Complete the sentences with the correct word is jerry slim no he

Is Jerry slim? -No,he is o…
Is Mary plump?-No she is t…
Has Gina got the hair? -No,she’s got d… hair
Has Cathy curly hair? -No,she’s got s… hair
In Jeff middle-aged? — No,he’s young.He’s in his l… twenties
Is Tina’s hair short? -No,it’s shoulder-….​

Остались вопросы?

Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык

Complete the sentences with the correct word.

• spiky

• slim

• ugly

• in her twenties

• cute

• curly

• scar

1. Jim uses a lot of hairspray to make his hair _ .
2. The wicked witch was so _ , she scared me.
3. The last time I saw Julie she was a teenager and now she’s _ .
4. Most young children look _ when they smile.
5. Clara’s hair is not straight. It’s _ .
6. Ann used to be plump when she was a child. Now she is quite _ .
7. Harry Potter has a(n) _ on his forehead.

Английский язык 7 класс рабочая тетрадь Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина. 3b. Who’s who?. Номер №1


Перевод задания
Закончите предложения правильным словом.
• колючий
• стройный
• уродливый
• в ее двадцать
• милый
• кудрявый
• шрам
1. Джим использует много лака, чтобы его волосы стали _ .
2. Злая ведьма была такой _ , что напугала меня.
3. В последний раз я видел Джули, она была подростком, а сейчас ей _ .
4. Большинство маленьких детей выглядят _ , когда улыбаются.
5. Волосы Клары не прямые. Они _ .
6. В детстве Энн была пухленькой. Сейчас она довольно _ .
7. У Гарри Поттера на лбу _ .

1. Jim uses a lot of hairspray to make his hair spiky.
2. The wicked witch was so ugly, she scared me.
3. The last time I saw Julie she was a teenager and now she’s in her twenties.
4. Most young children look cute when they smile.
5. Clara’s hair is not straight. It’s curly.
6. Ann used to be plump when she was a child. Now she is quite slim.
7. Harry Potter has a scar on his forehead.

Перевод ответа
1. Джим использует много лака, чтобы его волосы стали колючими.
2. Злая ведьма была такой уродливой, что напугала меня.
3. В последний раз я видел Джули, она была подростком, а сейчас ей за двадцать.
4. Большинство маленьких детей выглядят мило, когда улыбаются.
5. Волосы Клары не прямые. Они кудрявые.
6. В детстве Энн была пухленькой. Сейчас она довольно стройная.
7. У Гарри Поттера на лбу шрам.

здравствуйте помогите пожалуйста срочно надо сдавать работу на ошибками.1премер ненадо credi.

Complete the sentences with the correct word.

capital  twins late  north  deserts  slim    nationality  wavy  driving  middle

1.  Mike’s hair is short and ………….. .  2.  Paris is the ………….. city of France. 3. Peter has got two sisters. They are ………… . 4. His father is a ………….. -aged man. 5. My grandparents are in their …………..

sixties. 6. Susan is tall and …………. with long, dark hair. 7. Milan is in the ………….. ofItaly.

8. In Africa there are a lot of ………….. . 9. «What ………….. is he?» «He’s Canadian.» 10. Have you got a ………….. licence?

Here you have two progress tests to review units from 1 to 6.
The key is below the tests.
Have a nice day! :)



1   Complete the sentences. Use the correct form
of the verb in brackets.

Example: I’ve
never read (read) a book in

1   Be careful. We _______________ just _______________
(paint) that door.

2   I _______________ (see) your brother at the
pool when I was swimming.

3   We _______________ (fly) to Malaysia at 10
o’clock next Tuesday.

4   _______________ you _______________ (go) to
Moscow before?

5   My sister _______________ (study) photography
at the moment.

6   _______________ you _______________ (wait) for
your bus when I saw you yesterday?

7   When they got to Paris, they _______________
(go) out for a meal.

8   I _______________ (not be) late tomorrow.
That’s a promise.

9   Let’s eat Japanese food. I _______________
never _______________ (try) it.

10   When _______________ Pavol _______________
(go) back to Warsaw? Is it tomorrow?

2   Underline the correct form.

Example: When have
you finished /
did you finish
your work?

