Complete the sentences with the correct word from the box accused sentences judge jury lawyer

1 Complete the sentences with the correct
word from the box.
(6 points)
accused sentence judge jury lawyer
witnesses sue

1 The Judge told her she would go to prison for
three months.
2 The returned after five hours and
their spokesman said that the man was guilty
3 When his shelves fell down he tried to
the shop which sold them to him.
4 The was brought into court by two
police officers.
5 Everyone was shocked by the thief’s 20 year
6 She said it wasn’t her but there were three
who had seen her do it.
7 Everyone knew she was guilty but she had an
excellent and she was set free.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct
form of the words in capital letters. (6 points)
1 I’m sure community service would
be better for him than prison. COMMUNE
2 When we got home, the
were still upstairs
3 Police were called out to a
in the High Street
4 He was arrested for
when security guards found a
frozen chicken under his coat. SHOPLIFT
5 Luckily he didn’t go to prison
but was sent on a
programme instead
6 I couldn’t believe how much
mindless there was in
the city
7 The problem of abuse at
football grounds in Britain is much
less than it was twenty years ago
3 Complete the sentences with a character
adjective. The first letter of each word
has been given.
(6 points)
1 He’s so laid-back. Nothing worries him.
2 He never remembers anything. He’s so
3 I don’t think you’ll get her to change her
mind. She’s too s
4 Six hours of shopping and you still haven’t
bought any presents! You’ll have to start
being more
51 can’t believe how long she spends looking at
herself in the mirror. She’s so v_
6 I knew who the murderer was after about five
minutes. It was one of the most p-
films I have ever seen.
7 You can’t have any more cake. Don’t be so
4 Circle the correct alternatives.
(6 points)
In the old days, criminals knew their place.
Once we had arrested someone, we
didn’t usey used to have any more trouble
from them. These young criminals.ought/
should to respect us policeman more. I
remember old Bob. Whenever we arrested him,
he would/could come quietly and politely.
He knew he must / had to sit and wait while
we typed up our reports. He always asked if he
could / can smoke and even though we knew
that we shouldn’t / mustn’t give him
cigarettes, we always did. There was no rule
that said we couldn’t but the inspector thought
it looked bad. Old Bob spent most of his life in
prison. He didn’t use to / wouldn’t like life
outside very much. He was always much happier
in his warm cell surrounded by all his friends.
5 Complete the text with one word in
each gap.
(6 points)
I started at my new school this week — a mixed
comprehensive with over 1,500 students. What
a shock! Before the summer holidays, I had
been going to a girls’ school. It was a strict
school.1 to hate the uniform and
do anything to avoid wearing it but,
now that I moved away, I miss it.
remember that we had
wear a hat on
Fridays and one week
around bare-headed
the headmistress
saw me. She called my parents in because of
that! I doubt if anyone here knows what a hat is!

1. Jake always buys a quality newspaper at the weekend and a magazine for the gossip. — Джейк всегда покупает качественную газету в выходные дни и журнал ради сплетен.
2. When I picked up the magazine a leaflet about an animal charity fell out. — Когда я поднял журнал выпала листовка о благотворительности для животных.
3. I’ll save that long article about Madonna and read it at the weekend. — Я сохраню эту длинную статью о Мадонне и почитаю ее в выходные дни.
4. My dad never reads the whole newspaper — he just looks quickly at the headlines to get a general idea of what’s in the news. — Мой папа никогда не читает всю газету — он просто быстро смотрит на заголовки газет, чтобы получить общее представление о том, что в новостях.
5. Now we’ve got satellite TV I can watch more than fifty channels. — Теперь, когда у нас есть спутниковое телевидение, я могу смотреть более пятидесяти каналов.
6. Most callers to radio phone-in programmes don’t have anything interesting to say. – Большинство звонящих в радио программу по звонкам слушателей не могут рассказать ничего интересного.
7. When US radio broadcasted the drama War of the Worlds in 1938 a lot of listeners believed aliens were attacking the Earth. — Когда радио США транслировало драму Война миров в 1938 году много слушателей считали, что инопланетяне атакуют Землю.
8. Sometimes TV journalists film in secret to make documentaries. — Иногда тележурналисты снимают в тайне, чтобы сделать документальные фильмы.


