Complete the sentences with the correct word or phrase from the box

47 месяцев назад

My sister is . . . . . . over the phone. 3. Our relatives are . . . . . . . 4. My mother is very . . . . . . , she is the brain of our family. 5. Our parents arrange . . . . . . . 6. My friend . . . . . . me in everything I do. 7. In my family the elder children . . . . . .the younger ones. 8. All members of our family . . . . . . , so we are always very busy. 9. My favourite pastime is . . . . . . . 10. Anna seldom . . . . . . on Sundays. 11. We like our house . . . . . . . 12. Our college group is . . . . . . . a. cleans the rooms b. fond of chatting c. feel at ease d. considerate and helpful e. have my duties about the house f. to be tidy g. a professional h. look after i. supports j. do a lot of work about the house k. to go shopping l. intelligent m. united n. East or West, home is best o. our free time


1. Welcome to my house! Feel at ease.

2. My sister is fond of chatting over the phone.

3. Our relatives are considerate and helpful.

4. My mother is very intelligent, she is the brain of our family.

5. Our parents arrange our free time.

6. My friend supports me in everything I do.

7. In my family the elder children look after the younger ones.

8. All members of our family do a lot of work about the house, so we are always very busy.

9. My favorite pastime is going shopping.

10. Anna seldom cleans the rooms on Sundays.

11. We like our house to be tidy.

12. Our college group is united

Все категории

  • Фотография и видеосъемка
  • Знания
  • Другое
  • Гороскопы, магия, гадания
  • Общество и политика
  • Образование
  • Путешествия и туризм
  • Искусство и культура
  • Города и страны
  • Строительство и ремонт
  • Работа и карьера
  • Спорт
  • Стиль и красота
  • Юридическая консультация
  • Компьютеры и интернет
  • Товары и услуги
  • Темы для взрослых
  • Семья и дом
  • Животные и растения
  • Еда и кулинария
  • Здоровье и медицина
  • Авто и мото
  • Бизнес и финансы
  • Философия, непознанное
  • Досуг и развлечения
  • Знакомства, любовь, отношения
  • Наука и техника


Complete the sentences with the appropriate words phrases from the box.

1.This family lives in a new ….. on ….. of Moscow.
2.Our country house doesn’t have …… .
3.Most English houses don’t have …. and in winter it is cold in them.
4.In the kitchen we have a …… but we don’t have a …… .
5.The ….. is to carry rubbish down.
6.They want to build a new house with …. around it.
7.In my study everything is ….. .
8.The wall units are not …. now.
9.Our living room is small,but in spite of it,it is very ….. .
10.There is a small round table with a music centre in ….. of the bedroom.

a. central heating.
b. washing machine.
c. in brown colour.
d. at a loss.
e. a lampshade.
f. chute.
g.a garden and an orchard.
h. wardrobes.
i. modern conveniences.
j. cosy.
k. block of flats.
l. in fashion.
m. the left-hand corner.
n. dish washer.
o. the outskirts.

1 ответ:



1.This family lives in a new (block of flats) on (the outskirts) of Moscow.
2.Our country house doesn’t have (modern conveniences).
3.Most English houses don’t have (central heating) and in winter it is cold in them.
4.In the kitchen we have a (washing machine) but we don’t have a (dish washer).
5.The (chute) is to carry rubbish down.
6.They want to build a new house with (a garden and an orchard) around it.
7.In my study everything is (in brown colour) .
8.The wall units are not (in fashion) now.
9.Our living room is small,but in spite of it,it is very (cosy).
10.There is a small round table with a music centre in (the left-hand corner) of the bedroom.

Читайте также

1 I like to go to the swimming pool at twelve o’clock. — Я люблю ходить в бассейн в 12 часов.
2 I like to visit my grandmother at 2 o’clock.  — Я люблю ходить к бабушке в гости в 2 часа.
3 I like to play computer games at 6 o’clock. — Я люблю играть в компьютерные игры в 6 часов.
4 I like to watch TV in the evening. — Я люблю смотреть TB вечером.
5 I like to listen to music after breakfast. — Я люблю слушать музыку после завтрака.
6 I like to walk the dog on Sunday. — Я люблю гулять с собакой в воскресенье.
7 I like to walk with my friends on Sunday. — Я люблю гулять с друзьями в воскресенье.