1   I’m
going to
/ ’ll see you at the
cinema at six o’clock.

2   What did
you do
/ were you doing for your
last holiday?

3   My room is more tidy / tidier than
my sister’s.

4   When did
he get
/ has he got back from

5   Katya didn’t run enough fast / fast enough
to win the race.

6   Tai’s girlfriend is someone who / which loves dancing.

7   That’s the most / more difficult
question you’ve ever asked me.

8   We’ve finished our homework, but / so we’re going out for a walk.

9   Who did you see / saw at the post

10   Does
your brother stay
/ Is your brother
with you this weekend?

11   Megan always
/ is always late to school.

12   I was
/ sat on a bench when
the bus arrived.

13   Mr King will
/ is meeting someone at
four, but he can see you at three.

14   I don’t think it’ll snow / ’s snowing

15   We haven’t had nothing / anything to
eat today – we’re really hungry.

3   Complete the sentences with one word.

Example: Sorry, what
did you say? I didn’t hear.

1   I’ve __________ heard that joke. Kim told me
it yesterday.

2   The concert wasn’t as good __________ the one
I saw last week.

3   She had a party __________ it was her

4   __________ it was raining, we went to the
beach for a picnic.

5   It was __________ worst film I’ve ever seen!

6   This hotel is less expensive __________ the
last one.

7   A passenger is someone __________ travels on
a bus or train.

8   We haven’t been to the new museum __________.
What’s it like?

9   I’m sure she __________ call me soon.

10   Leo __________ the competition. His singing
was the best.

4   Put the words in the correct order.

Example: excellent I latest think his will book be

I think his latest book will be excellent.

1   your how people are many in there family ?


2   doesn’t exercise do husband enough my


3   next going are to what study year you ?


4   as my older me sister isn’t as tall


5   book is this the I’ve read best ever



5   Underline the odd word out.

Example: trainers  
shorts   boots  

1   generous  
mean   funny   friendly

2   cap   T-shirt   sweater  

3   polluted  
noisy   crowded   lazy

4   thin   bald  
overweight   slim

5   disgusting  
luxurious   delicious   comfortable

6   buy  
hire   rent   sunbathe

7   necklace  
earrings   leggings   bracelet

8   shy   talkative
  extrovert   high

9   receipt  
check-in   checkout   customer

10   washing up  
ironing   sailing   tidying

6   Write the opposite.

Example: teach   learn

1   mend      __________

2   win         __________

3   start        __________

4   sell         __________

5   forget     __________

7   Complete the sentences with one word.

Example: Slim
is the opposite of fat.

1   Did you __________ any souvenirs while you
were in Bavaria?

2   I’m sorry, he isn’t here. He’s __________

3   Bella’s birthday is __________ Christmas Day!

4   I don’t have enough __________ to do my work
and help you.

5   It’s really dark in here. Can you turn
__________ the light please?

6   Students, please work in __________ and talk
to your partner.

7   When we’re on holiday, we __________ bikes to
get around.

8   Can I __________ €10 from you, please? I’ll
give it back tomorrow.

9   I wear __________ and sports socks when I do
sport. If not, my feet hurt.

10   I didn’t spend much __________ when we went
out last night.

8   Complete the sentences with the correct

Example: She tried on
the dress in the shop.