Reading and speaking

1.  Kinds of cases.




ответчик, подсудимый, обвиняемый




bring a case –
возбудить дело

bring a suit –
подать иск

damages –
убыток, ущерб

injure –
причинить вред, ранить

injury – ранение, травма

burden of proof – бремя доказывания

sue – преследовать по суду, предъявлять иск

innocence –
считать невиновным

of innocence –
презумпция невиновности

Translate the
following sentences

person charged with the criminal offence is the defendant.

Лицо, обвиняемое в совершении уголовного преступления,
является подсудимым.

2.        A criminal case is brought by a prosecutor. Уголовное дело возбуждается (или ведется) прокурором.

3.        A successful criminal prosecution will result in a
Успешное уголовное преследование
приведет к осуждению.

4.        The word “guilty” is used primarily of criminals.
The correspondent word in civil cases is “liable”, but this word is also used
in criminal contexts.
Слово «виновный» используется в основном в уголовных делах.
Соответствующее слово в гражданских делах является «ответственным», но это
слово также используется в уголовных контекстах.

5.        The party bringing a civil action is the
Сторона, возбуждающая гражданский
иск, является истцом.

6.        The party is one of the persons or sides in a
legal agreement or dispute.
Сторона является одним из лиц или сторон в юридическом
соглашении или споре.

7.        The defendant in a civil case is sued by a
по гражданскому делу предъявляется иск истцом.

8.        If the plaintiff is successful, the defendant will
be found liable.
Если истец успешен, ответчик будет
признан ответственным.

9.        Judgment is a decision of a judge or court. Приговор — это решение судьи
или суда.

10.      Procedure is the regular order of doing legal
Процедура — это обычный порядок
ведения законных дел.

11.      A proceeding is a course of action. Процесс — это порядок

12.      Damages are money given as legal compensation. Ущерб — деньги, предоставленные в качестве законной компенсации.

13.      To sue is tit take legal action against someone in
a civil case.
Подать в суд — это подать иск против
кого-то в гражданском деле

Put the words
below in one of the columns:

              Civil case — liable, plaintiff, defendant,    offence   

Criminal case – to convict ,  Crime, life imprisonment, guilty, to
prosecute, to punish, prosecution, conviction, prosecutor, punishment

life imprisonment, to convict, guilty, liable, plaintiff, defendant, to
prosecute, to punish, prosecution, conviction, prosecutor, offence, punishment

Read the text.

is a violation of a law.  Courts decide both criminal and civil cases. Most
countries make a clear distinction between civil and criminal procedures.  
Criminal and civil procedures are different. 

Anglo-American law, the party bringing a criminal action (that is in most cases
the state) is called the prosecution. The party bringing a civil case is called
the plaintiff. In both kinds of cases the other party is called the defendant. 
A criminal case against a person called Ms. Brown would be described as ‘The
People vs. (versus, or against) Brown” in the USA and “R. (Regina, that is, the
Queen) vs. Brown” in England. A civil action between Ms. Brown and Mr. Smith
would be “Brown vs. Smith” if it was started by Brown, and “Smith vs. Brown” if
it was started by Mr. Smith.

cases are usually disputes between or among private citizens, corporations,
governments, government agencies, and other organizations. Most often, the
party bringing the suit is asking for money damages. For example, a landlord
may sue a tenant for failure to pay rent. People who have been injured may sue
a person or a company responsible for the injury. It is up to the plaintiff to
prove the case against the defendant. This is called the plaintiff’s burden of

criminal case is brought by the state or by a city or county against a person
or persons accused of committing a crime. If the defendant has pleaded not
guilty, you should presume the defendant’s innocence unless the defendant’s
guilt is proved.

verdict does not need to be unanimous in civil cases. Only ten jurors need to
agree upon a verdict if there are 12 jurors. Five must agree if there are six
jurors.  In criminal cases the verdict must be unanimous, that is, all jurors
must agree that the defendant is guilty in order to overcome the presumption of

the questions:

— What is a civil case?

