Complete the sentences with the correct word london millions

Task 1. Complete the sentences with the correct word: fry, slice, dessert, aisle, run, attracts, order, tub, spicy, servers.
1) London … millions of tourists evety year. *
2) Mexican food is hot and … *
3) Ed’s cafe … breakfastt and lunch daily. *
4) Joe can eat a big … of ice cream all by himself. *
5) What would you like to …, madam? *
6) Andy is creative because he lets his imagination … wild. *
7) Her favourite … is apple pie. *
8) Can I have a … of bread, please? *
9) Heat the oil and … the mushrooms for 10 minutes. *
10) Can you get a carton of juice from the drinks …? *
Task 2. Choose the correct item.
1) There is … sugar in the cupboard. *
2) How … onions do we need? *
3) There isn’t … salt in the soup. *
4) John likes … cola. *
5) Can I have … juice, please? *
6) He went to the bakery … some bread *
to buy
7) There aren’t … strawberries in the fridge. *
8) Do you fancy … take away? *
to order
9) There’s very … flour in the cupboard. *
10) … is a good form of exercise. *
To run
11) There are … bananas in the bowl. *
a lot of
12) I can’t … to the dinner party tonight. *
to go
13) I’d like … a salad, please. *
to have
14) Anna eats … sweets. *
too much
too many
a lot


1) London attracts millions of tourists evety year.  

2) Mexican food is hot and spicy.

3) Ed’s cafe servers breakfast and lunch daily.  

4) Joe can eat a big tub of ice cream all by himself.  

5) What would you like to order, madam?  

6) Andy is creative because he lets his imagination run wild.  

7) Her favourite dessert is apple pie.  

8) Can I have a slice of bread, please?  

9) Heat the oil and fry the mushrooms for 10 minutes.  

10) Can you get a carton of juice from the drinks aisle?  


1) There is some sugar in the cupboard.  

2) How many onions do we need?  

3) There isn’t enough salt in the soup.  

4) John likes drinking cola.  

5) Can I have some juice, please?  

6) He went to the bakery to buy some bread  

7) There aren’t any strawberries in the fridge.  

8) Do you fancy ordering take away?  

9) There’s very little flour in the cupboard.  

10) Running is a good form of exercise.  

11) There are a lot of bananas in the bowl.  

12) I can’t go to the dinner party tonight.

13) I’d like to have a salad, please.  

14) Anna eats too many sweets.


A Complete the sentences with the correct word.

• view • estate • cushions • neighbourhood • environment
• garden • baker’s • floor • rink • way

1 My house has got a nice ………………………….. with trees.
2 You can rent a house from an ………………………….. agent.
3 The bathroom is on the second ………………………….. .
4 There are lots of soft ………………………….. on the sofa.
5 The Maasai tribe have got a unique ………………………….. of life.
6 There is a great ………………………….. of the beach from my bedroom window.
7 At the ………………………….. you can buy bread.
8 John has got a skating ………………………. near his house.
9 Most cars are not friendly to the ………………………………………………… .
10 Mark’s new flat is by a big park in a nice ……………………………………………….. .

B Underline the correct item.

1 There is a fridge/toilet in the kitchen.
2 The Empire State Building is popular/friendly with tourists.
3 London is home/house to more than 7 million people.
4 Mom is boiling some water on the cooker/toaster.


C Choose the correct item.

1 There ……… a great view from my balcony.
A are B is C has got

2 The floating Islands of Titicaca ……… in America, they’re in Peru.
A is B aren’t C isn’t

3 ……… a bookshop in your area?
A Isn’t it B Is there C Are there

4 You can buy ……… at the grocer’s.
A tomato B tomato’s C tomatoes

5 There is a bridge ……… the river.
A through B across C under

6 Are……… cushions from Ikea?
A that B those C this

7 There is a clock ……… the wall.
A in front B between C on

8 There is a small garden ……… the house.
A under B behind C on

9 There are ……… islands on the lake.
A some B any C a

10 Have you got ……… park near your house?
A the B — C a

11 There are lots of shops in ……… New York.
A a B — C the

12 Is there ……… pasta in the cupboard?
A any B a C some

13 Those ……… are from Italy.
A women B woman C woman’s

14 There is a little path ……… the forest.
A over B up C through

15 This is a cup and ……… is a glass.
A that B those C these

ГДЗ Английский язык 7 класс (Test Booklet) Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина, Дули, Подоляко, Эванс. TEST 1 A (Module 1). Номер №C

Complete the sentences with the correct word.

• heavy

• cost

• helpful

• crowded

• convenient

• peace

e.g. In a big city, you will always find convenient public transport.
11. We went for a walk in the country, because we needed some _ and quiet.
12. She spent the day in London, but found the streets very _ .
13. In the country you usually meet friendly and _ people.
14. My father hates driving in _ traffic.
15. I love living in the city, but I don’t like the high _ of living.

ГДЗ Английский язык 7 класс (Test Booklet) Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина, Дули, Подоляко, Эванс. TEST 1 A (Module 1). Номер №C


Перевод задания
Дополните предложения правильным словом.
• тяжелый
• стоимость
• полезный
• переполненный
• удобный
• мир
например, В большом городе всегда есть удобный общественный транспорт.
11. Мы пошли погулять за город, потому что нам нужен был _ и покой.
12. Она провела день в Лондоне, но обнаружила, что улицы очень _ .
13. В деревне обычно встречаются приветливые и _ люди.
14. Мой отец ненавидит водить машину в _ потоке.
15. Мне нравится жить в городе, но мне не нравится высокая _ жизни.

