Complete the sentences with the correct question word then match these questions


QUESTION TAGS Complete the sentences with the correct question tags, then match the sentences to the pictures 1. Sally can ride a horse, 2. She’ s English, 3. Steve and Jessy aren’t watching a film on TV, 4. They played volleyball last Sunday, 5. Your neighbours have got a blue house, 6. Your aunt isn’t a vet, 7. Stand still, 8. My brother always arrives late at school, 9. There’s a swimming pool in our town, 10.That isn’t your mobile phone,​

1. Question words

Fill in the gaps with the correct question words. Then match questions 1-8 to answers a)-h).


languages do you speak?



does Jamie Oliver come from?



has the most interesting job you know?



did she get married?



are you studying English?



is a university degree course in England?



brothers and sisters have you got?



do you go to the cinema?


a) Three or four years.

b) Every weekend. I love films.

c) My brother — he’s a musician in a band.

d) Essex in England.

e) About three years ago — it was a lovely wedding.

f) French and a little Spanish.

g) I want to get a better job.

h) One brother and one sister.

2. Review of verb forms and questions

Fill in the gaps with do, did or are.

1. Who

you live with? My family.

2. When

you get married? Last May.

3. What

you going to do tonight? Watch TV

4. Why

you studying English? For work.

5. Where

you going on holiday this year? To the beach.

6. How many countries

you visit last year? Lots.

7. What

you doing at the moment? I’m studying English.

8. What

you do in your free time? Go shopping.

3. a) Read the interviews and write a question from 2 in the correct places A-D.

b) Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple or use be going to.

Do you have an interesting life?

We asked four people four questions. Do they have interesting lives? You decide.



SAM I’m going to a meeting. I work for a TV company. We

(do) a series with a famous chef at the moment.

ANNIE It’s my brother’s birthday tomorrow. So I

(look) for a present.

BOB We’re going to the cinema. We often go on Fridays.



SAM Free time? Work is the best free time activity!

ANNIE Well, I’ve got three children so I

(not have got) much free time. I love skiing. We went skiing in Italy last year.

HEIDI Well, we like films. Sometimes we get a DVD. And Bob

(play) the guitar.



SAM Italy, Spain, the USA and Brazil. All for work, of course.


(tell) you about skiing in Italy. We also stayed with friends in Scotland. Next year we’re going to visit Spain.

BOB We spent two weeks in Wales on a camping holiday. It rained most of the time, but we

(go) for some nice walks.



SAM Well, this meeting is going to finish late. Then I

(make) some phone calls and go to a restaurant. I never eat at home.

ANNIE My husband and I

(do) our homework. We’re studying Spanish at the moment.

HEIDI We want to watch a programme on TV tonight.

4. a) Make questions with these words.

1. is / doing / Sam / at / What / the / moment ?


2. did / holiday / last / go / Annie / on / year / Where ?


3. birthday / is / Annie’s / brother’s / When ?


4. his / What / in / does / Sam / do / free time ?


5. go / do / Heidi and Bob / cinema / When / to / the ?


6. to / Annie / this / What / going / do / is / evening ?


7. did / How / last / many / visit / countries / Sam / year ?


8. Where / on / is / holiday / next / Annie / year / going ?


9. are / What / this / do / going / to / evening / Heidi and Bob ?


10. going / Heidi and Bob / Where / are / now ?


b) Read the article in 3a) again. Answer the questions in 4a).





















10 Complete the questions with the correct question words. 1 ____brothers and sisters have you got? 2 ____do you sit next to in maths lessons? 3 ____do you travel to and from school? 4____do you live? 5____ do you usually go to bed? 6____ do you usually eat for breakfast? 7 ____do you prefer, pizza or pasta?
нужно вставить вопросительное слово ​

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Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык

Помогите пожалуйста! Очень срочно!

Complete the sentences with the correct question tags.

1. The car isn’t in the garage, _____ ?

2. You are John, _____ ?

3. She went to the library yesterday, _____ ?

4. He didn’t recognize me, _____ ?

5. Caps pollute the environment, _____ ?

6. Mr. Pritchard has been to Scotland recently, _____ ?

7. The trip is very expensive, _____ ?

8. He won’t tell her, _____ ?

9. Hugh had a red car, _____ ?

Спасибо большое, что помогли.


28 Март, 18


(39 баллов)

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