Civil cases are usually disputes between or among private
citizens, corporations, governments, government agencies, and other

— Who is a plaintiff?

The plaintiff must prove the case against the defendant.
This is called the plaintiff’s burden of proof.

— Who is a defendant?

The defendant in a civil case is sued by a plaintiff

— What is a suit?

A suit is a requirement submitted by the claimant in a
judicial proceeding and arising from the right belonging to the claimant by
virtue of an agreement or on other grounds provided for in the law.

What is a burden of proof?

it is the duty of the parties to prove the circumstances to
which they refer as the basis of their claims and objections

— What is a criminal case?

A criminal case is brought by the state or by a city or
county against a person or persons accused of committing a crime.

— Who is the plaintiff in the criminal case? This is the
victim who suffered physical, property, moral damage, as well as a legal entity
in the event of a crime causing damage to his property and business reputation

— What is meant by the presumption of innocence? This is an
assumption that a person is presumed innocent until his guilt is proved in the
manner prescribed by law

Fill in the gaps with words
and expressions from the text.

He was seriously ______ in a car

_____ is a person who brings a
suit in court.

Are you going to start a _____
against this company?

He claimed money ______ from his
employer for the loss of             his health at work.

Presumption of ______ is the main
principle of justice.

A criminal case is usually brought
by the ______.

The firm was responsible for the
______ and had to pay the compensation.

The ________ is a person against
whom a case is brought.

Choose two of these
expressions to complete each sentence below:

e.  criminal offence

f.  commit a crime

g.  against the law

h.  break the law

men are more likely  to ______ / ______ than any other group in society.

most countries carrying the gun is _______ /________ .

most countries drunk driving is a _____ / ______ .

figures show that _____ / ______ crime, such as murder and rape, is on the

2.  The Trial


a particular order –
в определенном порядке

statement –
вступительная речь

for each side –
адвокаты от каждой стороны

presentation of evidence – представление доказательств

testimony – свидетельские показания

testify –  давать показания

disregard – не обращать внимания, не придавать значения

object – возражать

objection – возражение

credibility of witness – надежность свидетелей

closing argument – заключительная речь

jury deliberation – совещание присяжных

foreman – старшина присяжных

bailiff – судебный пристав

present a verdict – зачитать вердикт

1.        Which of the actions or procedures above are
carried out by each of the following people?
Какие из перечисленных выше действий
или процедур выполняются каждым из следующих людей?

— a judge   present a verdict   

— a juror — jury deliberation

— a criminal —      closing argument        

 — a witness — testify  

— a police officer        — disregard     

— the defendant — object

— a lawyer        presentation of evidence , credibility of

 — the clerk of the court —  opening statement   

2 .        Match
each word below with the definition.

accused; court reporter; witness; policeman; jury; judge; defense lawyer;
prosecutor;  junior defense lawyer

a)        sb.
who has been charged with committing a crime

b)        a
professional who decides how a criminal should be punished

c)        a
professional who speaks for the accused and advices him/her in court

d)        sb.
who saw a crime happen

e)        a
professional who assists the lawyer of the accused

f)         a
group of people in court who decide whether sb is innocent or guilty

g)        sb.
whose job is to deter people from committing crimes and to arrest those who
break the law

h)        a
professional who represents the state in court

        sb. who notes down what is said in court

 Read the text “Steps of
the trial”.

in a trial usually happen in a particular order, though the order may be
changed by the judge. The usual order of events is shown below.

1: Selection of the Jury.

2: Opening Statements. The lawyers for each side discuss their views of the
case. They present a general picture of their proofs. What the lawyers say in
the opening statements is not evidence.