<span>Task A

Choose the right variant 

1. George, Harris and Jerome decided to discuss ….
a) future holidays 
2. It happened in ….
a) summer 
3. Harris liked … very much.
 b) swimming 
4. He wanted to … after swimming.
a) eat 
5. They decided … cheese.
a) not to take 
Task В

Answer the questions:

What is the text about? This text is about holiday plans.
Where did the friends want to go? They wanted to go boating.
What could give Harris a good appetite? Swimming could give him a good appetite.
Why was cheese the «master» of all food in summer? The cheese was the master of all food in summer because y</span><span>ou may think you’re eating sausage or meat and potatoes or cake, but it all seems to be cheese.
</span><span>Whose idea was to take few clothes? It is not stated.</span>

They ARE swim. А все остальное вроде правильно :)

Колин собирается путешествовать по всему миру.Колин является победителем 
Колин собирается путешествовать  по всему миру.Колин является победителем
путешествовать вокруг света.Он может взять одного человека  с ним. Он принемает его отца.Они оба счасливы. Колин говорит его друг,Андрей об их плане.Впервые  мы собираемся в Испанию.Почему?Для просмотра бои быков.Вам повезло.Куда ты идешь,то.Ну,тогда мы едем в Москву,что бы пройти на Красной площади.Москва!Просьбы поставить меня в вашем чемодане! Там нет места на моем чемодане. Кэрол уже там! Тогда они идут в Казахстан,чтобы увидеть Астану.Отлично!

Составьте предложения. Используйте слова из колонки.

1. Jake always buys a quality newspaper at the weekend and a magazine for the gossip. — Джейк всегда покупает качественную газету в выходные дни и журнал ради сплетен.
2. When I picked up the magazine a leaflet about an animal charity fell out. — Когда я поднял журнал выпала листовка о благотворительности для животных.
3. I’ll save that long article about Madonna and read it at the weekend. — Я сохраню эту длинную статью о Мадонне и почитаю ее в выходные дни.
4. My dad never reads the whole newspaper — he just looks quickly at the headlines to get a general idea of what’s in the news. — Мой папа никогда не читает всю газету — он просто быстро смотрит на заголовки газет, чтобы получить общее представление о том, что в новостях.
5. Now we’ve got satellite TV I can watch more than fifty channels. — Теперь, когда у нас есть спутниковое телевидение, я могу смотреть более пятидесяти каналов.
6. Most callers to radio phone-in programmes don’t have anything interesting to say. – Большинство звонящих в радио программу по звонкам слушателей не могут рассказать ничего интересного.
7. When US radio broadcasted the drama War of the Worlds in 1938 a lot of listeners believed aliens were attacking the Earth. — Когда радио США транслировало драму Война миров в 1938 году много слушателей считали, что инопланетяне атакуют Землю.
8. Sometimes TV journalists film in secret to make documentaries. — Иногда тележурналисты снимают в тайне, чтобы сделать документальные фильмы.

Vocabulary ] friends

1. Complete the sentences with the words and phrases from the box.

It has been really nice seeing you again. Let’s try and keep
in touch
Shall I call you nest week?

She always makes me laugh. She has a
good sense of humour.

Our relationship has finished so she’s my ex-girlfriend
now. I think she’s got a new boyfriend.

I’ve met him once or twice at parties. He’s a friend
of a friend

I’d like to get
to know her

better because she seems very friendly. Bun I don’t know her very

I’m going out on Friday with a few colleagues
from work.

Mario and I have a good relationship because we like the same things.
We have
a lot in common

Luls and I really understand each other very well. We’re on
the same wavelength

I speak to Lucy every day on the phone. She’s my best

Unfortunately we lost

when we left university. I haven’t seen him for years.


