn’t say 

4   The plane
didn’t leave Heathrow that night.

     A  True  c    B 
c    C 
Doesn’t say 

5   The
writer spent the night in the airport.

     A  True  c    B 
c    C 
Doesn’t say 

6   He
arrived at Inverness airport three days later.

     A  True  c    B 
c    C 
Doesn’t say 

7   The
cottage was in the mountains.

     A  True  c    B 
c    C 
Doesn’t say 

8   The
family at the cottage was very kind to the writer.

     A  True  c    B 
c    C 
Doesn’t say 

9   Next
day, the writer went skiing in the mountains.

     A  True  c    B 
c    C 
Doesn’t say 

10   The
writer wants to go back to the same place.

     A  True  c    B 
c    C 
Doesn’t say 

2   Read
the article again and answer the questions.

1   How
did the writer book the cottage?


2   What
was the weather like in Scotland?


3   What
did the writer read at the airport?


4   How
did the writer go to the cottage?


5   How
many children were at the cottage?



1   Listen
to Annette describing a holiday. Tick (
) A, B, or C to complete the sentences.

1   Annette
went on holiday with her _____.

     A  old friend 
c    B  boyfriend 
c    C  best friend 

2   On
the first night, they went to _____.

     A  a dance 
c    B  a restaurant 
c    C  a beach party 

3   They
saw the girl again when they got on the _____.

     A  bus  c    B 
c    C  train  c

4   On
safari, they _____ together every night.

     A  had a party 
c    B  danced 
c    C  ate  c

5   After
the holiday, Annette’s boyfriend moved to Manchester with his _____.

     A  best friend 
c    B  new girlfriend  c    C  old friend 

2   Listen
to Nicole describing her photos. Match 1–5 with A–E.

1   At
14 … 

2   At
15 … 

3   At
24 … 

4   At
25 … 

5   At
28 … 

A  she
went to Italy with her class at school.

B  she
stayed at a luxurious hotel in Paris.

C  she
spent her free time on the beach in Australia.

D  she
had a fantastic holiday in Spain with her family.

E   she
was unhappy because her brother was leaving.


1   Ask
your partner these questions.

1   Did
you take many photos on your last holiday? What were they like?

2   What’s
your favourite photo from your school days? Can you describe it?

3   What
kind of photos do you like taking?

Now answer your partner’s questions.

2   Read
the information about a famous photo and answer your partner’s questions.

Name of photo: Abbey Road album cover
Photographer: Iain Macmillan
Year: 1969
Description: The Beatles (John, Ringo, Paul, and George) walking across
Abbey Road / near recording studio in London / wearing 1960s clothes / sunny
Reason it is famous: photo / last album cover

3   Now
make questions and ask your partner about his / her famous photo.

•    What
/ name / photo?

•    Who
/ take?

•    What
year / take?

•    Can
/ describe?

•    Why
/ famous?



1   Complete
the dialogue. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Matt         Did you enjoy (you enjoy) your trip to Spain?

Colin        I had a great time!

Matt         That’s good. Where 1 _______________ (you stay)?

Colin        In a really nice hotel in Malaga.

Matt         Who 2 _______________ (you go) with?

Colin        Ben and Nigel. We had a few problems while we were there.

Matt         What 3 _______________ (happen)?

Colin        Nigel lost his passport and his wallet.

Matt         Really? What 4 _______________ (he do)?

Colin        We went to the police station.

Matt         What 5 ______________ (they say)?

Colin        Well – Nigel’s things were there!

Matt         That was lucky! Who 6 _______________ (find) them?

Colin        Two tourists – at the beach.

Matt         That was very lucky!

2   Complete
the sentences with so, because, but, or although.

Example: We’re
learning Portuguese because we
want to visit Brazil.

1   It
was raining, __________ they stayed at home.

2   We
asked Max to come to the pub with us, ___________ he was too busy.

3   __________
we didn’t have a lot of money, we were happy.

4   Fabian
doesn’t eat chocolate _________ he’s on a diet.

5   It
was cold, __________ I wore my jumper.

6   __________
it was late, we weren’t tired.

3   Complete
the sentences. Put the verb in brackets in the past simple or the past

Example: I
met Jeremy when I was driving
(drive) down the High Street.

1   _______________
you _______________ (walk) to work yesterday?

2   Last
week they _______________ (buy) a new TV.

3   _______________
Julie ________________ (wear) her new dress when you saw her?