3:  Presentation of evidence. All parties have the right to present evidence.
The testimony of witnesses is evidence. Evidence may be in the form of physical
exhibits, such as a gun or a photograph. Evidence may be not admitted by the
judge. In this case it will be disregarded. During the trial the lawyers may
make objections to evidence presented by the other side. The judge decides if
the objection is valid or invalid. If the objection is not valid, the judge
will overrule the objection.

4:  Closing Arguments. In the closing arguments the lawyers summarize the case
from their point of view. They may discuss the presented evidence or comment on
the credibility of witnesses. These arguments are not evidence.

5: The instructions. The judge gives instructions to the jurors on the law that
will be applied to the defendant. Instructions can be given at different times
during the trial, but final instructions are usually given after the closing

6: Jury deliberation. The jury retires to the jury room to conduct the
deliberations on the verdict. The jury first elects a foreman who will control
the course of the discussion. When the verdict has been reached, the foreman
signs it and informs the bailiff.

All the verbs in
the box relate to legal matters.  Use them in the correct forms to complete the

accuse обвинить3

оправдате 15



confess 6

charge  обвинять 7

drop  падать опускаться

engage  привлекать5

  imprison  сажать4

plead умолять ссылаться

release   освобождать9

seize   конфиск 10

serve  служ, удовлетв

After six hours
of questioning the accused man ______ .

The government
awarded an amnesty to all political prisoners.

Her boss  accuses
her of stealing 250 dollars.

The secret
police has imprisoned him for six months in a high security jail.

We engaged the
best commercial lawyer we could find to represent us but we still lost the

The prisoner confessed
guilty to all charges.

In August they charged
him with murder.

The policeman
stopped the car and arrested  the driver.

The president released
the opposition leader from prison.

The court seized
him 2,500 dollars for obtaining money by false pretenses.

consideration, the plaintiff dripped the case against his neighbor.

The customs arrested
the shipment of books.

He was arrested
six months in a local prison.

The crown court served
the plaintiff 75,000 dollars in damages plus costs.

Two of the men
were sent to prison, but the judge acquitted the third.

the verbs on the left with the nouns on the right to make ten pairs. Some verbs
match with more than one noun:



Break a law


Commit a crime


cross examine a witness


Charge an interest


Declare terms


Enter a market


Evade taxes


Hear a verdict


Negotiate a case


Return a fee


Make up sentences of your own, using the pairs you got.

Complete these sentences using the pairs from the exercise above. You may have
to make changes to fit the grammar of the sentences. The first one has been
made for you as an example.

You must know that you are     breaking
the law
     when you park on the pavement.

The merger will only go ahead if
the two companies can ______ they are both happy with it.

After two hours of  deliberation
the jury _______ of not guilty.

We are going to _____ with a
revolutionary new product next month.

A good accountant can save you
money by finding ways to ________ .

We have _______ for the
prosecution, which depends on an unreliable identification.

When she was ______ he
contradicted his earlier testimony.

I am innocent, I did not ______
you accuse me of.

During the recent debate on this
matter Mr. Allen failed to ______: he is a director of the company bidding for
the contract.

Most solicitors do not ______ for
the first consultation.

8.        Put each of the words in the box in its
correct place in the passage below:

plain clothes       jury      warders      coroner  verdict  solicitor    
trial      inquest      death      penalty   

If you want legal advice in
Britain, you go to a ______.

At the end of the ______, the
judge ordered twelve men and women of the ______   to retire and consider their
_______, guilty or not guilty.

Men and women who look after prisoners
in prison are called prison officers or _______ .

If a person dies in unusual
circumstances, an _______ is held at a special court, and the ‘judge’ is called
a _______ .

A policeman who investigates
serious crimes is called a _______ . He wears ________ , not uniform.

In some countries murderers are
executed but other countries have abolished the _______ .

