Complete the sentences with the appropriate question word

<span>1) my dad once played football, but never played in a computer.
</span><span>2) my mom always cooks, but never watches television.
</span><span>3) my grandmother often rests but never works in the garden.
</span><span>4) my grandfather often watches TV, but never removed.</span>

1. too many
2. too many
3. too much
4. too much

Боже мой, сказала Мэри

2 If Tom won the lottery, he would buy a house in the country.

3 If she studied harder, she would do better in her exams.

4 If I bought this jacket for you, would you wear it?

5 If the team  tried harder, they would win the championship.

6 If Bill drove to work, he  would get there faster.

7 If I were you, I would buy her a scarf.

8 If we moved house, I would miss  my friends.

9 If Juliу had time, she would learn how to type.

10 If they didn’t like Chinese food, they wouldn’t order from the Chinese restaurant all the time.

11 If Tom was taller, he would become a basketball player.

12 If my father was a baker, we would eat fresh croissants every day.

1. true
2. true
3. true
4. false
5. true

Complete the sentences with the appropriate function words.
1. Yesterday our teacher gave out some pictures and asked us to describe them in English.
2. _ the southeast Russia borders _ China.
3. We all laughed _ the funny cartoon.
4. Young children must travel only _ the back of the car.
5. I know how difficult it is to do sport but, please, don’t give _ . Sport is good _ your health.
6. When I asked my question, he looked _ me _ surprise.
7. The secret room was situated _ the back of the house.
8. I took out the key but _ my surprise the door was open.
9. The Mississippi River flows _ the Gulf of Mexico.
10. I always give books _ to the library _ time.

Английский язык 7 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Афанасьева. UNIT Three. IV. Use of English. Номер №19


Перевод задания
Завершите предложения соответствующими функциональными словами.
1. Вчера наш учитель выдал несколько картинок и попросил нас описать их на английском языке.
2. _ Юго−Восток России граничит с _ Китаем.
3. Мы все смеялись _ смешной мультфильм.
4. Маленькие дети должны путешествовать только _ задней части автомобиля.
5. Я знаю, как трудно заниматься спортом, но, пожалуйста, не давайте _. Спорт полезен _ ваше здоровье.
6. Когда я задал мой вопрос, он посмотрел _ меня _ удивлением.
7. Секретная комната была расположена _ задней части дома.
8. Я достал ключ, но _ моему удивлению дверь была открыта.
9. Река Миссисипи течет _Мексиканский залив.
10. Я всегда даю книги _ в библиотеку _ время.

1. Yesterday our teacher gave out some pictures and asked us to describe them in English.
2. In the southeast Russia borders on China.
3. We all laughed at the funny cartoon.
4. Young children must travel only in the back of the car.
5. I know how difficult it is to do sport but, please, don’t give up. Sport is good for your health.
6. When I asked my question, he looked at me in surprise.
7. The secret room was situated at the back of the house.
8. I took out the key but to my surprise the door was open.
9. The Mississippi River flows into the Gulf of Mexico.
10. I always give books back to the library on time.

Перевод ответа
1. Вчера наш учитель выдал несколько картинок и попросил нас описать их на английском языке.
2. На юго−востоке Россия граничит с Китаем.
3. Мы все смеялись над забавным мультиком.
4. Маленькие дети должны путешествовать только в задней части автомобиля.
5. Я знаю, как трудно заниматься спортом, но, пожалуйста, не сдавайся. Спорт полезен для твоего здоровья.
6. Когда я задал вопрос, он удивленно посмотрел на меня.
7. Секретная комната была расположена в задней части дома.
8. Я достал ключ, но, к моему удивлению, дверь была открыта.
9. Река Миссисипи впадает в Мексиканский залив.
10. Я всегда отдаю книги в библиотеку вовремя.

65 месяцев назад

soon open … the general public. 3)Jack has begun writing articles … our local newspaper. 4)What’s this article … ? 5)I didn’t know you’ve typed all the material … the computer. 6)Sue has some problems with maths,but … general her progress at school is quite good. 7)The doorway was narrow and we pushed the sofa … it with a lot of difficulty. 8)There are two questions I’d like to ask you … private. 9)The child pushed the cup … and said that he hated milk. 10)I’ve read two books … this author and now I’m beginning a new one.


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