off   on  

1   Have
you  __________ your bed this morning?

     done   made  

2   They
don’t go __________ to eat very often.

     off   out  

3   The
hotels are too expensive, so we’re __________ at a campsite.

     staying   hiring   renting

4   How
do you __________ this word?

     repeat   underline  

5   We’re
seeing our cousins next week. We’re really looking __________ it.

     for   forward to  

6   The
town centre was very __________. There were a lot of people.

     quiet   boring  

7   My
university course starts __________ October.

     in   on  

8   We
__________ at the hotel very late last night.

     got   arrived  

9   I
__________ Victor some money last month, and he hasn’t paid me back.

     spent   lent  

10   Don’t
eat all that cake! It’s really __________.

       unhealthy   uncomfortable   polluted

11   What
did you think __________ the play?

       off   for  

12   This
lesson started __________ 9.15. You’re late again!

       on  in   at

13   I’m
going to _______ Chris to our picnic this weekend.

       meet   invite  

14   Don’t
worry _______ the washing up. I’ll do it later.

       about   for   on

15   Who’s
paying _______ the car parking?

       to   for  


9   Underline the stressed syllable.

1   sun|bathe

2   ge|ne|rous

3   trou|sers

4   for|get

5   i|ro|ning

6   lu|xu|ri|ous

7   pro|nounce

8   ja|cket

9   de|li|cious

10   po|llu|ted

10 Match the words with the same sound.

boring   dress   windy  
watch   father   email   lazy   funny   cloudy   match   sightseeing

Example: page   lazy

1   said          _______

2   shy           _______

3   gloves       _______

4   cardigan   _______

5   trolley       _______

6   talkative   _______

7   crowded   _______

8   touch        _______

9   beach       _______

10   tick           _______


1   Read
the article and tick (
) A,
B, or C.

CouchSurfing – a different kind of travel

Emma Jackson

I love travelling abroad, but two years ago I
didn’t have much cash
to spend on my holiday. At first, I was planning to go camping again, but then
a friend suggested an alternative:
CouchSurfing. I had no idea what that was, so she explained. ‘CouchSurfers’ are
people who stay as guests
in other people’s homes for
, and visit the
in the local area. You can do the things that most tourists do,
like sunbathing on the beach or sightseeing in the town centre. Or your host could give you a
language lesson, teach you how to cook local delicacies, or take you to places that visitors
never find. It sounded much more fun than my other holidays, so I joined the
website and sent emails to about twenty hosts in France and Spain right away.

A few days later, I already had ten replies.
After a week or two of emails, I made arrangements with four hosts in three
different cities.  I’m quite talkative
and they seemed very friendly, so I wasn’t concerned about spending time with strangers. Two
weeks later, I was arriving in Paris, and meeting my first host, Claudette.

Over the next ten days, I stayed in four very
different homes, improved
my foreign languages, and made some great new friends. Sometimes the places
where I stayed were basic – a sofa to sleep on, or even just a floor, but
sometimes they were luxurious – much nicer than the hostels that I usually go
to. I think it was probably the cheapest and most interesting holiday I’ve ever

I’ve done CouchSurfing again twice
since then: in Italy, and here in the UK. I’ll definitely do it again. In fact,
I’m going on a trip to South America next year. And I’ve had five visitors at
my place, including Claudette. I’ve discovered that hosting is as much fun as exploring a new place. CouchSurfing
is a fantastic experience. Try it some time!

Example: Emma
started CouchSurfing because she wanted to save money.

A True 
cü    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say 

1   It
was her first holiday in another country.

c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say 

2   Emma’s
friend was a regular couch surfer.

c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say 

3   ‘CouchSurfers’
can spend time with the homeowners.