3.  The jury.


laymen –  непрофессионалы

legal proceedings – судопроизводство, рассмотрение дела в суде

provide a decision – выносить решение

body – организация

vote – голосовать

trial jury – коллегия присяжных

elections – выборы

evidence – доказательство, свидетельское показание

guilty – виновный

innocent – невиновный

take an oath – принести присягу

pass the sentence – вынести приговор

challenge for cause – отзыв присяжного по причине

peremptory challenge – отзыв присяжного без указания причины


Fill in the

























A)  Match the verbs on the left with the nouns on the right.

a. guilty

b. at random

c. a decision

d. in court

e. the evidence

f. facts

g. punishment

h. a legal issue


listen  a decision

find                at random  

provide          the evidence

choose            punishment

give              facts

pass                in court

resolve           a legal issue


найти случайно



приводить факты

пройти в суд

решить юридический вопрос

Complete these sentences using the phrases from the previous exercise.

A jury is selected to choose           
and to

They are ordinary people _____
_______ .

A jury ______ _______ in certain
criminal cases.

If the person is _____ _____, the
_____ _____ by the presiding judge.

By the 15th century
trial by jury ______ ______.   [4]

2. Они обычные люди _____ _______.

3. Суд присяжных ______ _______ по некоторым уголовным делам.

Если это _____ _____, _____ _____ председательствующим.

К 15-му веку судом присяжных

Read the text.

jury is a body of laymen and women who provide a decision in legal proceedings.
Their names are randomly selected from the Electoral Register (the people who
can vote in elections).  The jury traditionally consists of 12 people (Jurors)
who are ordinary people. They listen to the evidence given in court in certain
criminal cases and decide if the defendant is guilty or innocent. If the person
is found guilty, the judge passes the sentence.

first step in the selection of the trial jury is the selection of a ‘jury
panel’. If a person is selected for a jury panel he/she is directed to report
to the courtroom. The judge will tell the jurors about the case, introduce the
lawyers and the people involved in the case. The jurors will take an oath, by
which they promise to answer all the questions truthfully. The judge and the
lawyers will ask the jurors a lot of questions to find out if they have a
personal interest in the case. During this process of asking questions the
lawyers may ask the judge to excuse a member of the jury from sitting on the
jury for this particular case. This is called challenging a juror. There are
two types of challenges: a challenge for cause (a lawyer has some specific
reason to think that the juror cannot be impartial) and a peremptory challenge
(the lawyer does not have to state a reason for the excuse of the juror).

jurors who have not been challenged become the jury for the case. The judge may
allow selection of one or more alternative jurors, who will serve if one of the
jurors is unable to do so because of illness or some other reason. 

4. Fill in the gaps.

1. The _ jury ___ must decide if the accused is innocent or
_ guilty ____ . 

2. The police were sure the man was a criminal, but it would
be difficult to
prove it in court.

3. Two months later the defendant was sent to court for court

4. If the accused is convicted of kidnapping, the sentencemay
be at least ten years in
prison .

5. ___The lawyers defend people and present interests in
court .

6  If you park your car illegally, you will have to pay a fine

7. In Britain it is prohibited by the law to drive a motor
vehicle without insurance.

8. Fortunately, it was only a minor offense and we were not
taken to the police station.

9. The judge sentences people.

  • 10. I have never defied the law and commited a crime.

11. Police are allowed to stop anyone in the street and arrested

Master your vocabulary in the topic “Crime and

а) Try to remember the names of

burglary — проникновение в жилище с целью совершить

kidnapping – похищение людей
arson — поджог     ,

shoplifting — кража в магазинах

blackmail — шантаж

smuggling — контрабанда

forgery — подлог

fraud — мошенничество

terrorism — терроризм

drug pushing — распространение

vandalism — вандализм

robbery — ограбление

manslaughter — неумышленное убийство

murder – предумышленное убийство

b) What do you call the criminals who
commit these crimes?










drug pusher





c) What are the crimes described in the following

1. He threatened to send the love letters to her husband

she gave him money.

2. The telephone box had been smashed and there was
graffiti all over the walls.

3. Department stores lose millions of pounds each years
through  the theft of goods off the shelves.

4. Thieves broke into the house while the family was away on holiday.

5. He watched with satisfaction as the fire he lit burnt
down the
‘That’ll make them wish they’d never given me the sack,’
he thought.

