Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word circle it

Помогите пожалуйста, очень срочно

Find the mistake in each sentence. Circle the mistake and write the correction.

1 I think it won’t be amazing! __________________________

2 When you are going to reply to his text? __________________________

3 I’ll to see you later! __________________________

4 He isn’t not going to play basketball next weekend. __________________________

5 I’m going to swimming this afternoon. __________________________

6 James will arrives first at the party! __________________________

7 You is going to do very well in the competition. __________________________

8 Jenny is going write a blog about the trip. __________________________

9 She doesn’t think it won’t snow. __________________________

10 You will come on your own? __________________________

2 Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.

1 I’m going to stay in this / next evening.

2 He ’ll / won’t forget your number – he wrote it down.

3 ‘Are you going to wear school uniform?’ ‘No, I ’m / ’m not.’

4 We’re going to doing / do judo next week.

5 The film won’t / will be very good – the story is very boring.

6 They’re going to give a presentation in / after a few days.

7 She ’ll / won’t hate surfing – she’s terrified of water!

8 I don’t think there will / won’t be enough drinking water in the future.

9 Is / Are you going to talk to your parents about it?

10 Will it / It will be expensive?

3 Complete the dialogue with sports and sports equipment words. The first letter of each word has



Clare Mum! I’m going cycling. Where’s my 1 h _ _ _ _ _?

Mum I’m afraid Eva took it. And she has your 2 b _ _ _ too!

Clare What? She never asks to borrow my things! She used my 3 r _ _ _ _ _ _ s _ _ _ _ yesterday to run around

the park!

Mum Well, she couldn’t find her trainers and she had to do 4 a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in P.E. She was in the relay team.

Clare Well, I’m really annoyed. I’m going to go and do some 5 y _ _ _ in my bedroom to calm down …

4 Match the description with the athletics events below.

high jump long jump marathon pole vault relay shot put

1 This race is usually just over 42 kilometres. ____________________

2 This event sees who can jump the highest without using any equipment. ____________________

3 You have to throw a heavy ball a long distance. ____________________

4 You jump over a high bar with a long piece of equipment. ____________________

5 This race needs a team of four runners. ____________________

6 You have to jump as far along the ground as possible. ____________________

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.

1 I’m upset because I had an __________________ (argue) with my brother last night.

2 They want to make a __________________ (donate) to charity.

3 He’s looking for student __________________ (accommodate).

4 Let’s celebrate the __________________ (China) New Year!

5 Rome is my favourite __________________ (Italy) city.

6 It was difficult to find a seat in the __________________ (dark) of the cinema.

7 My best friend is __________________ (Brazil).

8 We are going to have a __________________ (discuss) about bullying at school.

9 IKEA is a very successful __________________ (Sweden) company.

6 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use the words in brackets.

Use 2–4 words, including the words in brackets.

1 I’d prefer not to wait outside. (rather)

I ___________________________________ wait outside.

2 I understand what you’re saying. (mean)

I see ___________________________________ .

3 I don’t want to go. (fancy)

I ___________________________________ that.

4 OK then. (suppose)

I ___________________________________ .

5 I want to go swimming more than anything else. (prefer)

I ___________________________________ swimming.

6 Do you want to cycle instead? (fancy)

Do ___________________________________ instead?

7 Are you sure about that? (think)

Do ___________________________________ ?

8 Isn’t badminton cheaper? (would)

I think ___________________________________ .

9 What happened next was unbelievable! (guess)

You’ll ___________________________________ happened!

10 I forgot to add, you need to bring a towel. (way)

___________________________________, you need to bring a towel.

Страница 94

1. Write the seasons. What season is it now? — Напишите названия времен года. Какое сейчас время года?

  1. summer; — лето
  2. winter;  — зима
  3. spring; — весна
  4. autumn. — осень

2. Circle the odd word out. — Обведите лишнее слово

  1. leaves; — листья
  2. shorts; — шорты
  3. caps; — кепка
  4. Alaska. — Аляска

3. Complete the gaps with the correct word. — Заполните пропуски правильным словом.

  1. A: What is the weather like in Edinburgh today?  — Какая погода сегодня в Эдинбурге?
    B: It’s very hot and sunny. — Очень жарко и солнечно.
  2. A: How do I look in this jumper? — Как я выгляжу в этом джемпере?
    B: You look lovely. It suits you perfectly. — Прекрасно. Он отлично идет тебе.