c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say 

4   Half
of the people who Emma emailed didn’t reply.

c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say 

5   Two
of the people she visited lived in the same city.

c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say 

6   Emma
went on holiday about a month after joining the website.

c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say 

7   Emma
is quite shy.

c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say 

8   Emma
had a nice bed to sleep in at all the places where she stayed.

c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say 

9   Emma
has now had three CouchSurfing holidays.

c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say 

10   Claudette
was Emma’s favourite host.

c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say 

2   Match
five of the highlighted words / phrases with the definitions.

Example: people
who stay in a hotel or house for a short time


1   worried __________

2   made better __________

3   finding and learning about something __________

4   interesting things for tourists to visit

5   different thing to choose __________


1   Listen
to Claire talking about her favourite photo. Tick (
) A or B.

1   The photo is of a 16th birthday

c    B  False  c

2   Lisa and Tom were at the party.

c    B  False  c

3   Claire’s mum is popular with Claire’s

c    B  False  c

4   Jamie isn’t talkative.

c    B  False  c

5   Claire has no younger brothers or sisters.

c    B  False  c

2   Listen
to five conversations. Match them with places A–E.

Conversation 1  c

Conversation 2  c

Conversation 3  c

Conversation 4  c

Conversation 5  c

A  at

B  at an

C  at a

D  at a

E   in a
clothes shop


1   Ask your partner these questions.

1   What school subject do / did you like most?

2   Why are you studying English?

3   Do you want to learn any other languages?

4   What did you have for dinner last night?

5   What are your plans for your next holiday?

6   What is the best book you have ever read?

7   Do you like beach or city holidays? Why?

8   Which country would you most like to visit?

9   Have you ever spoken English abroad? When?

10   What job would you most like to have? Why?

answer your partner’s questions.

2   Make questions and ask your partner about a
weekend trip he / she went on.

•    Where
/ go?

•    How
/ travel?

•    What
/ do / afternoon?

•    What
/ do / evening?

•    Where
/ stay?

•    How
much / cost?

3   Read this information about a weekend trip
you went on and answer your partner’s questions.

trip to Bath

Coach leaves London at 8.30 a.m. Saturday

Arrive in Bath about 11.00 a.m.

Tour of the city: 12.00–5.00 p.m. Saturday

Dinner at Smith’s Restaurant: 7.00pm Saturday

Accommodation: City Hotel

Free time for shopping

Return travel: leave Bath Sunday at 3.00 p.m.

Arrive back in London at 5.30 p.m.

Cost: £180 per person


1   Underline
the correct form.

Example: When did
you finish
/ have you finished
your work?

1   Does
your sister stay
/ Is your sister
with you this weekend?

2   I haven’t had anything / nothing to
eat today, and I’m really hungry.

3   Who did you see / saw at the bank?

4   I’ve finished my homework, so / but I’m going out for a walk.

5   I don’t think it ’s raining / ’ll rain tomorrow.

6   Mrs Matthias will meet / is meeting
someone at three, but she can see you at four.

7   We were
/ sat on a bench when
the bus arrived.

8   I’m
going to
/ ’ll see you at the
theatre at eight o’clock.

9   Your room is more tidy / tidier than
my sister’s.

10   What did
you do
/ were you doing for your
last holiday?

11   Yann is
/ always is late to

12   This is the more / most difficult
question in the test.

13   Sofia’s boyfriend is someone who / which loves swimming.

14   Jake didn’t run enough fast / fast enough
to win the race.

15   When did
they get
/ have they got back
from Canada?

2   Put the words in the correct order.

Example: excellent I latest think his will book be

I think his latest book will be excellent.

1   as my older me brother isn’t as tall


2   book was that the I’ve read best ever


3   your how people are many in there family ?


4   doesn’t exercise do wife enough my


5   next going are to what study year you ?


3   Complete
the sentences. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Example: I’ve
never read (read) a book in

1   When _______________ Maria _______________ (go) back to Rome? Is it

2   My brother _______________ (study) photography at the

3   I _______________ (not be) late tomorrow. That’s
a promise.

4   _______________ you _______________ (be) to New York before?

5   Let’s eat Thai food. We _______________ never _______________ (try) it.

6   _______________ you _______________ (wait) for your bus when I saw
you yesterday?

7   They _______________ (go) out for a meal when they
got to Bangkok.

8   I _______________ (see) your sister at the pool
when I was swimming.

9   Be careful. I _______________ just _______________ (paint) that door.

10   We _______________ (fly) to Hong Kong at 2
o’clock next Tuesday.

4   Complete
the sentences with one word.

Example: Sorry, what
did you say? I didn’t hear.

1   This restaurant is less expensive __________
the last one.

2   I’m sure he __________ arrive soon.

3   A doctor is someone __________ helps people in hospital.

4   Tara __________ the competition. Her dancing
was the best.

5   We haven’t been to the new cinema __________.
What’s it like?

6   It was __________ worst book I’ve ever read!

7   He had a party __________ it was his birthday.

8   __________ it was raining, we went out
for a walk.

