Complete the sentences with the correct word author

Предмет: Английский язык,

автор: aarembez


Автор ответа: jamesvoskr


1. favourite
2. dream
3. wavy
4. author
5. crosses
6. fighters
7. hob
8. famous
9. slim
10. landmark

Предыдущий вопрос

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Интересные вопросы

Предмет: Биология,
автор: jeka4999

Как называются условия , при которых растение максимально быстро растет и развивается?
а) обычные
б) хорошие
в) максимальные
г) оптимальные

4 года назад

Предмет: Математика,
автор: Аноним

помогитееееееееееееее умоляю​

4 года назад

Предмет: Математика,
автор: vladimirf976

(Посмотрите картинку!!!!)

4 года назад

Предмет: Математика,
автор: safelmira1337

Велосипедист выехал из пункта А со скоростью 10 км ч . Проехал в первый километр он увеличил скорость на 10 км ч, проехал второй еще-на 10 км ч проехал в третий-ещё на 10 км ч и дальше ехал с постоянной скоростью в пункт Б расположенный в 15 км от пункта А сколько времени заняла и вся дорога

6 лет назад

Предмет: Биология,
автор: Poilka1

Несколько вариантов ответа

1)Укажите эукариоты:
а) кишечная палочка
б) холерный вибрион
в) инфузория
г) хламидомонада
д) мукор

2) Укажите растения которые имеют одно семя
а) помидор
б) соя
в) соняшник
г) капуста
д) кукуруза

6 лет назад

  • A Complete the sentences with the correct word.
    • author • crosses • dream • favourite • fighters • famous landmark wavy slim • hob
    1 Geography is my
    2 My
    …. is to become a famous artist.
    3 Marlee has got
    dark hair.
    4. His dad is a famous
    5 The
    on the UK flag are symbols
    of nations in the UK.
    6 Joe and Bill are fire
    7 The Taj Mahal is a famous
    8 The Dayak women of Borneo are
    for their heavy earrings.
    9 Janice is very tall and
    10 My favourite
    is painting
    …………. in India.
    10 X
    Помогите что вставить и куда!!!??

    • 10 November 2020
    • Ответ оставил: jamesvoskr

    1. favourite
    2. dream
    3. wavy
    4. author
    5. crosses
    6. fighters
    7. hob
    8. famous
    9. slim
    10. landmark


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Complete the sentences with the correct word.

• heavy • cost • helpful • crowded • peace

Her cousin hates driving in ______ traffic.
John lives in the country because he likes the friendly and _____people.
The streets in Birmingham are very ______ .
He likes living in the city, but he doesn’t like the high ____of living.
They love country for _____ and quiet.

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Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык

Test 1


        A        Complete the sentences with the correct word.

student • favourite • dream • famous • basketball player • hero • good at • tennis club • actress • nurse

  1. My ………………………….. school subject is Math.
  2. I have a ………………………….. to buy a dog next year.
  3. My brother Tony is ………………………….. football.
  4. Robin Hood is a famous film ………………………….. .
  5. My sister Ann is ………………………….. for her talents.
  6. Mike is a good ………………………….. at high school.
  7. “Multi-sport” is a popular………………………….. in our street.
  8. Alexander Abrikosov is a Russian ………………………….. .
  9. Charlize Theron is a Hollywood ………………………….. .
  10. Miss Smith is a ………………………….. in a hospital.

        B        Underline the correct item.

        1        He is my favourite film nurse/actor.

        2        My favourite author/pilot is Tolstoy.

        3        Carl is a good student/artist in my class.

        4        Anna Kurnikova is from Russia/Russian.

        5        Robbie Williams is England/English singer.

        6        Maria’s favourite sport is photography/cycling.

   7    This is Peter. He is an electricity/electrician.

   8    Mike is a waiter/astronaut in a restaurant.

   9    David Beckham is a famous football/footballer.

   10  He has got a pet/vet at home.        


        C        Choose the correct item.

        1 Sue (is/am) a doctor. (She/he) is from Madrid.

2 (Are/Is) they Spanish? – No, they (are/aren’t)

3 Is it (her/she) book? – Yes, (it/its) is.

4 Ben and Mike (is/are) students. It’s (they/their) house.

5 (Who/What) are they? – (They/Their) are tennis players.

6 Susan is the (better/best) student in (her/his) class.

 7 (Where/Who) are you? – (I’m/You’re) a girl of five.

 8 (My/Mine) friend Ted likes football. (I/Mine) like sports too.

 9 How (old/older) is Ben? – (He/His) is seven.

10 Can (they/their) speak Russian? – No, they (can/can’t).


        D        Read the text and mark the sentences T (true), F (false) or NS (not stated).

        1        The Griffins are British.                

        2        Peter is the eldest son.                

        3        Brian is a teenager.                

        4        Chris is popular at school.                

        5        Lois is a good singer.                

        6        Brian can speak English.                

        7     Peter has three sons.                 

8                Stewie is a smart boy.                 

9     Peter has a lot of friends.                 

10   Chris is a slim boy.                 

Everyday English

        E        Choose the correct response.

        1        A:        Are you from Brazil?

                B:        a        Yes, I am.

                        b        So-so.

        2        A:        See you later.

                B:        a Great!

                        b        Take care.

        3        A:        I’m your neighbour, Paul.

                B:        a        Hi, I’m Steve.

                        b        See you tomorrow.

        4        A:        How is it going?

                B:        a        Not bad.

                        b        Take care.

        5        A:        Have a nice day.

                B:        a        Nice to meet you.

                        b        You too.


        G        Write a short email to your new English pen friend Dan about your mother (50-60 words). Include:

• her name and age

• a description of her appearance  (hair/eye colour, height, weight)

• her hobbies, favourite sports and sportsmen

• her favourite movies and film stars

• ask Dan about a member of his family

• ask Dan to write back


Starlight Tests. 5th grade.


Test 1

  1. 1. favourite, 2. dream, 3. good at, 4. hero, 5. famous, 6. student, 7. tennis club, 8. basketball player, 9. actress, 10. nurse.
  2. 1. actor, 2. author, 3. student, 4. Russia, 5. English, 6. cycling, 7. electrician, 8. waiter, 9. footballer, 10. pet.
  3. 1. is/She, 2. Are/aren’t, 3. her/it, 4. Are/their, 5. Who/they, 6. best/her, 7. Who/I’m, 8. My/I, 9. old/He, 10. Can/can’t.
  4. 1. F, 2. F, 3. F, 4. F, 5. NS, 6. T, 7. F, 8. T, 9. NS, 10. F.
  5. 1. a, 2. b, 3. a, 4. a, 5. b.

© Prosveshenie 2014        

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Ответ дан

1 год назад

Английский язык

5 — 9 классы

A Complete the sentences with the correct word.
• reached • donate • conserve • hair-raising • faced • inspiration
badly • scruffy grabbed • raise


(1 оценка)



1 год назад

Светило науки — 587 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи


1 conserve

2 hair-raising

3 donate

4 raise

5 inspiration

6 scruffy

7 faced

8 reached

9 grabbed

10 badly


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