3. A Put the words in the correct order to make questions.

Are you good at sports?

Has he got any brothers or sisters?

How old are they?

Do you like studying German?

Have you been to America?

Have you seen your boss today?

Did you go to the shops yesterday?

Write short answers to the questions in exercise 3a. Use auxiliary
verbs where possible.

Yes, I am.

He has got a sister.

They are 21.

Yes, I do.

No, I have not.

Yes, I have seen.

Yes, I did.

4. A Make questions from the prompts.

What sports are you interested in?

Have you been skiing recently?

Is she like listening to music?

Did Mozart play the violin?

Did you parents enjoy the concert last night?

Have Clara had her baby yet?

Are you born in Turin?

Did you speak to Frances yesterday?

Match the answers (a-h) with the questions (1-8) in exercise 4a

Yes, she does. She’s really keen on Mozart. — 3

No, I wasn’t. I was born in Rome. – 7

Yes, I did. She called me last night. – 8

Yes, they did. They loved it. – 5

Yes, he did. He taught himself when he was five years old. – 4

I love skiing and watching football. – 1

Yes, she has. He’s called Jack. – 6

Yes, I have. I went to Switzerland last week. – 2

6. Read the article and choose the best title, 1, 2, or 3.

young people are they big spenders?

China – the richest country in the world?

Shenzen – a changing city: how people spend their money

7. Read the article again. Mark the sentences true (t) or false (f).

Haw you spend you money does not depend on how old you are. (F)

The city of Shenzen has become richer because professional people
have moved there for work. – (T)

People now spend twice as much money on education as before. (F)

Most families in Shenzen have a mobile phone. (T)

8. What do the words in bold in the article mean?

this (line 13) 2 They (line 20)

China a houses

education b

1000 yuan

c apartments

9. Прочитаний текст перекласти українською мовою на окремому листку

дивно, що те, на що ви витрачаєте
свої гроші залежить від віку, місця де
ви живете, від того, наскільки велика
ваша родина, та від того скільки грошей
ви заробляєте. Але чи задумувались ви
коли-небудь як люди змінюють свої
витрати, коли ціле місто стає багатшим?

Шензену в Китаї в останні кілька років
приїхало багато професіоналів і середній
чоловік або жінка зараз там заробляє
більше, ніж в будь-якому середньому за
розмірами місті Китаю. Тож як жителі
Шензену витрачають свої гроші?

річ це освіта. Вона дуже дорога в Китаї
і професіонали в цілому витрачають
більше ніж 1000 юанів кожний на освіту.
Це в півтори рази більше коштів, ніж
вони витрачали в 1995 році. Вони також
витрачають в чотири рази більше на
засоби комунікації і телефони. В кожній
сотні домогосподарств тепер є 93 мобільні
телефони і 54 домашніх комп’ютери. Люди
почали купувати більші будинки.

вони мають в середньому на 5 квадратних
метрів більше в своїх квартирах, а деякі
також купують другі будинки також.

зміни, однак, відбулися в кількості
людей, які купують машини. В 1995 році лише
чотири чи п’ять родин з кожної сотні
мали машину. Тепер ця кількість швидко
зросла і тепер в Шензені є більше одного
мільйона машин.

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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Ex. 14, p. 30 Completethe sentences with the appropriate words and phrases from the box. a. central heating b. washing machine c. in brown colour d. at a loss e. a lampshade f. chute h. wardrobesi. modern conveniences j. cosyk. block of flats I. in fashion m. the left-hand corner n. dish washer o. the outskirts 1. This family lives in a new … on … of Moscow. 2. Our country house doesn’t have … 3. Most English houses don’t have … and in winter it is cold in them. 4. In the kitchen we have a … but we don’t have a …

The … is to carry rubbish down. 6. They want to build a new house with … around it. 7. In my study everything is … 8. The wall units are not … now. Everybody prefers built-in … 9. Our living room is small, but in spite of it, it is very … 10 … There is a small round table with a music centre in … of the bedroom.