9   The concert wasn’t as good __________
the one we saw last week.

10   I’ve __________ heard that joke. Adam told me
it yesterday.


5   Complete the sentences with the correct

Example: She tried on
the dress in the shop.

off   on  

1   I __________
Tom some money last week, and he hasn’t paid me back.

     borrowed   lent  

2   My
university course finishes __________ June.

     in   on  

3   I
don’t go __________ to eat very often.

     off   out  

4   There
were a lot of people in the shop. It was very __________.

     crowded   quiet  

5   Don’t
eat all that cake! It’s really __________.

     polluted   uncomfortable  

6   Who’s
paying __________ the tickets?

     on   for   to

7   She __________
at the hotel very late last night.

     got   came   arrived

8   What
did you think __________ the book?


9   Have
you __________ your bed this morning?

     done   made  

10   This lesson started __________ 9.15. You’re late again!

       at   on   in

11   I’m
going to __________ Jill to our party this weekend.

       meet   invite  

12   How
do you __________ this word?

       repeat   underline  

13   We’re
__________ at a campsite because the hotels are too expensive.

       hiring   staying  

14   Don’t
worry __________ the washing up. I’ll do it later.

on   for

15   He’s
seeing his friends at the weekend. He’s really looking __________ it.

       for   forward to  

6   Underline the odd word out.

Example: trainers  
shorts   boots  

1   leggings   earrings   necklace

2   customer   receipt   checkout   check-in

3   tidying   sailing 
 ironing   washing up

4   slim  
thin   overweight   bald

5   shy   high
  talkative   extrovert

6   sunbathe   buy   hire   rent

7   T-shirt   cap   sweater  

8   crowded 
 noisy   lazy   polluted

9   friendly   funny   generous   mean

10   luxurious   disgusting 
 delicious   comfortable

7   Write the opposite.

Example: teach  learn

1   start        __________

2   sell         __________

3   forget     __________

4   mend      __________

5   win         __________

8   Complete the sentences with one word.

Example: Slim
is the opposite of fat.

1   When I’m on holiday, I often __________ a
bike to get around.

2   He didn’t spend much __________ when he went
out last night.

3   Can I __________ €20 from you, please? I’ll
give it back later today.

4   Did you __________ any souvenirs while you
were in Italy?

5   I always wear __________ and sports socks to
do sport. If not, my feet hurt.

6   Pietro’s birthday is __________ New Year’s

7   Students, please work in __________ and talk
to your partner.

8   It’s really dark in here. Can you turn
__________ the light, please?

9   I don’t have enough __________ to do my work
and help you.

10   Sarah isn’t here. She’s __________ work.


9   Match the words with the same sound.

 windy   cloudy
  boring   father lazy   funny   watch   sightseeing   email   match

Example: page   lazy

1   cardigan   _______

2   touch        _______

3   crowded   _______

4   tick           _______

5   beach       _______

6   gloves       _______

7   said          _______

8   trolley       _______

9   shy           _______

10   talkative   _______

10 Underline the stressed syllable.

1   lu|xu|ri|ous

2   po|llu|ted

3   i|ro|ning

4   de|li|cious

5   ja|cket

6   sun|bathe

7   pro|nounce

8   trou|sers

9   for|get

10   ge|ne|rous


1   Read
the article and tick (
) A,
B, or C.

CouchSurfing – a different kind of travel

Emma Jackson

I love travelling abroad, but two years ago I
didn’t have much cash
to spend on my holiday. At first, I was planning to go camping again, but then
a friend suggested an alternative:
CouchSurfing. I had no idea what that was, so she explained. ‘CouchSurfers’ are
people who stay as guests
in other people’s homes for
, and visit the
in the local area. You can do the things that most tourists do,
like sunbathing on the beach or sightseeing in the town centre. Or your host could give you a
language lesson, teach you how to cook local delicacies, or take you to places that visitors
never find. It sounded much more fun than my other holidays, so I joined the
website and sent emails to about twenty hosts in France and Spain right away.