4. Write sentences using the present simple and present continuous. — Запишите предложения, используя Present Simple или Present Continuous.

  1. She usually wears trainers, but today she is wearing high heels. — Она обычно носит кроссовки, но сегодня она одела туфли на высоком каблуке.
  2. He usually watches TV, but today he is reading a book. — Он обычно смотрит телевизор, но сегодня он читает книгу.
  3. They usually wear blue shirts, but today they are wearing green ones. — Они обычно надевают синие рубашки, но сегодня они надели зеленые.
  4. We usually go swimming, but today we’re having a picnic. — Мы обычно ходим купаться, но сегодня у нас пикник.

5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. — Закончите предложения, используя правильную форму глагола в скобках.

  1. I don’t want to go out tonight as I am studying for a test at the moment. — Я сегодня вечером не хочу никуда выходить, поскольку я учу сейчас тест.
  2. My brother plays football every Sunday but this Sunday he is going camping. — Мой брат играет в футбол каждое воскресенье, но в это воскресенье он идет в поход.
  3. Rose is talking to that French tourist at the moment. She speaks French well. — Роза разговаривает с вон тем французским туристом сейчас. Она хорошо говорит по-французски.
  4. Tom is watching a film on television now. He doesn’t often do this. — Том смотрит сейчас фильм по телевизору. Он не часто делает это.

6. Use the prompts to complete the dialogue. — Используйте подсказки, чтобы закончить диалог.

A: Good morning, madam. How can I help you? — Доброе утро, мадам. Чем могу помочь?

B: I’m looking for a skirt, please. — Я ищу юбку.

A: The skirts are here. What size are you? — Юбки вот тут. Какой у вас размер?

B: I’m a 12. I like this one. How much is it? — 12. Мне нравится вот эта. Сколько она стоит?

A: It’s £45. — 45 фунтов.

B: Thanks, I’ll take it. — Спасибо, я беру её.


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Sorting the words

Divide the words into the categories.











Spelling the words

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words.

This airport

is the oldest one in our city.

The weather is fine today, the sky is


Your actions are


I heard a clap of

and a storm broke out.

I like to go for a

with my friends in the evening.

I wanted to take a

at the new exhibition which is held in our local museum.

Matching the words

Match the words with their meanings. 

Completing the table

Complete the table with the words below.













Choosing the words

Match the pictures to the words.





Single answer

Choose the correct answer.

I was

by the work of the stuff in this hotel.


cold outside, you should wear a warm jacket.

I am very

, I need some rest.

This place looks


We were sunbathing at the beach when

the storm began.

Lana is

of the dark.

Crossing out

Cross the odd ONE out.

Scared, terrified, bored, frightened

Depressed, annoyed, anxious, amused

Happy, violent, pleased, glad

Glad, refreshed, confused, relieved

Completing the table

Complete the table with the words below.


for a







Single answer

Choose the right answer.

She was

the cocktail happily and enjoyed the atmosphere of the cafe.


cold outside, I won’t go for a walk.

Kate is very

about her vacation.

The train leaves at 7 o’clock from the



after five years of separation.

Amanda was

from cold.

Filling the gaps

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words.

Airport was full of people.

She was waiting for her mother to come.

There were a lot of different goods on the street .

We always our house before Christmas.

It was hot and the sky stayed .

The end of the film was very .







Choosing the words

Choose the right answer.

I feel familiar/uncertain about this situation.

I woke up late and I need to hurry up to have/catch my flight.

It was pouring /chilling with rain and I soaked wet.

He was really annoyed and his actions were unpredictable/amusing.

She looked scream/refreshed after her vacation.

His voice sounds familiar/wander.

Matching the words

Match in the words to make the phrases.

Matching the phrases

Match the phrases to get the sentences.

Liza was lying on the beach

of handicrafts on the stalls.

Filling the gaps

Choose the right answer.

One more very popular carnival is the Carnival of Venice. It is held every . It is believed that the first Carnival was held in 1162 in the Venice Republic to celebrate the victory. People Square.

Later in the 17th century the Carnival of Venice was an image of Venice. It started being really popular in the 18th century.

Nowadays, a the carnival of Venice each year.

The carnival of Venice masks. Traditionally a lot of people wear masks to hide their identity.

year in Venice, Italy

started dancing in San Marco

attempt to save the prestigious

lot of famous people attend

is famous for its

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