Найдите правильный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Ex. 14, p. 30 Completethe sentences with the appropriate words and phrases from the box. a. central heating b. washing machine c. in brown …» по предмету 📘 Английский язык, а если вы сомневаетесь в правильности ответов или ответ отсутствует, то попробуйте воспользоваться умным поиском на сайте и найти ответы на похожие вопросы.

Смотреть другие ответы

Главная » Английский язык » Ex. 14, p. 30 Completethe sentences with the appropriate words and phrases from the box. a. central heating b. washing machine c. in brown colour d. at a loss e. a lampshade f. chute h. wardrobesi. modern conveniences j. cosyk. block of flats I.

Complete the sentences with the appropriate words phrases from the box.

1. This family lives in a new .

On . of Moscow.

2. Our country house doesn’t have .

. 3. Most English houses don’t have .

And in winter it is cold in them.

4. In the kitchen we have a .

But we don’t have a .

. 5. The .

Is to carry rubbish down.

6. They want to build a new house with .

Around it.

7. In my study everything is .

. 8. The wall units are not .

Now. 9.

Our living room is small, but in spite of it, it is very .

. 10.

There is a small round table with a music centre in .

Of the bedroom.

A. central heating.

B. washing machine.

C. in brown colour.

D. at a loss.

E. a lampshade.

F. chute.

G. a garden and an orchard.

H. wardrobes.

I. modern conveniences.

J. cosy.

K. block of flats.

L. in fashion.

M. the left — hand corner.

N. dish washer.

O. the outskirts.

Если вам необходимо получить ответ на вопрос Complete the sentences with the appropriate words phrases from the box?, относящийся
к уровню подготовки учащихся 10 — 11 классов, вы открыли нужную страницу.
В категории Английский язык вы также найдете ответы на похожие вопросы по
интересующей теме, с помощью автоматического «умного» поиска. Если после
ознакомления со всеми вариантами ответа у вас остались сомнения, или
полученная информация не полностью освещает тематику, создайте свой вопрос с
помощью кнопки, которая находится вверху страницы, или обсудите вопрос с
посетителями этой страницы.

Complete the sentences with the appropriate words and phrases from the box.

1. Welcome to my house! . . . . . . !

2. My sister is . . . . . . over the phone.

3. Our relatives are . . . . . . .

4. My mother is very . . . . . . , she is the brain of our family.

5. Our parents arrange . . . . . . .

6. My friend . . . . . . me in everything I do.

7. In my family the elder children . . . . . .the younger ones.

8. All members of our family . . . . . . , so we are always very busy.

9. My favourite pastime is . . . . . . .

10. Anna seldom . . . . . . on Sundays.

11. We like our house . . . . . . .

12. Our college group is . . . . . . .

a. cleans the rooms

b. fond of chatting

c. feel at ease

d. considerate and helpful

e. have my duties about the house

f. to be tidy

g. a professional

h. look after

i. supports

j. do a lot of work about the house

k. to go shopping

l. intelligent

m. united

n. East or West, home is best

o. our free time

Complete the sentences with the appropriate words and phrases from the box. 1 Life is impossible without…….. work. 2 Alexander tries……. his working day well. 3 At 6:15 my alarm clock……. 4 I usually try…….. as lo…

Complete the sentences with the appropriate words and phrases from the box.
1 Life is impossible without…….. work.
2 Alexander tries……. his working day well.
3 At 6:15 my alarm clock…….
4 I usually try…….. as long as possible. Am la……. ?
5 Good…………. is better than
6 I wash my face with………
7 In a common school every lesson…… 40 minutes.
8 This weekend I am………. doing my project.
9 At dinner all our family……… at the kitchen table.
10 At 11 o’clock he………. and goes to bed.
1 buzzes
2 wealth
3 busy
4 goal
5 hard
6 takes a shower
7 lazybones
8 cold water
9 canteen
10 gathers
11 flash by
12 to organize
13 health
14 lasts
15 to stay in bed

Автор: Гость

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