A few days later, I already had ten replies.
After a week or two of emails, I made arrangements with four hosts in three
different cities.  I’m quite talkative
and they seemed very friendly, so I wasn’t concerned about spending time with strangers. Two
weeks later, I was arriving in Paris, and meeting my first host, Claudette.

Over the next ten days, I stayed in four very
different homes, improved
my foreign languages, and made some great new friends. Sometimes the places
where I stayed were basic –a sofa to sleep on, or even just a floor, but
sometimes they were luxurious – much nicer than the hostels that I usually go
to. I think it was probably the cheapest and most interesting holiday I’ve ever

I’ve done CouchSurfing again twice
since then: in Italy, and here in the UK. I’ll definitely do it again. In fact,
I’m going on a trip to South America next year. And I’ve had five visitors at
my place, including Claudette. I’ve discovered that hosting is as much fun as exploring a new place. CouchSurfing
is a fantastic experience. Try it some time!

Example: Emma started CouchSurfing because she wanted to save money.

  cü    B  False  c   
Doesn’t say

1   She
first tried CouchSurfing two years ago.

     A  True  c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say 

2   Emma’s
friend didn’t like camping.

     A  True  c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say 

3   ‘CouchSurfers’
share their homes and their time.

     A  True  c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say 

4   When
Emma sent out emails, everyone replied quickly.

     A  True  c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say 

5   She
decided to visit four cities.

     A  True  c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say 

6   It
took Emma about a month to organize her holiday.

     A  True  c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say 

7   Emma
is quite extrovert.

     A  True  c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say 

8   Some
of the places where Emma stayed were unusual.

     A  True  c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say 

9   Emma
now speaks French fluently.

     A  True  c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say 

10   Emma
says that she visited Claudette again.

     A  True  c    B  False  c    C  Doesn’t say 

2   Match five of the highlighted words /
phrases to the definitions.

Example: people who stay in a hotel or house for a short

1   person who invites people to their home

2   immediately _______

3   special food _______

4   without paying _______

5   money _______


1   Listen
to Claire talking about her favourite photo. Tick (
) A or B.

1   The photo is of a party by the sea.

     A  True  c    B  False  c

2   There are six people in the photo.

     A  True  c    B  False  c

3   Claire’s mum has dark hair.

     A  True  c    B  False  c

4   Her brother Jamie is hard-working.

     A  True  c    B  False  c

5   Alex looks bored in the photo.

     A  True  c    B  False  c

2   Listen
to five conversations. Match them with speakers A–E.

Conversation 1  c

Conversation 2  c

Conversation 3  c

Conversation 4  c

Conversation 5  c

A  a
shop assistant

B  a
party guest

C  an
office worker

D  a

E   a


1   Answer
your partner’s questions.

Now ask your partner these questions.

1   What
school subjects don’t / didn’t you like?

2   What
kind of music do you like?

3   What
are your plans for next week?

4   What
do you usually use your computer for?

5   What
did you have for lunch yesterday?

6   What
is the best film you have ever seen?

7   What
would be a perfect night out for you?

8   What
is your favourite photo? Why?

9   Have
you ever been anywhere very hot? Where?

10   What
do you enjoy doing on holiday?

2   Read
this information about a weekend trip you went on and answer your partner’s

Weekend trip to Oxford

Coach leaves London at
9 a.m. Saturday

Tour of Oxford
colleges: 2.00 – 4.30p.m.

Theatre: 7.30 p.m.

Rudolph Hotel
Free time for shopping
Return travel: leave Oxford Sunday at 7.00 p.m.

Arrive back in London
at 9.00 p.m.
Cost: £195 per person

3   Make
questions and ask your partner about a weekend trip he / she went on.

•    Where
/ go?

•    When
/ leave?

•    What
/ do / during / day?

•    Where
/ eat / evening?

•    When
/ get back / London?

•    How
much / cost?




