Complete the sentences with the correct word if i saw a

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Complete the sentences with the correct adverb of time. 1) I saw him . 2) It is . I want to sleep. 3) Mike is sleeping . 4) did you call? 5) I have seen this film .

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1) I saw him  YESTERDAY.
2) It is LATE I want to sleep.
3) Mike is sleeping NOW .
4) did you call TODAY?
5) I have  seen this film THIS MONTH.

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1) I saw him yesterday. 
2) It is too late, I want to sleep.
3) Mike is sleeping quite now
4) Did you call him the day before yesterday
5) I have seen this film this week.

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Complete the sentences with the correct word.

tempted • intact • consumer • rummage • discarded • condemned • foraging • tuck • landfill • rope
1 I decided not to take that bottle of milk as the packaging didn’t seem … .
2 For scavengers … food is the point of every day interest.
3 … price of the same goods is different in Moscow and other cities.
4 If you … in your bag, you will definitely find the keys.
5 To breed high quality cattle in this climate zone you need a … strategy.
6 You must … the trousers into the boots to keep warmer on such a cold day.
7 I’ve always felt … to trying drawing but never had time for that.
8 Nobody will want a flat next to the city … as the smell is awful.
9 Who can we … in to make dinner for tomorrow’s party?
10 Sam is … to leave school for three days for his misbehavior.

3 GRAMMAR Conditional 2 a) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1 If I became a film star. I (meet) famous people. 2 If my friends (come) to see me, I’d show them the film studio. 3 If they (want) to see my films, I’d give them free tickets. 4 My photo would be in the newspaper if I (meet) the Queen 5 I’d be so excited if I (be) in a film. 6 IF I (not want) a role, I (not take) it.​

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ГДЗ Английский язык 7 класс (Test Booklet) Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина, Дули, Подоляко, Эванс. TEST 1 A (Module 1). Номер №C

Complete the sentences with the correct word.

• heavy

• cost

• helpful

• crowded

• convenient

• peace

e.g. In a big city, you will always find convenient public transport.
11. We went for a walk in the country, because we needed some _ and quiet.
12. She spent the day in London, but found the streets very _ .
13. In the country you usually meet friendly and _ people.
14. My father hates driving in _ traffic.
15. I love living in the city, but I don’t like the high _ of living.

ГДЗ Английский язык 7 класс (Test Booklet) Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина, Дули, Подоляко, Эванс. TEST 1 A (Module 1). Номер №C


Перевод задания
Дополните предложения правильным словом.
• тяжелый
• стоимость
• полезный
• переполненный
• удобный
• мир
например, В большом городе всегда есть удобный общественный транспорт.
11. Мы пошли погулять за город, потому что нам нужен был _ и покой.
12. Она провела день в Лондоне, но обнаружила, что улицы очень _ .
13. В деревне обычно встречаются приветливые и _ люди.
14. Мой отец ненавидит водить машину в _ потоке.
15. Мне нравится жить в городе, но мне не нравится высокая _ жизни.

11. We went for a walk in the country, because we needed some peace and quiet.
12. She spent the day in London, but found the streets very crowded.
13. In the country you usually meet friendly and helpful people.
14. My father hates driving in heavy traffic.
15. I love living in the city, but I don’t like the high cost of living.

Перевод ответа
11. Мы пошли погулять за город, потому что нам нужен был тишина и покой.
12. Она провела день в Лондоне, но обнаружила, что улицы очень многолюдны.
13. В деревне обычно встречаются приветливые и отзывчивые люди.
14. Мой отец ненавидит водить машину в плотном потоке.
15. Мне нравится жить в городе, но мне не нравится высокая стоимость жизни.

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