Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the word in capital letters

Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in capital letters.

1. My brother is very ___.

He never shuts up.


2. Watching DVDs is my favourite from of ___.


3. He’s very ___.

He want to be rich and famous.


4. He’s got areally chereful __.


They are collecting money for the __ children’s holidays.


6. I had a very __ holiday in a quiet mountain village.


7. He is very __.

I’m sure he’ll be famous one day.


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Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in capital letters.
1. My brother is very ___. He never shuts up. (Talk).
2. Watching DVDs is my favourite from of ___. (Entertain).
3. He’s very ___. He want to be rich and famous. (Ambition).
4. He’s got areally chereful __. (PERSON)
5. They are collecting money for the __ children’s holidays. (Able).
6. I had a very __ holiday in a quiet mountain village. (Peace).
7. He is very __. I’m sure he’ll be famous one day. (Create).

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1. My brother is very ___. He never shuts up. (Talkative).
2. Watching DVDs is my favourite from of ___. (Entertainment).
3. He’s very ___. He want to be rich and famous. (Ambitious).
4. He’s got areally chereful __. (PERSONality)
5. They are collecting money for the __ children’s holidays. (disabled).
6. I had a very __ holiday in a quiet mountain village. (Peaceful).
7. He is very __. I’m sure he’ll be famous one day. (Creative).

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Главная » Английский язык » Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in capital letters. 1. My brother is very ___. He never shuts up. (Talk). 2. Watching DVDs is my favourite from of ___. (Entertain) …

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