Complete the sentences with one word using the first given letter

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Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. The first letter of each word is given. — Дополните предложения одним словом в каждом пропуске. Первая буква каждого слова дана.

If you’ve got toothache, take a painkiller and go and see a doctor. — Если у вас зубная боль, примите болеутоляющее и обратитесь к врачу.

I’ve got a high temperature, a terrible headache and a sore throat. Maybe I’ve got the flu. — У меня высокая температура, страшная головная боль и боль в горле. Может быть, у меня грипп.

I’ve joined a gym. I do aerobics. I also do weight training to build up my muscles, and I’m going to take up a martial arts like judo or maybe kick boxing. — Я вступил в тренажерный зал. Я занимаюсь аэробикой. Я также занимаюсь силовыми тренировками, чтобы накачать мои мышцы, и я собираюсь заняться боевыми искусствами, такими как дзюдо или, может быть кик-боксинг.

He’s really keen on mountain sports: rock climbing in the summer and snowboarding in the winter. — Он действительно увлекается горными видами спорта: скалолазание летом и сноуборд зимой.

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1 Ответ


21 Май, 20

Супер Академик

(77.3 тыс. баллов)

1. Mary likes spices and adds curry p_ _ _ _ _  powder  to all her meals.

2. A p_ _ _ _ _ _ package holiday is arranged by a company for a fixed price that includes your hotel and travel.

3. The cake you`ve baked for us is excellent. In fact, it`s the most d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  delicious cheesecake I`ve eaten for years!

4. I love staying in five-star hotels with twenty-four hour room s_ _ _ _ _ _ service

5. I used to h_ _ _ _ — _ _ _ _  hitch-hike a lot white travelling but nowadays drivers are afraid to stop and pick up strangers.

6. I`d love to get a nice tan this summer si I`ll probably spend most of my holiday s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sunbathing on the beach.

7. An a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  aubergine  is a large vegetable with purple skin.

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Complete the sentences with one word in each gap. The first letter is given for you.
0. Tea and coffee contain a lot of c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ (caffeine).
1. In my opinion the best way to l_ _ _ weight is
to eat vegetables and exercise regularly.
2. Would you like a f_ _ _ _ or boiled egg for breakfast?
3. Mix the butter and cheese and stir on a low heat until the cheese m_ _ _ _.
4. Milk contains a lot of p_ _ _ _ _ _, fat and calcium.
5. I’m afraid you’ve added too much pepper – it’s very s_ _ _ _ now.
6. Take the cake out of the oven and s_ _ _ _ _ the nut mixture over the top of the cake.
7. I often f_ _ _ sick when I eat too much.
8. Can I have some more sugar, please? My tea is not s_ _ _ _ enough.

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1. In my opinion the best way to Lose weight is
to eat vegetables and exercise regularly.
2. Would you like a fried or boiled egg for breakfast?
3. Mix the butter and cheese and stir on a low heat until the cheese melts.
4. Milk contains a lot of protein, fat and calcium.
5. I’m afraid you’ve added too much pepper – it’s very spicy now.
6. Take the cake out of the oven and sprinkle the nut mixture over the top of the cake.
7. I often feel sick when I eat too much.
8. Can I have some more sugar, please? My tea is not sweet enough.

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1. lose 2. fried 3. melts 4. protein 5. spicy 6. spread 7. fall 8. sweet

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Помогите пожалуйста
Complete the sentences with the correct words. The first letter of each word has been given.
1 Look at this! I cut my leg and b_ _ _ all over my trousers.
2 I can’t walk on this foot because I s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ my ankle yesterday.
3 That’s hot – be careful! Don’t b_ _ _ yourself.
4 It’s difficult to write because my w_ _ _ _ really hurts.
5 Paul i_ _ _ _ _ _ his arm at the weekend so he can’t come to school today.

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