Complete the sentences with the appropriate word from exercise 1 i know you think

Опубликовано 01.01.1970 по предмету Английский язык от Гость

Complete the sentences with the new words from Exercise 3 in the appropriate forms.
1)I know I can…. on you to solve this problem.2)The… between the two countries are fairly friendly.3)You’all have to finish the work now. What other… you have?4)Now Philip feels much more…..of his parents.5)I’m afraid I have ….myself in something I don’t understand.6)I always….on my parent’s advice.7)Jill loved her husband,but he didn’t….her well,as a result they had a divorce.8)What is the …number of pupils in a school class?9)The United Nations has….for help from the member countries.10)It’s only a common cold,don’t make a big…. of it,please.

Ответ оставил Гуру

You must add words from exercise 3 ( вы должны добавить слова из упражнения три).

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  • Первая
  • «
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • »
  • Последняя
  1. I
    worked until 11 o’clock at night to meet the
    ……………………. for presenting the report.

  2. I
    work six days a week and never have a holiday. My girlfriend says
    I’m a ……………………….. .

  3. Carl
    has a heavy ………………………. at the moment because
    several colleagues are sick.

  4. She
    left a highly paid job to join a research group in India. She has
    completely changed her ………………… .

  5. A
    …………………….. system can help to reduce stress levels
    of employees.

3. Use the following word
combinations in sentences of your own:

meet the deadline

be/ become a

have a heavy workload

change the lifestyle

a flexitime system


Dealing with stress

is common knowledge that people are stressed at work nowadays because
our modern lifestyle can’t provide them with an opportunity to
relax properly. And the problems they have to deal with are becoming
one of the main causes of stress not only at work, but at home as

major cause of stress at work today is increasing job insecurity.
People are afraid that they can lose their job. They don’t feel
that it’s safe. Moreover, working long hours is becoming more and
more common in all European countries. A typical family nowadays is a
working family where both the members have a job and spend most of
their time at their work place. It ruins the work-life balance of
people and results in family problems.

men and women deal with stress in different ways. Women are more
flexible and seem to cope with pressures better than men. Many
working women have double pressure on then because they have to look
after their children, work in the home- do the cooking and cleaning –
as well as work in a paying job. But the number of women who become
ill from stress seems to be less than men. This is because women have
a number of strategies to cope with stress. They can express their
emotions openly, which men find difficult to do. They can go to
somebody and talk about their problems. And in general women don’t
pretend that problems don’t exist.

the correct variant in the following sentences.

  1. Men/Women
    are more flexible.

  2. Men/Women
    with pressure better.

  3. Men/Women
    more stress-related illnesses.

In your opinion, which of the following apply more to men or women.


  1. are
    better time managers

  2. are
    less worried about deadlines

  3. have
    more pressure outside work

  4. are
    less ambitious

  5. worry
    more about making mistakes

  6. pay
    more attention to detail

  7. are
    better at doing many things at the same time

  8. are
    more likely to become angry when stressed

Retell the text.


Simple and Present Perfect

  1. Cross
    out the incorrect sentence in each pair.

  1. Stress
    levels have increased in recent years.

levels increased in recent years.

  1. The
    role of women changed dramatically since 1999.

role of women has changed dramatically since 1999.

  1. I
    resigned two years ago.

have resigned two years ago.

  1. Have
    you ever been abroad on business?

Did you ever go abroad on

  1. I
    have attended a sales conference last week.

attended a sales conference last week.

  1. Write
    the time expressions from the box under the correct heading.

So far two
years ago ever in 2004 yet
just yesterday already
never last Monday since 2001
when I was at university for three years

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26 декабря 2022 04:35


Срочно, плиз.Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences. 4 points 1.I think you should apologize (to/for) your words. 2.She has complained (of/for) the low level of service in the hotel. 3.I dreamt (from/about) going to Australia. 4.He couldn’t forgive her (for/of) telling a lie.

Посмотреть ответы

1. For
2. Of
3. About
4. For

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Complete the sentences with the appropriate words and phrases from the box.