6. It was a perfect copy. It was so good, in fact, that
it could even
fool an expert.

7. The bank believed her to be trustworthy. They had no
reason to suspect
she had transferred thousands of pounds to false accounts.

8. ‘If you want to see your child again, put £50,000 in
an old suitcase
and wait for further instructions’.

9. George gave the man £50 in return for a small-packet
of heroin.

10.. It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining and
people were sitting
outside the cafe enjoying the
sunshine. Then the bomb went off.

11. ‘If only I hadn’t brought these watches through
customs’ she
thought as she sat crying in the police station.

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Unit 12 The law and crime

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Unit 12 Vocabulary in contrast

Unit 12 Phrasal verbs

Unit 12 Phrases and collocations

Unit 12 Word patterns

Unit 12 Word formation

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Task16. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition or particle where necessary.

1. They caught a glimpse _____ a dark green car.
2. He was accused ___ murder.
3. We won’t charge ____ delivery if you pay now.
4. Doctors claim to have discovered a cure ____ the disease.
5. She always told me exactly what she thought, and I respected her _____ that.
6. Large areas of the jungle are now threatened ___ destruction.
7. The government denied the existence _____ poverty among 16- and 17- year-olds.
8. The singer denies ______ he copied the tune from an old Beatles song.
9. I’ve tried to forgive him _____what he said.
10.I got arrested _____ careless driving.
11.From the corner of my eye, I glimpsed ______ a man running out of the store.
12.Most therapists are probably guilty ______ at least one of these faults at some point in their career.
13.I have great respect _____ Tom’s judgment.
14.Martin claimed ______he was with friends at the time of his wife’s murder.
15.I was made ______ wait for over an hour.
16.She doubted _____this was where she wanted to be.
17.Mom made him _______wear a hat because of the wind.



Task 6. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

1. You can’t blame all your problems ____ your working class background.
2. A number of factors account _____the differences between the two scores.
3. The equipment has the additional advantage _____being easy to carry.
4. The hospital has launched an inquiry to find out who was to blame _____ the mistake.
5. When a marriage breaks up it is very hard to say who is ____ fault.
6. I’m sorry, I opened one of your letters _____ mistake.
7. She can’t work much ______ account of the children.
8. I had mistaken friendship _____ love.
9. You are not allowed to camp here ____ permission.
10.One reason ______ students should study a variety of subjects is to become knowledgeable citizens.
11.We will deal with these problems _____ order _____ priority.
12.They think the fire was started _______ purpose.
13.________ some reason or other, he couldn’t come today.
14.It will be impossible to come ____ _____ the solution now. Let’s leave it till tomorrow.
15. We can help you find a solution ______ all your financial problems.

Task 7. Fill in the gaps with the correct word.

1. Citizens are _______ the blame on the government for acting too late.
2. If you _____ inflation into account, we actually spend less now.
3. It’s demoralizing to work for someone who constantly _____ fault with you.
4. Many schools don’t ______ full advantage of the Internet.
5. Who ______ you permission to come in here?
6. Both sides are trying to______ a peaceful solution.
7. Why do I always ______ the blame for everything?
8. If you follow the easy step-by-step instructions, you really can’t ____ wrong.
9. We _____ no intention of giving up.
10.She finally ______ permission to visit her husband in jail.
11.No damage had been ______, and we pushed the van back onto the road.
12.The management has to ____ part of the blame for recent failures.
13.The computer ______ the list in alphabetical order by last name.
14.It was a difficult equation, but it took her only five minutes to ______out the solution.
15.Did you ____ that on purpose?
16.To treat people this way is the wrong thing to ____.
17.Don’t worry, it’s an easy mistake to _______.


Task 5. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate phrasal verb.

