Complete the sentences with the correct word celebrate

Помогите пж help me plz
1. Complete the sentences with the words: like, celebrate, birthday, cereal, about
1. How …… pasta with chicken in tomato sauce for dinner tonight?
2. I ……. cherries, but I don`t like grapes.
3. Jane has got two boxes of ……. .
4. My mum always makes me a …….. cake.
5. Americans ……….. Thanksgiving in November.

2. Fill with articles a(an), some
1. …..rice
2. …..onion
3. …..bread
4. …
5. …..tomato
6. …..tomatoes

3. Fill in some/any
1. We`ve got ……… carrots.
2. There is …….. milk in the bottle.
3. Is there ………meat for dinner?
4. There are …… strawberries on the cake.
5. Have you got ……. tomatoes?

4. Use much, many in these sentences:
1. How …… apples in the box?
2. How …… ice-cream in the fridge?
3. How …… butter on the plate?
4. How …… lemons in your pocket?
5. How …… sugar in your cup of tea?

5. Underline the correct word.
1. Give me the bottle / packet of lemonade.
2. Can I have a glass / box of orange juice.
3. There’s a bottle / bowl of rice on the table.
4. Why don’t you buy a packet / bowl of biscuits?
5. Can you get me a glass / box of cereal at the mini-market?

6. Read the text and write T (true) or F (false).

1. Helen decorates the house with balloons.
2. Simon Says is a party game.
3. Helen cooks the food.
4. There is only one salad.
5. Helen doesn’t like chocolate.

Complete the sentences with the words:like,celebrate,birthday,cereal,about.
1. How….pasta with chicken in tomato sauce for dinner tonight?
2. l…..cherries, but l don’t like grapes


Complete the sentences with the correct word.

• heavy • cost • helpful • crowded • peace

Her cousin hates driving in ______ traffic.
John lives in the country because he likes the friendly and _____people.
The streets in Birmingham are very ______ .
He likes living in the city, but he doesn’t like the high ____of living.
They love country for _____ and quiet.

Остались вопросы?

Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык

Task 1. Complete the sentences with the correct word: fry, slice, dessert, aisle, run, attracts, order, tub, spicy, servers.
1) London … millions of tourists evety year. *
2) Mexican food is hot and … *
3) Ed’s cafe … breakfastt and lunch daily. *
4) Joe can eat a big … of ice cream all by himself. *
5) What would you like to …, madam? *
6) Andy is creative because he lets his imagination … wild. *
7) Her favourite … is apple pie. *
8) Can I have a … of bread, please? *
9) Heat the oil and … the mushrooms for 10 minutes. *
10) Can you get a carton of juice from the drinks …? *
Task 2. Choose the correct item.
1) There is … sugar in the cupboard. *
2) How … onions do we need? *
3) There isn’t … salt in the soup. *
4) John likes … cola. *
5) Can I have … juice, please? *
6) He went to the bakery … some bread *
to buy
7) There aren’t … strawberries in the fridge. *
8) Do you fancy … take away? *
to order
9) There’s very … flour in the cupboard. *
10) … is a good form of exercise. *
To run
11) There are … bananas in the bowl. *
a lot of
12) I can’t … to the dinner party tonight. *
to go
13) I’d like … a salad, please. *
to have
14) Anna eats … sweets. *
too much
too many
a lot


1) London attracts millions of tourists evety year.  

2) Mexican food is hot and spicy.

3) Ed’s cafe servers breakfast and lunch daily.  

4) Joe can eat a big tub of ice cream all by himself.  

5) What would you like to order, madam?  

6) Andy is creative because he lets his imagination run wild.  

7) Her favourite dessert is apple pie.  

8) Can I have a slice of bread, please?  

9) Heat the oil and fry the mushrooms for 10 minutes.  

10) Can you get a carton of juice from the drinks aisle?  


1) There is some sugar in the cupboard.  

2) How many onions do we need?  

3) There isn’t enough salt in the soup.  

4) John likes drinking cola.  

5) Can I have some juice, please?  

6) He went to the bakery to buy some bread  

7) There aren’t any strawberries in the fridge.  

8) Do you fancy ordering take away?  

9) There’s very little flour in the cupboard.  

10) Running is a good form of exercise.  

11) There are a lot of bananas in the bowl.  

12) I can’t go to the dinner party tonight.

13) I’d like to have a salad, please.  

14) Anna eats too many sweets.


Complete the sentences with the correct word.

• spiky

• slim

• ugly

• in her twenties

• cute

• curly

• scar

1. Jim uses a lot of hairspray to make his hair _ .
2. The wicked witch was so _ , she scared me.
3. The last time I saw Julie she was a teenager and now she’s _ .
4. Most young children look _ when they smile.
5. Clara’s hair is not straight. It’s _ .
6. Ann used to be plump when she was a child. Now she is quite _ .
7. Harry Potter has a(n) _ on his forehead.

Английский язык 7 класс рабочая тетрадь Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина. 3b. Who’s who?. Номер №1


Перевод задания
Закончите предложения правильным словом.
• колючий
• стройный
• уродливый
• в ее двадцать
• милый
• кудрявый
• шрам
1. Джим использует много лака, чтобы его волосы стали _ .
2. Злая ведьма была такой _ , что напугала меня.
3. В последний раз я видел Джули, она была подростком, а сейчас ей _ .
4. Большинство маленьких детей выглядят _ , когда улыбаются.
5. Волосы Клары не прямые. Они _ .
6. В детстве Энн была пухленькой. Сейчас она довольно _ .
7. У Гарри Поттера на лбу _ .

1. Jim uses a lot of hairspray to make his hair spiky.
2. The wicked witch was so ugly, she scared me.
3. The last time I saw Julie she was a teenager and now she’s in her twenties.
4. Most young children look cute when they smile.
5. Clara’s hair is not straight. It’s curly.
6. Ann used to be plump when she was a child. Now she is quite slim.
7. Harry Potter has a scar on his forehead.

Перевод ответа
1. Джим использует много лака, чтобы его волосы стали колючими.
2. Злая ведьма была такой уродливой, что напугала меня.
3. В последний раз я видел Джули, она была подростком, а сейчас ей за двадцать.
4. Большинство маленьких детей выглядят мило, когда улыбаются.
5. Волосы Клары не прямые. Они кудрявые.
6. В детстве Энн была пухленькой. Сейчас она довольно стройная.
7. У Гарри Поттера на лбу шрам.

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