Complete the sentences with the appropriate words and word combinations from the box you



Вопрос по английскому языку:

Complete the sentences with the appropriate words and phrases from the box.
1)you cant expect …. in language learning.
2)»» of past events are often more interesting than morden historians view of them
3it was a …. to raise money for the famine victims
4)we made plans for the visit but … with the car prevented it
5) im well aware how risky… is
6) it would improve our efficiency if we used more ….
7) i captured my baby daughters … on film
8)the company has established a …… for dealing with customers complaints
9)he has made an …. to the companys success
10)how can teachers help to bridge the ….. between parents and their teenage children?
11)every …. was rushed to the scene of the accident
12)he has broken the … which is quite an achievement
13)one day man will tame …
14)rembrandts … are works of genius
15)they used to do their shopping in the ….

a) subsequent difficulties
b) new system
c) contemporary reports
d)first smile
e)wild nature
f)this investment
g) world record
h) rapid results
i)benefit concert
j) self-portraits
k)up-to-date methods
l)important contribution
m)generation gap
n)available ambulance
o)nearby town

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Ответы и объяснения 1



1 — h
2 — c
3 — i
4 — a 
5 — f
6 — k
7 — d
8 — b
9 — L
10 — m
11 — n
12 — g
13 — e 
14 — j
15 — o

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    знаю» и так далее;
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  • 0

Complete the sentences with the appropriate words and phrases from the box.
1)you cant expect …. in language learning.
2),,,, of past events are often more interesting than morden historians view of them
3it was a …. to raise money for the famine victims
4)we made plans for the visit but … with the car prevented it
5) im well aware how risky… is
6) it would improve our efficiency if we used more ….
7) i captured my baby daughters … on film
8)the company has established a …… for dealing with customers complaints
9)he has made an …. to the companys success
10)how can teachers help to bridge the ….. between parents and their teenage children?
11)every …. was rushed to the scene of the accident
12)he has broken the … which is quite an achievement
13)one day man will tame …
14)rembrandts … are works of genius
15)they used to do their shopping in the ….

a) subsequent difficulties
b) new system
c) contemporary reports
d)first smile
e)wild nature
f)this investment
g) world record
h) rapid results
i)benefit concert
j) self-portraits
k)up-to-date methods
l)important contribution
m)generation gap
n)available ambulance
o)nearby town

  • Комментариев (0)

  • 0

1 — h
2 — c
3 — i
4 — a 
5 — f
6 — k
7 — d
8 — b
9 — L
10 — m
11 — n
12 — g
13 — e 
14 — j
15 — o

  • Комментариев (0)

Complete the sentences with the appropriate words and phrases from the box.

1. Welcome to my house! . . . . . . !
2. My sister is . . . . . . over the phone.
3. Our relatives are . . . . . . .
4. My mother is very . . . . . . , she is the brain of our family.
5. Our parents arrange . . . . . . .
6. My friend . . . . . . me in everything I do.
7. In my family the elder children . . . . . .the younger ones.
8. All members of our family . . . . . . , so we are always very busy.
9. My favourite pastime is . . . . . . .
10. Anna seldom . . . . . . on Sundays.
11. We like our house . . . . . . .
12. Our college group is . . . . . . .  

a. cleans the rooms
b. fond of chatting
c. feel at ease
d. considerate and helpful
e. have my duties about the house
f. to be tidy
g. a professional
h. look after
i. supports
j. do a lot of work about the house
k. to go shopping
l. intelligent
m. united
n. East or West, home is best
o. our free time

Complete the sentences with the word combinations from the box.

a) animal trainers

b) picture gallery

c) circus shows

d) famous ballet

e) proud musician

f) puppy’s bowl

g) black−and−white drawing

1) Is there any water in the … ?
2) We often go to the … to look at our favourite pictures.
3) It’s only a … but I think it’s very beautiful.
4) The family watched the … on television.
5) … usually perform at the circus.
6) I thanked the … for his playing.
7) They give two or three … every day.

ГДЗ Английский язык 5 класс (часть 2) Афанасьева. UNIT 4. Step 9. Номер №4


Перевод задания
Закончи предложения словосочетаниями из рамки.

дрессировщики животных

картинная галерея

цирковые представления

знаменитый балет

гордый музыкант

миска щенка

черно−белый рисунок

1) Есть ли вода в …?
2) Мы часто ходим в … смотреть на наши любимые картины.
3) Это всего лишь …, но я думаю, это очень красиво.
4) Семья смотрела … по телевизору.
5) … обычно выступают в цирке.
6) Я поблагодарил … за его игру.
7) Они дают два или три … каждый день.

1 – f, 2 – b, 3 – g, 4 – d, 5 – a, 6 – e, 7 – c.
1) Is there any water in the puppy’s bowl?
2) We often go to the picture gallery to look at our favourite pictures.
3) It’s only a black−and−white drawing but I think it’s very beautiful.
4) The family watched the famous ballet on television.
5) Animal trainers usually perform at the circus.
6) I thanked the proud musician for his playing.
7) They give two or three circus shows every day.
Перевод ответа
1) Есть ли вода в миске щенка?
2) Мы часто ходим в картинную галерею смотреть на наши любимые картины.
3) Это всего лишь черно−белый рисунок, но я думаю, это очень красиво.
4) Семья смотрела знаменитый балет по телевизору.
5) Дрессировщики животных обычно выступают в цирке.
6) Я поблагодарил гордого музыканта за его игру.
7) Они дают два или три цирковых представления каждый день.

Complete the sentences with the appropriate words and phrases from the box.

1 Life is impossible without … work.

2 Alexander tries … his working day well.

3 At 6:15 my alarm clock …

4 I usually try … as long as possible. Am la … ?

5 Good … is better than

6 I wash my face with …

7 In a common school every lesson … 40 minutes.

8 This weekend I am … doing my project.

9 At dinner all our family … at the kitchen table.

10 At 11 o’clock he … and goes to bed.

1 buzzes

2 wealth

3 busy

4 goal

5 hard

6 takes a shower

7 lazybones

8 cold water

9 canteen

10 gathers

11 flash by

12 to organize

13 health

14 lasts

15 to stay in bed

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Главная » Английский язык » Complete the sentences with the appropriate words and phrases from the box. 1 Life is impossible without … work. 2 Alexander tries … his working day well. 3 At 6:15 my alarm clock … 4 I usually try … as long as possible. Am la … ? 5 Good ..

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