1. Don’t be (believe sth that is not true) ______________ by products claiming to help you lose weight in a week.
2. Three men have (escape) _________ of a top security jail.
3. The jury was unable to (introduce) _____________ a verdict on the remaining six defendants.
4. Police are (investigate) ____________ the disappearance of two children.
5. Police said that several people had (offered ) _____________ with information about the attack.
6. They (give no punishment) _______her______ lightly because she’s only sixteen.
7. The bomb (exploded) ___________ at 9.30 in the morning.
8. They (leave quickly) _______________ with our television and our stereo.
9. Can I just (write down) ____________some details ________?
10.Congress has (to stop asking) __________ on its demand for on an increase in defense spending.
11.All essays must be (give) ________ by Tuesday.
12.And, indeed, plenty of military personnel are guilty of breaking laws and (not to be punished) __________ it.
13.She got (delay) ______ at work.
14.A gang of boys (followed) ________________ her, calling her names.


Phrasal verbs

Task 4. Fill in the gaps with the correct phrasal verb.

1. I ______________ the robbers for more than a mile.
2. They have repeatedly broken the law and _____________ it.
3. Sorry I’m late, but my train was __________________.
4. I was ___________________ for speeding, but I was _________with a warning.
5. Don’t be _______________ their promises.
6. She said the government would bring in the necessary legislation to __________ the problem.
7. The gun _________________ while he was cleaning it.
8. Neither side will ______________ because both believe they are right.
9. I wrote a letter of complaint, and the airline have promised to ____________ the matter.
10.The kids _____________ when they heard us coming.
11.The police _____________ our addresses and phone numbers.
12.Six prisoners have _____________a top-security jail in Yorkshire.
13.The National Blood Service is anxious for more donors to _______________.
14.Please __________________ your keys when you leave the hotel.


Task 2. Fill in the gaps.

1. Prosecutors believe they have enough e_________ to convict Smith.
2. The police knew she was guilty, but they had no p__________.
3. As we s____________, there is a problem with the braking system, and it will be replaced.
4. The judge asked the jury if they found the accused g_______ or not g____.
5. My d________ to leave school when I was only 15 was the worst mistake I ever made.
6. The foreman read the v_________ of guilty fourteen times, one for each defendant.
7. If you break the r______ you will be punished
8. Nine men were a______ in drug raids on Saturday.
9. Japan has very strict l_____ against guns and drugs.
10.The j_____ dismissed their claim for compensation.
11.They’re going to c_____ him with dangerous driving.
12.The murder s________ will be charged soon.
13.The j_______ found him guilty of murdering three people.
14.It is clear that «liberty and j______ for all» is still a goal rather than a reality.
15.He has no r_______ to speak to me like that!


1. 79-year-old man was struck with a hammer by a b________ who broke into his home.
2. If you break the r_________, it just spoils the whole game.
3. It now seems likely that Mason was sent to prison for an offence he never c______________.
4. The r____________ opened the strongroom and packed the cash into bags.
5. Duke said he was being p____________ by hostile media.
6. Warning! Car t____________ are operating in this area.
7. Brown will be s___________ for a series of murders.
8. No one has yet been p___________ in connection with the murder.
9. His father was attacked by a gang of h___________ in a back street.
10.Two of the boys have been i__________ for theft.
11.Under criminal law people are presumed i______ until proved g________.
12.Any w___________ to the incident are asked to contact Berkeley police.
13.As they fled, two men were wounded as the attackers fired at b__________.

Task 3. Fill in the gaps with the English equivalent of the Russian word.

1. The evidence (доказывает) _____________ clearly and beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant is guilty.
2. You’ll need your passport as (доказательство)________ of identity
3. The jury’s not guilty (вердикт) ________ was criticized all over the country.
4. Refugees are accorded special protection under international (право) ______
5. You have to follow the (правила) ______ precisely in order to lose weight fast
6. Twelve people involved in the demonstration have been (арестованы) _______ and charged.
7. Many people no longer have confidence in the criminal (справедливость) _______ system.
8. Police (арестовать)___________ 26 demonstrators.
9. The (свидетель) ________ told the court that she had never seen either of the accused before.

