Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets mark twain

60 месяцев назад

Twain is a well — known American . . . . ( write ) 2. Meg took photos of the famous . . . yesterday . ( politics ) He visited her school . 3. Barbara Grey is a . . . at a local London school . ( teach ) 4. I’m reading a book about Anna Pavlova , a famous Russian ballet . . . . ( dance ) 5. Let’s go to the cinema . There is a new film about Issac Newton , a famous . . . . ( science ) 6. Could you tell us who is the new . . . at your school ? ( sport , man )


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Complete the sentences with the correct from of the word in brackets.
1 Mark Twain is a famous American ……. (write)
2 Did you know that Samuel Marshak was a good …….? (Translate)
3 Would you like to be a ……. for famous people? (Drive)
4 He has become a famous …… (travel)
5 Tha best ….. will appear in theperforemance tomorrow (dance)
6 What do you do?-I am a …… (library)

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1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets.
(Завершите предложения правильной формой степени сравнения прилагательного в скобках. Полностью предложение писать не нужно, ответ в следующей форме: 1 прилагательное).

1. I am ___________________________________ (tall) than my sister.
2. My mum thinks that cats are ___________________________________ (good) than dogs.
3. It is the ___________________________________ (interesting) book of these three.
4. A blue whale is ___________________________________ (heavy) than twenty-five elephants.
5. English is ___________________________________ (difficult) than History.
6. She is the___________________________________ (nice) person of all I know.
7. Monday is the ___________________________________ (bad) day of the week. We have seven lessons.
8. Computers are ___________________________________ (cheap) than mobile phones.
9. Janet is the ___________________________________ (intelligent) girl in the class.
10. Your dress is ___________________________________ (expensive) than mine.

2. Choose the correct item. (Выберите правильный модальный глагол и запишите только его, всё предложение писать не нужно!)

1. Visitors can’t / have to / don’t have to clean their rooms at a hotel. The cleaners do it.
2. You can’t / must / mustn’t get permission to invite friends in your room.
3. The students needn’t / mustn’t / have to drive on campus. It’s forbidden.
4. You mustn’t / must / can’t pay the rent. That’s the rule.
5. I’m afraid you can / can’t / needn’t go out now. It’s too late.
6. He has to / can’t / mustn’t do his homework every day.
7. You look ill. You must / can / have to go to the doctor.

Complete the sentences with the new words formed from the words in brackets.
Example: Miss Clark is a _ at my school. (teach) − Miss Clark is a teacher at my school.
1. Mark Twain is a famous American _ . (write)
2. Did you know that Samuil Marshak was a good _? (translate)
3. Would you like to be a _ for famous people? (drive)
4. We’ve invited him to the Young _’s Club. (travel)
5. The best _ will appear in the performance tomorrow. (dance)
6. What do you do? − I am a _ . (library)

Английский язык ENJOY ENGLISH Английский с удовольствием 5 класс Биболетова. UNIT 4. HOMEWORK. Номер №18


Перевод задания
Дополните предложения новыми словами, образованными из слов в скобках.
Пример: Мисс Кларк − _ в моей школе. (преподавать) − Мисс Кларк − учитель в моей школе.
1. Марк Твен − известный американский _. (писать)
2. Знаете ли вы, что Самуил Маршак был хорошим _? (переводить)
3. Хотели бы вы быть _ для известных людей? (вести машину)
4. Мы пригласили его в Клуб Молодых _. (путешествовать)
5. Завтра в спектакле появятся лучшие _. (танцевать)
6. Чем ты занимаешься? − Я _. (библиотека)

1. Mark Twain is a famous American writer.
2. Did you know that Samuil Marshak was a good translator?
3. Would you like to be a driver for famous people?
4. We’ve invited him to the Young Traveller’s Club.
5. The best dancers will appear in the performance tomorrow.
6. What do you do? − I am a librarian.

Перевод ответа
1. Марк Твен − известный американский писатель.
2. Вы знали, что Самуил Маршак был хорошим переводчиком?
3. Хотели бы вы быть водителем для известных людей?
4. Мы пригласили его в Клуб юных путешественников.
5. Завтра в спектакле выступят лучшие танцоры.
6. Чем ты занимаешься? − Я библиотекарь.

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