Complete the sentences with the correct comparative or superlative form of the word in brackets

1 later (т.к. сравнительная степень + после прилагательного используется than. late — односложное прилагательное, поэтому сравнительная степень образована с помощью -(e)r)
2 the worst (т.к. превосходная степень. bad — исключение, поэтому сравнительная степень образована словом the worst)
3 more carefully (т.к. сравнительная степень. carefully — наречие, поэтому сравнительная степень образована путём добавления слова more)
4 the most intelligent (т.к. превосходная степень. intelligent — двусложное прилагательное, поэтому превосходная степень образована с помощью the most)
5 the most talented (т.к. превосходная степень + после прилагательного используется in. talanted — двусложное прилагательное, поэтому превосходная степень образована с помощью the most)
6 tallest (т.к. превосходная степень + после прилагательного используется in. tall — односложное прилагательное, поэтому превосходная степень образована с помощью -(e)st)
7 better, better (используется конструкция comparative and comparative, чтобы показать увеличение чего-либо)
8 more patient (т.к. сравнительная степень. difficult — двусложное прилагательное, поэтому превосходная степень образована с помощью more)
9 more skilfully (т.к. сравнительная степень. skilfully — наречие, поэтому сравнительная степень образована путём добавления слова more)
10 more hardworking (т.к. сравнительная степень + после прилагательного используется than. hardworking — двусложное прилагательное, поэтому превосходная степень образована с помощью more)


Complete the sentences with the correct comparative or superlative forms of the words in brackets. 1. This is the ______________ (interesting) programme Ive ever seen! Switch it on! 2. Hamilton is the __________________________(fast) driver in the world today. 3. Can you speak ________________________(slowly) please? I cant follow you. 4. I work ________________________ (hard) now than I used to. 5. Miss Barber is the _________________________(good) teacher in school. 6. This exercise is ________________(difficult) than I thought it would be. I can do it! 7. I gave him the sweets because he asked the _________ (politely) of all the children. 8. Shes __________________________ (happy) doing this job than she was before. Now shes always smiling. 9. They have the _________________________(pretty) garden in the neighbourhood. It won a prize last year. 10. Penny was the ___________________(successful) of all the students in that class.


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Most interestingFastestMore slowlyHarderBestMore difficultMost politelyHappierPrettiestMost successful


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Главная » Английский язык » Complete the sentences with the correct comparative/superlative form of the adjectives/adverbs in brackets. 1. She came … (late) than we expected. 2. That was … (bad) film I have ever seen. 3. She works … (carefully) than others. 4. He is …

Match the idioms with their definitions.

accept responsibility/punishment for smth that has been done

when a situation or an argument involves two people, they are both responsible for it

in the centre of attention

Fill in the gaps in the text with the following idioms:

face the music, run the show, it takes two to tango, in the spotlight

I believe that the Peterson sisters should just admit that it is they who caused the problem, and


Why does Adele want to

? It’s not fair that she is always the one telling everyone else what to do!

It’s not easy for shy persons to be a celebrity as they are always


Louis says that only Mandy is responsible for the situation with the car, but


Complete the sentences with the correct comparative/superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.

Oranges are (sweet)

than lemons.

Janet’s jokes are always (funny) the

of all.

Statistics shows that driving your own car is (dangerous)

than flying in an airplane.

Professor Sato’s lectures are the (interesting)

in university.

Tracy, even the floor is (clean)

than you are. Get into the bath!

Choose the right words to complete the sentences.

Would you like to play a video game? — Not really.
watch some film than play a video game.
How about going to the museum? — I’d
go to the cinema.
Do you want to read this newspaper after me? — No, thanks. I rarely read newspapers.
reading news on the Internet.
Do you want to start learning Spanish with me? — Not really. I’d prefer to learn Italian
learn Spanish.

Fill in the gaps in the text with the following words and phrases: box office, visual effects, action-packed, plot, all-star.

For an evening at home, The Day After Tomorrow is a(n)

film that will have you on the edge of your seats! The

cast, which includes Dennis Quaid and Jake Gyllenhaal all give incredible performances. The film has an interesting

. A team of scientists tries to save the Earth from destruction, and there is a moving twist at the end. What’s more, there is great camera work and the

are stunning. This film had a

success when it came out and offers thrills and excitement for all in the family. A must-see!

Complete the sentences with the correct comparative/superlative form of the adjectives/adverbs in brackets.

Bruce’s the (tall)

in his group.
My little sister is getting (good)


at painting.
You have to be a bit (patient)

with you granny.
He couldn’t have sculpted the statue (skillfully)

; it’s perfection.
Tracey is (hardworking)

than her elder brother.

Match the types of films to their descriptions.

The heroes in such films usually find themselves in exotic locations. They are involved in exciting actions like looking for an unknown land or trying to save friends or get back home from an inhabitant island.

These films are about love and relationships. The characters often have to face some problems on the way to their happiness.

In such films the set is often distant planets or even parallel universes. They are about space travel, time travel, and supernatural. They are often based on books or scientific theories.

In these films characters go through challenges that usually include violence, fighting, and chases. The strong hero struggles against villains in life-threatening situations. These films typically end in victory for the hero.

Choose the words to complete the sentences.

1) I like Chinese cuisine than Italian.

2) Old shoes are usually more than new shoes.

3) The thing on the table is his briefcase.

4) A pillow is than a rock.

5) This task is complicated than the previous one.

6) Australia is the continent on Earth.







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  • Complete the sentences using the words and word combinations from the boxes