Complete the sentences with the correct word change the adjective in brackets to the comparative

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Опубликовано 12.06.2017 по предмету Английский язык от Гость
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Complete the sentences with the correct words change the adjective in
complete the sentences with the correct words change the adjective in brackets to the comparative or superlative for
1.My little sister thinks Maths is more difficult …..(difficult) yhan History.
2 This stident is ……(bright) in the scool/
3 This year i have ….(easy) subjects in my timetable than i had last year.
4 This students has …..( funny) nickname in the class.
5 Our Englash language teacher is ….(good) teacher in the world.
6 For me Literature is …..(interesting) than Maths

Ответ оставил Гость

1. My little sister thinks Maths is more difficult …..(difficult) than History.
2 This stident is ……(the brightest) in the school.
3 This year I have ….(easier) subjects in my timetable than I had last year.
4 This student has …..(the funniest) nickname in the class.
5 Our Englash language teacher is ….(the best) teacher in the world.
6 For me Literature is …..(more interesting) than Maths.

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Подпишись на наш канал в телеграм. Там мы даём ещё больше полезной информации для школьников!

Решите пожалуйста

1. Complete the sentences with the adjectives in the comparative or superlative form.
1. July is___ (hot) month in my country.
2. My T-shirt cost only $10, it was much ____ (cheap) than yours.
3. Why haven’t you tidied up your room yet? You’re ____ (lazy) person 1 know.
4. Were you bom in Fiance? Your French accent is even___ (good) than our tea-‘ hcr’s.
5. Everyone likes Hannah. She is___ (popular) girl in our school.
6. John lives___ (far) away from me now, so we don’t see each other that often.
7. The first two weeks of a new diet were difficult but I’m now___ (slim) than ever before.
8. Why don’t you sit on the sofa? It’s___ (comfortable) than the chair.
9. Is boxing___ (dangerous) sport in the US? Or is it rugby?
10. The Pacific Ocean is___ (large) area of water and covers a third of the Earth.


Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets. 1 Cars are more expensive (expensive) than bikes. 2 Fruit is (good) for your health than fast food. 3 History isn’t as (difficult) as Maths. 4 Is English (easy) than Turkish? 5 Spain is usually (hot) than the UK. 6 The white shirt is as (nice) as the blue one!​

Остались вопросы?

Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets.
Example: I think it is the most famous (famous) park in our country.
1. Is it the _ (high) building in the town? − Yes, it is.
2. The book is _ (interesting) than the film.
3. London is the _ (big) city in Europe.
4. Who is the _ (good) student in your class? − Tim Brown.
5. “That was the _ (bad) football match in this season,” his grandpa said.
6. “This portrait is _ (old) than the other pictures,” the guide said.

Английский язык ENJOY ENGLISH Английский с удовольствием (рабочая тетрадь) 5 класс Биболетова. UNIT 1. Section 4. Номер №26


Перевод задания
Дополните предложения прилагательными в скобках правильной формы.
Пример: Я считаю, что это самый известный (знаменитый) парк в нашей стране.
1. Это _ (высокий) здание в городе? − Да.
2. Книга _ (интересный), чем фильм.
3. Лондон _ (большой) город в Европе.
4. Кто _ (хороший) ученик в вашем классе? − Тим Браун.
5. «Это был _ (плохой) футбольный матч в этом сезоне», − сказал его дедушка.
6. «Этот портрет _ (старый), чем другие картины», − сказал гид.

1. Is it the highest building in the town? − Yes, it is.
2. The book is more interesting than the film.
3. London is the biggest city in Europe.
4. Who is the best student in your class? − Tim Brown.
5. “That was the worst football match in this season,” his grandpa said.
6. “This portrait is older than the other pictures,” the guide said.

Перевод ответа
1. Это самое высокое здание в городе? − Да.
2. Книга интереснее фильма.
3. Лондон − самый большой город Европы.
4. Кто лучший ученик в вашем классе? − Тим Браун.
5. «Это был худший футбольный матч в этом сезоне», − сказал его дедушка.
6. «Этот портрет старше остальных», − сказал гид.

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