Complete the sentences with one word shall we watch the film


a. Complete the sentence with one word.

  1. A. Shall we watch the film.

B. No. I’ve already seen it three times.

2. A. How long have you lived here?

B. Since 2004.

3. A. Have you read this novel.

B. No. Is it good?

A. I haven’t finished it yet.

b. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.

1. I started work here three years ago.

I’ve started work here for three years.

2. I made some coffee a moment ago.

I’ve just made some coffee.

3. The train is cheaper than the plane.

The plane is so expensive than the three.

4. Women drive more carefully than men.

Men don’t drive as carefully as women.

5. None of the other sofas are as comfortable as this one.

This sofa is the most comfortable one.


a. Word groups. Underline the word that is different. Say why.

1. coin cheque bank note

2. save waste mortgage owe

3. exhausted terrified hungry furious

4. delicious wonderful great awful

5. flight journey trip travel

6. coach van helmet lorry

7. cycle lane railway station speed limit traffic jam

b. Write words for the definitions.

1. It’s an adjective. It means very dirty. Filthy

2. It’s a noun. It’s money that you pay to the government. Tax

3. It’s a noun. It’s the time of day when buses and trains are full. Rush hour

4. It’s a verb. To give someone money which they most later pay back. Lend

5. It’s a noun. It’s the place in a railway station where you get on / off a train. Platform

6. It’s a verb. It means to receive money from a relative after their death. Inherit

7. It’s a noun. It’s the piece of paper you need to get on a plane. Boarding card

8. It’s an adjective. It means very small. Tiny

c. Complete the sentences with one word.

1. What time did the plane take off ?

2. She took some money out of the cash machine.

3. Who paid for the meal last night?

4. When can you pay me back the money you owe me ?

5. Can I pay by credit card ?


a. Underline the word with a different sound.

  1. afford board coach enormous

2. tiny pick up traffic ticket

3. crash station, rush, charge

4. coin, cheque, cycle, carriage

5. seat, earn, speed, greedy

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a Complete the sentences with one word from the
absolutely can’t keen (x2) like
mind really

1 I’m not very on watching TV because there are so
many bad programmes.

2 She doesn’t going to the cinema if it is an action
film. It can be fun!

3 I’m quite on sports in general but especially

4 He stand boxing — he hates to watch people hit
each other.

5 | like reading, especially novels.

6 I quite going to the theatre but it’s very



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 1) very keen on, 2) She doesn’t like going, 3)  I’m quite keen on, 4) He can’t stand boxing, 5)  I absolutely like reading, 6)  I quite like going to the theatre

Жалоба  |

Oct 4, 2020 21:22

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1 . Complete the sentences with will / ’ll, won’t, or shall.

1. I won’t get a taxi. I’ll walk to the station.

2. There will be snow tonight in the north, so be careful on the roads.

3. ‘Will you be able to come to our party on Saturday?’ ‘Yes, I think so.’

4. If you can’t do the exercise, ask me and I shall help you.

5. Shall I pick you up after lunch?

6. I don’t think I shall watch the late film tonight.

2 . Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Example: I’m seeing (see) the dentist tomorrow – I’ve got an appointment.

1. They are going to travel to Australia in the new year.

2. Don’t worry, I promise I shall not be late.

3. What was he doing when you phoned him this morning?

4. Jill and Theo do not live here now.

5. Did Renata send you an e-mail yesterday?

6. We’re hungry! We have not had any breakfast this morning.

7. She is going to be a teacher when she leaves university.

8. Andrew is having a piano lesson now.

3 . Underline the correct word or phrase.

Example: I’m going to buy some bread before the shops close.

1. I’m not going to enjoy the party next Friday.

2. What is he going to do when he leaves school?

3. I don’t think she’s going to phone tonight.

4. I think it’s going to snow this evening.

5. I can’t come to the theatre, I am going to meet Martha tonight.

6. We’re going to travel around the world one day.

4 . Complete the sentences with the correct verb.

Example: Are you looking forward to the party?

being looking going

1. Helena phoned. She’s going to call you back after lunch.

look call send

2. I met Antonio last night and we talked about getting married.

talked told said

3. I’m going to take this skirt back to the shop. I don’t like it.

call pay take

4. She often looks after her little sister at the weekend.

sees looks gives

5. Can you pay me back the money I lent you?

take call pay

6. I never agree with my dad. We have completely different views.

1The fact that children watch too much television causes concern for many parents.
2 Some people like to take part in online games with their friends.
Using a mobile phone can have positive and negative effects on people’s lives.
Some decisions are difficult to make.
5Scientists are doing research into how important it is for students to have regular tests.
6Students who work hard usually get excellent grades.
7My dad always encourages me to express my opinions about what is happening in the world.
8 esating fruit and vegetables can provide a lot of health benefits.

Jane I quite fancy that new world film. Shall we go later?
Lucy Not another war film. I would rather go to watch a comedy. 

Jane We watched what you wanted the last two times. And you adore he main actor!
Lucy  I know, but I am not keen on violant films
Jane  Well, I’d prefer watching a science fiction to a comedy.
Lucy Shall we settle on Star Trek?
Jane I am a big fan of the original Stsar Trek, but…
Lucy. But you’re not really fancying the remake. Shall we just go bowling?
Jane That’s a great idea! Let’s phone the others.
Lucy That’s agreed then. At last! Have got Molly’s number… ?

Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.
There are only a few  actors in that new play.
It doesn’t matter how many action scenes there are in a film if there isn’t a good storyline.
I think some soundtracks are more interesting than the film itself.
Have you got much  money with you?
There is a lot of work to do if you want to finish today.
There weren’t any people left in the building.
There are not not many sitcoms that I like.
Would you like some new video games for your birthday?
Read the advice for an actor on a film set. Rewrite the advice using one of the verbs in brackets.

1. It’s very important to bring some food and water with you.
I must bring some food and woter with me.

  1. You are not allowed to use your mobile phone on the set.

I musn’t use my mobile phone on the set.

3 Don’t look at the camera when you’re acting.
I musn’t look at the camera when I am acting.

4It’s important to learn the script.

I have to learn the script.

5If you are sixteen or under, it’s compulsory to bring a parent with you.I have to bring a parent with me If I am sixteen or under. 6It isn’t necessary to wear special clothes.I needn’t wear special clothes. 7It isn’t necessary to stay on the film set after 6 p.m.I don’t have to stay on the film set after 6 P. M.

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