1 Life is impossible without … work.

2 Alexander tries … his working day well.

3 At 6:15 my alarm clock …

4 I usually try … as long as possible. Am la … ?

5 Good … is better than

6 I wash my face with …

7 In a common school every lesson … 40 minutes.

8 This weekend I am … doing my project.

9 At dinner all our family … at the kitchen table.

10 At 11 o’clock he … and goes to bed.

1 buzzes

2 wealth

3 busy

4 goal

5 hard

6 takes a shower

7 lazybones

8 cold water

9 canteen

10 gathers

11 flash by

12 to organize

13 health

14 lasts

15 to stay in bed

Найди верный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Complete the sentences with the appropriate words and phrases from the box. 1 Life is impossible without … work. 2 Alexander tries … …» по предмету 📙 Английский язык, а если ответа нет или никто не дал верного ответа, то воспользуйся поиском и попробуй найти ответ среди похожих вопросов.

Искать другие ответы

Главная » Английский язык » Complete the sentences with the appropriate words and phrases from the box. 1 Life is impossible without … work. 2 Alexander tries … his working day well. 3 At 6:15 my alarm clock … 4 I usually try … as long as possible. Am la … ? 5 Good ..

Complete the sentences with the appropriate function words.
1. Who paid for the dinner?
2. What mark did Jack get _ science last Thursday?
3. I don’t know what happened _ them.
4. Brian became a university student _ the age of seventeen.
5. What was Lily’s mark _ the last test?
6. I’m not afraid _ mice.
7. Are you sure _ the answer?
8. I’m going to write _ my grandparents _ the evening.
9. In this shop you can pay _ rubles, _ dollars and _ euros.
10. I didn’t see Mrs Loveday _ church yesterday.
11. We are tired _ these boring exercises.
12. Listen _ me, please.

Английский язык 7 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Афанасьева. UNIT One. IV. Use of English. Номер №23


Перевод задания
Заполните предложения соответствующими служебными словами.
1. Кто заплатил за обед?
2. Какую оценку получил Джек _ естественным наукам в прошлый четверг?
3. Я не знаю, что _ ними случилось.
4. Брайан стал студентом университета _ возрасте семнадцати лет.
5. Какова была оценка Лили _ последний тест?
6. Я не боюсь _ мышей.
7. Вы уверены _ ответе?
8. Я собираюсь написать _ бабушке и дедушке _ вечером.
9. В этом магазине вы можете платить _ рублях, _ долларах и _ евро.
10. Вчера я не видел миссис Лавдей _ церкви.
11. Мы устали _ этих скучных упражнений.
12. Послушай _ меня, пожалуйста.

1. Who paid for the dinner?
2. What mark did Jack get in science last Thursday?
3. I don’t know what happened to them.
4. Brian became a university student at the age of seventeen.
5. What was Lily’s mark for the last test?
6. I’m not afraid of mice.
7. Are you sure of the answer?
8. I’m going to write to my grandparents in the evening.
9. In this shop you can pay in rubles, in dollars and in euros.
10. I didn’t see Mrs Loveday at church yesterday.
11. We are tired of these boring exercises.
12. Listen to me, please.

Перевод ответа
1. Кто заплатил за обед?
2. Какую оценку получил Джек по естественным наукам в прошлый четверг?
3. Я не знаю, что с ними случилось.
4. Брайан стал студентом университета в возрасте семнадцати лет.
5. Какова была оценка Лили за последний тест?
6. Я не боюсь мышей.
7. Вы уверены в ответе?
8. Я собираюсь написать бабушке и дедушке вечером.
9. В этом магазине вы можете платить в рублях, в долларах и в евро.
10. Вчера я не видел миссис Лёведей в церкви.
11. Мы устали от этих скучных упражнений.
12. Послушай меня, пожалуйста.

Понравилась статья? Поделить с друзьями:
  • Complete the sentences using the word in bold use two to five words we were
  • Complete the sentences using the word in bold use two to five words they
  • Complete the sentences with the appropriate question word
  • Complete the sentences using the word in bold use between two and five words
  • Complete the sentences with suitable words write one word in each gap