1. The police now have another name to add to their list of (подозреваемых) ________.
2. Most violent crimes are (совершаются) ________by young men under the age of 25.
3. Do you ever wonder if you made the right (решение) ________?
4. The (свидетель) ________was asked to identify the defendant in the courtroom.
5. In most cases the (воры, угонщики) ________ looked for cars which had been left with bags or other valuables clearly visible.
6. A High Court (судья) ________found him (невиновным) _______.
7. The (присяжные) _______ returned its verdict after five hours’ discussion.
8. The jury found Sewell (виновным) ________ and he was sent to prison.
9. The government (заключило под стажу) ________ all opposition leaders.
10.Human (права) _______ advocates say racial minorities continue to be (преследовать) _________
11.Some countries will (приговорить) ________ you to seven or more years in prison for drug offences.


Упражнения с сайта

Topic vocabulary

Task 1 .Complete the sentences using the correct form of the word from the
list. You may need to use one word more than once.


proof  evidence  suspect  arrest  charge  accused  decision  verdict  commit  break  rule  law  justice

1. Dwayne has been _____________ for drunk driving again.
2. Athough they were in the area on the day of the robbery, no one _________them.
3. He was the only person in the room when the money disappeared — what more _________________ do you want?
4. The man they arrested last night has been _____________ with murder.
5. They’re ________ the law by employing such young children
6. The __________, Dorothy Jackson, was being held in the Tarrant County Jail.
7. We finally came to a firm __________ on the matter.
8. The judge will hand down a _____________ in January, the newspaper reported.
9. It’s up to the courts to uphold __________ — you can’t take the law into your own hands.
10.Detectives believe that the crime was ____________ at around 7.30 pm.
11.32-year-old man from London is the prime __________ in the murder investigation.
12.The ___________ are less strict in the local county court.
13.People have been looking for ____________ of life on other planets for years.
14.It’s against the _____________ to be drunk in public.

right  judge  jury  prosecute  persecute  corporal punishment  robber burglar  thief  vandal  hooligan  sentence imprison  innocent  guilty  witness  bystander

1. The ______________ sentenced her to ninety days in prison.
2. You had no _____________ to take money from my purse!
3. Countries all over Europe have ____________ gypsies for centuries.
4. It stood unused for some time and was burnt down by _________ in 1970.
5. The ____________ was made up of seven women and five men.
6. Police believe the ___________ got in through the kitchen window.
7. ___________ took a marble statue from the church sometime last night.
8. The priest had been ____________ for preaching the gospel.
9. The court found him ____________ and he was released.
10.A 23-year-old woman was found ___________ of murder in the Central Court today.
11.In court, a __________ said he had seen O’Grady hit the woman in the face.
12.Several innocent ___________ were killed by the blast.
13.The guilty were each given a life ______________.
14.Armed ____________ broke into the shop and demanded money from the till.
15.Football _____________ caused over £30,000 of damage in bars and restaurants near the stadium.
16.In 1987, California prohibited ______________ in schools.
17.Shoplifters will be ____________.
18. 60 prisoners have been ________________ to death.

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Complete the sentences with the correct word in the proper form.

abuse • accuse • shabby • senior • embarrassed • donate • convincing • appalling • hygiene • invisible

1. When he retired he joined the group of … citizens of our city.

2. How much do you usually … for charity?

3. The effect of the car crash was … at first but then he had a lot of health problems.

4. They … each other during the scandal yesterday.

5. Every man should brush his teeth, it’s just a matter of personal …

6. What are you … him for? What did he do?

7. His arguments sounded more … and he won as a result.

8. You should buy something new, all your clothes look … and old-fashioned.

9. He seemed … after such an indecent question.

10. We heard … news about fire in the residential area on the radio in the morning.

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Главная » Английский язык » Complete the sentences with the correct word in the proper form. abuse • accuse • shabby • senior • embarrassed • donate • convincing • appalling • hygiene • invisible 1. When he retired he joined the group of … citizens of our city. 2.

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