1   ’ve … painted

2   saw

3   ’re

4   Have
… been

5   is

6   Were
… waiting

7   went

8   won’t

9   ’ve
… tried

10   is
… going


1   ’ll

2   did
you do

3   tidier

4   did
he get

5   fast

6   who

7   most

8   so

9   see

10   Is
your brother staying

11   is

12   was

13   is

14   ’ll

15   anything


1   already

2   as

3   because

4   Although

5   the

6   than

7   who

8   yet

9   will
/ ’ll

10   won


1   How many people are there in your family?

2   My
husband doesn’t do enough exercise.

3   What
are you going to study next year?

4   My
older sister isn’t as tall as me.

5   This
is the best book I’ve ever read. / This book is the best I’ve ever read.



1   mean

2   cap

3   lazy

4   bald

5   disgusting

6   sunbathe

7   leggings

8   high

9   check-in

10   sailing


1   break

2   lose

3   stop
/ finish

4   buy

5   remember


1   buy / get

2   at

3   on

4   time

5   on

6   pairs

7   hire

8   borrow

9   trainers

10   money


1   made

2   out

3   staying

4   pronounce

5   forward

6   crowded

7   in

8   arrived

9   lent

10   unhealthy

11   of

12   at

13   invite

14   about

15   for



1   sunbathe

2   generous

3   trousers

4   forget

5   ironing

6   luxurious

7   pronounce

8   jacket

9   delicious

10   polluted


1   dress

2   sightseeing

3   funny

4   father

5   watch

6   boring

7   cloudy

8   match

9   email

10   windy



1   B

2   C

3   A

4   C

5   A

6   A

7   B

8   B

9   A

10   C


1   concerned

2   improved

3   exploring

4   the

5   alternative



1   B

2   B

3   A

4   A

5   A


1   B

2   C

3   E

4   A

5   D




1   Is your sister staying?

2   anything

3   see

4   so

5   ’ll

6   is

7   were

8   ’ll

9   tidier

10   did
you do

11   is

12   most

13   who

14   fast

15   did
they get


1   My older brother isn’t as tall as me.

2   That
was the best book I’ve ever read. / That book was the best I’ve ever read.

3   How
many people are there in your family?

4   My
wife doesn’t do enough exercise.

5   What
are you going to study next year?


1   is … going

2   is

3   won’t

4   Have
… been

5   ’ve
… tried

6   Were
… waiting

7   went

8   saw

9   ’ve
… painted

10   ’re


1   than

2   will
/ ’ll

3   who

4   won

5   yet

6   the

7   because

8   Although

9   as

10   already



1   lent

2   in

3   out

4   crowded

5   unhealthy

6   for

7   arrived

8   of

9   made

10   at

11   invite

12   pronounce

13   staying

14   about

15   forward


1   leggings

2   check-in

3   sailing

4   bald

5   high

6   sunbathe

7   cap

8   lazy

9   mean

10   disgusting


1   stop / finish

2   buy

3   remember

4   break

5   lose


1   hire

2   money

3   borrow

4   buy
/ get

5   trainers

6   on

7   pairs

8   on

9   time

10   at



1   father

2   match

3   cloudy

4   windy

5   email

6   funny

7   dress

8   watch

9   sightseeing

10   boring


1   luxurious

2   polluted

3   ironing

4   delicious

5   jacket

6   sunbathe

7   pronounce

8   trousers

9   forget

10   generous



1   A

2   C

3   A

4   B

5   B

6   A

7   A

8   C

9   C

10   B


1   host

2   right

3   delicacies

4   for

5   cash



1   A

2   B

3   B

4   A

5   B


1   D

2   E

3   A

4   C

5   B

2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets.
Il. I am
(tall) than my sister.
12. My mum thinks that cats are
(good) than dogs.
13. It is the
(interesting) book of these three.
14. My car
(fast) than yours.
15. A blue whale is
(heavy) than twenty-five elephants.
16. You look
(thin) than last month. Have you lost weight?
17. English is
(difficult) than History.
18. She is the
(nice) person of all I know.
19. Monday is the
(bad) day of the week. We have seven lessons.
20. Computers are
(cheap) than mobile phones.
21. Janet is the
(intelligent) girl in the class.
22. Your dress is
(expensive) than mine.
3. Choose the correct item.