4   Naomi
_______________ (not study) when I rang.

5   We
_______________ (see) Javier at the sports centre yesterday afternoon.

6   I
_______________ (not go) to the cinema with them last night.

7   What
_______________ you _______________ (do) at eight o’clock last night?

8   It
_______________ (not rain) when we got up this morning.


4   Complete
the sentences with the correct word.

Example: Did
you buy any souvenirs when you
were in the USA?

take   have

1   Tim
and Alice __________ most of their time at the beach when they’re on holiday.

     go   buy   spend

2   The
weather was awful. It was __________ every day.

     foggy   warm  

3   You
need a passport if you want to go __________.

  by plane   on

4   Concha
and Miguel __________ the flights online.

     hired   booked   rented

5   We
didn’t __________ many photos when we went to Russia.

     do   have  

They went __________ for a few days over Christmas.

     out   away
  by car

7   The
food at the hotel was __________.

     crowded   delicious  

5   Complete
the sentences with at, in, or on.

Example: There
was nowhere to sit on the bus.

1   They
had breakfast __________ the balcony.

2   I
arrived __________ the station ten minutes before the train left.

3   Martha
was born __________ London.

4   What
did you do __________ the weekend?

5   They
played football __________ the afternoon.

6   We got
married __________ 12th October.

6   Underline
the correct verb.

Example: invite
/ give / drive
someone to dinner

1   run / wait / invite for a friend

2   play / run / be in a hurry

3   drive / meet / wait along the street

4   take / give / play a song

5   leave / have / wait a good time

6   be / take / have someone to a

7   have / run / meet across the road


7   Underline
the stressed syllable.

Example: a|part|ment

1   sight|see|ing

2   a|broad

3   in|vite

4   friend|ly

5   com|for|ta|ble

8   Match
the words with the past forms which have the same sound.

could   dog  rented   said    saw   tie

Example: bought   saw

1   argued           __________

2   understood    __________

3   asked            __________

4   started           __________

5   read              __________


1   Read
the article from a travel magazine and tick (
) A, B, or C.

Although I work in the centre of London now,
I like going to the mountains when I can. Last winter I decided to spend a week
in Scotland. I wanted to go skiing and walking in the mountains. I looked on
the internet and booked a cottage (a small house) for a week. One Friday night
last November, I packed my bags, went to Heathrow airport, and waited to get on
a plane to Inverness.

Then the problems started. The plane didn’t
leave that night. There was a lot of snow in Scotland and they closed Inverness
airport. So I spent the night in Heathrow. I drank a lot of tea and read a lot
of newspapers. I tried to sleep but I wasn’t comfortable. Next morning,
Inverness airport opened again, and we arrived in Scotland. But my bags weren’t

I hired a car and drove to the cottage. It
was a twenty-minute drive from the airport. When I arrived, there was a family
with two little children in the cottage! They booked on the internet, too – for
the same week. The family was very kind. They said I could sleep in the lounge,
and they cooked dinner for me.

Next day, I got my bags from the
airport and decided to go skiing. But the mountain road was closed because of
the snow. I didn’t ski and I didn’t go walking in the mountains. I spent the
week in the cottage waiting to go home – it wasn’t my favourite holiday!

Example: The
writer works in a bank.