11. We went for a walk in the country, because we needed some peace and quiet.
12. She spent the day in London, but found the streets very crowded.
13. In the country you usually meet friendly and helpful people.
14. My father hates driving in heavy traffic.
15. I love living in the city, but I don’t like the high cost of living.

Перевод ответа
11. Мы пошли погулять за город, потому что нам нужен был тишина и покой.
12. Она провела день в Лондоне, но обнаружила, что улицы очень многолюдны.
13. В деревне обычно встречаются приветливые и отзывчивые люди.
14. Мой отец ненавидит водить машину в плотном потоке.
15. Мне нравится жить в городе, но мне не нравится высокая стоимость жизни.


Complete the sentences with the correct word.

• heavy • cost • helpful • crowded • peace

Her cousin hates driving in ______ traffic.
John lives in the country because he likes the friendly and _____people.
The streets in Birmingham are very ______ .
He likes living in the city, but he doesn’t like the high ____of living.
They love country for _____ and quiet.

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Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык

Complete the sentences with the correst word

• Capital •twins •late •north •desert •slim •credit •nationality •wavy •driving •middle

e. g Bob has got two credit cards.

1 Has Bill got a … licene

2 My grandparents are in their … fifties

3Magrid is the … city of Spain

4Paul has got two brothers. They are …

5Her father is a … aged man

6Milan is in the … of italy

7 Lisa is tall and … with long, dark hair

8What … is she? She’s French

9In Africa there are a lot of …

10Sally’s hair is short and …

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Главная » Английский язык » Complete the sentences with the correst word • Capital •twins •late •north •desert •slim •credit •nationality •wavy •driving •middle e. g Bob has got two credit cards. 1 Has Bill got a … licene 2 My grandparents are in their …

4 Underlinethe odd word out.

Example: mumble
slamscream giggle

1 monotonous
tedious colloquial repetitive

2 wages
bonus salary skills

3 employer
career profession job

4 idiom
collocation metaphor transcribe

5 rejected
praised dumped broke up with

6 affluent
well-off penniless loaded

7 creak
sigh groan stammer

8 thought-provoking
competitive gripping intriguing

9 yell
splash slurp drip

10 bang
crash crunch whistle


5 Underlinethe correct word(s).

Example: The
book made me laugh. The writing was really witty/moving.

1 If
you get some qualifications/benefits, then you’ll
probably get a better job.

2 I
have a new timetable/hoursat school. I now start at
7.00 in the morning and finish at 2.00 in the afternoon.

3 I’m
lucky to have the prospects/opportunityto travel for
my work. I’ve visited China six times.

4 I
missed a few days of work and was behind schedule, but now I’ve

5 Lucia
and Rudolf are getting on like a stick/houseon fire.
They’re really happy together.

6 What’s
got on/intoPat? She seems very upset.

7 I’m
going to get a new car next month, but for the time being/nowI’m taking the bus.

8 You
have to teach kids that they can’t always get their ownway/together. Sometimes you have to do what someone else wants
you to do.

9 I
need to get around/backhome by midnight. I have an
early start tomorrow.

10 It
took George a long time to get over/anywherelosing
his job, but now that he’s working again, he’s happy.


6 Complete the sentences with one word.

Example: Don’t
put off going to university. If you wait, it may
be too late.

1 I
________ my teeth every time my boss says ‘Will you come into my
office, sweetheart?’

2 It’s
best to meet your problems ________ on and solve them before they get

3 A
________ is a frequent combination of words. Often they are the only
possible combination to express a concept, like light snow.

4 It’s
a big ________-off when someone is late for a date.

5 Aldo
loves living in Barcelona. He’s having the time of his ________.

6 If
you keep trying, it’s only a question of ________ before you find a

7 If
you spend too much money, you’re living beyond your ________.

8 My
kids don’t go to school yet, so we have to pay for ________ while
we are at work.

9 A
________-fisted person is not generous with money.

10 When
you ______ money, you put it into your bank account.


7 Complete the words in the sentences.

Example: A
story that makes you feel sad is depressing.

1 Musical
ability r________ in my family. My grandmother and my brother
both played the piano, and I play the guitar.

2 I’ve
entered a c________ to win a holiday in Greece. If I win, I’ll
take my whole family with me.

3 When
I was 12, I failed an exam. I felt very a________ and so I
never failed an exam again.

4 My
gut f________ is that everything’s going to be all right.

5 My
work day is a b________ of emails, phone calls and meetings.
Sometimes I don’t even have time for lunch.

6 The
children were s________ for making so much noise. They were
quiet after that.

7 My
sister and I don’t have the same o________ about a lot of
things, but we do have the same taste in music and clothes.

8 He
told a really d________ story about losing his job, his
girlfriend leaving, and then getting really ill.

9 His
translation was very f________ to the original version. I read
it in Spanish and in English, and they both had the same feeling.

10 When
Lucho saw Beata’s new car, he was s________ with envy. He’s
always wanted to own a Porsche.





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