23. Visitors can’t have to / don’t have to clean their rooms at a hotel. The cleaners do it.
24. You can’t / must / mustn’t get permission to invite friends in your room.
25. The students needn’t / mustn’t/ have to drive on campus. It’s forbidden.
26. You mustn’t/ must / can’t pay the rent. That’s the rule.
27. I’m afraid you can/can’t/ needn’t go out now. It’s too late.
28. He has to /can’t / mustn’t do his homework every day.
29. You look ill. You must/can/have to go to the doctor.
30. People can/mustn’t/ must stop at the red line. It’s the rule.
31. Students can/ must / mustn’t put posters on the walls. It’s forbidden.
32. You can’t/ must / can haye party here. It isn’t allowed.
4. Read the text and answer the questions.

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Ответы к рабочей тетради Spotlight английский язык 7 класс, страница 18

1. Complete the sentences with the correct word. — Дополни предложения правильным словом.

• spiky • slim • ugly • in her twenties • cute • curly • scar


1 Jim uses a lot of hairspray to make his hair spiky. — Джим использует много спрея для волос, чтобы сделать свои волосы стоящими дыбом.
2 The wicked witch was so ugly she scared me. — Злая ведьма была так ужасна, что испугала меня.
3 The last time I saw Julie she was a teenager and now she’s in her twenties. — Последний раз, когда я видел Джулию, она была подростком, а сейчас ей уже за двадцать.
4 Most young children look cute when they smile. — Большинство маленьких детей выглядят мило, когда они улыбаются.
5 Clara’s hair is not straight. It’s curly. — Волосы Клары не прямые. Они вьющиеся.
6 Ann used to be plump when she was a child. Now she is quite slim. — Анна была пухленькой, когда была ребенком. Сейчас она довольно стройная.
7 Harry Potter has a scar on his forehead. — У Гарри Поттера есть шрам на лбу.

2. Circle the correct word — Обведите правильное слово.


1 She is interested / interesting in meeting new people. — Она заинтересована в знакомстве с новыми людьми.
2 Peter looks very bored / boring. I don’t think he is enjoying the lesson. — Питер выглядит заскучавшим. Я не думаю, что он получает удовольствие от урока.
3 I am so excited / exciting! I’m going to London tomorrow. — Я так взволнован! Я завтра еду в Лондон.
4 The film was disappointed / disappointing. I didn’t like it at all. — Фильм был разочаровывающим. Мне он совсем не понравился.

3. Put the adjectives in the correct order. — Поставьте прилагательные в правильном порядке.


1 My teacher is a kind middle-aged English lady.
2 She looked very messy because she was wearing a scruffy old pair of jeans. — Она выглядела очень неопрятно, поскольку на ней были изношенные старые джинсы.
3 That’s Peter. The funny young German student we met at the party yesterday. — Это Питер. Веселый, молодой немецкий студент, которого мы встретили вчера на вечеринке.
4 She appeared on stage wearing a beautiful Italian dress. — Она появилась на сцене, одетая в красивое итальянское платье.
5 Can you introduce me to the tall young British girl? — Можете вы представить меня высокой юной британской девушке?
6 My grandmother is a easy-going short elderly woman. — Моя бабушка — добродушная, невысокая пожилая женщина.

4. Choose the correct answer. — Выберите правильный ответ


1 What’s your sister like? — Какая ваша сестра?
  A) She doesn’t look like me.
  В) She is very sociable. — Она очень коммуникабельная.
  С) She is tall with freckles.
2 What do you wear to school? — Что ты надеваешь в школу?
  A) A dark tan.
  В) A dark green coat. — Темно-зеленое пальто
  С) A dark moustache.
3 What does your teacher look like? — Как выглядит твой учитель?
  A) She’s kind and patient.
  В) She’s a friend of my parents.
  С) She’s a slim lady in her thirties. — Она стройная дама, ей около тридцати лет.
4 How tall is your brother? — Насколько высок твой брат?
  A) He’s middle-aged.
  В) He’s of medium height. — Он среднего роста.
  С) He’s well-built.

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