c    B 
c    C 
Doesn’t say 

1   The
writer decided to spend three weeks in Scotland.

     A  True  c    B 
c    C 
Doesn’t say 

2   He
wanted to go skiing in the mountains.

     A  True  c    B 
c    C 
Doesn’t say 

3   He
went to Heathrow airport on Friday night.

     A  True  c    B 
c    C 
Doesn’t say 

4   The
weather in Scotland was good.

     A  True  c    B  False  c    C 
Doesn’t say 

5   The
writer spent the night in an airport hotel.

     A  True  c    B 
c    C 
Doesn’t say 

6   The
next day he arrived at Inverness airport before midday.

     A  True  c    B 
c    C 
Doesn’t say 

7   There
was a family staying at the cottage.

     A  True  c    B 
c    C 
Doesn’t say 

8   At
the cottage, the family made pizza for the writer.

     A  True  c    B 
c    C 
Doesn’t say 

9   Next
day, the mountain road was closed because of the snow.

     A  True  c    B 
c    C 
Doesn’t say 

10   The
writer didn’t go skiing or walking in the mountains.

     A  True  c    B 
c    C 
Doesn’t say 

2   Read
the article again and answer the questions.

1   Where
does the writer work?


2   How
did the writer book the cottage?


3   What
did the writer drink at the airport?


4   What
didn’t arrive at Inverness airport?


5   How
did the writer travel to the cottage?



1   Listen
to Annette describing a holiday. Tick (
) A, B, or C to complete the sentences.

1   Annette
went on holiday _____.

A  last spring 
c    B  last winter 
c    C  last summer 

2   At
the beach party, her boyfriend talked to _____.

A  another girl 
c    B  Annette 
c    C  the young people  c

3   On
the safari bus, they saw _____ again.

     A  the young people  c    B  the girl from the party  c    C  their friends 

4   On
safari, they stayed in a _____.

A  tent  c    B 
c    C 

5   When
they got home, Annette and her boyfriend _____.

     A  moved to Manchester  c    B  planned their next holiday  c    C  broke up 

2   Listen
to Nicole describing her photos. Match 1–5 with A–E.

1   At
14 … 

2   At
15 … 

3   At
24 … 

4   At
25 … 

5   At
28 … 

A  she
was crying because her brother was leaving.

B  she
went on holiday to Spain with her family.

C  she
ate in expensive restaurants in Paris.

D  she
worked in a café in Sydney.

E   she
went skiing in Italy with her school.


1   Answer
your partner’s questions.

Now ask your partner these questions.

1   Do
you enjoy taking photos when you go on holiday? Why (not)?

2   What’s
your favourite photo from when you were young? Can you describe it?

3   What’s
the best photo you’ve ever seen / taken? Where were you at the time?

2   Make
questions and ask your partner about a famous photo.

•    What
/ name / photo?

•    Who
/ take?

•    What
year / take?

•    Can
/ describe?

•    Why
/ famous?

3   Now
read the information about a famous photo and answer your partner’s questions.

Name of photo: ‘Lunchtime atop a Skyscraper’
Photographer: Charles Ebbets
Year: 1932
Description: eleven men having lunch / sitting high above the streets on a
metal bar / can see New York streets below
Reason it is famous: amazing photo / men sitting high up in the sky / New York
looks very far below them




1   wasn’t snowing

2   did
… pass

3   didn’t

4   were
… doing

5   wasn’t

6   bought

7   saw

8   Was
… wearing


1   did you stay

2   did
you go

3   happened

4   did
she do

5   did
they say

6   found


1   because

2   Although

3   so

4   so

5   because

6   but



1   run

2   have

3   invite

4   drive

5   be

6   wait

7   play


1   abroad

2   delicious

3   sunny

4   booked

5   spend

6   buy

7   away


1   at

2   on

3   in

4   in

5   on

6   at



1   started

2   read

3   argued

4   understood

5   asked


1   comfortable

2   invite

3   apartment

4   sightseeing

5   abroad



1   A

2   B

3   B

4   A

5   A

6   B

7   C

8   A

9   B

10   C


1   On the internet. / The internet. / Online.

2   There
was a lot of snow. / It was snowy.

3   A
lot of newspapers. / Newspapers.

4   He
hired a car. / He drove to the cottage. / By car.

5   There
were two children. / Two.



1   B

2   C

3   A

4   C

5   B


1   A

2   D

3   C

4   E

5   B




1   did you stay

2   did
you go

3   happened

4   did
he do

5   did
they say

6   found


1   so

2   but

3   Although

4   because

5   so

6   Although


1   Did … walk

2   bought

3   Was
… wearing

4   wasn’t

5   saw

6   didn’t

7   were
… doing

8   wasn’t



1   spend

2   foggy

3   abroad

4   booked

5   take

6   away

7   delicious


1   on

2   at

3   in

4   at

5   in

6   on


1   wait

2   be

3   drive

4   play

5   have

6   take

7   run



1   sightseeing

2   abroad

3   invite

4   friendly

5   comfortable


1   dog

2   could

3   tie

4   rented

5   said



1   B

2   A

3   A

4   B

5   B

6   C

7   A

8   C

9   A

10   A


1   In the centre of London. / In London.

2   On
the internet. / The internet. / Online.

3   A
lot of tea. / Tea.

4   His

5   He
hired a car. / He drove. / By car.



1   B

2   A

3   B

4   A

5   C


1   E

2   B

3   D

4   A

5   C

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